Approved Minutes - 2008-02-251� 4, pE LAKE ps�Fcp City of Lake Oswego Planning C cim missiain Min 1 cis roved F eibnuary 251, 21008 WIEGON I. C ALL TO ORDER CHait Colvin Cocapar cialled the Planning Ccammiss:ion meating cafl Mcanday, Feabr w)j a_I, 3008 to widen at 6:05p.m. in the Council Chamabets of City Hall, al 380 "A" Avenue, Ilake Oswego, Creadan. ] l . 140IJU CAUL Memb€ars present basideis Chan Cooper wera dice Chaiii Julia Clisison and Clommissiionieni Adr'annei Brockman, Philip Stewart and Ali,ion Web,Ren. Commissiioneris Mary Bethl Coffey, and Scot Siagal were emcused. Staff present warea Dennis Hgnleir, Dond Rangei Planning Nlanadpi; Evian Bcanea, Ecipuq City Attorney and Juan Hall, Adminisitralive Supporl. Ill. CITIZHN COMMENT Ncin e. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The draft Minutes oflJanuary 14, 2008 were mod:ifiad to empllain that Vida Chant Cooper had joined thea miaeting afiet particaipating in inteirviews of potential naw Comm;is,lionets. V:icie Chant Glissioni mioved to appnova the Minutes cafl January 14, 2008..Commissioneii Wlebslan ,seconded the motion and it pa,aaed 3:0. Ceamimii,asionersi Brockman and Slewarl abstained. V. PUBIJIC HEARING LU 07-0088 Planned Development Overlav and Open Suace Amendments. A neclue,d fromi the City of hake Cswego for an amendmanl to Araicki M.17 (Planned Davalopment Overlay; and Araicla 50.46 (Park and Opleni Spaca . Arcipo,ied amendments sort conditions (ciitywidea) fon the usie of lthle plannad damelopmeant pioae,is on small parcels ('u,00a square -feat on leis) and pliovide tha standards under whicH orlen ,apace would be de,iignasted. (Continued from Decaeambet 10, 2001 and January 28, 2008) Chair Coopar opanad txe public haariing and emplaiinead the app:licabl. a prociedwe and crilaria. Ha asked thea Commis,sionenis to declare any confliats of irtete,;L None wenie declared. City oflLaka Clswago Planning Coma issicn Minutes c f Fabruary 2!, 'XM Page 1 cif l (I Staff A Ejp cant Uann is Egner, Lon g Ran ge Plan in ing Man agar; presented thea staff report. Hes reporteid that Ile Had disciussead the proposal with meambers oflthle Infill Taskl Acircia, and he poiniteid out thei staff) replort lisled oplticins. for the Commissioners to coris:idar. Hei recialleid the Taskl Florcc meimbears' original coniceapl was that subdimision de-vielopm anis smaller than 75,000 sq. fl. should riot haviea to set aside 20% oplein splacia (whiahl would bei 15,000 sq. fl. or leas) if the s;ilea aontaineid rio natural resciurcaeas. Thoir inlerit was to auciid situations wheara thea opeir,i spacie was fractureid and scaatteireid omen a sale. They naasonied that :iflthlere was no mandatory opean spacaea to be acaeommodateid, the ]tits would bei at leiasl minimum zorie sizei, and.planneid deiveilopment IIFID: setback) adjustments would bei .Limited so there'` was appnoplriale seiparat:ion betweein Houseis. He said the plrcaposal also adc essed a conicearn shat the caurreinl code allowed aide yards ini small dewilopmeints to bei loci smal I. Hei said thei proposal would require at leiast 16 feet separation between atrulctures in all sizes of pl anri ad devel apmeln tt . Hei .laid Infi ] 1 Task Homes meimbeins vecommeandead that the City usfi the Metro Zlitlei 13 marl until the City's vescauncaei maps were updated. He pointed out 111ei sitaff report d:iscuaseid questions raised by Commiss:ionen S;iageil aboul how the plropased amsendments would affecil the quality and compatibility ofldevelopment and the quality of opein space. He adviseid thal ,iflthe purpose of capean apace was to pralect rlabitat, than amen small `platahaa" of opera spaces wears more eaffcactivea ini proteatinig neisiourae.i than maniaured and fenced yards. Hle saw a neied to balance the affect,; on aompatib:ility and Habitalt. He painted out the staff report contaimcid casae studies. Ralph Tehl.ran, C Hair of the lnf>v l Tasik Force, neaportead that the Task ,lore Had discussed the plroplased ondiriancea and eaxamiinied somei "pasuir ahild davealoplmerits," but thearei had bcari no quorum at thea meeting irr whiah theiy disciussed it and no fcirmal mote Had been caanductac. Hle said that some eiNamaplles of demeloplment thley Had 'loolded at were more thea rasult ofl.thea design than thle code. Hle neaporteid theme was a tremd toward smalleir demelopmeants, such as FlordBstateis, on parcels as small mi canes ar two adnes. He said that in most caaseis thea demeloper would Haws preferred to offer larger lots, but Had to meat thea Minimum Deans:14 iequirienrant. When those deavalopmienits warn forced :into the ADI process thay had to setl aside 20% opan 'spaces - whlether it was riecassary ov,nal - so lots Had to be smaller 1l:lan theiy wou d be without thea C pein Splacaea, and smallear than nie.ighbonnig lots. Ha said the Task Floice cid riot krlow for caeirta:in whlethen 7!,(1(10 sq. ft. was the "magic number, " but it seemed to bei a neamnab]e assumption that a 115,000 sq. ft. orleri splacia 1120% of a 7!,O(l(1 sq. ft. parael) was lai8ei eniough to cianci as a nicia poakeit parkl for the caommunity and a rllacei fon drainage facilities. Mn. Tehran said mosll. miembera at thea meeting lhcaugHt thea proposed cardimancae could bei an appnoplrialle planning tical but should bei tesated. They beiliemed that aft a smiala III 10 1.5 acres; demelopment such as Aond Eatateas had no open splacea, :111 would ham a featuread larger, lots, anc the houseis can 11lem would likly blame bcarl move caompaliblea with tile r., ieigHbonhlocad. He said most Infill `flask Horses meimbeuis thoughl it was a good idea for the City to givei thea proposed orc ir,iance a "chancaea" aric scie if it actually reisulteid :in move compatible deiviei]oplment, eapeicially where e,000 sq. ft. FID ]cats aould currently be neixt to 9,500 sq. f 4. county lots. He said they also thoughill it was aplpnopriatc Io usae the Metro Title 1-1 mapl until the City had a more accaurate, updatead, natural nesourae miap. Cit} cif We Osm(iBo Flanning Commissicin MivU es ciflHetruar)l 2', 2(108 Page 2 of 10 ® Mn. Tehrian reported that thea Infill 'flask Aorce was "split" on the issue of limiting silo yard setbackl adjustments and thlene had begin no quorum anc no formal voila at thei meeting in whichl they discussed that. Hes necialleid that most mumben.i in atlendanaa seemed to favor it. He said the most aammion aamiplaint was that the aurreint PDI ondinanaa alloweid hlome.i to bei too clow to each other. Some featureid five-foot site setbacYs that somietimies nesultcid in twa-story hlome.i that wenei only teln feed ahlarl. Hes said soma m emben i siuppon ed thea staff recommiendation to require at Wasil 16 feet separation between structures, bud somei members believed that would reiduae the f laxibil:itN that was niecusaarM to meed Minimum Dlen.uty and could rusull in more attacihled Housing developmeints. They had pointed out some "good" examples of FDs. Hes said 1Iha pnopwieid iiegulailions needed to be "''le.ted." He pointed out the Infiill Task Flonce was also recommending a code change that would establish a view side yard wtbauk planei that would also affect HDI deisignl. Mr. Tehran reminded the Commissioner.i lhlat the Davedoplment Rlev:iuw Commission IIDMC,' was chargad with reviewing developlmernls and should be maca aware that people were unhappy with small setbaclks.. He clarifed that ble did noel pamsonally know whethar the setback ahangus wave a good idea; because they had real yet been teE ted. During thei questianing pariod, Ni said h1hi recommendation was to nemovu the sidei yard setback requirement from tha proposal and ask the) Infill Task Florcu to ciontinue 10 exarnline it. C lomrr i ssioner Brockman raparh ad shei had visited the developments cited in thei staff ® reparl and obsurvud that power deivalopments samietirniels positianck two story hauses clow ar.iaugh togetheir thal