Agenda - 2008-06-30 Bill Tierney, Chair Nan Binkley Krystyna Stadnik Alby Heredia Don Richards City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission Monday, June 30, 2008 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 For Information: 503-635-0290 AGENDA This meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. For any special accommodations, please contact Janice Bader at 503-635-0297, 48 hours before the meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER V. PUBLIC HEARING LU 08-0005, a request by JRT Construction, LLC for approval of the following: Residential Infill Design (RID) Review for the following exceptions to the R-7.5 zone requirements in order to construct three sets of zero-lot line dwellings: • Exceptions to the 25-foot front yard setback as follows: - A 12-foot exception for Unit 2 - A 10-foot exception for Unit 1 - A 5-foot exceptions for Units 3 and 5 • A 5-foot exception to the 10-foot side yard setback for the exterior wall of all six units. • A 15% exception to the maximum 25% lot coverage standard for all units resulting in a lot coverage of 40%. • An exception to the limitations of LOC 50.08.050(3) in order for proposed garages to be constructed with common party walls. This exception will allow three pairs of attached garages. • Removal of 32 trees to accommodate the development. Location of Property: 335, 343 and 355 6th Street (Tax Lots 12601-12604 and 12300 of Tax Map 21E 03DC) . Staff coordinator Debra Andreades, Senior Planner. VI. GENERAL PLANNING & OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT