Agenda Packet - 2000-02-07 PMv PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMISSION AGENDA PACKET FEBRUARY 7, 2000 jiOS' City of Lake Oswego 110 Development Review Commission Monday, February 7, 2000 7 p.m. OREGOTL City Hall Council Chambers 380 A Avenue Members: Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Julie Morales,Chair Nan Binkley,Vice Chair For Information: 635-0290 Doug Cushing Douglas Kiersey Agenda Sheila Ostly Bruce Miller g REVISED This meeting is in a handicapped accessible location. For any special accommodations, please contact Janice Bader at 635-0297, 48 hours before the meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL • III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 3,2000 IV. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER LU 99-0042, a request by Venture Properties. LU 99-0066, a request by Mr. Howard Franklin for a hearing regarding the proposed Tree Cutting Permit Application TC 99-0166. V. PUBLIC HEARING AP 99-13, the applicant, WRG Designs, Inc., is appealing the Planning Director's decision approving a minor partition request to divide a 1.28 acre lot into three parcels, including two flag lots. [LU 99-00291 The property is located at 1501 Country Club Rd., Tax lot 2900 of Tax Map 21E 4DB. The staff coordinator is Morgan Tracy,Associate Planner. Continued from the 1/19/2000 DRC meeting. LU 00-0002, a request by Mr. Donald F. Cameron, (neighbor to the north) for a hearing regarding the applicant's request to remove eleven(11)trees in order to construct a new single family dwelling at 2306 Mayors Lane(Tax lot 401 of Tax Map 21E 16CB). The staff coordinator is Michael R. Wheeler, Associate Planner. VI. GENERAL PLANNING & OTHER BUSINESS 4110 VII. ADJOURNMENT • STAFF REPORT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO PLANNING DIVISION APPLICANT: FILE NO: JB&B Construction LU 00-0002 PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: David Roe Michael R. Wheeler APPELLANT: DATE OF REPORT: Donald F. Cameron January 26, 2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF HEARING: • Tax Lot 401 of February 7, 2000 Tax Map 21E 16CB LOCATION: NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 2306 Mayors Lane Palisades COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING DESIGNATION: R-10 R-10 I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is proposing to remove 11 trees in order to construct a new single family dwelling on the site, which was approved as a part of a previously approved minor partition, SD 47-90. • II. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS • A. Emergency Tree Ordinance, (adopted on September 28, 1999) B. Lake Oswego Tree Code: LOC 55.02.020 Definitions LOC 55.02.030 Tree Removal Without Permits Prohibited LOC 55.02.035 Tree Removal in conjunction with Major or Minor Development Permit LOC 55.02.041 Prohibition of Tree Removal of Trees Greater Than 12 Inches, Exception LOC 55.02.042(2) Classification of Permits (Type II Permits) LOC 55.02.050 Application for Permits LOC 55.02.075 Notice Requirements for Type II Tree Removal Permits LOC 55.02.080 Criteria for Issuance of Type II Permits LOC 55.02.085 Request for Public Hearing on a Type II Permit III. FINDINGS A. Background/Existing Conditions: 1. No historic designation exists regarding the site. • 2. The subject site is composed of Parcel 2 of Partition Plat 1994-77, approved by the City in 1992 (SD 47-90; Exhibit 16). The parcel is approximately 21,491 square feet in size, and zoned R-10. 3. The site's inclusion within the City's Sensitive Lands Overlay was contested by the property owner(LU 99-0001). Findings regarding the matter were adopted January 4, 2000, by the City Council, incorporating the site into the Overlay (Exhibit 14). However, since the previous minor partition (SD 47-90)was approved prior to adoption of the Sensitive Lands Ordinance (LOC 48.17), the requirements of this standard do not apply to the site [LOC 48.17.015(2)]. 4. The resource protection issues (e.g.,protection of trees) were addressed as a part of SD 47-90 approval process (Exhibit 16). 5. A building permit for the site (BP 99-1796; Exhibit 8) has been reviewed and is being held by the Building Division, pending approval of the tree- removal permit and compliance with conditions of approval of SD 47-90. Exhibit 9 illustrates the location of the single-family-dwelling proposed to be constructed on this site. LU 99-0066 Page 2 of 10 • 6. The subject property is generally a rectangular shaped lot (Exhibit 1). • Access to the property is from Mayors Lane. Properties abutting the site are zoned R-10, all with single family dwellings upon them. 7. The site is on a steep slope with approximately a 31-foot difference in elevation from the front of the proposed dwelling where the garage will be located, down to the rear of the house, below the proposed deck. The front, southern portion of the lot is approximately level and the highest section of the site (Exhibits 6 and 9). The northern portion falls off severely into a ravine that is protected by the Sensitive Lands Overlay (Exhibit 15). 8. The site was the subject of enforcement of a tree removal violation on January 12, 1999. The owner had removed 30 trees (i.e., 328.25 caliper inches) without a Tree Removal Permit, and had topped numerous others. The owner was required to apply for a retroactive permit, and was required to pay a cash amount to mitigate for the loss of the trees on May 24, 1999. 9. Trees illustrated near Mayors Lane on the applicant's tree removal plan (Exhibit 6) are inaccurately located, based upon a site investigation by staff. The applicant has provided a tree removal questionnaire (Exhibit 5). • 10. In addition to the 11 trees proposed for removal, the site contains other trees, which the applicant has not yet illustrated on the site plan (Exhibit 6). The predominant trees on the property are Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) followed by Big Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum), and Red Alder(Alnus rubra). The applicant has not illustrated all trees located on the site. Numerous trees are located along the north, east and south portions of the site. At least one additional tree is located within the building envelope of the proposed dwelling, but which has not been illustrated on the tree removal plan (Exhibit 6). This tree, a double-trunk Maple, is located approximately 50 feet southeast from the common corner between the site and the abutting property to the north, at the east end of Mayors Lane. 11. While the applicant originally submitted this tree removal application on September 9, 1999, the application was not made complete until the site was posted with a public notice sign regarding the tree removal and a letter was sent to the neighborhood association on December 14, 1999. The application notification period commenced on December 15, 1999, (Exhibit 4) and concluded on December 28, 1999, as required by LOC 55.02.075. II LU 99-0066 Page 3 of 10 12. Mr. Donald F. Cameron, a neighbor to the north, filed a request for a public hearing regarding the applicant's proposal (TC 99-0183), along • with the applicable fee on December 22, 1999 (Exhibit 7). B. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: Because the trees proposed for removal are between 10- and 24-inches in diameter, the applicant must comply with two sets of criteria, per LOC 55.02.080 and the requirement of the Emergency Tree Amendment, LOC 55.02.041. Tree removals proposed for housing construction purposes must meet the criteria of 55.02.080(3). On September 28, 1999, the City Council adopted an amendment to the Tree Ordinance (LOC Chapter 55) by adding section LOC 55.02.041 in order to address removal of trees that are larger than 12 inches in diameter. This amendment affects both Type I and Type II tree removal applications. This provision will remain in effect until other, more recent amendments take effect on February 17, 2000. The provisions of LOC 55.02.041 are reviewed later in this report. LOC 55.02.080(3) - Trees that are Not Dead, Dying, or Hazardous "The City shall issue a tree removal permit for a tree that is not dead, dying or dangerous if the applicant demonstrates: 41111 "(a) The tree is proposed for removal for landscaping purposes or in order to construct development approved or allowed pursuant to the Lake Oswego Code or other applicable development regulation:" The applicant has submitted plans for construction of a new home (Building Permit Number BP 99-1796; Exhibit 8). Building permits for new home construction on residential lots are classified as ministerial development per LOC 49.20.105. The plans have been reviewed, but do not yet meet applicable City Codes in regards to building height(Exhibit 27). The proposal complies with applicable setbacks and lot coverage (approximately 18 percent). The applicant's tree removal plan (Exhibit 6) illustrates the trees the applicant suggests will be impacted by the proposed development. Only 11 trees are illustrated as being proposed for removal due to construction impacts generated by the proposed dwelling. Related to the building permit application mentioned above, the applicant is required, by Condition Number 15 of SD 47-90 (Exhibit 16), to construct an emergency services turnaround within the right-of-way that was dedicated for that LU 99-0066 Page 4 of 10 purpose. The dedication was required as a Condition Number 3 of that approval. • The applicant has not submitted final construction plans for these public improvements, which will include pavement, a retaining wall, grading and drainage improvements. Under a separate tree removal application, the applicant has submitted a preliminary grading plan for this facility, a plan indicating the trees proposed for removal, and a plan illustrating other trees within the vicinity. While the construction requirements for the public improvements mentioned above have not been fully satisfied, the applicant has submitted a tree removal permit for the area affected by the improvement (TC 00-0003). An administrative decision by staff is pending, and is not a part of this application being considered by the Development Review Commission. Staff finds that, because the proposed tree removal is for the construction of a single family dwelling, the application meets the intent of this standard.' "(b) Removal of the tree will not have a negative impact on erosion, soil stability,flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks;" For the purposes of tree removal requests, two time frames need to be examined: 1) immediate (during the project); and, 2) long term (after project completion). • For the immediate term, Lake Oswego Code Chapter 52 governs erosion control when more than 500 square feet of soil is disturbed. This chapter requires that erosion control measures be included as part of the home construction. These measures are to be put in place prior to and during activity that disturbs the soil, to prevent sedimentation and soil migration. The applicant states in the tree removal questionnaire (Exhibit 5) that "removal of the trees will not have a negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. The building pad where excavation will occur has a moderate to steep slope. Erosion: Extensive understory growth formerly existed on the site; the absence of some of that vegetation will accelerate erosion, unless preventative measures are employed. An erosion control plan has not been submitted to the Building Division, nor to the Planning Division staff, indicating where silt fence would be installed to prevent any possible erosion. No indication has been made of whether excavated soils will be removed from site (Exhibit 6), but staff recommends that this be done so that erosion will not be exacerbated by the soil relocation on the site. Staff notes that because a single-family-dwelling is permitted in the underlying R-10 residential zone,the applicant has satisfied this specific criterion. However, while the use is allowed, the configuration of the dwelling currently • proposed by the applicant does not meet all development requirements. As noted elsewhere in this report,the structure does not comply with the maximum height allowed in the zone. LU 99-0066 Page 5 of 10 The Building Division administers the requirements of LOC Chapter 52 in • requiring an erosion control plan. Staff recommends that this be required as a condition of this action, if approved. Staff will monitor the site during the entire course of housing construction to assure compliance with the approved erosion control plan. The applicant has proposed to install mitigation trees at a rate of two-and-a-half to one (Exhibit 6). However, because not all existing trees are illustrated on the applicant's tree removal plan, staff cannot determine whether their number and placement is appropriate. Staff recommends that an accurate tree removal and mitigation plan be required to be submitted prior to a decision on this application by the Development Review Commission. Following this action, staff will recommend that the required tree removal be confirmed prior to the issuance of the building permits, and that mitigation trees be planted prior to approval of final building inspection. Soil Stability: This standard is typically applied to areas of extreme slope (20 percent or more) where existing trees and vegetation have been instrumental in retaining the hillside. When the removal of trees may cause slope failure (e.g., landslide, sloughing, etc.), then either the tree should remain or a method of mitigating for the loss of the tree must be engineered. This site has slopes between seven- and 47-percent (Exhibit 9), and is in an area identified as being subject to landslide hazard (Exhibit 28). The applicant has not clearly indicated the extent of slope alteration proposed in order to construct the proposed dwelling (Exhibit 6). As a result, the number of trees that must be removed to construct the improvement is uncertain. Staff recommends that the Commission not render a decision regarding this tree removal application without such a plan. Flow of Surface Waters: This standard is typically applied to areas with stream channels. This property does not contain or border a stream. A driveway is proposed near the southwest corner of Tax Lot 401 in order to access the site. The new impervious surface on the site will consist of a dwelling and a segment of driveway from Mayors Lane to the dwelling. The impervious areas are required to be designed to drain to a positive storm drainage system on the site without adversely impacting the adjoining properties. Drainage issues are addressed by the Building Division staff in implementing the Uniform Building Code (UBC), Drainage for Minor Development (LODS Chapter 12) and the Erosion Control Ordinance (LOC Chapter 52) at the time of building permit plan review. Protection of Adjacent Trees, Existing Windbreaks: The trees proposed for removal will be within an area comprising more than half of the site (Exhibit 6). Adjacent, remaining trees have already been impacted by earlier tree removal LU 99-0066 Page 6 of 10 Ask activity on the site, leaving remaining trees scattered, rather than preserved in clusters. Some trees farther to the north,east and south are detached from the construction area and may not be disturbed. Individual trees, when suddenly exposed by removal of adjacent trees are more subject to failure caused by wind- throw than trees left standing in groups. Trees within 5-to 10-feet of the proposed building's "footprint" are typically required to provide six-foot-tall protective chain link fencing at the dripline of those trees required to remain,and shall be put in place prior to commencement of construction. Due to lack of illustration of all the trees on the applicant's tree removal plan, however, staff is unable to confirm these relationships. Staff recommends that no decision be made regarding this application until an accurate and adequate site plan is presented to the Commission. "(c) Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on the character, aesthetics, property values or property uses of the neighborhood." Construction of a new single-family residence is in keeping with the development pattern of the neighborhood and is an outright permitted use in the R-10 zone. This site is currently a vacant lot that is moderately covered by trees and is situated below the rest of the area in a ravine between two existing homes. There • is little question that removal of trees necessary to accommodate the construction of the proposed dwelling will have an impact on the appearance of the lot. However, the applicant proposes to retain a portion of trees on the lot surrounding the house, and to plant 28 more trees (Exhibit 6). Because they are not illustrated on the applicant's tree removal plan, the staff is unable to determine how many trees are proposed to remain following housing construction. Staff recommends that an accurate tree removal and mitigation plan be required to be submitted illustrating all existing and proposed vegetation to be planted on site, prior to any action by the Commission regarding this application. Staff recommends that the plan illustrate mitigation trees measuring a minimum of 2"caliper for deciduous trees and 8' — 10' tall conifer trees. These trees will be required to be planted prior to final building inspection. LOC 55.02.041 Prohibition of Tree Removal of Trees Greater Than 12 Inches,Exception [Emergency Tree Ordinance) "Notwithstanding LOC 55.02.035(1), 55.02. 042(1)and LOC 55.02.080(3), no tree greater than 12 inch caliper at DBH shall be removed; except the City Manager may grant an exception to this prohibition when alternatives to the tree removal have been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures or LU 99-0066 Page 7 of 10 alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees, so long as the alternatives continue to comply with other provisions of • the Lake Oswego Code. The City may impose such alternative site plans or placement of structures or alternate landscaping designs as a condition of approval of the permit, in addition to any other conditions or provisions provided under WC 55.02.042(1)and WC 55.02.080(3). This new standard is applicable to all tree removal applications filed after September 28, 1999, and for all tree removals sought in conjunction with a minor or major development, except tree removals permitted under the Emergency permits, Dead or Dying Type II permits and Hazard Tree Type II permits. Under the new amendment, in addition to the basic requirements for a Type II permit, including "trees not dead, dying or hazardous" or tree removal in conjunction with a minor or major development, the applicant is required to address the new standards in LOC 55.02.041, if any tree proposed to be removed is greater than 12 inches in diameter. Specifically, an additional analysis is necessary over and above the underlying Type II criteria, to determine whether the proposed development may be sited differently (e.g., alternative site plans) or whether other mitigation alternatives would lessen the impact on the 12 inch trees proposed to be removed, still enabling the development to comply with other Lake Oswego Code provisions (i.e., setback, solar access). If it is not possible to site the development by means of an alternative site plan or other landscaping plan, an exception may be granted and tree removal permission given to remove a tree 12 inch or greater in diameter. This ordinance (LOC 55.02.041) gives staff the option of requiring alternative site and/or landscaping plans in order to preserve existing large trees on site. The proposed site plan is designed to provide adequate space in which to maneuver passenger vehicles entering and leaving the site. However, because not all trees are illustrated, as noted earlier in this report, staff cannot propose additional measures to preserve trees located in the vicinity of the dwelling or driveway (Exhibit 6). Staff is unable to find that construction of the proposed house foundation on the southeastern half of the site will not interfere with existing trees in this vicinity (Exhibit 9). As observed during a site inspection, all trees appear to be in good health. Staff recommends that a revised tree location and removal plan be submitted, so that the location of the proposed dwelling and driveway can be evaluated, and perhaps adjusted, so that affected trees may be preserved to the greatest extent possible. Also, staff recommends that a certified arborist be retained in order to evaluate and submit a plan with specific pre-construction and post-construction LU 99-0066 Page 8 of 10 recommendations for preservation of the trees illustrated on a revised site plan, • indicating the location of all trees on the site, in order to ensure maximum tree protection, before approval of the tree removal permit is approved by the Commission. The arborist's recommendations may result in changes to building's "footprint", which must be shown on revised building plans for review and approval by staff prior to issuance of any building permits. Staff finds that until the recommended additions to the tree removal plan, as noted above, are submitted and evaluated by staff, the applicant has not demonstrated that the proposal meets the requirements of LOC 55.02.041. W. CONCLUSION Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant and findings presented in this report, staff concludes that the proposal does not currently comply with all relevant criteria. Specifically, the applicant has not submitted a complete and accurate tree location, removal and mitigation plan, and has not submitted an arborist report indicating the existing condition of the affected trees and the anticipated impact of the proposed dwelling. V. RECOMMENDATION • Staff notes that while it is within the authority of the Commission to deny the applicant's request for tree removal based upon the deficiencies identified within this report, staff recommends, in the alternative, that the hearing regarding LU 00-0002 be continued in order to enable the applicant to submit materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria, as noted above. EXHIBITS 1. Tax Map 2. Vicinity Map 3. Type II Tree Permit Application form, TC 99-0183; dated September 9, 1999 4. Affidavit of posting; dated December 14, 1999 5. Tree Removal Questionnaire; dated September 9, 1999 6. Final Grading, Tree Removal and Mitigation Plan; dated September 16, 1999 7. Request for Hearing, by D. Cameron; dated December 22, 1999 8. Building Permit Application, BP 99-1796; dated November 1, 1999 9. Building Permit Site Plan (BP 99-1796); not dated 10. Elevation: Left Side (portions); not dated LU 99-0066 Page 9 of 10 11. Elevation: Rear (portions); not dated 12. Elevation: Front (portions); not dated • 13. Elevation: Right Side (portions); not dated 14. Ordinance No. 2179, regarding LU 99-0001; dated April 20, 1999 15. Map: Sensitive Lands Overlay (portion) 16. Staff Report and Decision, SD 47-90; dated June 12, 1992 17. Tree removal study (Alternative 1), SD 47-90; not dated 18. Tree removal study (Alternative 2), SD 47-90; not dated 19. Tree removal study (Final), SD 47-90; not dated 20. Letter from R. Tahran to M. Wheeler(Exhibit 11 of SD 47-90); dated April 23, 1991 21. Letter from R. Tahran to M. Wheeler(Exhibit 12 of SD 47-90); dated June 24, 1991 22. Letter from R. Tahran to M. Wheeler (Exhibit 27 of SD 47-90); dated February 14, 1992 23. Letter to D. Ross from R. Chevrette; dated November 23, 1992 24. Letter to D. Ross from R. Chevrette; dated June 7, 1993 25. Engineering routing slip from R. Chevrette; dated July 1, 1993 26. Letter to J. Barnes from M. Wheeler; dated September 24, 1999 27. Plan Review Checksheet, by J. Byerley; dated November 29, 1999 28. Map: Hazards, from Lake Oswego Physical Resources Inventory(LOPRI); not dated Mpu b_wksldata\common_p\mike_w\workspac\reports\lu000002\0001 l 4r0.doc) • LU 99-0066 Page 10 of 10 MAP 2 I E 168 PI 3.46 CAN �r 1a •.,.;A6: MAYORS so:fig �oE 0 i' 3301 i�6.9¢ 600 6 es. . g� A. 3a� �. pp o 23s9500 s b 0.49 00 k 23j1 a 365 '4 -90 �19��-- .5-„o'y01 I •k Ac. • 0 r O(o' , $' �y PA • • L 2 ` 3 J.r�`� J 2p ��'� 75.95 19\ ��� Qp• • 0.49• ) 1 ' cam. r rs g.-, 1)ltk�bl' 84c. .re, , n o .'91 Gl �S T 2_��5 OR/I/ c~ 18 `�� P P �' ,z, r) �� 2 f r PARCELo7� T, .''� ���� (0 58A 1 r� N �� m 2000 , 9 ib 9 I, � '' !v� 1900 0 $1 'ass 4,9� 7? Z. M d , to QO s 2370 , ifb IV %. S 17 96 m ,• 300 Q<. �'�o �(;' 'CO'7' 0 2351fo 3 3 a \�i\ - m c \e m , 1 , 32 .` 1700 1600 ,� �F ti ,o 336 °o i ;' 1800 -- e aos. ss ' � -- S84o5� 1i' W - rE A. • 1 a 1 �'= 2nr' f t. ts 's+ o. 29 ° fR,• o `�B9°53/5 E 3� 58P- i • N o c 31 i!! f S we 4 A 1300 r, ; 1401 „'J.2' S h 3�a qZI 1400 1402 1500 'if 100 �91"'3s' B: 8� s q3" s o \� 23i6 2.F1 `'� e ��, C eo'on v'w z- yl1 �` �/ h e :s Ez e ) . , . pI`. ` —� r. r v N DIYCV`I '' ^42. •,f4* 1A 26 ° 'So oo 27 /r' si. [ 28 so i` 934 0 4 SEE MAP 2 1 E 16 C EXHIBIT 1 LU 00-0002 .::. el 1. ti 00 1 eia I o I I I Jq ! 1 I �'� - / r nl �• R{GLl / p552 GrS2 `� nl.:.! 1�1 X 1 lc PI ]E 15` L °R S S Llznl n61a '14EIL -ef N h I .r. Ixl ►I �� Pa ' z6 �Nv I 6tz t 5.2l I N111N 6 a� 0.12 Z `��ee ram. 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Gf �:,CI M;CI 1pelV 1' — 2 MI v put loci ,�� Vl n.� ~.ar•'. 1.4 00Ci II5061, 1';. 1I O //tact n r ii nv.'. • 1 r— MA JORIE AV:. x�^ _;f— L Z. r 1111 1 I n s Appc,rl y l �3 O-1 ®i® 1!< D ` b 10,1 a trC 1}9 f y co arl o Ot t1 ty- aP�l L 70 ii Rda t I -�, ;IFi \ y..rYa3flN3/'i�, L . .. 05;1 ®f 1. NN '' ', .0' . • • 0 . , Tree Removal 'Permit No�Cc;91-0( g3 Fi► ► Fee:. . 119.6 491- Tc' Application Receipt No. I217 —I 0 ......., Date: 12.- 14—19 Applicant: JB & B Construction , Inc. Phone: 635-9446 property Owner: David Roe Phone: 221-4744 Address of Tree Removal: Lot 17 Parcel 2 Palisades Heights Estates # 1 Size,Number, and Type of Trees to:be Removed:X Fir.- ( • 18-2 4" ) Reason for Removal: Construct New Home Anticipated Removal Date: ASAP I agree to comply with e Oswego Code,.Chapter•55,regarding tree removal. I grant permission to the City of Lake 0 _ ployees to enter the above property to inspect the trees requested for removal. 4.-'...--0 _ Si of Property Owner(req ignature of Applicant(if different) The City must signior tees tocaoe 1 onPublkFtiPerb'; , 7i John H Barnes / President David Roe. / Owher 1:- ; Permit Type(Fill out with;City Staff) -'' : ;° `z'''F ,R E C Et V Eli' � ' a ;j TYPE I Submit:(1)Removal plan --,--:',,4';!, ,e , Q -- s .- . Pyi _ : .. - _.,,,,. ...�..„,, " ,,.,.i'-sr i3,„..,'3,ELi..*_I " err '•". ` - -SE1 0 V 1999 .. .,... _. ❑ TYPE I,2 DEAD, ,Submrt (1)`Itenioval plan ;., , _ - (Oversized lots) =`r To Do: (1)Mark trees with yellowribbon ' CITY OF.LAKE E p q.:)EstrEFpENcY Submit:(1)Removal plan,(2)Photograph of tree/or mfl1k a wii s 0 VERIFICATION . ' Submit:'(1)Removalplan, Mitigation if uired 1 . (2) Bah Plan, ' }'�l � r - (Prior approval) To Do: (1)Mark trees with yellow nbbon,'(2)Stake build' rr ,i : `- _ -, }y.. t " *,. . a fin. •. r'o .'1 r•s.. Y,S`• ❑ TYPE 11.,DEAD .Submi (1)Renoval plan,' )P,iotograph�Af dead trees,(.1 EXHIBIT 3 .y . ;r1'o Dv 1f(1) l Vie^; ,:';.11►•.,iiiS i #- 4" LU 00-0002 ❑ TYPE II,HAZARD Submit:.()"Removal plan; 2)ISA°FIazard.Evaluahon,_(3) {To Doe(l)NMatktrees with5yella ribbon `1t 8 0 TYPE II,DYING Submit:()Removal plan,(2)Arborist rreport,',..(3)Mitigation plan,(4)Copy of notice letter To Do '.(1)Mark.trees with-yellow ribbon,(2).Post sign,(3);Send notice letter,(4)Affidavit Wart:``(1)114 days until the commelt'period rs complete' �;,,:-,t Yr ❑_TYPE II,OTHER. Submit<(1)Removal plan,(2)Ques ionnatre,(3)Mitigation plan;(4)Copy of notice letter - To Do';(1)Mirk trees_widi yellow ribbon:(2)Post sign,(3):Send notice letter,(4)Affidavit .. :,Wait (1).14 days until the commerltpenod is complete - ,. -z City Staffto Fill Out: Y;n , :_. _ Fr r _ 1-€ ,_• ___ ♦,y} _ fi { y %"''"�:•�1-$`fir-t .nF 7�CIJh'��.�i1�e• * 's'�� �rj+�Y.__.Ffif � 1' 7- - Intake S . fAliL. done 'axTviap ' `t !'j`ax��.O�t 1� 'Due Date ' z J '-' .-i�,--- ,.?,- s c" .Yl- l _ 4 t_S,..:0,, y.r S 1,„ Sr r.,,, i- 1: _ -f.;z i 's--�r'—s..ce-'k4 i.c a`j' Y' 1. '�`f A- .0,41;c1- r7 t-_,.e� 7 ,p,4 1_ -r ilPlimmag File# '�•' ''---1'.. -------'.f� _ ,'' Removal.app v enied t. 3 -1.i *. g1 1J. ''. 77yL Plan i w•,1'�}r� 14-1,,Y ,f ,Itl �',a �.1 . jt'.',1'4 Building Permit# ._k F t' , ' :. Mi4gaion dl lan prov . 8 nl.E`.�' ...-3`-'-: •r!f n'.',R,.q_'• Revised July 1998 I:\fonns'app1cuuWtix removal amp-July 98.doc 0 L'3 . ---• AFFIDAVIT - - . . , ! • . , Name of applicant JB :& B Construction, Inc. Tree Permit No. _ . , Address or General Location: 2306 Mayors Lane OF ' E „ i. .--• . . AFFIDAVIT OF MARKING TREES, POSTING OTICE, AND • ,... , 1 ...., _. N --., ..,- . NOT G NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION - -• ..::.::i- -,. .., .... , . - 4. .• ,:,;,- . ,. _ _ , , .1...:,.,, , ,. • •• . . . .., .._....4 A .! ', .re• I, Joh n B Barn o swerr - . : tliaio _atffirm,that-Jiani t presenting) thellry:requejtingla...1p..,emm t to.ieti.t. - •i-- •=2" , r,-,it'• , ';‘, ;-*,-,‘:".. 4%2. te.0 .--:•,.4: , - - ,,:-.. •: . - _ •- : t., fi - '77 . :? , :i --, : _ : ,-. ., .,.... . : P:I:**,-.._ ,-- x f ,.:_'t,.'-•Er MI : trees on the property located at 2--306 "maydrs` Lane ' '''''.4?Ttirsuaieto LOC 55.02.075, 1 .. , T t. on the:,idt-h'day of Itie eniber.,••‘,6,119 999 personally marked the ti-eesXrequeited for'removal) with 4 -..;:'--. ' - :'. ." qtr : - --, ',-- :: ,-•?. *_., ', -, -4:' 4..._ ,. -- If..- 1 t , , ..,:t,----1 , :' e .... i -':' , , • . . ..--- .. -' t -yellow'.. -- tape,--' --"'-'-irted tiOticenn-the propertSr that the site is subject-to a.pencting tree., moyal permit, - lagging p9s __ ... , ,.; 1 , e.;,.. ,• ,- g 1-... ,,,...-: ..,. . : ! , - - ' -,1 •f . ...-.•'-=`-i4414,-R k.-1 c 4..0:- '; ; ...: ti, 4.:-...1 .,. ..,, ,,,-.4.- ,,--, .__ t-,,,...-f ,c, , :‘, , 1: - , - , ,i, . -. - ' • -. ,,,,,.;.....i.„ ..air .%g f 7 I. _ ..!.'i :.... :L.: . - .7'.al. ...7 I which is Clearly visible to vehictes•ttaVelmg Ontoblic street 'Mayo rs:-Lane ,- _ -, . (street name) • • J --,.. :.... -:.,.. - , ,k,. .,- ..-...:.-.,_ I et., , ,J .._. .... . _ , _ _. _ , ..1 .„... , • -1:-::•. - ,..- _ - - 7 - i ' I ' i and to pedestrians walking or biking by the-property,and sent a letter to—tire —Pe:I i gad es --- i . • neighborhood association to notify the association of the removal requ (attach letter). .. .,,,.. .; . . ,- - '.: . , -. .---t.LI. • • - • ..: . _ • . . , - • - ' a-'- ••••,Lcir...4:;1:6L . „. • , _ -''''49444:4',"1 ' r`t.e t— .:'1 •e , , - $..--"04.**444— . — • - •-'' r _,-,.-- -...., 1 ' .!: ;:' .....,:,,: k, . " .....1".....""".."'"1*:''.""'..""*..'... ,-• ,,... -..,. -...w.o.,..*...., -. nature t : , I : - •1, . - -,1 .;. .-: i ,- , .. , r- , • . i f: - -1, 1 . ' u ft 1 .•t rk — I Subscribed and sworn o,or affirmed,before e this / 7 day s.of IDO--eidemiA ,2_ 9•9_79. ..... • , •., , •--4.,,,,. ,v : •;; i... . , .. 1 1 ..„:: 1 P • 4 7 i A h ' i'a:4- ,t,.! ' '• .' ••-'i I `" -- , . i. - ,.. :,•,- -,,-7, !--.. :I_.- 7 .1:: ' .1, . : i I t ...„, „ t k' .- gC1124 jit-1}—t1.1.4oTtary'aatiblit,tot the tbte of Oregon ::: ;..-w.,--;;_•-•...,..:6;4 ; 0AFFmAtillc::. EAL. A.: ... .., , • .i.., ite .,,,f.: ,, I -,• -k,r2777,,- -7,/,„- 4:2001 xpPiatJEBsCsIC:FO-Rp 187,0N -..,.t,..-. . ..,.... ..,,.:5"„:17 :‘1014::IiNCITCsOlokiNAMlielSYS.ION NO 304356 'V:. t1:2•4[ I ,__:. • ,,,,..,,_....„ _ My Commission Expires , - - i •. -; - --: t . , . , a , , . iTHE 14 DAY PUBLIC NOTICE PERIOD WILL BEGIN ONLY-WHEN THIS 4 . 1 : ;1_,. .-,::., . , - 1- 71,7 '' tit'FFit•ANTris RETURNED TO: '...- . _: : - :: ..-,_;._ - ft 1) t•-• I 1 7 ,. in -1 r •,_,, . '1' --'•"P, [ 1 A [-.:-.--f•-•it E .,,. --;-: 4' ! Cie},Ofi.ake'Oswego: -• : '. EXHIBIT 4 t -- , = • •?-. Department of Planning and Development LU 00-0002 •-i, t 7 • -.; •. L -:__!..- 'Aitn: Tree Cutting Permits - - - •=Iv. : ' - - • ' P.O.Box 369 • II ' .-;'7''' 7 g ' . - . - t-L, Ice Osviego, OR 97034 - - Revised June 1998 1:1formslaaplcms‘tree removal affidavit-june 98 . 0 •,;0 4 TREE REMOVAL QUESTIONNAIRE- • Please be as thorough as possible with your answers to the following questions. You need to provide sufficient information for staff to review(i.e. photographs, site plan,technical report)to demonstrate that the provisions of the Code have been satisfied. You may answer on this form or attach additional pages. Is the tree proposed for removal for landscaping purposes or to construct development • approved or allowed pursuant to the Lake Oswego Code or other applicable - • development regulations? Explain. • • Trees. are .being removed to allow for the construction of a new single familt residence. - - -` • Will removal of the tree have a significant negative impact on any of the following? Explain. Q• (1)Erosion No. Most of the tree 's will be inside the building foot print. (2)Soil Stability Refer to item # 1 • • ; • . _ __ (3)Flow of Surface Waters Most of the vegatation will remain intack outside the footprint. (4)Protection of Adjacent Trees (maintaining existing windbreaks or tree groves) Most of the trees have been removed from this before purchase. The remaing trees are on the high grond on the adjacent lot. Q . Will removal of the tree have a significant negative impact on the character,aesthetics, • property values or property uses of the neighborhood(this is especially crucial when the tree is contributing to the skyline of the area or if there is some unique characteristic in the tree)? Explain. We propose to replant 28 trees to the east side of the property. .__ EXHIBIT 5 LU 00-0002 (Note—in deciding whether the applicant's response to this question satiskt5 the >� criteria,the City may consider any proposal by the applicant to mitigate f rio V E D trees by planting new trees or other vegetation). SEP091999 Revised June 1998 I:forms\applctns\tree removal questionnaire—june 98 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Dept.of Planning&Developmepti J 0 0 • • 0 in IL li ,,.*7- ‘ . 4 O ` \ 1 I -... ••••. \..-- I V j I .Q F\ �� Q �� 9 1 i Iqr 8C al I I �� � F �\\y`mil r ��� r r 'p.9D.1 I vitli F M I I ` I yFr1 r rl I .m 000, .. ....tj.....,,, ! i ‘,111. • 11; i . . .- fo , 44‘ i / , j 6Z ��� it 0 � " i�i O . __J 1 70'-0' ��1 f �, r. I puE E dB�'�1T ' c 1 l4*- i,dr,,Mn. 6144., •2: , , 2 ,. wip,,....- 41441V,1jr0)%1 1 ._..,1, , - ,,__ 4, . ... . •._i .1141110.3.1Allk s ,:...to 1 # 1• 12• 8 - /, 0k ,\ wm ; /� tu. ,� RECEIVED ( y� EXHIBIT6 SEP 16 1999 .4., � LU 00-0002 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO 0 tiepl.of➢ia zr6ta&D vabprrant ' \, r Final Grading Plan 0 I'=Erto 10 Tall Fir Tree to be Planted Parcel 2!Lot 17 =2"Red Leaf Maple Palisades Heights Estates#t y. ple to be Planted City of Lake Oswego !t1� • I {r ram, i • =Indicates Trees to be Removed :J li V V 2318 Hillside Lane Lake Oswego,Or 97034 135—32*V3 22 December 1999 City of Lake Oswego Planning Division Box 369 Lake Oswego,Or.97034 Att: Mike Wheeler Dear Mr.Wheeler This is a letter to protest the granting of the tree cutting permit application TC99-0183,posted on 12 Dec. 1999.The application is for a type 2 other,removal of 11 live trees all but one of which are fir trees between 11 and 24 inches in diameter,and 60 feet or more in height.All are alive and in good health. All eleven trees are on a steeply sloped hillside. The property will be essentially clear cut by their removal.The soil from where this grove of trees has been removed will be destabilized making the hillside susceptible to erosion and landslides..The area at the bottom of the hill is developed with new homes which are in the path of such a slide. The grove of trees now provides a wind break for adjacent property and homes as well as protection for each of the trees in the grove.The single tree left standng will have no protection. • Removal of these trees will have a significant negative impact on the character and aesthetics not only of the neighborhood but also of the house to be constructed. The plan as submitted appears to make no attempt to save the trees by careful placement or design of the new home.The appearance is rather to clearcut the property for the lumber and then build a house. For these reasons I request a hearing on this application for tree removal.A check for$111 is enclosed for the hearing fee. Yours Truly 4,jof RECEIVED Donald F.Cameron DEC 2 21999 Cc: Dorothy Rogers,Pres. Palisades Neighborhood Association CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO 17211 SW Robb Place Dept.of Planning&Development Lake Oswego,Or.97034 EXHIBIT 7 LU 00-0002 O :) : fir' -_ • . .R ._,:-.BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION WORKSHEET *INC INSPECTION SERVICES . :a < >: >: ; : :: %,, :: �ic :uE:OLY:;: :: :: O. Box 369 �,,.�.��, .....: :.:':. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 °� ••• :•- ....<" : -:: Phone: 635-0390 FAX 697-6574 ::::pate43$0ei#::::-: .:=:::::::::::: : ::::: �Wu Fr ::Plann:Ctie k::F.ee :$:::: •-.:.•.1: - •:......:.....-:..... :iReceipt Nqr':::=: ;t: : :i: .t$:: :;::: : Sensitive Land: YES - NO :-; : : ::::: :: :::::::-:......... :.:.:::::::::st- .. ...:.....:.-.:.:.__.:..:..:.: nCo�- tab*:prig t d ;:::;:::::::::::::::::::;:::;i;::::::,:::: *OVi P06.(tibh must 000.Wit:'CQ --.j... ri►P F 000 ... .... .i .. JOB ADDRESS: a- jC:ILD Mayors Lane DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Nev Single Family Residence ® Residential 0 Commercial PROPERTY INFORMATION: Tot. Floor Area: 3414 Type of Construction: NSFR Map & Tax Lot No.:400 / 21E16CB Main Fir Area: 2300 Occupancy Group: Subdivision: Palisades Heights Garage Area: 675 Number of Stories: 2 Lot Number: 17 — Parcel 2 Deck Area: 550 Number of Bedrooms: 4 Block Number: Lot Area: 21,491 Job Valuation: $ BLDG CONTRACTOR: JB & B Construction, Inc Phone #: 635-9446 Address: POB 1784 FAX #: 635-8541 City, St., Zip: Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035-058Z ontr. Board #: 51175 Contact Person: John Barnes Metro/City Lic. #: • PROPERTY OWNER: JB & B Const.Inc. Home Phone #: Address: POB 1784 Work Phone #: 635-9446 City, State, Zip: Lake Oswego, OR 97035 FAX #: 635-8541 TENANT: Phone #: Location in Building: FAX #: N ARCH/DESIGNER: JE Krause Phone #: 656-4111 FAX #: 656-6297 o m ENGINEER: Payton Rowell PC Phone #: 254-6292 FAX #: = o PLUMBER: Harmony Plumbing Phone #: 692-5986 w a Contractor's Board #: 85021 FAX #: 691-2923 ELECTRICIAN: Bear Electric Phone #: 678-1355 Contractor's Board #: 20919 FAX #: 678-1108, • Plot plan MUST show setbacks of building(s) on adjacent lots and existing structures to remain on building lot. • Grading permits to include topography at ten (10) foot intervals as determined by a registered survey. • Change of use permits must show existing use of building and proposed new use. I agree to build according to the above description, plans, and specs, and that all work is to comform with all applicable codes and ordinances of the State of Oregon and the City of Lake Oswego, Oregon. 1 further agree that the building will not be occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the City. PRINT APPLICANT NAME John H. Barnes/PR366N DATE 11-1-9._ S .Q : ' OFHCWE. N1-l'.. != i • F[an. n ��: !r►itial when apprcvd .!. 1 tarp Gi— : ---- : g ;: g g Jun-97 U 08 0 • . ' , • • > 11 mo T i - / yes �,� .'`� J tij�^;fT!-� \tricillPg �. G, _ — .may' 0 \.\SN Neu \\ y a6,p r— Y \ ��g. \ N\c„......•„>> II cu' i, \ \I)t ' \ f \ \ / in �, 'i •11 5; % of \ \ 'J ttj i �� . -----5T'N .1 \ •' letfre". \i le\ \\" • . # /'. 1.t.' \ ` • EXH1B1T 9 LU 00-0002 v� \ \ 11.1 9� ' CD \ Z a • 9 . a b� -somm '. LL LL r=f=`........11 pATE= /I OGTG �-- I PRO. _►1 9914c 1------- _ J_-- -- - - REYI — - EXHIBIT O , iii i���/ I Arr(bxIVIAr� LIKIG LU00-0002 — `u;LA' 1EF 7.'5 14rIE E.LgYATloN \74' I H br u ,ill HEAD i al= — ---------- , ! , . i.sei. misti i 1 _..._ _. yD•FLOOR . , _ _._._._ _ ._._._ _ _._._._._._ _ _._._._._._._._._ _ OUl HEAD. Ii: T siTtlt MI FAIMINIMM i I �� . li _ _ w ` __L.id I��` arr� LAC- �� - - _ Z 1 i I �9 _ _ �� LEFT-5I E LEA U i I ' / i 5CALEJ V4" • -0" ,F _____ _A ' tU ! • • II • S . . . (___ , . • ,_ s 12 61— SOW HEAD - HE ------------ SNEO,FLOOR A 17 VOW HEAD. 1-------7 . ..t. , 1----- , - 11.7.L....... ..............T_-, -,-...--. -....- . --. -. .-.-.--.--.-.. -...-....•-..--.--..-- -. ......-. -_. --. .-.... I . II / -_ /�PrfccxlNlAfF. LuJG � co SNOLLVA3-13 JOJeGIX5 1,a1111 col • 0 it fliii I \ IV1 '. / M 1 0 ill\ • r ti---- \ i 1l LLT\ 1 i \ 1 1 t \ 1 i _ , , ,, itii \ 1 s i j NI � 1 1 1 ii , , , , , , . , , i mow, \ , -17._ WI \ ' ,. I O . 14 I iI IIII • . • ,,-,__,,y> ,÷ ,rr. 1z-oil/II-FM- w. ., J LOP._ N- - I:ni • _f . WINDOW HEAD :710::;-.: ';.,,I.. :, ..• , : I • 45-4, ...... 1. '•.,..i 1.•• . • I r ,.. in - in I •I ..I.':';::"I.. I 0 7 , I, , '•Ti, ... . ""'"---JIMUMIM 41 -- --- /411 ..c 7 - ..., , .1FINISHED FLOOR ._._._ _ J i . l'A.P. 4- WINO=MEAD siv - --- r-:--7-Cf:,•:- i!777. ::..,i1 i;k:.. r.'1 • — ----• ---——— -—- -------— !- • in I, FINISHED FLOOR alli . ,....., IIMMINI _ . 6r j3._ -.--- EXHIBIT 11 LU 00-0002 I . • T.OP. . . \ -------.... inginer"- CD I TOP. INNIMPP". t . UT T.OP. .. ../ N- _ 4 /44-.4-r fivspfriTIT— SO. 11 EMI FLO ._; al I , _I - WINDOW HEAD , N- -- N:.....- •'..,.; ;" ' , , •' '',!‘.0'.:i ' ' r 7 . • 1 , . . 7... 1. •'•,,..' 1 Zcr--'' ;-.. • . il, • Tr .!: . I . I .. •:,.i;, I 1 9 -4) 1 ' • r--- —i --1- . _---1——71 ) I _. IT II I [H1 I II . t . FINISHED FLOOR ,,,, _- I L I . TOP N- I - -- ___- ;:, WOW EA „ .• . . i-,,.. -.. : • . :,„, 1 11''' •;.•,. -. '' . .....:1 ',_ • it, 1:•;.'':...:' ' ' I.L. ' :.. !''' 't. . 9 •:1•.:::' :;,.;' '..) ....A 111 ...- FINISHED FLOOR I . - Li , , ...._ Alla ' . ,.. .., 1 , , 1 12 lor-- E.VATION 1.0P. • t _ C.) l'--4 • • 0 0 • • . , - I6 CAM DOWNSPOUTS(SEE ROOF PLAN) SYNTHETIC'STUCCO'FINISH (MSTALL PER MANUF.INSTRUCTIONS) •TRIM SHOWN AS SUGGESTION ONLY. VERIFY W/OWVER/BUILDER TAP. ` 644r-a-- Wry/ram FAD. MIy T.O.P.;! J - -f WINDOW HEAD N- - in I f Q in 1 tr . _ , 4 1. •_ FINISHED FLOOR y N. N. -- TAP. ----- WINDOW HEAD 1 1 F •IIl , A 3 llr3_�.�i ,_ `? � • FINISHED FLOOIR III iiii I - wr i _.......,.......„------------ r - ...___. ,........ 1•_ I I 1.9 • / G÷tr-a-r P-rv1/ rirlz-_. •SD . i r.OP. \ • •••••• , T.OP. ' 4 ''•'''' . • - - WINDOW HEAD ..._ ;. . P ..,..:... - . .. I . . . . . . -1 '. . .11 • = r... .: 111 11' . . . . ' : .•,., .: .• ' I .. .‘' - ;: 7 1 . .. '' . . . . . . , if, .. .. ' • IP . . .. 1 .. •, . .. 0 7 . •. ' . .. , . 7:...-.; '. .0 • . . - .1 _ . ..".".._ . 441 , I 1 1 - __.. 'I j -....- . 1.- WINDOW 1.4MAI,_..„., ,=.... __. _.__. . . .. .. . . ..... . . ..,. . • •• .',..'...' ' ''''''.-: I: .:•.. . .' .,:.•' '- -I • ..._ . . ... •. . • . .•..- .• • . . . , iP, . ..• 1..i....i,".'' 1 ..• •..: •.-.':-...1 1 .,'•i ..!!.::,..: , , . • .• . .• . • .. . • . 94', • . . . . .... ' ,, ,-):.• . l':::''' ..''S.:..H. . . ' . . . , ' • - . . . • .0 111:::....;-,,.., .. . . ..... _. .•:'- ;-:...,1 i'•!.'.: •-4.. • :r•..; .; ....111 •- - - FIP11944ED FLOOR .4.... • i .. . 1 i--- • • . i r 1 _ . i . ....--- •_ CD I--A • • 0 . CO • • ! • 4 X. - :..:_•2•:. .. •••• •.'. :,:-:,--,-•• -:---- ..-...-3`—',.,...::-:.,:,--••••• -• ,-f-- ." • -.'1 .4,, • . ..._ . _ICI I ..•, -� C�; 'H :�: •, I:• . it L ,, li • it ;,4 --_:�;1.',II .. . A,P a Imt PI _+3 <''k/4'pe aw #`l+a 1. • FRONT ELEVATION NOTE: EXTEND ALL FLUES A MIN.OF 2'-0" SCALE: 1/4s� _ -mn A990vE ANY PART OF THE ELD'G W/IN A 10'-0"HORIZONTAL RADIUS EXHIBIT 12 I LU 00-0002 •4'AHOvE ,ZONTAL MATERIAL PLAN) • S FASCIA PLAN) FINISH N / ION6) i---a MI L JLJ _ _ _ L - - l - I — ___ jJcJPEJ ______ ' • ______ __ fl _ _ -411111111111 j . ii,1,1 _ED ________ _____ , 'I: •=-'=.'-'1 '\ . ............... . -,. ; 'I. I ,-\II:c T •w ��f�f P r. Y F • }t NorF- Norg_ ALL GRADER BN_ ARE APPRoXIM L Y r1oN CONTRACTOR ING T FNSNCVERIFYALL EXTEND ALL FLUES A MIN.OF?-m ABOVE ANY PART OF THE BLDYs W/M a;�u A I®'-®'HORIZONTAL RADIUS . 17 i _, • • • • S • . „„ ._., F.,-.01.01-- T.OP. 1p, PM/t`l rF- EO TAP. t WINDOW HEAD 4 'I I1- feu j — I II - J FMtpHEp FLOOR ,s. \ \ _._ _ — _ —._._.— _ —._._' T.OP. WINDOW HEAD 4 f� ; - `s i a.' 'i Qc ft.0 _ i IIIMAr Lot�F�1 _ FMt-JHED FLOOR 1- . r I I I 1— APP� I`'WT� LIIJE; ExhSru.lcl rya-, Fr- 1 � • FINIsHE-2 • p~= I \ 2 - EXHIBIT 13 �f��kFILL �S LU 00-0002 — — I 1 (Ze.gvle.ED \ I 1 \L- �� - iII IL—, I I f-i6 AvS.r gooF t.010. 4 toe. WINDOW HEAL l, Q I FMlBHED FLOOR WINDOW HEAD I 9 _ \ 7/ ' rg i `/11 Lol.�p — — — — - — — — — — FINISHED FLOOR ..„,--\- 7 —_ —_,.. APr�� E LI�J� _._1 FP-I1sH�P pi_ 44444% � � - - — �� � j I z C t..1 0 I '--�� i I I I ,-�P`�` -II-L iNg �� • • ' > d‘:i. 11 4_ —1 I/ • `. L, 1 ._ • t7 1 I _ ___ // r :.•-i.:'. - •7::.,..1 i i i ...,- , .,•. : 7171 i 1 i/T____ _ 1 / 1 I /r4 ___ _. . I I H i i / I i - '- - i . / --LJ i i I i i /I i i ® -- II 0 i •I I / 1 1 I I /�__, I i i i -i /4...„.1.1 I/ Il i Nam ,.. - -- - - i /11--L-L, i `®; I / I MWEM i / I 1 I I r, I // LJ , IL, r-�J L ' 0 II I CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL vivo fvv i rNrc1 car INC n11J13I WI INEXISTR�G AND FIN19H GRADES. A 10.-m"HORIZONTAL RADIUS • I? —16 4 r1 L is L. • ri — _._,_-:".•"---..„. . _._. _._-_r._ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ ...._ rl tom} ` .r..."'" I.. • 0 : I I I I 1I- 1 I IIIII • ' ' l I 1 I r"I__J i 7 I 1 �' I rZ_-Li ' I I / I _ I / i r-1_ 1J1 I -- - II / I 1t7 I I I S 1 1 r / 1 aI I . , I 1 li / -7-7 I. • 1 II/ ► I _ 1 1 1 : I L r I 1 1 / 1 ..-.:.-.._- - ... I 1 I / i 1 I i. O'O11 �y I1 _ . __ . 1 I , - -. .. .. - I I II 111Thill I I i Ii 0 • • • 7 . ' I 30 T)ays: May 20, 19 ORDINANCE NO. 2179 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AND ZONING MAP, INCLUDING THE SENSITIVE LANDS MAP AND ATLAS, TO DESIGNATE A RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY ZONE ON THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: 21E 16CB 00400 AND 00401, LOCATED AT TERMINUS OF MAYORS LANE; AND MAKING FINDINGS (LU 99-0001-1312) WHEREAS, the city initiated a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map to designate a Resource Conservation District(RC)overlay zone on said property within the city; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing for consideration of this Ordinance was duly given in the manner required by law, including notice to affected property owners pursuant to Measure 56 (1998); and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Lake Oswego PIanning Commission on February 8, 1999 at which the staff report, testimony and evidence was duly received and considered; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did deliberate, adopt findings of fact and conclusions, and recommended that LU 99-0001 be approved by the City Council; and • WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing for consideration of this Ordinance was duly given in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego on March 16, 1999 at which the staff report and evidence was duly received and considered. The City of Lake Oswego ordains as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law attached as Exhibit "A." Section 2. The Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map, including the Sensitive Lands Map and Atlas, are hereby amended to designate a Resource Conservation District Overlay Zone on the following property in accordance with the map attached as Exhibit "B" (the amended site is labeled on Exhibit "B" as Site as a convenient reference only, and such label shall not become a part of the amended maps): /// EXHIBIT 14 LU 00-0002 Ordinance No. 2179 Page ] of 2 .0U27 Legal Proposed Description Location Resource No. Overlay Zone 21E 16CB 400; 401 Terminus of Mayors Lane TG-3 RC 111/ Read by title and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego held on the 20thday of April , 1999. AYES: Schoen, Hoffman, Prosser, Rohde, Mayor Kianiaer NOES: None ABSTAIN: Lowrey, Chizum EXCUSED: None W. Kl r,Mayor Dated: April 21, 1999 • ATTEST: ibe‘'1611-/'f- • t itchcock, City Recorder • APPROVED AS TO FORM: David D. Powell City Attorney DOCIORD2179-SLord Ordinance No. 2179 Page 2 of 2 V L, ti 6 • 1 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL 2 OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO 3 4 A REQUEST TO AMEND THE ) LU 99-0001-1312 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP, ) (CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO) 5 ZONING MAP AND THE ) SENSITIVE LANDS MAP AND ATLAS ) FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS 6 TO DESIGNATE A RESOURCE ) AND ORDER 7 CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY ) ZONE LOCATED AT TERMINUS ) 8 OF MAYORS LANE ) 9 NATURE OF APPLICATION 10 This is a city-initiated proposal to amend the Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Map, 11 Zoning Map and the Sensitive Lands Map and atlas to designate a resource conservation district 12 13 overlay zone. The property is located at the terminus of Mayors Lane, Tax Map 21E 16CB, Tax 411 14 Lots 00400and 00401. 15 The property owners of the subject site chose to contest the resource designation, and 16 requested that the designation of these resources be considered at a public hearing before the 17 18 Planning Commission. 19 HEARINGS 20 The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered this application at its 21 meeting on February 8, 1999. The City Council held a public hearing and considered this 22 application at its meeting on March 16, 1999. 23 24 CRITERIA AND STANDARDS 25 A. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: 26 • FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS&ORDER(LU 99-0001-1312) Page 1 [City of Lake Oswego, LU 99-0001-13091 EXHIBIT David D rowel! Clry Anereey-Cip of Lske Chweto 300"A"A -t-O. B. 369.Lake Oswe=e.Or,ee 9)034 I # rOrd-(503)635-0225 FAX(503)699-7453 D I/Jq 1 Goal 5 Open Spaces, Scenic, Historic and Natural Areas • 2 B. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance 3 LOC 48.02.015 Definitions 4 LOC 48.02.045 Official Action 5 LOC 48.02.105 Revocation of Approval LOC 48.17.020 Criteria for Sensitive Lands Overlay 6 Zones Designation C. City of Lake Oswego Development Code 7 8 LOC 49.16.015 Definitions LOC 49.16.020 -49.16.030 Application of Code, Planning Director 9 Authority, Fees LOC 49.16.035 Development Permit Required 10 LOC 49.16.040 Development Permits Restricted LOC 49.20.115 Major Development 11 LOC 49.22.200 Burden of Proof 12 LOC 49.22.205 Development Standards LOC 49.22.220 Review Criteria for Major Developments 13 LOC 49.22.225 Conditions of Approval LOC 49.30.500 - 49.30.510 Application Requirements 14 LOC 49.36.700 -49.36.720 Application Procedures • LOC 49.40.800 Review by Planning Director 15 LOC 49.44.900-49.44.920 Review by Hearing Body/Notice of 16 Public Hearing LOC 49.46.1000 -49.46.1035 Hearings Before Hearings Body 17 LOC 49.58.1400 -49.58.1430 Compliance with Approved Permit 18 D. Statutory Provisions 19 OAR 660 Division 16 Statewide Planning Goal Procedures 20 E. METRO Urban Growth Management Functional Plan 21 Title 3 Water Quality and Flood Management 22 23 F. Other 24 Significance Criteria from the City of Lake Oswego ESEE Analysis (Appendix F) 25 26 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS &ORDER(LU 99-0001-l 312) Page 2 [City of Lake Oswego, LU 99-0001-1309] • Dovid D.Powell CII Anoent7 -Ciry of Lake Oswego 310-A-Avenue•P.O_ Boa 369.Lake Oswego.Oregon 97034(503)63S-0125 FAX(503)699.7453 0 L. 0 1 CONCLUSION 2 The City Council concludes that that LU 99-0001-1312 is in compliance with all 3 applicable criteria. 4 FINDINGS AND REASONS 5 6 The City Council incorporates the Planning staff report dated January 27, 1999 for LU 7 99-0001 (with all exhibits attached thereto), the Council Report dated February 23, 1999 (with 8 all exhibits attached thereto), the findings and conclusions of the Planning Commission, and the 9 entire record of the proceeding herein, together with the following supplemental findings, as 10 support for its decision. In the event of any inconsistency between the supplemental findings 11 12 expressly made herein and the incorporated matters,the matter herein controls. 13 Other than the staff report, no oral testimony was presented in this matter at the public •14 hearing before the City Council. 15 16 The City Council finds that the site qualifies for designation within a Resource 17 Conservation District Overlay Zone pursuant to evidence in the record prepared for the City by a 18 team of environmental professionals. The City Council also finds that the proposed overlay zone 19 designation complies with all applicable state laws, Statewide Planning Goals and administrative 20 rules, Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Policies and City ordinances. 21 ORDER 22 IT IS ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that LU 99-0001-1312 23 24 is hereby APPROVED. 25 Findings\LU99-I312.SL 26 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & ORDER(LU 99-0001-1312) • Page 3 [City of Lake Oswego, LU 99-0001-1309) David D.Powell Artoreee-Cary of Lake Oawe1. 300"A"Avenue-P.O. Boa 369.Lake Osweto.Orrton 97034 (50))63S-0115 FAX 003)699-7451 0 31 -- '• ._), i ' '' ., ,/\.)?,,\A's-' • u ce z %.-/96.3 el- 17982 061 0 cp o a) CO i•-• cr- ---* -4 I 1271 I I- (4 6i• i PZI 2 Del N -- u 'N 45-• " / 4)') -tz `.° 'sr N riZi CI --- -. .. ca c) 0 Cr c) '-' I II Imoki-coaaa ,a. * u0 1281 al (xi ON C:: ctl NJ' CUI -----M N..-., --, —, (4./ coc' 0 v•1 C\I &) r(x. cp OD oe us.-, r,.u% r•-• ,, . is. . , -------- i, c, ON C] 0 1-1 CO r... l'-•• N --- SI 2 (kJ ,..-.D ... (.. ?,•\( • ' 'n'11,..3 0 pg ‘p (S) 2075 e.%, (if 0, o,,, • , .._ .. . -, (,) ...,.....,„.,..‘:-. -.I • I.*'..'(7) 'I, O., ,.. 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L - . . . . _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - • ll 3 q • 1 . , DRIVE r . . . . . . • • • .• \. . - • . . 1• • . v . . 1 • ... • 1 . . • •. . . 1% *-.‘ .\). • . .• 'a 'RIDGE 49\ EXHIBIT 15 • d'. - • • • Vr......, LU 00-0002 -. \ • ' kir-----1 c-....) • . • ..----\ • 4,r-.-----1___ . . . . 4 • v--\ • • • . • . . ...".• _ • .E. [ . . • i ' .:: . . • • • . . . • Y City of Lake Oswego . 19:1: . 1994/95 Natural Resource Inventory • • V.L.,/.. .. Individual Properties Maps NA 1 • Section �L Site No. ::: • , •• TO- • . • W or WL = Stream Corridor ' . : . . •• Wetland . . and/or � . • • TG or dot pattern= Tree Grove . • ` , ; Scale: l' =200' i • • • • .• ' • • . • • • LEGEND , •• �$� •'. PA M . . . I to • • - . INSIGNIFICANT '' . . . . • . \ • • • • • • i P • • • L° P .•-----. TREE GROVE OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS 111 17 16 -- vQC • z 0 21 1,e . i ST AFF REPORT• S CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO PLANNING DIVISION • APPLICANT: FILE NO,: David Roe SD 47-90 PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: David'Rce Michael R. Wheeler LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF REPORT: Tax Lot 400 of June 12, 1992 Tax Map 2 1E 16CB NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: LOCATION: Palisades East of Palisades Crest Drive, south of Mayors • Lane ZONING DESIGNATON: COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: R-10 R-10 I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is seeking approval to divide a 47,300 sq. ft. lot into two parcels. The parcels'Ire proposed to be 25,800 sq. ft. and 21,500 sq. ft. in size. Il. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Pan: Urban Service Boundary Policies General Policy III, Specific Policy 5 Impact Management Policies General Policy I, Specific Policies 1, 4, 5, 6 General Policy II, Specific Policies 1, 3 EXHIBIT 16 General Policy III, Specific Policy 1 LU 00-0002 Wildlife Habitat Policies • General Policy II, Specific Policy '. SD 47-90 Page 1 of 13 0 LjJ P Distinctive Natural Area Policies General Policy I, Specific Policy 2 Potential Landslide Area Policies • General Policy II, Specific Policies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 General Policy III, Specific Policy 3 General Policy IV, Specific Policies 1, 2 Potential Erosion Area Policies General Policy II, Specific Policies 1, 2 General Policy III, Specific Policies 2, 3 General Policy IV, Specific Policies 1, 3, 4 Weak Foundation Soil Policies General Policy II General Policy III General Policy IV Energy Conservation Policies General Policy II, Specific Policy 5 Residential Density Policies General Policy I, Specific Policies 1,4 Protection Open Space Policies General Policy I General Policy 11 Transportation Policies General Policy I, Specific Policy 2 General Policy IV, Specific Policy 1, 4, b B. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance: LOC 48.195-48.225 R-10 Zone Description (setbacks, lot area, lot coverage) C. City of Lake Owego D v lopment Code: LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards LOC 49.140 Minor Development LOC 49.2()1-49.21 O Minor Development Procedures LOC 49.215 Authority of City Manager LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval LOC 49.620 Conditional Approval D. City_d_LaIse_QsweLo Development Standards: 5.005 - 5.040 Street Lights 7.(X)5 - 7.040 Parking & Loading Standard 12.(X15 - 12.040 Drainage Standard for Minor Development 13.())5 - 13.040 Weak Foundation Soils 14.005 - 14.040 Utility Standard 16.(X)5 - 16.040 Hillside Protection and Erosion Control SD 47-90 c 3 6 Page 2of 13 ® • 18.005 — 18.040 Access Standard 19.005 — 19.040 Site Circulation —Private Streets/Driveways E. City of Lake Osw Solar Access Qrdinancc: LOC 57.005 — 57.135 • F. City ofla c Oswes!olrsc Cutting Ordinan.c : LOC 55.010— 55.130 III. FINDINGS A. Existing Conditions; 1. The site is composed of approximately 47,300 sq. ft. in an irregular configuration. The site abuts both Palisades Crest Drive on the west; and Mayors Lane on the north. 2. The site is bisected by a 10 foot—wide sanitary sewer easement and sewer line draining southeast to northwest. A 5 foot—wide public utility easement is also located along the side property lines. A 10 foot—wide public utility easement is • located along the northernmost and easterly property lines. 3. The site is composed of slopes ranging from 9.5 to 67%. Areas in the northeastern one—third of the site exceed 50% slope (Exhibi. 16). This area amounts to approximately 25% of the site. 4. Palisades Crest Drive is a 32 foot—wide paved improvement with curbs, gutters and no sidewalks, in a 50 foot—wide right—of—way. 5. Mayors Lane is.an 18 foot—wide paved improvement without curbs, gutters and sidewalks. in a 20 foot—wide right—of—way. 6. An 8 inch sanitary sewer line is located in a utility easement abutting the south right—of—way line of Mayors Lane. This 8 inch line continues southeasterly, bisecting the site. 7. A 6 inch water line is located in Palisades Crest Drive. 8. A 10 inch storm drainage line is located in Palisades Crest Drive. Because the site lies below Palisades Crest Drive it cannot be served by this storm drainage line. 9. A fire hydrant is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Palisades Crest Drive and a southern segment of Mayors Lane. This hydrant is approximately 325 feet from proposed Parcel 2 (Exhibit 4) and 130 feet from Parcel 1. 10. A street light is located at the southwest corner of the site on Palisades Crest Drive. No street lights arc located on Mayors Lane. • 11. The site is identified in the Comprehensive Plan as having a potential for severe landslide hazard. A portion of the site is also identified in the Plan as having a potential for weak foundation soils. SD47 90 Page 3 of 13 0 u- 3 7 • B. EMPOID.L The applicantproposes to create two parcels from a 47,300 square foot lot. The parcels. PP are proposed to be 25,800 square feet and 21,500 square feet it; area. Ace.-:s is proposed to be available to both parcels from Mayors Lane and to Parcel 1 from Palisades Crest Drive. C. Compliance with Criteria for Approval; As per LOC 49.615, staff must consider the following criteria when evaluating minor development: 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. The applicant has submitted the documents marked as ex-hibits, accompanying this report. 2. For any development application to be approved, it slialifirst be established that the proposal conforms to: a. The City's Comprehensive Plan The applicable Plan policies have been addressed as follows: Urban Service Boundary Policies These policies require the City to manage and phase urban growth within the Ure Service boundary, with a logical planned extension of basic services. Specific Policy 5, which is used as a guide in interpreting the meaning of the General Policy, states that new development shall be serviced by an "urban level" of services. including schools. This specific policy also states that these services are to be available or committed prior to approval of development. A City Council memorandum of September 18, 1990 demonstrates that the current level of school planning and coordination between the City and School District satisfy this General Policy. .The 1989 passage of the 17 million dollar school levy would further assure adequate school facilities. Impact Management Policies These policies require protection of natural resources from development, comprehensive review of development proposals, and payment of an equitable share of the costs of public facilities. These policies are implemented through several Development Standards, addressed further below. The policies require assurance that distinctive areas will be preserved, soil will be protected from erosion, trees will be protected from removal, streams will be preserved and that density will be limited to achieve these results. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards reviewed below will assure conformance to these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed when necessary to assure compliance. 411 SD 47-90 0 Li 3 8 Pate 4 of 13 ® • • Wildlife Habitat Policies - • These policies require protection of upland habitat in the form of preserved open space, natural vegetation or fragile slopes. The related development standards are reviewed in this report following an analysis of the applicable Plan policies. Potentia Landslide- Area Policies These policies require that land use activity in landslide hazard areas be in accord with the degree of the hazard. City resources compiled from U.S. Soil Conservation District mapping indicates that the site is in a potential landslide hazard area. A soils investigation has been presented in Exhibit 5 and amended by Exhibit 13. This investigation (Exhibit 5) illustrates that the ground has been stable for along period of time. The Soil Conservation Service soil survey maps and - technical support materials state that "Roads and buildings should be designed to offset :ate limited ability of the soil in this unit to support a load and to offset the effects of shrinking and swelling. The soil investigation (Exhibit 5)does not recommend construction techniques (foundations, storm water disposal, etc.) necessary to assure the continued stability of this steep hillside site. However, the applicant has supplemented this soils report with a storm water disposal report (Exhibit 13) by the same soils engineer that prepared Exhibit 5. This report suggests methods of disposing of storm runoff on the steep slopes of the site. The recommended method for storm water disposal is to install three 10 foot—long, three foot—wide seepage trenches, on the uphill side of an old road descending from Mayors Lane. The applicant's topographic survey (Exhibit 25) of this area of the site indicates that the site of the old road is irr an area of slopes greater than 50 percent. This installation will be discussed further regarding the Drainage Standard for Minor Development, and the Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Development Standard, reviewed later in this report. • Potential Erosion Area Policies These policies require designation of areas of severe potential for erosion as Protection Open Space, and require erosion control and drainage measures during site planning and construction. Development is subject to the Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Development Standard adopted to implement these Plan policie:,. The related development standards are reviewed in this report following an analysis of the applicable Plan policies. Weak Foundation Soils Policies These policies are intended to protect development from damage caused by weak foundation soils. A soils report is required to assess the soil condition of the site and to suggest recommended construction methods to address those conditions. These policies are implemented through the Weak Soils Development Standard. A portion of the site is indicated in the Comprehensive Plan to have a potential for weak foundation soils. The applicant's soils consultant has not addressed this in the soils investigation submitted (Exhibit 5), but suggests that the use of spread - -- footings would he suitable for the soils present. • SD 47-90 0 ' 3 9 P;wr 5 of 11 I7istinaim itturitl rPa Policies These policies require the City to preserve tree stands and those Compes listeehensideas distinctive. There art no Distinctive Natural Areas listed it h LOC sivpter Plan which include this site. These policies are implemented throug 55, the Tree Cutting Ordinance, and the Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Development Standards. The related development standards are reviewed in this report following and analysis of the applicable Plan policies. Energy Conservation Policies These policies encourage energy conservation through solar orientation and site planning which takes into account the site's natural features. These policies are now implemented through the City's Solar Access Ordinance (LOC Chapter 57), reviewed later in this report. Protection Open Spacc_Policies These policies further protect natural resources listed in the Plan, including stream corridors, hillsides, erodible soils and sites with landslide potential. These policies through the Stream Corridor Development Standard and Hillside are implementedg ' hare reviewed later Development Standard, whit Protection and Erosion Control P thi report. p ort. Trans;artation PuikI These policies require that the City require that streets be improved as planned when demand requires. The policies also require that a developer be required to io dedicate additional right-of way as necessary to provide for widening. The applicant will be required to dedicate right-of-way at the cast end of Mayors Lane to achieve an emergency turn around necessary to meet these requirements. This dedication will be discussed under the Utility Development Standard and required as a condition of this action, if approved. - b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations. Zoning Code Re u"Ymerts and Analy,s1s. The following requirements were in effect on the date this application was submitted: The site is zoned R-10 which requires a minimum lot area of 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit; required minimum lot width at the building�lin isot 65 ft.;ge required minimum minimum lot depth is 100 ft. (LOC 48.210(1)1. the zone is 30% (LOC 48.225(1)1. The zone requires the following minimum setbacks (LOC 48.215(1)1: Front yard: 25 ft. Rear yard: 25 ft. Side yard: 10 ft. • SD 47-90 Page 6 of 13 0 :� `i The applicant proposes the parcels to be the following sizes: Area (sq. ft.) Width (ft.) Depth (ft. Parcel I 25,800 110 190 Parcel 2 21,500 170 140 As proposed. both parcels comply with all applicable zoning requirements. .The maximum height of 35 feet is allowed in the R-l0 zone (LOC 48.220]. Compliance with this requirement will be assured upon application for building permits requested subsequent to this action, if approved. De eloprenLQxl Requirements and Analvsis (LOB C)lapjer 49) The proposed minor partition is appropriately being processed as a minor development. Other than the applicable Development Standards, there are no other Development Code requirements applicable to this request. Sol.at.bxes -Otditt.tnce_Rsquiremcnts and Analysis (LOC Chapter 57) This ordinance requires that 80% of newly created parcels be designed to achieve solar orientation and a minimum north-south dimension. Because Parcel 2 abuts Mayors Lane, it complies with the orientation requirement to be within 30 degrees of a true cast-west axis. The frontage of Palisades Crest Drive abutting Parcel 1 • does not comply with the orientation requirement. Both parcels exceed the 90 foot north-south dimensions required by the Basic Requirement (LOC 57.020(1)1. As an alternative. Parcel I can comply by imposing a Solar Building Line, north of which solar access is assured ILOC 57.020(2)1, or the Performance Option, which requires orientation of the long axis of the dwelling within 30 degrees of an east- west axis or a percentage of the glazing (windows) and roofing to face within 30 degrees of south I LOC 57.020(3)1. A choice between the two will be required as a condition of this action, if approved. Also, dwellings on both parcels will be required to comply with the Solar Balance Point provisions of the Solar Access Ordinance 1 LOC 57.050-57.0901 as a condition of this action. tt_s_Cult_iirgpr imuicdtts:cluirements and Analysis CLOC_Ciapter 55) In an effort to evaluate proposed development (Exhibit 3) with regard to tree removal. the applicant has submitted Exhibit 14. This potential design suggests the necessary removal of twenty-seven trees, fifteen of which are Douglas-firs. Exhibit 15 illustrates an alternative in which the west property line of Parcel 2 is an average of 40 feet farther west and the homesite-is less steep. This alternative suggests the necessary removal of twenty-nine trees, sixteen of which are Douglas-firs. While the number of trees are relatively similar, the trees removed would be from different areas in each alternative. Based upon the evaluation of tree removal alone, either alternative is acceptable. Further consideration of these options must rely upon an analysis of slopes which are considered under the 1 lillsidc Protection and Erosion Control Development Standard, reviewed later in this report. It should be noted that trees existing well below the proposed home site were not mapped by the applicant. SD 47-90 • Pal!' 7 of 11 0 ; 1 .. c. The applicable Development Standards The following requirements were in effect on the date this application was • q submitted: Slrts;t Light _(5 O05 — 5.040) Street lights exist on Palisades Crest Drive, but not on Mayors Lane. A street light will be required to be located on Mayors Lane at the western property line of the site as a condition of this action, if approved. Earl ing_and Loading (7.005 —7.040) This standard requires that each single family dwelling provide two off—street parking spaces in addition to a garage or carport. Both proposed parcels are of sufficient size to accommodate this requirement, demonstration of which will be required upon application for any building permit requested subsequent to this action. Drainage Standard for Minor Development (12.005 — 1.2:,)40) This standard requires that drainage alterations, including new development, not adversely affect neighboring properties. The applicant has submitted a stormwater disposal report (Exhibit 13) which • suggests the construction of seepage trenches on the uphill side of an old road on �Parcel 2. The suggestion does not take into account the impact of the trench installation on tree removal. The applicant illustrates that Parcel 1 will deliver stormwater to a seepage trench located northeast of die proposed dwelling on the parcel. The applicant has provided a tree survey (Exhibit 26) enabling review of the proposed seepage trenches. A professional engineer must confirm that this proposed method of stormwater disposal for Parcel 1 is acceptable. The seepage trenches have been located such that impact to trees is minimized, but the storm water disposal method for both parcels must be acceptable to the City Engineer prior to final plan approval, requested subsequent to this action, if approved. These seepage trenches will be required to accommodate on—site drainage only. • Drainage from the public turnaround should not be directed to these private systems, hut should he directed to a public system. Such a facility does not exist at present. While dedication of an easement for a future public storm drain is 'appropriate for this proposal, construction of a storm sewer could not occur until an extension of the casement to Overlook Drive is secured. A nonremonstrance agreement for future formation of a local improvement district (LID) will be required to allow this construction to be defe,rcd. 1'his and the public dedication will be required as a condition of this action, if approved. VWeak.Loundation_Soils113.095_7_13,04.(U A portion of the site is identified in the Comprehensive Plan as having a potenti. for weak foundation soils. The applicant's soils report has not provided an analysis SD 47-90 , � Pai.eRof1 U 'v i4. of the strength of the soils found on the site as required by DS 13.035(2), though he • has concluded that, "the two parts of the lot are both stable and suitable for house construction using spread footing support" (Exhibit 5). Utility Standard (14.005 - 14.040) This standard requires that infrastructure improvements be installed underground, where possible. - Except for the undetermined location of stormwater disposal facilities on proposed Parcels 1 and 2 as noted regarding the Drainage Standard above, the applicant proposes to connect to existing public water and sewer facilities located in Palisades Crest Drive and Mayors Lane. Based upon the first floor elevation proposed for Parcel 2 (as illustrated in Exhibit 26) it is uncertain whether a gravity fed sanitary sewer can serve the dwelling. The applicant must provide a gravity connection to the public sewer. This design must be assured prior to final plan approval. Mayors Lane is an 18 foot-wide street in an equally narrow right-of-way. There are presently no provisions for emergency vehicles to turn around at the east end of Mayors Lane. The applicant's site plan illustrations (Exhibits 14 and 15)and preliminary grading study (Exhibit 26) show the potential location for a fire truck (or emergency vehicle) turnaround. However, Exhibits 14 and 15 do not take into account the location of the southwestern property line of Tax Lot 5200 of Tax Map 16BC, abutting to the northeast. As proposed, the fire truck turnaround would • encroach upon this property 10 to 15 feet (see Exhibits 16 and 23). The grading plan (Exhibit 26) differs from Exhibits 14 and 15. Extensive grading and retaining structures are required to construct the turnaround designed to meet City standards regarding maximum grade of surface cutbanks, etc. (Exhibit 26). Public dedication of right-of-way and construction of the turnaround will be required as a condition of this action, if approved. Hillside Protection and Erosion Control (16_)05 - 16.040) This standard requires protection against soil erosion by limiting the extent of clearing, cutting and filling of soils on slopes greater than 12%. Specifically, no more than 65 percent of areas of between 20 and 50 percent slope may be stripped or graded, and if density transfer is determined to be infeasible, at least 70 percent • of areas greater than 50 percent slope must remain free of impervious surfaces and structures. The applicant has performed this analysis on exhibit 16. The applicant indicates that 9,650 sq. ft. of Parcel 2 is greater than 50 percent slope, leaving 11,850 sq. ft. between 20 and 50 percent slope. This results in the following: Areas of greater than 50% slopes 9,650 sq. ft. x 70% = 6,755 sq. ft. to remain free of impervious surfaces and structures. Areas U 20_to_50% slopes 11,850 sq. ft. x 65% =7,702 sq. ft. maximum allowed grading and stripping. SD 47-90 Paec c of 13 O V 3 The impact of the proposed turnaround, driveway and dwelling shown on site plan illustrations 1 and 2 (Exhibits 14 and 15) appear to comply. The grading plan (Exhibit 26) which accompanies this application indicates that the extent of disturbance of areas with greater than 50% slopes is three to five percent, within the limits allowed. The 4,000 sq. ft. coverage of the proposed dwelling (Exhibit 26) would disturb only 34% of the area on slopes between 20 and 50%, also in compliance with the standard. Further conformance to this standard will be assured upon review of building permit applications submitted subsequent to this action, if approved. It would be imprudent to require demonstration of compliance with the standard us • a condition of this action, when such is required before approval is granted (Impact Management Policies, Comprehensive Plan, Volume 1). Access Standard (18.005 — 18.0401 This standard requires that each parcel abut a public street for at least 25 feet. Parcel 1 abuts Palisades Crest Drive for 99.9 feet; Parcel 2 abuts Mayors Lane for 80.75 feet. Both proposed parcels are in compliance with this standard. Site Circulatitce—Private Streets/Driveways (19.005=J.9,09 .1 This standard requires that driveways for single family dwellings not exceed 20% grade nor 5% cross slope. The preliminary grading plan (Exhibit 26) demonstrates that both the public turnaround and proposed di iveway for Parcel 2 meets these requirements. The construction site on Parcel 1 is less steep than Parcel 2 and may more easily achieve compliance. The final grades will be reviewed upon application for construction or building permits submitted subsequent to this action, if approved. d.. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS There are no such plans which affectSthis site. D. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposal can be made to comply with all applicable criteria through the imposition of certain conditions. E. Action Tam Staff approves the minor partition (SD 47-90) subject to the following conditions: 1. A final plan (as depicted in Exhibit 3 and modified by conditions 3, 5, 7 and 8) shall be submitted to City staff for review and signature of approval within one year of the date of this decision. Upon written application, prior to expiration of the one year period, the City Manager shall, in writing, grant a one year extension. Additional extensions may be requested in writing and must be submitted to the City Manager for review of the project for conformance with current law, development standards and compatibility with development which may have occurred in the surrounding area. The extension may be granted or denied and i SD 47-90 Page 10of 13 0 .r4 granted, may be conditioned to require modification to bring the project into compliance with then current law and compatibility with surrounding development. 411 The final plan shall reference this land use application -City of Lake Oswego Land Development Services Division, File No. SD 47-90. 2. The final plan shall be registered with the Clackamas County Surveyor's Office and recorded with the Clackamas County Clerk's Office. 3. The final plan shall be modified to illustrate dedication of public right-of-way necessary for an emergency vehicle turnaround (as depicted in Exhibit 26) along the frontage of the site on Mayors Lane. 4. The applicant shall provide the City a signed nonremonstrance agreement and petition for future street improvements anticipated in Mayors Lane. This agreement shall apply to both parcels as approved. 5. The final plan shall be modified to illustrate the dedication of a 15 foot-wide public storm drainage easement along the northern and northwestern property • boundaries of Parcel 2 and extending over Parcel 1 to the public turnaround required by condition number 3. 6. The applicant shall provide the City a signed nonremonstrance agreement for future storm drainage improvements anticipated in the easement required by conditions number 5 above. This agreement shall apply to both parcels as approved. • 7. The following notes shall appear on the final plan: "Parcels 1 and 2 are solar lots. Development of structures and planting so F g non-exempt vegetation on Parcels 1 and 2 shall comply with the Solar Balance Point Provisions of the Solar Access Ordinance (LOC 57.050- 57.090). This requirement shall be binding upon the applicant and subsequent purchasers of Parcels 1 and 2." 8. The applicant shall, on a covenant to accompany the recordation of the final plan, illustrate the location of a Solar Building line on Parcel 1 as provided by LOC 57.020(2) OR the following notes shall appear on the final plan: Habitable structures built on the lot will have their long axis oriented within 30 degrees of a true east-west axis and at least 80% of their ground floor south wall protected from shade by structures and non-exempt trees; or, Habitable structures built on the lot will have at least 32% of their glazing and 500 square feet of their roof area which faces within 30 degrees of south and is protected from shade by structures and non-exempt trees. These notes are for reference only and are not a part of the final plan or plat. 9. Prior to final plan approval, the applicant shall provide an engineered design for a method of stormwater disposal acceptable to the City Engineer. 10. Prior to fi,tal plan approval, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of • the City Engineer that a gravity fed sanitary sewer to serve Parcel 2 can be designed. SD 47-90 Page 11of13 45 0 . • 11. Evidence of the above to be provided to the Public Works and Development issuance of building Department prior to the re s permits requested subsequcr to the date of this approval. 12. The applicant has provided a tree survey of those trees in excess of five inches in diameter (Exhibit 25). The City shall allow the removal of only those trees necessary to site a dwelling L r accessory structures 55 080 (T(Tree Cutting arcels 1 and Ordinance)5 removal shall comply with LOC The.applicant shall install a drainage improvements t to it e es els 1 and 2. Thrs inallation shl be a conito of any development permit subsequent to this action. 14. The westerly ntproperty line of Parc install a el 2.et l light s hn all be a condition of any development ors Lane where it intersects the westerly prop y permit requested subsequent to this action. 15. The applicant shall provide final design to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and install the emergency vehitk- turnaround required by condition number 3. This installation shall be a condition of any development permit requested subsequent to this action. Prepared by: • MICHAEL R. EELER Date Associate Planner Approved by: Date TOM COFFEE • Ph inning Director Reviewed by: 7/411/ ?,(,,LA A)//9907 CINDY PHILLIPS Deputy City Attorney EXHIBITS. I. Tax Map 11112. Applicant's Narrative, dated November 1990 3. Site Plan 4. Vicinity map and hydrant locations SD 47-90 rl -i 3 6 5. Soil investigation by J. McDonald, dated October 29, 1990 6. Letter from A. Southwell for L. & L. Johnson, dated January 18, 1991 • 7. Letter from A. Goldstein, dated January 21, 1991 8. Section of site by R. Tahran, dated February 14, 1991 9. Orientation of views by R. Tahran, date,. February 14, 1991 10. Site section study by R. Tahran, dated February 14, 1991* 11. T .etter from R. Tahran,dated April 23, 1991 l2. !tter from R. Tahran, dated June 24, 1991 13. Stormwater disposal report by J. McDonald, dated July 1, 1991 14. Site plan illustration 1, dated May 6, 1992* 15. Site plan illustration 2,dated May 6, 1992* ' • 16. Slope analysis,dated April 26, 1992* 17. Photograph: View northeast 18. Photograph: View east 19. Photograph: View northeast 20. Photograph: View southwest 21. Photograph: View east—southeast 22. Plat of Palisades Heights Estates, dared September 11, 1972* • 23. Plat of Palisades Heights Plat No. 2A, dated June 30, 1963* 24, Landslide Hazard and Weak Foundation Soils 25. Survey and Topographic map of portion of site, dated April 5, 1992* 26. Preliminary Grading Study.dated April 28, 1992* 27. Letter by OTAK, dated February 14, 1992 *Exhibit to large to reproduce, available in case file. 41110MRW:kaa\baa IS 90t« s>SD47-90 SD47-90 t ' ' 47 • • OLAS • • .. 4.-9.. • 0 • , •_•;:./k.A, -,,, • •• /1.4;.:4,45V...c e.__, . .."..-.-f'7,1.ve, .. :•-,,.. . - • ;:, .•:4: eo./4:-....-.... -., . a •- ' '........",,.. .;' ':•'''. .... ' r--...., ' . - t • : , :1.•:".7.....,70h -.:,.te.:',;.-.. ... I. • , . •:' • .!'' j:7:-.'..S.,V4iik'i..:•--:. :,. \ to x •., •, A' : -..-....4::. „.•:.:.•rf,,,c; .,.:`;, , . • -, . k * •• '.'.--. ' :•ioe 4t, ......, s.. \ \ .. ... .i ... _.---- . 7% \ • " ,. ._ ... -•-• --- - - • \ • . _.. 1 ' S'is ill N. • . - • - - .... --- _ _.......................................................+___,.-----. ___.. . . ./2.1/4 \ Zli,t'V,N, •.,... ... :. ' -•--- - .- ........- .6 A, N 4. ''. . . I\ .Y..5 I ,„..... .. . • I . '\ % ‘ tr:f....' ,,--•—•'• 4 *OA' • I k , • \ .?\''. %II s ./:1117,701,11J11 N -- ..:' j . r .... • • ..... i _._/. . . . , , / „:14k , 4ro, /.,,,t'al / N /5.t. . !.„. /0, •4, ., , 1 ...k.c, , f, ,1 ,„..f._!.1.% ( 1 /(4.9:C),..7,.. .,%.), /24 .. ." ' : " :' I 6.I. . • (10° ) 0 - • ••• • s c.f..." \ • •.'ef. )ara ) ' 05.... 48 • I .1 f .f_. 1 s i i I 6ri-j•7 1.4.,e, ),:-.5./.. iii . I i l'•"i1-1*4' • I 4 -4* ./ _ .• $ I . 1 ., • / 0• • , $ ". of. 4710 / ,lif if ' ---- - - -------------------. .' ---- --rit" 1 Licirl , r -1 f'•-• ,..,„/ 40, 4 1 / I ' s 1 i • ,,,, , Artati/Pfti, r----- .(0 • w , trAtf/ . 0 -act'....'_-f.), tali,. 'I. . 7. 71.. -- f/ • . . - . 7.'A:5&. 0 y. / / / EXHIBIT 17 ...‘S, .._ I I / CD\Al IV NS/ LU 00-0002 /cs,_ lo I • -`1"7/ .e ,. / / , 41. . • .., A7, i4, , / , , N), , • / , 1 \ % ,, \ \\,\'k 0/ ik/ N., •,......,..f ' ....'..,,.t.....414.4,4:4:!„y.,::..t,;.,..:..‘.,...,.., \ �1\ \.'\ Si. 71/�¢ / 1 .LI sA 41'%411:'/fece, . ` / 10 1 . 11 r 1 1 ' ...• Y'`.. • A...-4‘.1,i, I ti — .--‘-A-4-1-1-LI - - Ni/ r y4) d It, r j i•. . .2 a I, , rn r. 1. / ..'1 "s C'' 1 AV a . 1 �q i ' 10, �^ r r1 I • , r ,' I '7 • ``O f ( t ( /b 'f ' ' 9 .'!,j. * ., t 1 i : I i, 1 r i_ .c. ?J./ / i, . 7, , , yof 44 f: c; , I ,..,34 , t fi .,,,/ ', :.."°.,• ? All 41/ .....a:z.e 111('1, - f / / il - - _ ------------_______ - .,_ co / i f • : , 4,1 f 1 i / y 1 _ 14 .71/ il , e. 1 1 _,(-- f -n — s` All yi�lail _ _l I * / /4j. > o T r is lite �` l y0L EXHIBIT 18 S. cti- ;` / <e1 � s LU 00-0002 �s� / C. � \ / I %Sj s . S i _ • • !�}. i- tL >roTS'y� ` ' � "/Q - �/ Il \ g I ` 1, NN. s �� �h1� ,,, , J \ rn >` ` • �f ` LP �,v O 0 . .....\ . , ,0, 4 A�r�^r �- � 1 K �.� `c J ,.))1C.4, : 1, TPF6t c Ur Fa• �� .x \\ . IR CIS T�71. ! _ ` o it 10.4L t V . ,,,,. eg\i . r Vt.rlik li. -4;4, • % 7. r c, *, --\-et____:„4 , _ , /1-:-:'".''77r. 6 i • 01....114.•i� 1 y 1 if' ttiit f' `A \ 1 - 10F )1\41° ., Lp \ \ 1 Aqi N 701 r. z. \\ toll" t , I C0 1 F i , �;P \ li •, , V,( \ °.t) - \ • \ 1,, _ot.4,,, . :var.. , O N\icA f31. cF lk. p . ii.\......tit \ .\ ins , \ . \'‘. . —4, i (4:::, \ ' , i , . , . ___,.), ;mi. if—iii 0 .11 -- -r-f,. .° IA + tF"o '' i x '1 aW \ \ .' ` , 41 l r NI Y �, ` 6F f �+a r b 1 r bStsio n Vi-5 �`\ ...- EXHIBIT 19 I¢bE�r �S TR �_ C 1 LU 00-0002 15 �1R anus DES To e£ cur , i • • • Sa 0 • -ip Otak ' Aa',d,•.I,.r ., .r', �,,...,.,,. I.r.' ..rtv•Arrhd...•L n..•l.avt l'la,•nn,.r Irl,,n S>.•5v •$rpwr a . R '4EJ Cr-v,,,,,,„, April23, 1991 fL�_ � i: :11\/L; j-J Mr. Mike Wheeler, Planner APR 2 3 1991 City of Lake Oswego P.O. Box 369 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 EXHIBIT 20 Re: Minor Partition Application for David R. Roe LU 00-0002 Project No. 3492 Dear Mike: As you know, I have been retained by Mr. Roe to study the building areas proposed in the Minor Partition Application filed in November, 1990, to assure that there are two buildable lots, each having a view. The view from each lot is the primary asset of this property and cannot be compromised. Several weeks ago, you and Russ Chevrette met David and I on 0 site where you expressed doubt about the aerial topography used in the minor partition application and reconciling the "Lake Oswego Landslide Hazard" map with the soils study that was submitted. We have done the actual field survey now and located the trees we all - talked about on site and will amplify the original November 1990 Minor Partition - Application filed by Planning Resources, Inc. with our findings. • • Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Standard - The original cross section through the site that we provided demonstrates where the lot lines need to be to protect the Property rights of the owner to maintain his view. Lot 1 is 25,800 square feet and has a pretty uniform 12% slope. Lot 2 has 21,600 square feet, of which 7,971 sq. ft. is on 50% slope or greater, letxang a lot of 13,529 sq. ft. that is less then a 50% slope to build on, so no density transfer is nE.essary or requested to meet the minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet to meet the minimum zoning requirements. The large size and configuration of the lots is to guarantee view protection of the two lots being created and to maximize view protection of the neighboring lots. According to our registered Soils Engineer, no landslides have occurred on this site nor are they anticipated due to the soils structure, tree formation and subsurface drainage characteristics. In accordance with Ordinance 16.010(7), no land over 50% slope will be developed. On a site (Lot 2) of approximately 13,529 sq. ft., at least 70% of the site will remain free of structures or impervious surfaces. This allows a footprint of approximately 4,000 sq. ft. on this slope. We can easily commit that no more than 66% of the area in slopes of 20-60% shall be graded or stripped of vegetation. The actual field survey and slope calculation proves that • the lot as designed provides sufficient buildable area and as designed maintains the view protection corridor established by the owner. 1 ) .1 S iy� -Si ; ..,fir, , i...I. rl'r., is lii . .., .. . ..1. r• , . i . . i. ..rir Mr. Mike Wheeler Aprll 23, 1901 City of Lake Oswego Page 2 • Weak Foundation Soils Standard The other area of major concern that has been identified is the Landslide Hazard Potential of this site, as listed in the City's "generalized map." The Standard goes on to state that the "actual condition of the site will determine whether such soils exist. The Standard states that if a report is filed by a registered professional soils engineer or engineering geologist, that the "soils characteristics are determined to be adequate for the proposed use, no further consideration of compensating design shall be necessary." (Pg. 43 Development Standards 13.035(3)). The City'e Landslide Hazard Map is based on an overview of the City to be confirmed by on-site investigation. In this case, bore holes have been made and concur with the Clackamas County Soil Survey map classification. The soils engineer goes into greater depth on the description of the soils and why they are not susceptible to landslides. The opinion and recommendation of the registered soils engineer is that the lots life stable and are suitable for house construction using spread footings, the most conventional method of construction. This analysis and recommendation appears to be in compliance with Development Standard 13.005. The access off Mayor's Lane provides an obvious building pad for Lot 2 which preserves the view line of Lot 1 and the neighboring lots. This demonstration of accurate field survey information along with the registered certifications of the appropriate professionals appears to answer the questions that have come up. Since the application was submitted in November, 1990, please let us know immediately if there are any unanswered questions, as the building season is rapidly passing us by. Thank you for your attention. Very truly yours, ismj-jy- — Ral. G. _ • _ , Architect President, OTAK Architects, P.C. RGT/tam 3492\.001 410 0u54- °talk nrrlmrtiw IrC • NrhAnfkyw•Go I .V• I?Irw>kr{xr>r'r rt Srnvrcrl'.•lntifrrrllr_'Al 11 1.1y;/1"r.-�•t�rnpi+M1D ' fYsip(+•Survoynq I 1.-;0V; , June 24, 1991 9 ?Mr. Mike Wheeler, Planner City of Lake Oswego EXHIBIT 21 P.O. Box 369 LU 00-0002 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Re: Minor Partition Application for David R. Roe Project No. 3492 Dear Mike: Based on our site visit with you and Tom Coffey on June 12, 1991, and our subsequent telephone call, I will address the remaining questions you have regarding our pending minor partition application. • From our phone call, I understand the remaining questions to be: (1) Tree impact of one building pad versus another. (2) Additional topography information to the sewer easement. (3) Additional tree survey information to plot trees up to the sewer easement. (4) Show that no more than 65% of the areas of 20% - 50% slope will be disturbed by home construction on Lot 2 (lower lot). (5) Show fire truck turnaround on a print. (6) Address stormwater disposal from Lot 2. I have prepared two illustrative site plans, much like the sketchy ones I gave you on-site, June 12, 1991, to better illustrate our answers to your questions. I also feel the drawings were helpful to look at "on-site" to see in the field how other homes may be affected by one building pad over another. The trees, neighboring houses, slope, view corridors and building heights all need to be considered. For the illustrative site plans, I have made some building pad assumptions for thb size houses that usually are placed on this size lot. Each would, most likely, have a three car • garage and range in size from 3,000 sq. ft. to probably 5,000 sq. ft. • 1.i . r)1w.q)n C14.r.. 1/'r:.'i.•!tt.vw r•;r.-r111.1 • i:Ln(!‘...f-ro nrrrpvi 1It '. • r011/.1%111111 11) Mr. Mike Wheeler, Planner June 24, 1991 • City ()IT Lake Omego — Page; 2 will address the remaining questions point by point. (l) Tree Impact As the illustrations show, the trees that would need to be cut for each building pad would be about the same. Illustration 1, however, preserves s tree buffer between Lot 1 and Lot 2, that would help site a house into tr,e netting 'much better and offer a screen for the house to the south. The tree cover on the steep eastern half of the lot would remain predominantly a.e is, except for thinning to allow fo3• views. (2) Additional Topog_nphy The additional topography up to the sewer lisle easement you waked for has been shown on the site plans. (3) Additional Tree Survey Intl; mation The additional trees on the site area that you requested have been shown on the site plans. (4) No More Than 65% Distributed Area on 20%-5n% Slopes My original map to you on April 23, 1991, showed 7,971.0 sq. ft. of area classifir�a on 50% slope or greater on Lot 2. From our meeting, you showed • some additional "red-lined" areas that you thought should aleo be in th.e 50% area. I have added those areas to the original calculation to arrive at 9,650 sq. ft. of 60% slope or greater for Lot 2 (Site Plan Illustration 1). Since Illustration 1 is our requested configuration and the plan we feel is sups:for for previously stated reasons, I have calculated the areas ,for that option. Lot 2 on Site Plan 1 ia 21,500 sq. ft. If we subtract 9,650 sq. ft., we have 11,350 sq. ft. of area that is less than 60% slope. The zoning is 11.10 requiring 10,000 sq. ft. per lot. We exceed these preacribed requirements and do not need or request any density transfer or variances for the Lot 2 shown on Site Plan Illustration 1. The code requires that "no more than 65% of the area between 20%-50% slopes be disturbed," which would be 11,850 sq. ft. x 61i% = 7,702 sq. ft. of area that could be disturbed by code allowance. Our Site Plan Illustration 1 shows a building pad of 2,500 sq. ft. (which could be up to 5,000 sq. ft. total if two story) plus a driveway area of 864 sq: ft. for a total disturbed area of 3,364 sq. ft. Since it is not an exact "designed footprint" at this stage, a projected "disturbed area" of 4,000 to 4,500 sq. ft. would allow some flexibility and still be far below the maximum area allowed by code. 4,1500 sq. ft. disturbed area divided by 11,850 sq, ft. = 38% disturbed area. The disturbed area for construction will be between 30% to 40% and most likely closer to 30%. The illustration shown on the Site Plan Illustration 1 ie 3,364 sq. ft divided by 11,850 sq. ft. = 28%. O n r-- 0 V 56 S • Mr. Mike Wheeler, Planner June 24, 1991 City of Lake Ouwego Page 3 (6) Fire Truck Turnaround I have shown a fire truck turnaround on both plans that corresponds to the city's "typical residential turn-a-round" details (Drawing No. A-1.04). This configuration fits the best with the existing pavement and causes the least amount of additional grading site disturbance and paving. (6) Stormwater Disposal Our soils engineer, John McDonald, P.E., has przpared 4pocifications for stormwater disposal. See attached. I feel that the information that has been submitted shows that the application as submitted fully complies with the development standards. The application es submitted also preserves the property owners' and neighbors' property rights to preserve views to the greatest extent. I hope this additional information is sufficient for you to arrive at a decision on this matter. If you have any other questions or wish to discuss thin letter, please give me a call at any time. Sincerely, • — Rai h G. 'TRl�Cl-an, Architect President, OTAK Architects, P.U. RGT/kw 3492%.002 Ur ,� 57 • • • 0 ,' 5$ •?, •Y,I. t lIII u Fick NA,isat>vIHravo;I i February 14, 1992 I N'C O.P P O P AT E D. , -, - '`ARCHITECTS, P.C. F E B 1 5 1992 ; , ' ArcMteCtuis f`, - Planning : -, Mr. Mike Wheeler, Planner Urben Destgn'• r•: EXHIBIT: City of Lake Oswego oevelopnent"Services P.O. Box 369 ) n OR 97034 �� - Landscape Architecture Lake Oswego, Clvlf'2nglneerinq:. • ;'�47��i O •,• ..TransportatiGsf} •� 'f Re: Minor Partition Application for David Roe .�EanSPO l tlQn servi•... ' Project Number L3492.A00 • Water Resources Dear Mike: '-Surveying 1 We are finally submitting the remaining additional information you required in ! your 'Draft Staff Report" on the above-mentioned minor partition for your review. . ' In your conclusions,you asked for additional information on six items. Since c some of the information requested is normally supplied at building permit stage, when a specific design is being reviewed, we have had to make some assumptions when arriving at preliminary designs for driveways and drainage trenches; but I think the intent is to show that there is a workable solution to the questions you raised. I am providing the additional information in drawin:.: and in narrative Ilifor each point. - . ,�. 