residents) could stare oul of their own windows and inlo tha naxt house. She acid many near yard setbacks appeared to be smalleii than 25 feed, She advised tharei were "social ccslts" related to smaller setbackl.i, including thei cast of policing noise. Mr. Tehran suggesuid lhei City Council consideir allawing thea davelopeirs to find a miara realistic appnoaah to meati -rig minimum density standards that might re.iult in better designy, in.dead of the process in which the "`starling point" was the staff s calaulatian of minimum den6ty al the pnci-application confenencu. He cuted one attached hausing pnojecl behind the Hasson Real Hsute office that hei said was well deaignad and spaced, evan with five-foot setback, and backed up to groan space. Commissionen Brc cikman observed the ac mipat blil ity of a deveiloflmient was also dapendent on haw homes vena oriiar.ited toward each otheir. Mr. Tuhran agreed compatibility wa, a "design) issue." The Commissioners lhan examined the proposed ordinance,. Mr. Hgneir clarified it allowed the PDI pnoaess when the Hance] was leis than 751,000 sq. ft. and one afl the following arileria webe preiscmll: a Mesaurcia Flrotection (RA) on Reisowce Consun ation (RIC' District Cveuday, a tree gipve on it oft at least 15,000 .iq. ft.; or, the ,iite contalined resouraas shown on the Matto Title 113 map. Whein asked, he confirmeid that most open space connected willh a deivulopment was maintaincid by a homciowneiis associalion, and most of those spacmi weire not larges enough tracts to inturasil thea Faiiks Duparlment in maintaining theim. Hes cionfirmed that iflthe side yard planes requirements thei Infill. Task ® Aarce recommended ware adopted, they would apply lo both individual homeis and City of Lakes Clswciga Planning) Commiss:imi Minutes of February 25,.'4408 Pages 3 of 1 CI subdivisions. Ha confirmed Heine were already code neiqu reimentsi that limited thei size cifl unbrcakan iidewalIs. Commissioneirs Brockman and Stawarl indicated theiy could agnea to allow five-foot side setbacks around onle-,Rory hlouseas, but hlighen structureis should )same largear setbacks. Mil. Egnen c:lajified the p>iioposed sides yard plans raquiiiement allowud,an, increase in height closer to thea propert) line than tole front setback planes allowed. However, the pnopcised sseatbaciks would result int morFi seapanation aflbuildings thal thea cunenit aadea allowed. Staff clauiifitad that a BE appliaant did not typically have a speacifia Mouses design to submit at the tinea of appliaationl. Commissionem Brockman said stile hopeid that neamoving the opeirl spacEa reaquireiment would nasult it bigglem lots, but she worried that if thea lim�itat;ion ori setbacld adjustmeanls weuie not also adopted, thea bigger lcals would blame bigger blouses on them. Vlicea Chair Glisson) askled ifIthe proposal requiread the deavelopem to anhanae tha qualit) of open space (by planting nativa speaies), weather on not neitural rasowces actually eamimed on the sites, pbe-devel caper ar.l. Staff advised that a typical aor.idition of approval was lo enhance de:lineaatead natural nesouraes. Hawevear, they notead the definition ofl."span spaces" said it. was "passive iiecreaaational spaces," so it could be landscapead. Tllleiy advi:aead t1 at a futurle Community E eauealopment Coca (CE CI; update piioposal w caul d encourages people to remove invasive specsiess in span spaae tracts. Mr.. Egner explained that thea hlloon Area Ratia (HAR) becsame irrallar as lots got largar. Heir example, an ir.ianease in lot siza from F , 0(( sq. ft. to 1(,00(1 sq. ft. meant thea hour e could gipw fiom 21,2(( sq. fll. to 3,800 sq.. ft. Commissionem Steaw+art cited the Beacon Hcarr.es devellopmeanl on Childs Road as an emampla of hove a small devielopmar.lt on a 73,000 sq. fl. parcel that fbatured two story houses that wears close together could be designed to makes the hauses feel mcarea saparated than that. He advised that