Agenda - 2008-09-15 Bill Tierney, Chair Krystyna Stadnik Alby Heredia Don Richards City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM THIS HEARING HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2008 @ 7 PM Monday, September 15, 2008 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 For Information: 503-635-0290 AGENDA This meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. For any special accommodations, please contact Janice Bader at 503-635-0297, 48 hours before the meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER V. PUBLIC HEARING LU 08-0026, a request by: Piedmont Progetto for approval of the following: 1. A Development Review Permit to construct two zero lot line dwellings in the R-2 zone; 2. Class 1 variances on both lots to reduce the external side yard setbacks from 7 feet to 5.75 feet. 3. Class 1 variances on both lots to reduce the rear yard setbacks from 10 feet to 8 feet. 4. Removal of 4 (four) trees. Location of Property: 554 and 556 5th Street (Tax Lot 3100 of Tax Map 21E 03DC). Staff Coordinator is Johanna Hastay, Associate Planner. * * * * * LU 07-0084, a request by: Tyrone and Jackie Cruze Family Trust, LLP for approval of the following: An 8-lot single-family residential Planned Development for four pairs of zero-lot line dwellings; and, removal of 21 trees. Location of Property: 5248 Lakeview Boulevard (Tax Lots 2600 and 2700 of Tax Map 21E 18AC). Staff Coordinator is Johanna Hastay, Associate Planner. VI. GENERAL PLANNING & OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT