Agenda - 2006-04-17 Bill Tierney, Chair Sheila Ostly, Vice Chair Nan Binkley Krystyna Stadnik Halliday Meisburger Bob Needham City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission Monday, April 17, 2006 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Joint Meeting with Planning Commission 7:30 p.m. – Public Hearing REVISED City Hall Council Chambers 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 For Information: 503-635-0290 Agenda This meeting is in a handicapped accessible location. For any special accommodations, please contact Janice Bader at 503-635-0297, 48 hours before the meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. JOINT WORK SESSION WITH PLANNING COMMISSION & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMISSION P 01-0002 – Lake Grove Village Center Review and discuss draft Lake Grove Village Center Plan and Development Code Amendments. Staff coordinator is Paige Goganian, Associate Planner. IV. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER LU 05-0080 Persimmon Construction, LLC V. PUBLIC HEARING LU 05-0084, a request by Mary Jo Avery and Avamere Lake Oswego Investors, LLC, for approval of the following: • A Development Review Permit to construct a 7,851 square-foot, 3-story office building. • A major modification of an Approved Development Permit (LU 00-0071/LU03-0009) to modify the Resource Conservation Protection Area (RCPA) boundary on Tax Lot 5000, in order to provide access to the project site from Tax Lot 5000. • Establishment of a RCPA through the site. • Removal of two trees to accommodate the development. Location of Property: 4580 Kruse Way; Tax Lots 5000 and 5500 of Tax Map 21E 08 BB. The staff coordinator is Debra Andreades, Associate Planner.This hearing has been continued from the March 6, 2006, Development Review Commission public hearing; new public testimony on all applicable criteria is permitted. VI. GENERAL PLANNING & OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT