Approved Minutes - 2008-07-141 A 1. CALL TO Q RDER City cif Lake Oswego Planning- C ow mission. Minutes Julys 14, 2008 Chain Julia Glislson cial,kid the Planning Camimission mieetingl of Monday, July 14, 2008 to ondeii all appiioximateily 6:00 p,m. in thea Council Chlambeirs of City Hall, at 3180 "'A" A veinua, Lake Osweuga, C regon. II. MOLL CAL L Members flresenl weirei Chain Glisssson, Vices Clheiiii Philip) Stewart and Commissioner Adrianne Bnoakmari, Brian Nelwman, Mary Olsson, Scot 9iagel and Alison Webster. Staff present were Dennis Egrets, LIong Ranige Manning Maniagen; Sidaro Sin, Savior Manner;; Sanah Se:ldein, Neighbonhlocsd. AlanneiF Evan Boone, Deputy City Atlornay and Iriis Ireinen, Admiinisslrative Support. Ill. ELECTION ClF Q1IFICERS ® Commissioner Brocskman momeid tcs nominate Jlulia Glisssscsn to sserme as. Chair of the Manning Commisssicsn. Commisssiioneas NMebsler seciondesd thea nomination and it passed 7:0: Comm-issioner Segal moored Flo nominates Plhilip Sl ewarl _ to sservse as Vice Chair of de Pllanning Commission. Commissicsneir Wesbacir seconded, the nominalion and il, passed 7:0. IV. CITIZEN COMMENT None. M. MINUTES Ccinur,issiionen Brockman miowd Flo approve the Minutes afIJune 9, 200 Commisisioneins Olson seconded thea motion amid it passed 1U. ML PLANNING C C MMISISION WORN SIESISIIONS Periodica Reimiew (PP- 08-00121. Sidaro Slin, Scsnior Blanner, presseinled the staff resglcsrs. He reported 1Ihes Comprehlewave Pian and Community Devalopment Clode (CDIC) Had. twit been updated in thea emly 1990s,. ® and the State Had notifiesd thea Clity it was lime for the next periiodia resview. Mr. Egret related that curnenst Clity Councilors wcsra raluctanil to bind the futures .City Council 1Ihait City allLake OswieBoPlanningCommissian Minute s of July 14, 2(108 Page 1 01 111 was to baa eleiated and seiated by Januaq 20(151 to a visianiing proaass. Ha suggestaad using a Mlo-•steip proaass to first mala the charges miandatad by the Sta ci, and than make broader changes, whish could refiect the results of a. visioning project. He eaNiplained iff at the Stale gavial the Clity six manths (or nines months with a tluee-month exateruior.i) to subm:il a world program to thea Creagon Deipartmant of hand Conservation, and Deviaalopmenit (LIIJCD) and then threes years to implarrienit the ahanElas. He alarifiead that the State mandale was to mule the Compreblew iia Plan and Cammunity Devaaalopmier.it Cada comislerit with changas in State and regionail planning and lane use raagiatlon:. Mr. Egneui suggested accomplishing that fist, and then acarr.ipleting a second slep to address bigger issues. He hoped ala tha ahangeas might be implemented in tivee years' tima. Hlcawevier, if that ware not passible; al :Ieaasl tha deadline fon Stale -mandated changes would be mal. Hea iieportead that the staff blad baaear.i doing thea preparatciry world sinca 2003. They had listed issues that neaed ed Io be addressed i r.i "Outlook) 2025," and thay ware cunienit.IN woAling ori the Buildable Lands Inuenitor)l. 'He advised that a nine-month prcacaess would offer more opportunitie:a for publia inviolmemeanl and more Mme for the naw City Council to considev whether or riot Io go ahead with the visioning programa.. During tha questianiing periicid, Mr. Hgnan alar,'ified that thea durrear.it City Counail did not wani to bagin visioning workshops this fall. The Commissionenas obsaarvaad tharea would also bas a "new" Paanning Commission during the Ihirad yeaar (if) periodic iieviiaawu THey agreead tr are vias a :I of of I workl to be done and it was approp riiate fkm staff I 1 o begins organizing now. Clammissioner Brockman favored the nine-month program because it gave the City more time to Elaiini public aacaeptancaea. She advised the list of caommunity issues ini Cutlook 2025 was outdated and did not :list issues thea public was already wall aware of and wanted addressed (wh%cih wanes issues related io land use. transportation and public seraicaes). Staff confrmad they blad sableduled a staff meeting to disauss updating the scacipaa of issues. Sarnia Commissicinears observed that tha longer time:linea and Iwo -step priocess aould result in more public c inip ut and bets er decisions, and that it wcaul d be beniefwi al to encourage residents to starll thinking abaut a City vision. Howeavem, Commissior.iara Siegel suggested using orae process (coordinated with tha visioning process) because it might ba a challenge to mobi:li2e the public ini two separate procaasses, and because it would be batter to addrass acamiplicaied poliay ahanges., such as reallacaatang density within the Clity, in once p110aess. He suggestead tha work program could comparea thea housing