fhcltors t1at hlelpcic wenn 1he pitched roof design and the way thea sile was designed with a grove and path. He advised that roofs thal m arae t oca larga blocldead r.iatural light. Mr. ' lehilan reported the Infill Task) hlonce Had considered riot allawing any setbacld reductions in a RD..devielopment on a parcel largear than 7`1,(100 sq. fll. He sand they laairnad thal allowable PAR in a PD was first csalcu ated on tl.a totsl davlelopable area, and then the total FAR was distributed acirow lots in as mannar that somal imes al lowad a largear house on a smallaii lot than the zone would allow. Commissioner Brockman :auggeastead not allowing) any sides on rear yard adjustments wheni opens spaaa was not sequined. Chain Coopem sugglasled allo Mr. El a dear yard ek justmcirit ifs tha yard abutted open) spaca. Mr. Bgneua advisead thlal when a site hlad to aacommodatea open spaca, the developear nieescad tea haves some flemlibility to maka adjustrrenit% Commissioner Bracaakman indiaatac she aould agreaa to allow, reductions of yards that abutlled open spaca, but in No cases did sole want to seen a reduation against axistingl developmanl. Mr. Hgnler cllariifiead fbn Mica Chaim Glisson) that the original intent of Iha praoposa:l was to require nits open spacsa and allow no HD adjustnienits oni panaels under 79,000 sq. fll. if there were no resourceas to pnotecl. In that case a deveilopmeir.it would have to meal the 40 zonle's minimum lot size arc could riot use tha PDI proaess and adjusl setbaclds (althoughl Citi cif Italie 09mcgo Planning) Commissian M it ul (is of Flet ruarN 25, 2aa8 Page 4 of I CI tbley might instead seek to use thtl Variiariae pnocass, Howevieir, the stafflreport listed an apil on that refleacated ilhea positions aft soma who had testified tHal they wanted tca eliminate the open space reaquirarnent, but did not want to llase 11.1a flexibility to adjust wetbacks 11.1a PIIS pnociass alllawed. He Maid W the pancell did have ratuilal reasouzcas„ thle proposal allowed a PIS, but limited the extant of allowablla adjustmlents. Scitback:l caould be adjusted by as much as 20%. Aor axamiple, a 30 -foot setback could be neaducaed by as mivall as siva feat. He adviseid that soma zones facitored neaquired setbacks on height. Chair Cooper, Commissioner Broakman and Vicie Chlan Glisson :ind:icaatead. they all Mmored sending thle piioposed sides yard setbaakl. provisiomi bacikl to the Infill Taskl Aoncia to examine. Commissioner Brockman movied to approme LIU 07-008181, but ifle side yard setback) :issua was to bei subiciat la re-examination in the ongoing Infill Task Foncea work) prnogram. Vicaea ClHair Glisson second(id t1 a motion and it passled 5:0. C lommi scion en Brocdcrd an suggested all lar C tom mi ssion ens dr.'vKi through the commun:it� to absiervie current demelopmeant trends and compare rawer and aldaii demelopmeanls. She said Ale had pearsonallly obSarved a defznitea al ange in style and compatibility probleamis, parl icul arty 1l case related to noisier genienall i on. VII. PLIANNING COMMISE ION —WORK c E SSI Or Community Uemeloymitint Cod Ea Amieindmentsi (PA 08-0002) Update an, pnoposeid ilext amcindmants tca llla Lakea Osweago Code (LOC; Chapter 50 ® (Clommun t� Demelopment Code) fon calarifying, caorracting and updating seiations. Dennis Egnleir, Long Rangel Planning Manager, preaseanted the sniff) report. He explainead that the profloseid CUCI update addiiesiseid issues and "l causekleeaping" measuiesi staff identified cavKar lime and than regularly incorporated into updates. He said t1hi was thle f rst third of I the total l package of ameandzr, anit;i staff planned to propose. He rioted the staff.replort lisled ilems tHey praposed to chlange, Commissioner Slewarl Had submittead an email thal bligb ligbtad itamis hes thought thea Planning Commission should discuss and Cornrnissionien Brocakman also wantead tea discuss particular items. MA, Egner suggamed the Commissioners examinea the lists and disliniguish betvweean items that redatec to mora substantivaa issues that mieritead mora public vatting and a policy decision and iteamis that ware marely "housekleeping" revisions. Mn. Egn,en axplairned thal in Llake Oswego, a play Anictuzle, saucall as a playHousea, tree fbrt, or nock-cilimbing gyrrl, was sornatimas a fairly large strucature tHail was in a selbackl and created priima'ay issues. Hon that reason, they prcaposed to clategorizea it as an accessory strucatuile and miake pit siubject to those setbacks. Tliey observed that a play strucature friiet be l emporary on permanent, and wit)ff, on without a foundation. They added if the size should be limiled and ifl suchl strucalureas sHould be eixeampted filorn or caountec in thea lot comenage caalculation, so that if lot comenagea was already maximized, the owner could not build a play strucllurea. Thay said the sataff s '11rule cafI thumb" was thal it caounted in lot ® comenagea if it was capable of supporting humans, sao they would not typ:icaally count a large doghouse. Vicaea Clhaizi Glisson said that if an. owner had already built to maximum City al Lakes C migjo Plannin€l Commissian Minuleis cif February 2% 2( o 8 HNIC !I cif 1(I alowablea lot coverage hea/shea should not be allcawed to cacaviear mono oft thea lot. Comm ssicanem Brcaakman advised thal bath large acid small play sMict -mis geaneratead impacts, like noise, and iflsuch a struatura comenead mora of the lot the cite would ablLacrb0 lass runoff. The Commissioners caategoriiaed this as a ""policy' issuea. Commis aionepa Stewart askead if thare was a maximum allowable siae for a baM window. Staff explained that thlayl.were only proposing to caharagea the definition in tha ameandmant - becousea peaople blad diffenearrnl ideas about what a bay window was - but other sections of thea code specified blow f}ar such windows acauld extend :irillo a setback. Howevaen, the fact that the proposed change wou:d not allow them to sit on a foundation would also minimize blow much) of a bay window encroached into a setback. Comm isas:i onen Brockman axp;lained that when two bay] windcawsa facaed' eacah other, lhlat created primacy aria noise hisues. The Cominissionans wanted. to consider a limit on the number oflbay windows al lowed par eleuat:ion and blow high they should be allowed to be. Staff pointead out they] proposed to add "(blelcaw ground laved)" to clarify what the "subgilade" was in the definition, Basement. Thea Commissieanears agreed the scople oft the deafinit:ion, Boathouse, was a policy issue becaausEa it involved dacisiorui relalledto the al:lowablea extent ofladMional uses after staff) eaxpl:lained lhlat it was not unusual for owners to want them llo Mame showers and kilchlenetlles, whliah might acatuall) mean theM weanea aucessory dweallingsa. They said the issue was complliaated by the facet that some boathouses were actually positicanead on Lake Cswego Ccarporallion pnoplerty, and tl:eM speoulatud trait might be whlyl the code historil aaTly did not ciounl them in lot comenaga. Staff suggested thi-s issue could be discussed during consideration of a lakeafrarrnl zonae. Staff lasided ifhthle caodea should be changed to count a courtyard in lol comenaga if ill was a hard surfaaa, on covered, instead of just a landscaped. area. Tha Commissioners obsErvead tha band llcaward more "outdocm rooms." could create plriivacyl issues, and adding a ciourt)ard might add miore lall coverage on an alreadM "maxed out" saite. Thea Commissioners agreaead that the proposed ahange to density transfir would mean that deadicat& oplen spaae could nal ba caounted :in the amacaunt of site land that wags used ]Ica calculate the density that could be transfenied. Chair Coopen and Commissionar Bnocakmaq learned toward not making this change until they understood what the legal namificaations would be. Staff) explained lhleM pinoplosead a ahanile that would eastalblishl that "detached" meant a "meaniangful," misual, separation bellween structures, so two adjacent struaii.rels acau:ld not be so close that 1IheA appeared to bei one strucilure, as soma detached garages and the plriimarM house appleareld to be in the First Addition neighboAlcaod. Chair Coopeu observead that was a'"hlousekeaeping" matilai. Staff explained thle)i proposed a ahange ]Ica clarify what a S aaondaq plwe:lling Unit (SDIU) was, sca it could be delermined in the building plermit :stage; basad on the proposed pjlan, that a unit was an SDIU. The deleirmining facilols were thal the pllan offered no plhl)pineal acainneicition to the primary unit and the secondary unit could be useid as a saeaplanate is City of I Lake Clsweiga F l annir. g C cimm : ; ions Minutes ofIFebruary,IS', 210081 Pap b of I (I hlouseldc a plir g unit fon a seaand family,. They naled that was c amen to c r, ftrae than try.'ng to determire if thlene were two separate f4milies using a strucatuile, and one was ncnling, ® They alarifiead thlat a "'family" was up to five unielaled plensons, plus their leagail rKilatians, laving tagathet as a single housekeeping unit [that' added tHal six on moms parsons living in ona unit was a "Giioupl Horn a"]. Commissionew Brockman obsermcd that an owner might dcaaide to rani one floors ofltheit home to another seplarale Houseakciepling unit, evcn if the floors wome conr.ieactad by a stairway. Staff acknlowleadged thlat would be an enforcement issue, but )hay said if staff) saw a plhlysiaal icipamatican that made a unit an SDIU in the building permit stagci they would reaquite ones rrbrea onsite plarld:ing spaces to sermaea the SDIU. They calldd teat the "cionstruction lest." Hcawever, they agieeid to alsa lookl at SDU=neilatod megullatioro that provided fom anfcrcieinent based on function. Staff rioted thlei f{aat thlal if plait of a house that faced thea lakci Had a kitcabl anattea it did not necaeassarily mean it was being used for an SICU. They clarified that SnUs wore not necaeassadly counted in density twlget aalaulations, beacause tf. ay were not alllcawaed cautright, and it was hard to easllimatea blow many SDU:i would be creiatcid. The Comm:issioriers agro ad this aharg a might Have some implacds and wauld require a plolieay discussian. Staff) cicmfirmad the deafinitican, Hive Code, would be changed to mef✓;r to othat code sealioro that specified wIlicH other lime codes the local codei Had tca comply with. Staff explained that they sometimes encountered proplcased lots configmled as an "alephanil foot" to meet thea minimum frontage requimcamierit for a regullar lot, so the flag lot Heighl limit and seatbackl standards would not apply. They said the pnaposed changea in thea ® deafiniition would ria longer a:llaw elciphanll foot lots because the lot would aaso have to meet lot width tequirementsl. Commissionem Ilmockmari agrecid with thea conceapl. Staff lexplainead they proposed to changes thea definition, Bloon Arena, so square fdatalge was measuaed from thea extemiom cafla structurle's walls, r.ical within thea interiom wallls. THay said that would be cor.isistcan11 with thea way lot coverage was miaasuread, so only one calculation would be necaeassary. Commissioner Stawart advised that frit an amchiteactn Gross Bloom Arcia (GAA) was r.iol the same as (`'useablla") B1ocr Aiea, which was measured beitwoen interiiar walls. Clcamrr.issionem Brack -Man reacallled some jur.'sdicllions Had aodes that courited f loom area of spaces with 16 -foot high aeilinigs twiae, in omdem to accaouni fom bulld and massa. The Commissioncns noted in caommiemcial leasing thea uscaable area was reafened to w "'net leasable arcaa. Thley also notead IIhat soma unfinishled spjacie:i might baa rude into llivable splaces lalen oni. Vicie CH it Glisson said ,ihea wanted )Ica include as much oflthe mruature w possibae in Bloat .Areca, because the Bloor Area Ratio (AAR) addressed the basic bu k of thea stru ctuit. Staff alarafi ed that tbca currerl ,odea did not inacaude thle garage in the FAR ca]aulation. Chlaim Cooper saw a consensus to aansidet Bloom Area and Flloom Area Rlall o cahanges to be policy issues. Staff explained proposed cHangcisi to the fluncalionis and Malues (Reasoumcei section made tha Seroitive Lands Ondinancea more aor.isistanil with scicantific tcirms and Mcitro's )lisp aft aharaatcariistic:i to be ccanaidered in ne;acaurcea analysiis. Chlaim Cooper callad this a "howieakleeping" issue. Chair Cooper said He was ciamifOrtable with thea proposed cHangea ® to Group Cara Homa, baaam a iii was alsio an OFIS mequiream enit. City of Lakes Oswe.ga Mannin g Cammissior. Mit utes of Fet ru_aq a5, 30081 Page 7 of 10 Staff explained they now proposed to increasea the preciously drafted size, limit frir a guast house to 800 sq. fl., because that would be consisteanl with the zone limits on aacessory structuress. 'May said a recent court case regarding whlother an owner aou:d build a guest hlcause over an oNiislinig garage (thea garage'was larger than 400 sq. ft.; mialivatead them to propose the change. They said a guest blouse could hlame no cooking ori kitahern fhcilities and was an accessory structure that still had to meal the 21one's limits, bul they suggesfted applying the 800 sq. ft. limit so the structure could not be allowed to be larger as a result ofl the Variiancae or Rlesidential Infill Design prociess, All 11he Cammissioniens preserit gonieraa ly aElreed I the HUI sq. ft. limit. Stalfflpropased to cahange thea definition. of "Height of Euildi ig fon Wafterfiorit Cabanas" to inidicale that their heaiet was mioasured fiom the elevation cif) lhlo "mcian water level surfacia" of Oswego Lake because the acituaa wailer level varied and the WR 2leanea limited them to 24 feet from the surfaice of the water. They said this section also clarified that height oft houses in the )hood Manageament Area (AMA) was to be measured from the base flood elevation - instead of ftom the ground - beacause the FMA base flood eleavaftion was about to be raised by 2.5 feet in the lake area and the lowasil livable floor had to be ane, foot above that olevalion, but allawable zone height would riot be raised. Chain Cooper r.ical ed those changes cre a ted a policy issue. Staff) explained they proposed to rea4nseari language under the definition, Lot, Sloped, that, had been amittod when parl oft the definition was moved to another section in the past. Thloy calariif ed height in a ADI was measwed from the finished grade afler the silo was graided. Commissioner Brockman repcar1 ed theft fill and grade changes had created problems in her neighborhood, sa she did riot favor Glowing height to bb measwied fiom an artificially alteried ground surface. A. Boone advised that for nioni-PIS development, Met was measured from the original ground surfacie that existed prior to aonstructlan. Mi. BElneri added iflthe definition should dist'ingu'ish between caommeraciaa and nesidoritial deavolopment. He said staff did not. address that in the current pnopasail, bui deveilopail Nick BunicM took lho position that his futura ciomrrarcial bui'lding's height should be measured freami the finished, bacakfillad, Vpde, inislead of the original gnlade. That would allow Mr. EunicY to have four stories. Chair Cooper wcialled that using artificial grades to determine height (so the buildings ciould be _Higher) had reasultad in odd, uninteridead cionsequenaeas. Commissioner Brockman advised that where ai ciommerici al developmeant abutted rosideintial uses allowing height �,to bei mciasurad ffcam the filled surfami would have a greater impact than where commercial use abutl ed ciomm erc:i al use: Commissioner S1ewarl advisaead that ii was common to measwa the beighi of a cacammercial building fiom the averaged slope. Chani Cooper observed a cacansensaus that this was as poli cry -related issue. Staff wiplained an