Agenda - 2001-04-02 (02) Members: Douglas P. Cushing, Chair Nan Binkley, Vice Chair Julie Morales Bruce Miller Sheila Ostly Dave Powers Bill Tierney City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission Monday, Apri l 2, 2001 7 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 For Information: 635-0290 Agenda This meeting is in a handicapped accessible location. For any special accommodations, please contact Janice Bader at 635-0297, 48 hours be fore the meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER V. PUBLIC HEARING LU 00-0028, a request by Dennis Derby, for approval of a 23-lot residential planned development, including the removal of nine (9) trees that will be mitigated on a one -for -one basis. The property is located at 1875 Atherton Drive . Staff coordinator is Michael R. Wheeler, Associate Planner. Continued from the March 19, 2001, DRC meeting for appplicant’s rebuttal and deliberation purposes only. LU 01-0002, a request by David Emami, for approval of the following: 1. A Conditional Use Permit to allow 100 percent office use in the existing and proposed buildings on Lots 38 and 39. 2. A Development Review Permit for a 3-story 20,000 square foot office building on Lot 39, including a 20-space underground parking garage. 3. Removal of eight trees on Lot 39. Simultaneously with the above requests, the City will initiate the dissolution of the existing Planned Unit Development (PUD1-68) that currently governs land use activities on Lots 38, 39,77,78 and 79. The site is located at: 17252 Pilkington Road, Tax Lots 1500, 1700, 3500 and 3600 of Tax Map 21E 18AB. Staff Coordinator is Paul Espe, Associate Planner. VI. GENERAL PLANNING & OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT