Notice-Expedited CCMtg 01-02-19 w-Map AN 18-0015 o("A„._ A E �s NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ABo G ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY EXPEDITED ANNEXATON DREDta The City of Lake Oswego has received an annexation petition for one parcel, shown on the attached map, which is located within the Urban Service Boundary of the City of Lake Oswego. The parcel is located at: 16202 Waluga Drive (21E07DD00300) The proposed annexation will be considered by the City Council on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego. This application is being reviewed under Metro Code 3.09.045 "Expedited Decisions" and there will be no public hearing unless a necessary party provides written notice of its objection to the boundary change. Annexations are adopted by ordinance. The title of the ordinance is: Ordinance 2800 An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego one parcel consisting of 0.46 acres at 16202 Waluga Drive; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 18-0015). APPLICABLE CRITERIA: 1. Oregon Revised Statutes, Boundary Changes; Mergers and Consolidations • ORS 222.111(2) Annexation of Contiguous Territory, Authority and procedure for annexation, generally. • ORS 222.125 Annexation by consent of all owners of all of the land in the area to be annexed and not less than 50% of the registered voters living in the area. 2. Metro Code • 3.09.040(a)(1-4) Minimum Requirements for Petitions. • 3.09.045 Expedited Decisions • Lake Oswego Community Development Code • Section Zoning of Annexed Areas • Section Comprehensive Plan Map Designations Automatically Applied Upon Annexations; Exceptions. 3. Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan - Urbanization Chapter 1. Policy A-3: "The Urban Services Boundary (as depicted on the Comprehensive Plan Map) is the area within which the City shall be the eventual provider of the full range of urban services." 2. Policy C-3: "Ensure that annexation of new territory or expansion of Lake Oswego's Urban Services Boundary does not detract from the City's ability to provide services to existing City Residents." 3. Policy C-4: "Prior to the annexation of non-island properties, ensure urban services are available and adequate to serve the property or will be made available in a timely manner by the City or a developer commensurate with the scale of the proposed development." AN 18-0015 Page 1 The Applicants are requesting annexation to obtain City services. In accordance with LOC, the City zoning designation of R-7.5 (7,500 square feet per unit) shall be applied to this property. Permitted and conditional uses in these zones can be found in LOC 50.03.002. Copies of the petition, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant, applicable criteria, maps and proposed Ordinance 2800 are available for inspection at no cost. The staff report will be available for review seven days before the hearing and a copy will also be available for review at the Lake Oswego Library in the "Reference" section. Copies will be provided at reasonable cost. To inspect or purchase copies of the above documents, please visit City Hall at 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego. Information on this application is also available at: https://www.ci.osweqo.or.us/planninq/18-0015-16202-waluqa-drive Inquiries regarding the proposal may be directed to Paul Espe, Associate Planner, at (503) 697-6577. For information about the City Council meeting, contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534- 4225. Please refer to file AN 18-0015, (proposed Ordinance 2800). Date Mailed: December 13, 2018. AN 18-0015 Page 2 'I 4:/IA 'I I ' -I-� I 1 N.+ Annexation to the City of Lake Oswego rn AN18-0015/Ordinance 2800 v' CO ei it 16061 1 1uuu4 i rn -------1 I------, 0 Firwood `�' --- -- _ Rd R-7.� J co 16139 C -4 rn D -P, N) 0 N) a) _ _ — 16132 I - a) 16161 16158 ; w IV oo cD co L ±! I w 16211 ,E f,, s e 4 -1 . cy) -P. 01 01 01 16275' 162861 GC �� op <A 0 Madrona St ---- � .0 0c53gl_ , p C.0 CO CO ij 6 z � / S p �•sss � • ' ` o WLG RMU � . ' A E\ Attachment A \oa�o o'i� 6 Tax Lot ID: 21 E07DD00300 E /hi iht � / C- City of Lake Oswego: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN = R-7.5, Residential L.m > ZONING = R-7.; :':::',: ,:4 Clackamas CoN j$1fridrir 1 ZONING = R-8 1 Lake Oswego �j Subject L__, City Limits V///A Property it: • r 0 100 200 300 \ -1 Feet 10/23/2018