Approved Minutes - 2008-05-284
K . City of L akc Oswego
Planning Commission Minutes
Maly;28, 21008
Chain Ju:ia Glisson called the Nanning Commisisian meiefrig of Monday, May 38, 20(18
to ondeir at approximately 6:00 p.m. in the Counci: Chlambersi afI City Hal:, at 38(1 "A"
Avenue, We C swego, Oneigcin.
Mamibars preiseirvl were Chair Jullia Glisson, Mica Chlair PHillip Stewart and Commissioners
Adr:ianna Brockman, Mary Olson and Scot Siegel. Commissioner Alison Web iter was
Staff preiseinl vera Denn si Hgneir, Long Range Alanning Manageir; Sarah Scilden
Naighbarhood P11annar; Laura Weigel, T ecighborhood Hlanner, Hvan Baoryei, Doputy City
Altorr.'ay and I iisi Trainan, Administrative Supporl.
Commisisianeir Brockman reported the she had reciaived comments fromi ciiti2ensi
regarding proposad ciode updates that sha would bring tci new Pllanninig Commisi.iion
Commisisicineir Brockman moored to approves thea Minutes _._ofApril .14- x(108.
Commis.6oneir Stewart seconded tha motian and it p as, ed 3:0. Commiissioniersi Olson
and. Sieigal racusad..
Commim onem Brockman moved 10 approvei lhei Minutas of April 28, 2(108.
Commis.;1ioneir Stewart sccionded thea motion and it pasmd 3:0. Commissioners Olson
and Rli agel reicusad.
NeigHborhoad_Pllanriing_Pnacies s (PA 01-001 3/F A 08-(10071 — Disaussuoni regarding thea
redatiianshlip of th ei twighbonhood planning praciesisr and tha community visioning proceissi.
Laura Weigel and Slarah Sender, NeighHcirhood Hllanners, presented thea sitafflreport.
Very reportad thlat thle City Council had chlosein to undertake a communitye-wiidc visioning
procassi that would cions:ideir more than : unit land use and planning issiueisi. The proaesisi
City aflLake Oswgjo Planning C annnissicm
MirWes oflMay 2F1, 2W8
Pelger I OV]
was to beagin in the fWI cifl2C C F , when a series of speakeins would ffamie thea proceis:i for thea
cilizeans through pliesaear.itations on issaueas and trends related to visioning topics, and and
whear.i the drail visions was con;6dered by the Clity Council in fdll of X109. Staff had
diaftead a related timiel:inea and actions plan to present to the City Council. They wAcid fhr
Flaming Commissions directions about How to coordinate ne:ighbotflocid planning with the
visioning procaass. Thley explained that curtantly, thea Neighborhood. Flllanninig staff was
fully oacupiead preparing do Flalisadeas Neighborhlood Plan for reaview and working can
implementing adopted neaielborhood plans. I f I the Ccamrrimioni. reaaommernded rr,caving
forward on new nieighbothoad plans aheaad of Visioning, staff iieeommeandead work:ing can
new plans for stable neaighborhoods, such) ass Ilakewood or Uplands,, that were not as
affected by chlange and readeavelopmenit. They said thal Denise Arisabeae was- appoinitud to
serve as the visioning prcij ect manal3 ar.
Commissaionans Brockman and Siegell urgead thea Clity not to wait until thea visioning
process was acccamiplishead to continues thea neighborhlood planning prace;as.
Commissioneua Brockman rcaportead that 'citizens were frustrated bN thea dealays in
neighlborhlood planning, and Ccammisis:ionear Siegal suggested a neighborhood caould start
wanking on their plan' whilea the visioning pracaess was going on. Staff nearjortead they
would like to day slop a model survey thal each neaighborHood could usea to idenitify
nevi ghborhood-speciifi c issues and pri tori tizea. nevi ghlborhlooc planning. Ihi s survey may also
be ab'I a to daveataill with thea City's visioning process,. They confirmead that the City Had
just conductead a bieannial surueay to track) blow we'll thle Cit} was doing. They aassueed the
Comrnissaioneuas that tHea effort to adapted naighborhlood playas would not be
delayed by the visioning process. When added, they confirmed thane were softie
neighborhoods thal had not added for a neighborhood plan; bul that thea Uplands, Flareast
Highlands,, Rosewood, MaVeay South) Shore, Country Cllub-Nord. Show and Bakewood
neighlborhlood associiaticans had eacah expressead inteareast ini deavelopinig a plan.