needs assassment with the aapaaity of ailI residential zonas and than the visioning process would deteirmine the related aamm unity gaal. Commi isicanear Brockman warnad the City riot Ica put WE for anotheir year dealirig with hisueas thea communit) wanted addressed immadiatealy„ sucah as irifil;l in neighborhoods and lot caciviaarage. The Commissioneuis observaed they were already workiriEl on infill vegulalion changes, CIDIC updates, and neighborhood planning that wcadd praviida the `grpunidworkl" fbr a visioning proaass and make it. easier filar the new Clity Council to. asscmi tha situation. Staff agreed with the Commissicinaars that a acantiniganiey plan fbr invaolming the publia was neaaded :ifl the ui;iioning ptogrami . vias not initiated. The Commissicinears anticiipated stalff could easily jwitify a request fkm a woAl priogi�am City cif Lakes CIsm ga Planning) Commission Minuaeis cif Ju y 14, 'X108 Pagic 3 cif 7 deiadline extension to nines moniths that would allevu manes public inimolmemanl; ir.ivalua lha naM CritN Cour cis; and accommodate a visioning progilatn. Barblara Zeller CHa it of the Lake Grove Neighborblocid Association, reparl ed aitiaenis.Here disaoutaged and "cranky" lhlat aarr,ipatibility related issues such as the size, scale and selbackls aft infila dauelopment Had not becr.i addressed. Shle said the "top - dawn" process had promen to bei less sucaeissful than anticipated. She suggested it rr,iight be lass aonfusing fain citizens if thea CAN addressed basic, "`Homiakleeping" changers first and then woAlad ori poliaN issues. Sher coumialed tt a City to "keep ;il a-imple," and blame a reia dialagup with) aitiaens. During tha questioning period, stile sand 'il was hard to say whether tl:e visianiing proces.,i shlould bei °completed before larger poliay issucis wane addressed. Mr. Egnleir summarized that the Cammissiancirs agileed with the pnopasal fon a 3 -month extension for subm ssiian of the woAl pragrlarr; they vuanteid a eohle.,iiue, cacrdinated pnaae is; they agreed to a eantirigar.icy plan foil public inimolmemeinl; and they saw important communit)i issueis lhlat tIe visioning prciae:is should focus ori. Palisades NeigHHc>ahloo� Plan (LU 0840451 Saia.H EekEinr, NeigHborhood. Planner, pneiaentad lrle :Taff iieport. Srle pointed out Attacihmen A was the full metnsiion of the draft Alan and Attaahmerit B contained the goads, palicies and action slaps thlat dissected the Clity, and would armed thea Comphieblenisiue Plan. She explained there weird twos seplarale volumes sa thei City aauld ® adopt t1e Comprehlen;iiue Alan arraridments, but the Aalisadeis Neighbonblooc Assaciiatior.i could change neigHboiflacid wisociiation policies and action steps without h"rig to :initiate a formal plracivis to change tha Can1prtMenisivia Plan. SHe anc Palisades NeigHboificiod Associatior.i raflreseinwtivias Salm Monicrieff� Don Irviing, Maky Salsburg, and Mika Hall dasaribedtHa nieighboillocid and the neighborhood plan. D wing the quasti ani ng periiad, the Palisades sades nepresenitatimes axp ll aineid neighborhood cirlaiactehi mariad with each decadei in whicH a sub-areia of the neiighborHood Had teien deveilopled. They explained tt at lhay did nat, want to fdrue replacement of a small, 1950s, ranahl Houses with a another small, twlo l adraonv oris bath, nanah, but they did want to assure that new demellcipment ref acted the scale ar,d characten aft the existing neighborhood. They asked fon a change in the (jCIDIC) that would aontral the sciale aflany r.iaw abrignegate Housing fhcillitias in Aajsadeis by limiting the Aloon Area Ratio (FAR) to .6, and the size cfl individual structuiles W8,0(10 sq. fl. When asked, Ms. Seilderi advised the axist:ing ciongipgalla housing faciility had BAR of .F and its fhotpriinl was manN timeis largeir than th a proposed limit. Commiss:ionem Brockman oNiarved there was nothing in the plan to piievent smaller homes from beinig rapllaceid by nary big 'housias. Tha neighborhood rapresanwtivas zieclalled th(i nieiglhborhooc had discussed thei issue, but in the end they decided the emisting Code al ready limited the sizes offa foagrir.it, it was not realistic to require that a amalll house fiom the 1970s was to be neipllaced by ancrtheii 1911s styla, split level house; ® tha neiighbonhood was alreadN very dimeise and there .was no "Palisades Neighborhood City ofitlakei osweiga Plannir gl Cammissioni Mint pas of I Jull 14, MIS Hag a :I cf1I stylle," and different peoples Had difftirent ideas about what was beautiful. The Clammissionars obsenied that Palisades fdatured larger lots and more buff✓;iring vegautian thlan other neiAborhood;i. Staff advised that although most Palisades Neighborhaod llau warei 1 arlpi