invasive plants list would ba placed in an appendix to the coda and the defihition would refer to theft last. They cdarifieid that thea owners of a'live,/wcirk building would nal bei counted :as empllca� aesl, and the proposed limil was Mio employeas because thea units) were relalively small. They explained that both thea commaraia and residential sapaace had is ba under the sarriea ownership because the development would be apprave,d with parking based on low impact uaea. Chair Ccaopeir wondered if live/work units) were City a1 Lake Omega Planning Cammissioni Minuteis affubruary.'Ij:C108 - PaHc1 El cif 10 financially miablu. The Commisisioners and staff al servied wcih un is seemed to be popular in some other Metro ansa jurhidieticinsi, parieularly in pedestrian ciarridcrs. T.a ® Clommissionensi agreed that proposed Lot Comenaga changers vuenei a so a pollay Is'luei. Mn. Egner discusseid an issue related to lot depth. Her showeid a proposed partitions plan shat biwacid a rwicell using a diagonal boundary 'Fria. He said the purpasci ofl that pail icular configmlaticin was to rimieiet the lent depth wquineimenit. He said under the aiurrenit ciode the deep th had Io bei meiasprad al or, ig I hat diagonal lime. He necal led other l arts that had nio lot depth to be measured 'beicause they wane triiangulan, and hlad na near lot linei. He adv'sed thal thle other lot dimienskinal negluinemants were sufficieinl and the 11al depth requirement could be elimiiriatud. Commissioner Eroaknran caulionied the Clommissionein idiot to cihanga that ragluiremeivl fon the Itinefit of only once or two Fropeivie% beciausei that aciuld haeme unintended cionseyluencieis. Chla'in Coop en ,sa;id lot depth d'd haae significiant impacil, lacaum mianiipulateid partitions hnvi created "orplhlan areas" oni ]ails, and jarriatimas the develloper gave a lot a "uses easememl" over lhase areas when they would otherwise Have been part of the 10 if the parcel hlad been div'deid ir.i a less angled mianner. He and Commissiciner Brockman said the Tissue warranted more 6,iciussion. Stalffagr,eeid to cicinilir.iva thein examiinaticin ofIthe eor.iseiqucincies ofIthu changei. The Commissicineirs and staff :iuggustfld speciifyiIng whlerc lot depth would be appliciable, on negluiring lot depth to bei measured Ieitweten boundary mudpciirits. Chain Coop ens obseimid, shat Commissioner Stewart and Cammihisioner E noakni an had eacih highlighted issuesi to diseusis. Ha siuggested each oflthe cilhan Commissioners do the ® same so the lists could bei ciombinied for more eifficianl futtue discussions. He closed the work session. VDI. OTHEIR BUSINESS — PLIANNING COMMISSION Chair Cociper announced thm her was aboul to reisignq fiom iarvice oni the Blann:ing Commissicin so he could lineal his dime and effort toward His new job as Principal Planner fbn the City of Hillsboro. Stalff distill ut0d a meeiling schledule. VIII. OTHHR BLISINBSS - COMMISSION FOR ClIT1219N INVOLVEM13NT Commis<.iioneir Brockman announued that she was to writes a reigular column in the LIONAC newsletteir. She suggesited that move paciple might deuide iIci atllend Planning Commission meetir.igs iflthe agenda alllawed time fbn c1ifaeins to talk about other iteums cifl inlevesft tai nieighboiihooda% Mr. Egrleui announced the first of two open blouses la present the preliminat-A resource inwinlory fbn areias inside and outsiide the City would be Held the following Wednesday. He said an open Houses fon pnopcised Flood Managernarit Ajea amendments was scheduled fbn thle following weeik. C it} cif Lal a Osm eflo Planning C cimm'ss icm M rout es cif Fel: ruarN I , 20(181 Page 9 of 10 IX. ADJOURNMENT Theire being no further bus:ineis.i beiforei the Alanning Clcimrr. ission, Chla r Coopers aidjourned thea mcleiting art 9:20 P.M. Rlespectfully submitileid, Iri s Treinen Administrative SuprIcir1 City oilLakc Cl.,weigci Planning Clams issiori Minuic., of February2_', .ICIOF Page 1(I of 10