Chair Gl:i9sicin said the neaighbarhlood planning procaass sahoulc move forward with
preparatory) planning sitep.,i, esapec:ially in neaightarhoodsa that were feealing the pnes.,urea of
change. Shle wondered how long the "strateg:i ca action planning" phase of t1 a vi si ani r igl
plraocessa would takes and wHat it would involve. Staff eaxp:Iainled they anticipaled it could
be comipletea about six months aftear Council adoption of the vision. Staff explained that
they saw visioning as an opportuniq to find ways to "heal" the community, whialil had
reciar.itly become divided by issueas realated to the W esal End Buil ding.
Mr. Egner re pari ed thal the Clity Had beaeri notified that it was time ftir p€ariodicreaview aft
thea Comprehenisivea Alan. He antiaipated thle issues, of cl ansity and affbrdabllea hlousing
wcauld to addrnesised in tte rev:ieaw, and that would impact neighborhood pllannir.igl. Chair
C 1 isisaoni asakead what could ba addre ssae d art de neighborhood planning level now so the
pilocess could aor.itinue. Clomrr,is9ioner Brockman urged tt;a Commiss:ioniers to focus on
planning neighborhoods, whiahl were caurrear.itly unci argoing chlange, rather than mores stalble
neighborhoods, and to do that nove, ratter than wait fir the visioning) process to be
compo c ted. Shea said the local area plans could bee reconsai dered 1l ater, aftear visioning
guide:lir.ies weres adopted. Staff, sugge.,ted that it was bettor for the Clity to have an ovearall
.itraateagy fon meeting and internally d:istrlbutiria target densitybefore, :i1.con:idered whether
onie ne igtlbarhlood c ail d reduce its 21ane d den,, ty.
City ailLake Clsweiga Planning) Ccamrraissior
M inul cis cif Mary : 81, :0( 81 Paige 2 of 11
Comm:sMor.ein Sieigeil said hes wwi pkiwieid that -the City Councail hlad rot only embnacied
® the Planning C.omm:is.iion neiciommendation la gu:idei ncighlbarhood planning, but had
cixplandeid it to a broadern visicining process that would seirvc thea eir,ilire community. Hei
reiclalleid lhei Clity of Weist Dinr had beein following their vision in "Imagine Weist Ilinr."
:,ince 1994. He said staff reicommeindeid a realisllic visioning plroctmi timeiline lhlat would
also allow existing neighborhlood plaris to be :imiplementead and thea graundwcark fon neva
plans aould bei dor,iei. Commissioner agreied Staff) confirmead that was
poss:ibllea. The neaighbarhood planner, said the City wwi wonkirg to implemieir,it
neighborhood plans as fast as thea reighlborhlcacads couad manage. Thay said thciy meal with
Clenmorriei, Waluga and Dake Grovae planning groups eiviery two weeks; but thea Lakes
Fonasl group ciciulc only meet onicea a month. Staff) confirmed that theay were currently
discussing how to plrocaeed with the) transportation and ecionomic studies called fon in lhle
Bake Grove Villages Ceinler Paha. Chain Gli.asoni inmitud some neighbonhlooc cahains.whlo
were preasenl to comment.
Bardar a Zeller. Chair of the Lake Grove Neiehborhood Association. cabser vied there
were already recaenit City survey nasults and many studies and task forcie neiports available
that desaribed what c:ilizens wanted. Shlei,.auggeist(ad lhlat peopllea vaould be enaciurapled to
stars the planning process fon thein awn ricighl onhood vuhleni theay saw morFi plans
succeassfully imphimiarited. She inidicaated that the neighborhood planning process steips
l i sl ed in the staff report Aerie morei appnoprial a for a r ici ghborhood just beginning the
proeeass. She said lheiin naighlbarhood plan had beieir,i adopteid in 1998. She said it hlad
anticipated that the neaighbanhood would aharige over times, bull :il vuaa unfortunates that
®development s:incaea thein had resulted in a ne:ighbonhlooc whcrei many residents dic riot
know lheiin neighbors, but they ciould Hear theim. Shesaid that affeicited theiir quality of
life. /During the queislioning pleriiod, shea confirm ac that mosl neighborhoods alneiady Had a
sense of who they were. She indicated that their Associiation had caffareid the Infill Task
Force a writtean deisciription She did riot see a need for anothem study, but reaasoneac that if
theme was going to bee a brciader community study, neiighborhood planning should riot be
postponed fon it. She stressed thea City Counca l should pay attention to lhle views the
population had already eaxpreassed in thea most receanl C:iq survey. Staff) cionfrrmad that
survey had baeni pnewr,ited and caonsidenead by the City Counai:l the pnevuiaus weiek and the
icmults were available, on the City website. They) neciallead the results waxi fainly pas:ilivie
and not miuclll differaw than thlosea in pneivious sur meysa.
Chris Rahlinson, CHair of MeaFore.,it Hi>:Hlands Neia=_hlicsnhlood Association, elxpilairied
that resideinit:a Bad a prcableim with the Clity tanking aboul pRieserviinig nciebonhciod
chlaraater, sustdinability and livability, but the way the Code was applied to devieloplment
applicaationis did not priomotea that. He agrlead a visioning process was impcartant to
establish communitywidei cioheisivur.eiss and :inteigrat:ion, and to fined out what aitizans
wanted the C:ityl to look like in fulurea decadeis. Hei suggested thea pnocaeiss mei& bei more
effecilivae if neighborhlood associialion board members were invited to parlic:ipate and
prsovidei input, beaeaausea riaioborhaod assaciiations curreino ly plenccivied the City was using
a "taps -down" piioces;a tca addnelss deiveilopment, pathlways, lighlting, traffics and
sustair,iabil:iq isssueis. He raeplorted that mirimurn dersity and the prospect of being
annexed to thea City] asi an RI -7.! zone made nio sense, to residents of Forest Highlands.
C ity of Lake) Omigca Planning Commissian
Minutes of MaN 38, MIS Pagle ?I of I
Clorrin issionen Braakman suggested the neighborhload associiation chlairs read the
proposed code updaiteis on page :116 of the May 21, 2008 (ODIC Amandments, Haaklet =1)
staff report t eicause lhase changes d:ireiat:ly affected naigrlborHood assaciaticins..
Cheryl Uchida, a member of theWaluga Neighborhood, said heir experieinae was that
"visioning" llaok ai long lime. Shle 1. wondered if thle community was lea palarizad between
Lake Grava and Dlownlawn far it to world effeallively. Shc reiporteid filen neighbarhood
misociation had just begun thea irrplemenUltion pracess and theiy wave eir.iaounlering
conflicils: with thle IJake Grove Village Canler Alan acid othler pllans. That' wanted lla kraw
"°whiahl plan trumped whichl?" 'nay wanted to know ifl their assaciiatkin was to be
involved in deciding thle use ofIthe West Bnd Building. Stile adviseid the visiclniing process
was a good thing to da when beiginnir.i8 thle nciight orHood planning process, but it would
deilay the imphimienitalion of Heir neighborhload's plan.
Chair Clisson obseirved that city*dei visioning ad&esaed broader issueis than the speciific
issues addressed in naightarhlood planning, anc lhlei twa did not necessarily have to
conflicl. Shei said it was important fbr neiahbonhoods lla know llaa City was listeniing to
them. Shle suggested the visianiing process mighlt uliliae small, flicilitalled, Maus groups to
ain feialings, impravc undeirstanding, and "huail" the aommuniq. She obseirvad a
conseinsus to move f0miard with nieighborhlood planning. Slaff anticipated they would
starll Helpir.i9 twa new neiighborhaad associations survey their members and begin the
praciess by the end of lhle yeiar. Thai Commissionepis anticipakid the visicirying pracass
would be fir anough, along in timie to inf]ueir.iae the now nieighborhacid plans.
Cammissianev Siegel advised stalffl to usa tha selaction aritaria and riot slily awa) from
wonlding with a carrnlar.tious neiighlboncciod„ bull hei also cautianeid than eauhl r.iaighborhaod
should understand that zoning and c ansiq were aitywide declisiclns thall the visioning
pracess mighil influerica. Ccimmiss:iancir Brovkman strassad thlat residents wanted to
enjoy a back yard without a neighb'or's wall five feel from thle proparty line; and
Camimissianeir Sia8e1 said they wanted their ahildbeni and gnandahildren to be able to live
in the samei communit}l.
Ak ig l boyhood Plan Fbr mat
THe stalfflreport aullined a streamilincid neighborhload planning proacissi. Ill asked %blat
componenits a naighbarHood plan sHould include and Now it sHould nellate to the
Camipreihlarisiva Alan. Staff oplainad thall tha goals and policias ini adopted neigHborflood
plans tecama parl of the CompreHensive Alan (as Speiaiai Dlistrial plans,, and many
ne.ighborhlacid plan action measures required the CitN to seriously conisidem imp:leimienting
those ahlanges. THey recalled that nie:ighborHoocs had.once beein encouraged to formlait
tHe:ir lacal plan to mimic the CompreHensive Alan. Howaver, staff currently endeavored
to make nie:i gHborhloods awarei of the ficial s and policies tHal weirei al reiady in the
CaTripreheinsivei Alan and guide them away from iniseirlinig radundant or conflicting
palicias, or'palicies that addressad aitywide issuers ir. thleir ]anal areiai plan. When askeid,
staff~ adviseid thall if a reiighborhaod plan Had dif brenit tree-reilateid regulalionis tHan the
Tree Code, that inconsisteiray was.cor.fusing and difficult. lo adminisuir. They explained
that period:ia updateis of 1Ihe CompneHansivei Alan might have resuits thea neighborhloods
City c f We Oswego Planning) C ommissic n
M it ul es c f M cry 28, .ICIOFI Page 4 of 7
did not anticipate and if neighborhood policlies ware pail ofllhle Cainiprehensive Plan it
was hardcir fon the neighlboiEtiad to updates thcim when neighborhood conditicins changed.
® Staff :iuggastcid the neighlbolEacid planning process aauld define the neighbo4lood and
what its rwidelnits wanted, and f�shicin an action plan and timeline. They said if there
were uni quei neighbarhood chlaraateni sticis that were not addncisseid tWough the
Comprehensive Plan, nciw goals and plolicie;i could be added when thci neighbo4lood plan
was adopted. The Commissioniezo wondered if that would p1holect a naighlbonhacid from
deueloplment (suah as lot partitioning) the neighbo*load did riot want. Mn. Boone
adui:ied that a lal partition was a minar demekipmcinl, hlowewir, a zane change ar
conditional use appllioaticin was a majar davOopmeint, which had to be consistent with thci
Camprehensiva Plan. Staff confirmed a nciighbarhood could blame lhei m own specuall
ovaday district code to impllerrarit lhain own uniquei dtiveiloplmenit standaids if.the City
Cauncil was willing to adoplt it. When asked if Comprahcnsivici Alan plolicim ovicirrada
neighlbomhaad plan policicis, they admised that local plans and the Corrprelhlensiue Paan
were supjploscic to agrae. ThaN sa:iid ail was pjossibaa to streiainlinci neighborhood plans sa
they did nal focus cin goals and policies, and to ciduciate neighbomi about what polivies
were aheadyin the Comppiehlermiva Alan.
The Conor issionens stressed thea implortancia of ensuring neighlbo4lacids not to explecil
their local aria plan to do something for teem it actually, could not do. Tha
Commissioners all gericniallN agnecid local neighbomi should bci educated to uncelmstand
blow thea CompnehFinsime 131an already pnotectcid thein. The neighbotblooc pllannkig staff
canfirmad they tried to help) neighbonhlocid planning grourls bcoome famiilian with the
®Comprehensive Paan and they asked planning ciammittca rrambers to spacify wh� thay
beliemed ensiling Compmehensiva flan paliblas could not addvess thein naighbomhciad's
needs. They reported the last %lo naighbonhood plans thaN had warkad on warn much
lass nepetit-Ime than pjramious plans. Howevan, th-ci Plalli iadal i Neighbomblood had done
eixlerisiva background work) and ciiealed a ]lung dciscriiptime section in thle:ir drafil plan that
the Commissianars would we al an upciaming wonkl sessiian. ThUy explained it blad taken
a great deal of staff times to wrile thal seiation of the pllan. Mi. Ignjeir emplaincid the staff
nava proposed to use a standandized model plan to guide and siheamlline the acicial planning
praciess. He askled the Commissiionans to c isciuss what compjoriantsi should be in it. The
C anw issionens generally flivomid seipanating the neighborhood planning process inti a
preiplaraticin phase cifl background and stralegizing acitimilies 11sea Staplsi i 4 of the
modified planning plraciem on page 6 of the stalff memiarandum) and a later phase to
considers whathen some ploliciesi wane necewar)l that might have to be adopted into the
Compjrahlansivc flan;
Staff said they planned to plrment sclection aritciriia for miighbarhood pllan:i fdr Manning
Commissiian consideration at the cnd aflthle summer. Thay anticipated the Palisades plan
would be meadN to present wion. Mr. Egnen ;iaid he balkiveid staff ciaulld help two more
neighlbo4loods starll the preparation pjhlawi ofI1hleir neva plans whliaa the City was kicking
off thci visianiing plrcicieiss. Chain Glisscin and `the Nciigh t, arhood F tanning staff) anticiipaRk
thal as the misioninig plmocess progressed, it would highlight what neighbomhaads needed to
® address in lhelim ]deal pjlan:l. The Clarnfriiissionens thanked thci neighboiboad chains fon
thein input.
C ity ofl Lake Oswego HIanriir g Commissida
M it utas oft M ay 2 8, 20(18 Paglc _I cif 7
C ommun ity Demeloament Code A men dmen is (PP (18"0002)- Update on propased texit
amendmeiMs to the hake Oswego Code (LCC) Clhapler 50 (Community Deiveilopmerl 41
Clodc: for clarifying, correcting and updating swcitionisi.
Dennis EgmIcir, Long Rainge Planning Mainager, had prepared Aaaklet 3 of Community
Deiveilopment Code Amcindmwnls. Zha Commissioners invited the nieighborhaod cHairs
in the audiencei lo ciamm enit on proposed updal esi 11 a Article 90.71, Appl:i ciation
Raquiremwnts Melated to thea Pre -application Conference and Neiigl:borhood Clontaat and
Noti ae.
CHris Rahinson, Chain of the Forest Highlands Neigdborhood Association, .added
haw the processi wojiked. Mr. Hgneir explaineid that two yfiars ago the Commurity
Davalopment Dapartm ent Had made an admi ni sol rativw decision lo notify the
rieighborhoad association chlaiir and allow two trained nwigl:IbcirHood associiatian
represenitalives to attend eiacH pra-application cicinfwranae. He explained that the applicant
paid for the aonfirmenice, which was their opportunity to discuss their deiveilopment concept
and :_eiarn what critical imueis the application had to address. Mr. Robinson siuggeisteid the
applicant shlould be enicounaged to discuses their concept irformal:ly with thci neigHborlicicid
association eHair before the aonfeirenicc, so they would nal ex:il the pre-applliaaticin
conferienca believing that the code allowed a cartain numbeir of lots on thea E to wHen
neighborHoad resiidentsi would actuall) oppose aalawing lhat many.
The Commissiioneii;i suggested the pnoposeid provisionsi shlould spleciify the aplplliciant was
to pnoposiei threw allerriat:iva mewling dalas wilhin a len-day lime framie and allow the
nieighborHood association cHak adequate lime lci find ciul if ones oft thea meeiling datas the
applicant suggested would be "warldable." Although Mr. Robinson said He had niever had
a problem with theft, Bambara. Zeller, Chair of tHei Lakc Grome NeighHurhood
Asscciiation, saiid Hen emparienca was than sometimes none of the plropased dates were
"workeible.'' Chah Clisison and Comm:issiioneir Sieigel sugge;iled in tHal casae thei
neaghlborblood association cHair sHould thein propose ore or morie alternalive dateis within
a sevens --day period. Ms. Zeal l an askled staff lo erui ura a copy of the adopt ad nevi ghboiihood
plan was given to each aplplliaant baf ra the pra-aplpllication cionferanaa becausei some
develapars did not seem to knave there was siuch a plan. She also siuggeistad the
paiovisions tHat exc:ludeid Sundays and legal Holidays as proposed mealirng dates shlould
also proscribe blcdidays theft were not necessarily "legal" Holidays.
CHer3ll LcHida said theft somalimes mcirei than once r,eighboncciod wisociation aould be
affected by an application and that staff I shlould a: low reprasentativesi from ala cif) therm at
the pre -application conif@rencei. Mr. Hginem caulior,ed theit loci many pariiciplantsi might
disitnacl the group from thea primary purpose of the coniferwncei, whichl was to inform the
applicant about wblat they necideid to submit with the application: He. said staff) wauld
al lova the neighbonHood association cblair to :anvile anothlen replresenitative, wha cciuld be
from anotheir ncigHbarhood associaticin. Hee said neigHborflaod assiaciations wha wanted
to changei thea administralive po:liey cciuld spleiak to thea Community Dlevelcipmant Direclor
about it.
City of Lake C mitig a Planning Camrriissior
Mimic., aflMay.ia, mu Page 6 of .I
CommisAonen Brockman asked the neighboiflood officiia s to examiinei thea praposed
updateis to Artichi 5039, Typeis of Deviellopmeint and Review Criuiria for HacH Type of
® Devie:lopmeinl ori page:i 32=1 - :136 of Cada Update - Racklet ?I. She caullioned those
pnomisionls could allow ciertain decisions to bei made by staff, and an appellant would haute
to play a foie to appeal. Chain Gllisson a.,ikad the neigHboi lciod chairs to amail, any
addilionial commeinils and questions to staff[
Tlha Clamimiissionens examineid ablanges praposed to Article 50. 15, Parking, W11icH
allowed an appl icanil to opt to determine the numbar of sequined pankinig spaceis l y a
parking study. Stsff asked whal a parking study sHould considcw; if it shaullc conform to
International Traffic Engineering (ITE) standards; and who should perform the parking
study. Commissioner Siagal obscirvad that a parking study could bei preipaned by a
Nua[ifreid profassionia:l," whlo did not neicessariilyhavei to bei a "qualified traffic einginecir."
Commissioner Biioakman observed thal although pankinig requirements weirei establisHed
according to the um, not all useis weme listeid. Comm ssioneir Siagal suggustad thlat
wHethar ar nail to allow parking requinemarvI veducticns because afIa parking study was a
"'policy" Tissue. NU. Boone neica led Commissionien Brackman was concerned about
parking "spill.ovien" that could Happen undan the numeirical method oflcalaulatiing nequineid
pankling. He said lhlat meithad set the minimum naquirement, and the: maximium alowad
parking waulc then ba 1125% of tha minimium nequireiment. He explaineid the concept was
to aacommiodate lha ameraga parking neied; amen tHough thle uses might genavata overflow
planking at ciarta'n peiak timeis. He cautioned thal to plan to accommodate :10(1%o cif
panklinig need, 1(10% of the time could ncisult ir,.i a "sea of unutilized parking spaces" and
affect thle sticetscapa. Commiissiioneir Elnocksnan sdc' sometimes a businass kept it cosit.,i
® down by minimizing parking sipace and askeid it.,i staff to park[ on naighbanhood sheets.
9Hei Neild t1_at the affected neigbbonhaod shaulld haves an cpportunit)l to comment on thea
aplpliaanit's study. Chain Glissan closed the work scission.
I\ ona..
THa Commissionein wene to examine pnoposeid Commission fon Citizen Invalmeinent
G.uidel.ineis updale:i at the naxl maeting. .
Tlhare being no furtheir business befbne thea Planning Clormiissioni, Chair Glisson
ac journeld the meeting at aplpickirnataly 9:(10.p.m.
Rleispecitfi l ly submiM ed,
Iri.,i Tneineir.i
® Administnatime Support
City aft Lali e Osm ep Planning tammissicm
Minules afMy28, 2(08 Rgc I Of]