Agenda - 2002-06-17
Sheila Ostly, Chair
Nan Binkley, Vice Chair Bill Tierney
Julie Morales Krystyna Stadnik
Dave Powers Gary Fagelman
City of Lake Oswego
Development Review Commission
Monday, June 17, 2002
7:00 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
380 “A” Avenue
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
For Information: (503) 635-0290
This meeting is in a handicapped accessible location. For any special accommodations, please
contact Iris Treinen or Barb Dillinger at (503) 635-0290, 48 hours before the meeting.
LU 01-0074, a request by OTAK.
LU 01-0054, a request by Blazer Development, Inc. requesting approval of the following:
• A minor partition to divide a 1.6 acre site into three parcels.
• Delineation of the Resource Protection (RP) district boundaries.
• Permit to remove an agricultural holly grove (approximately 62 trees), and potentially a 6-
inch deciduous tree on proposed Parcel 3.
The Site location is 2155 Hazel Road, Tax Lot 400 of Tax Map 21E 4 BC. Staff coordinator is
Debra Andreades, Associate Planner.
LU 02-0012, a request by Mountain West Investment Corp. for approval of Conditional Use and
Development Review Permits in order to construct a 66-unit special use housing development
for assisted living residents. The proposal includes a 2,600 square foot ground floor retail space
on B Avenue, a small public park on B Avenue on the west side of the alley, a plaza at the corner
of 2nd Street and B Avenue, and 33 off-street parking spaces along the alley. Also, 13 trees are
proposed to be removed.
The site location is the northwest corner of 2nd Street & B Avenue, Tax Lots 2000, 2100, 2200
of Tax Map 21E 03DD. Staff coordinator is Elizabeth Jacob, Associate Planner.
LU 00-0088, a request by Harper, Houg, Righellis, Inc. for approval of the following:
• A Development Review Permit for a master plan for Marylhurst University campus to
construct the following improvements:
- A new clock tower
- A two-story addition to the Clark Commons Building
- A new covered walkway and courtyard (cloister) between the BP John Administration
and Clark Commons Buildings
- Additional on-site parking
- Improved access and circulation
- Additional pedestrian improvements
- New recreational facilities, including sport courts and a viewing gazebo
• Class 2 variances:
- A 10-foot Class 2 variance to LOC 48.14.405(3) in order to increase the maximum height
of the new clock tower from 45’ to 55. The proposed tower measures approximately
53.5’ to the mid-point of the roof.
- A 15-foot Class 2 variance to LOC 48.17.305(3)(a) in order to reduce the required
average buffer abutting a Class I Resource Protection (RP) District from 15 feet to zero.
The application of this variance is limited to a few specific locations on the campus.
- A 10-foot Class 2 variance to LOC 48.17.310(5)(a) in order to reduce the required
construction setback along an RP District buffer from 10 feet to zero. The application of
this variance is limited to a few specific locations on the campus.
• Approval to remove approximately 172 trees in order to allow construction of the proposed
improvements. All trees will be mitigated at a one to one ratio.
The property is located at 17600 Pacific Hwy, Tax Lot 400 of Tax Map 21E 14. Staff coordinator is
Hamid Pishvaie, Development Review Manager.