1. Your staff report is correct in that we will not be able to use the :.*Y,1' storm drain line in Palisades Crest Drive for Parcel 1. We will employ the common seepage trench solution for stormwater - • •. disposal as outlined by John McDonald, soils engineer, for Parcel 2. This solution is common in Lake Oswego where no storm drains are available. It is designed for a 10 year rainstorm and . two hour duration that drops an inch of water, each square foot of roof area needs 0.08 cubic feet of water stored. Drain rock has about 30% void space, therefore, .28 cubic feet of drain rock would . - be needed for each square foot of roof area. - Since we have not designed the house for Parcel 1 yet, we cannot , . N arrive at the exact design of the seepage trench. It is a common method of storm water disposal, and we have a large area of • moderate slope with no trees to accommodate the final design. I - m 6 would suggest that a condition of approval to require the specific = design be provided at building permit stage when the exact roof n area and building siting is known. 2. We are submitting a drawing of an engineered preliminary design '-, tr. for the proposed turnaround showing the limits of grading and vegetation removal. • ,raga SW tiooMs P.m Read,''�: 3. The topography survey was produced by licensed public land Us o.*eoa o»o«�nos'-; surveyors and a stamped survey will be provided. , IeOalaaeJt+t �''",4%Col tsli-tee - • izio'twine%by me) . 0 5 C3 1414,.ne.vw.Nf teoai •.;71. bast en• e . • far(PM n(PM a » �• • - . • •• Mr. Mike Wheeler, Planner Page 2 City of Lake Oswego February 14, 1992 r�r 4. We have prepared a grading plan for the driveway in Site Plan Illustration No. 1. Again, this design is preliminary and can only be finalized with the exact design for a house for Parcel No. 2. At ' that time, a structural engineer should be required to do the final design at building permit stage. This preliminary design, however, ..•.. will meet the intent of showing the limits of grading and vegetation removal. There is a relatively flat pad right off the property line that forms a natural driveway start. Holding close to the original grade practically eliminates any cut on the uphill side and only results in a six foot retaining wall on the downhill side. Typically, wo would bridge across from the uphill side to the lower side retaining wall with timbers and pour concrete on a plywood dock. This is a very common practice and detail on steep lot construction and ono that causes the least amount of disturbance. I would be happy to provide you with an example of this detail. This approach would not cause any disturbance on the uphill side, so our original true removal projection remains unchanged. • 5. From the grading study done for the driveway, it appears as though only 200 square feet of the area over 50% slope will be disturbed. (200 sq. ft. % 9,650 sq. ft. of area greater than 50% = 2%.) Our original assumptions for the proposed building pad and driveway were quite conservative (2,500 sq. ft. building pad and 864 sq. ft. driveway = 3,364 sq. ft. disturbed area of tl,e area between 20% and 50% slopes). In addition, I have included a 6 foot perimeter 'construction zone' area of 800 sq. ft. I have also included a disturbed area of 1,000 sq. ft. for the seepage trench area. The total disturbed area in the 20% to 50% slope area is now calculated to be 5,164 sq. ft. (3,364 + 800 + 1,000 = 5,164 sq. ft.) Even if we allow a 20% contingency for changes duo to a more exact design (5,164 sq. ft. x 1.2 = 6,196 sq. ft) we would still be considerably under the 65% maximum disturbance allowed. (6,196 % 11,850 sq. ft = 52%.) The trees 5 inches in diameter and over were surveyed as required along the old road •.vhere the seepage trench will be constructed. -,. It appears as though we will only need to cut one more tree over 5 inches, a 14 inch alder. 110 •`•% '�j• •firr`„~ n�'' Y • tt fl; Mr. Mike Wheeler, Planner Page 3 City of Lake Oswego February 14, 1992 • The fire truck turnaround has been redesigned and now meets the • City's standard detail. Relatively minor grading will be required if we use a 2 foot high rockery or concrete retaining wall. All the Y' disturbance will occur on the uphill lot (Lot 1). I feel this is the best approach since it will confine the disturbed area to 2,100 eq. „' �;c.- ft. and require that only 2 fir trees and 2 maple trees be removed. : I feel the submitted drawing is a realistic approach and is as detailed as can be until actual construction drawings are prepared. 6. The trees 6 inches in diameter and over, within 20 foot on both sides of the center line of the old road, have been located and are shown on the drawings. It appears to us that with this additional information, we comply with all applicable criteria. Please review and give me a call if you have any questions or want to discuss any of the information. I would welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and go over it since a lot of background assumptions have been made. . • Sincerely, , ffl. Ralph . fin, A.IA President, OTAK Architects, PC RGT/kw 34921.001 • • 1. 4; r • • Pd • • • ULUi • kAKEQrs OREGON4 I.)1•:I',\R'1'MI:N'1' (IF PUBLIC WORKS November 23, 1992 •Dale Ross OTAK, Inc. 17355 S.W. Boones Ferry Road Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 RE: Mayor's Lane Turnaround Area for David Roe's Partition (SD 47-90) Dear Dale: • Please look over the red-line comments on the turnaround plans. Also enclosed is an example of a similar turnaround, showing the kind of spot elevation and profile data we need. As a public improvement, these plans will need to meet all applicable Public Works Standards for Design and Construction. On this project, it is imperative that we can arrive at a final design because it dictates where the public dedication needs to be shown on the partition plat. We will also need to collect the minimum plan check and inspection fee of$750 before we proceed with our review. Please give me a call so we can discuss solutions. Sinccrr'ly, Russ Chevrette Engineering Technician RC/kaa Enclosures 1Russ92.21<mrre 5D47-90.1t:11-2_z • EXHIBIT 23 LU 00-0002 063 • i • U : G4 • • (E • 4. (:::x. Y 1;,, ellr. 611, b OREGO14 • • IJEPAR 1'Mi.N'I' OI I'UIi1.IC WOItKS June 7, 1993 Mr. Dale Ross EXHIBIT 24 OTAK LU 00-0002 • P. O. Box 1379 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 RE: Public Works Plans for Roe Partition; City File SD 47-90 Dear Mr. Ross: - The majority of the corrections and concerns on our red-line set of plans (date of review November 16, 1992) have been handled on the revised set received by this office on May 25, 1993. Revisions and additions to the plans, however, have generated the need for some fine tuning that, when accomplished, will result in approvable plans. I have taken the liberty to include compaction notes for your use on the plans; please incorporate them. Note that the asteric':s and existing compaction notes don't jive. The private perforated pipe wall drain is now shown with an I.E. of 6;..I.00 on the cross section but discharges at contour 636. It was correct on the previous submittal. The addition of the inlet structure and public storm drain pipe is approved in concept but needs the following revision: a) minimum pipe size for public drains is 10" and the approved material when plastic is proposed is P.V.C. Series 14 DR 51, ASTM D2412 or ADS N-12 solid wall; b) the proposed ditch inlet with slanted grate may prove to be hazardous near the edge of asphalt, a type G catch basin would be acceptable unless You feel these arc over-riding reasons for the slanted grate; c) specify some form of permanent protection from erosion at the outfall of the public storm drain; d) illustrate the public drainage casement continuing northeasterly instead of terminating. Provide all the horizontal layout data needed to locate the new right-of-way and accurately build the project, together with all curve data, bearings and distances, etc. I suggest this he illustrated apart from the existing plan view to avoid clutter. • Indicate the location, type and size of all utility conduits for future services and the required street light. We don't want the street to he cu at a later date for items that should be installed now. ' _ y r' ^.s t-t'F � •�T C'.'ti )S"+ 4 {.atf`tY � -� ~ t"rrt.1 Mr. Dale Ross June 7, 1993 Page 2 • A benchmark note tying this project to an official City benchmark is required on all Public Works plans. Update the revision box on the title block, to document the pre..�ous changes and the pending ones. Finally, we have never received a plan check/inspection fee on this project. Due to the minor nature of the work, we will forego requiring an engineer's estimate at this; time but we will require the minimum fee of$750 before the plans receive an approval stamp. If yc.1 need to discuss any of these matters in greater detail, please give me a call. Sinsyrely, tiss Chevrette Engineering Tech. III RC/kaa • Enclosure • c: Ralph Tahran, OTAK Livid Roe • C:\wlnword\pw\Nu\rmaLr • • v � it 0 o ENGINEERING ROUTING SLIP FROM: DATE: ' / _ 93 -- TO: _ Rob Amsberry Jerry Bak(•+ Dennis Brown Ron Burton — Frank Charbonneau Russ Chevrette • — Buzz Clark Joe Collins George Dwire Gerald Fox _ Martin Hall Wayne Halverson Andy Harris Jerry King — Pat Kopetski John Kroft _ Linda Mann Kathy Marcott Heal,'r Neely Mark Schoening Ask- Ma, VanKleef Kt L)k-k i2._ liF MESSAGE: lPL, R celoci G -1R•13 cog_ -cE's luau).A xtuJ (�,ct2�2Y�.1 r. ►'`i fr,cvi 'J CciA.4" ASE s-v0qs PAtnyn OA) FILE. (�r iv vIr .t : Pt w c11c4K F OF 4. 75-6, vv0ULb BE�DJ�`���; C rF`t �►IOS� �e�po t3�u► i it wPCL ce TT) 1tk4 1i'J SIC ►�Ylc tJ ac( SURROLIAA1,AR, 711E -{-t}rtAIArt4•10 . rts 0!) ?2(vat prppr,rzrit RESPONSE: EXHIBIT 25 LU 00-0002 (r0J<eng.formg>eng.routini • G •" O calcos COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT September 24, 1999 John Barnes JB&B Construction PO Box 1784 Portland, OR 97207 Re: Tree Cutting Permit Application - Verification; Tax Lot 401 of Tax Map 2 1E 16CB; SD 47-90 (Roe) EXHIBIT 26 LU 00-0002 Dear John: On September 9, 1999, you submitted an application for a tree removal permit (less the applicable fee), for trees you intend to remove to construct a single- family dwelling on Parcel 2 of Partition Plat 1994-77. In submitting the application, you also requested a determination regarding a condition of approval requiring construction of a turnaround near the east end of Mayors Lane. On September 15 and 22, 1999, I spoke to you by phone, identifying the results of my research into the approved partition, particularly with regard to the matter of the turnaround. On September 16, 1999, you submitted a revised tree removal plan, which responded to issues raised by staff. On September 22, 1999, I confirmed my discussion with Hamid Pishvaie, Development Review Manager, regarding the revised plan, and the status of your permit application. Please be advised of the following: The tree removal application you submitted was not submitted in conjunction with a building permit for the dwelling shown on the site plan. While it is possible to apply for tree removal, staff will not support such removal without the simultaneous consideration of a building permit. Both permits must be issued simultaneously. • G u G8 380"A"Avenue • Post Office Box 369 • Lake Oswego,Oregon 97034 ter,....; .. n:..,,.:.... i-nz,c"27. 11-1011 n..n rrion 7.n11 cz..41'1'7n . cnv icn,‘L7C nnco Plan Review Checksheet Building Department of the City of Lake Oswego Building Permit#: 99-1796 Date: 11-29-99 Address: 2306 MAYORS LANE Owner/Occupant: JB&B CONSTRUCTION INC. Contractor. SAME Type of Const.: VN Occupancy Group: R3 Zone: R-10 Plan Review by: JIM NOTE: CORRECTIONS,ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE BUILDING PLANS,0 T1iER THAN MINOR RED LINE NOTES,WILL REQUIRE COMPLETE NEW FULL SIZE SHEETS DRAWN BY THE ARCHITECT,DESIGNER OR ENGINEER 1.THIS AREA IS LISTED AS POSSIBLE UNSTABLE SOII S. PROVIDE A SOILS REPORT BY A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER. 2.SPECIFY METHOD AND LOCATION FOR THE STORM WATER REMOVAL. 3.THE MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF 35 FEET IS MEASURES FROM THE EXISTING NATURAL GRADE. ARI1rICIALLY ELEVATED GRADE TO REDUCE THE BUILDING HEIGHT IS NOT ALLOWED. 4.PROVIDE 1 SQUARE FOOT OF UNDERFLOOR VENTILATION FOR EACH 150 SQUARE FEET OF UNDERFLOOR AREA. VENTS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 3 FEET OF A CORNER AND SPACED FOR III CROSS VENTILATION. VENTS MAY BE OMITTED ON(1)WALL ONLY. 5. HANDRAILS ON THE OPEN SIDES OF STAIRWAYS SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 34 INCHES ABOVE THE NOSING OF THE TREAD. SEE STAIR SECTION. 6.THE PLANING DEPARTMENT TO APPROVE THE BUILDING SETBACKS. RE-REVIEW 12-13-99 1.THE GEOTECH ENGINEERS REPORT SPECIFIES THAT ALL FOOTINGS TO BE 18 INCHES IN WIDTH. NOTE: SEE THE WET WEATHER REQUIREMENTS IN THE GEOTECH ENGINEERS REPORT. ' Post-Irti Fax Note 7671 oat: owe iG pages° ► L.O cOJDe`4J... :.• Phone I Phone Y of3 waimMEIM Fax• i EXHIBIT 27 LU 00-0002 G G � EXHIBIT 28 , LU 00-0002 41- SLIDE AND WEAK SOIL AREAS • CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO ; AND • VICINITY SCALE: 1 "= 800' 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 SCALE FEET - - u t slide area -........" .- - -' "...OW Mb ..•" ......" ---- '''.•" -•••••••• 1 / • /if/ AND /I/f- — ii L. VICINITY ,.. , . , 1 1 __._i - • • , Initr---11.1 /// , ri fi, III 1 .•;4---,---; i 1 *ii.• SCALE: 111= 800' 17--i ". .---- •i .i .:, f--- 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 1 1 1 1 us MINNIMMI=111116111111.. FEET 1 SCALE : 1 . C01.•••••••••••••1 C1X•••••••••111•••• 1.1 I r- 'il I slide area . I P .1.114.lia, •ii-flo7'''- • •-•• ....-Z7. t•Pa•'&11Cire .,,e.14-iirTiZr4i .1..... • ' -''''..••• ••.;?,^7.414•41:161:11/.• "I • •••• .'• 1- •.. 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