d1ri the mini m sum al loweid zone size, only about 12% of I therr. i were large enough to be subdivided, and development on those lots was con trained by tapograpHy and riatural_ ne.iciuraa protecilioris. They also ob.iarried that vegetations buffered homes frami each other and the building value to land value was not as aoriduciive to Iaati-down" radevelopmanl . Commissioner Siegel observiad Palisades' cihapactan was "farmhouse," or neoaolor.iial, vernacular, bul it was riot "Lake Oswego St}le." Clammissiionier Newman obserwid tl'a plan did not say whether the nieighborHood wanted to see rieighbotfluad-seniing nonresidential uses in adjacienit areas, such as at the Rloseimorlt/Staff_and ir.itersection ar at RaJisades Marketplace. Ms. Morcrieifflpointed out the Associations wanted to participate iri planning the Stafford tnlangle from thea oudset, and arialheni repreaer.itative recalled that th a rieighborHood did nal wand to sae any kind of ciamm arcial development in the sicani ci Stafford aorridar. Mss. Sulderi pointeid out the irrplemeintation strategy was in an Appendix An implementation committee was to be appoinlcid to en.vwe impJamentatiori progress. Commissioriei 12makman ciautionied the rieighbotHoad represientalivea that dHat some thirias they envisionied.miight not baaome reialitN beciausa they did nal askl for related node amieridments. SHe said for axamiple, the Plan aallled for the Cily to apply Plan palicias to developmienit. deiciiaions but did riot propo;ia any related code griteria. THe Clommissior.iers then disqusaed whether more soda amandmants would be neaessary to dive the Plan ragd atory "teeth." Staff cionfirmeid that the rieigbborHoad associations was only asking for two ciode amendments relaled to lakefront zoning and congregate housing facilities. A nieighbothood tepresentalive €ixpllained that thay anticipadad thad a futures developer at land along Overlaak Rload would be required la cionsidur the rieighborhacid plari fdr single-farriily deivelopment thlere, and He recalled that they Had decided do rely ori the Tree Code I protect tress. He confirmed shat they Had also diacussad have uxter siva their plan shculld be. Ms. Manarieff empllaired that she undeimood the r.ieighborhaod did niot Have an opti an to add any code l angu Paige or ask for anything that was nal `in sync" with what the City was doing. The Commissionars and .rtaff absermed it was riot always recassarM to implement plan aapectsi via a ciada amendmend. Commissianar Brockman adviseid the neighborhood represenitatilves that thea Evergreein Neighborhood Assaciiafian had developed a design) overlay zor..ia and Miaades Nuiebarhood Associations ciciulld da that too. A planning committee it, ambet explained that th a committee had cmcia leaned towards calling foti an overlay, but the idea "died" because committee mamibership changed and t ecauae- they understood they Had to Have their plan draft ed within a yeian so other neli gh barhoods could t eneif t frcim i planning assistancia. Mt. Egner observed that Palisades wanted to see a scienic concept plan along CVelllooM Rbad, whish might require ;iarria design aontrols. Mr. Boone advised the neighborHood ciauld adopt de.iigr.i guidelines that would have da be considered during the Residendial City of Lakei Clsweigc Planting Ccmmis s is r Minuteis of JuIN 14, 20(181 Pages 4 of I Infill Design IIFIIDI) preciemi. He cautioned thea neighborhood to makes it vent' clear! that a policy) was initeanded to be regulatory. For eaxamiple, they) could sa)l, "The City shal] adopt ® regulations reigardirag..." Comimissiiorcie Brockman said sine saw no approval criteria in the doaumemits thal requiread a deiveloper to demonstrate thlat a major developmeanl meat neighborhood standards. Ccamrnisis:ioner Siegel ,iuggeastad thait :ifl the Aal:isades repnesi ar,itativeis ftalt they had carnitted someathinig and wantead more reailulaticansi, they should confer with staff_ Howeiver, they cioulld also impaeamenit some projects by getling them on the. CIA project list. Chair Glission agrleead that every neighborhood plan had pollic:ieas,that werei implemented b)l neighborhaod action, not by the Coda. Shei reasor,iead thall beicausie ala reighborhlaods were told al thea ,itart oft the planning pracieass that any pollicieas they praposaed had to be cons:isitent with the Comprehensaive Alan, that may have led Halisadeas Planning Committee mearnibems to believe they could not go beyand thal. However, she recalled that thea Fvengreien Neighborhood Association had knowingly adopted a fishing policy) that was thea opposites of City policy). Clommissionier Olson observed that nio matter whal gulidanc i sitalffhad provided, the Plarmir.jl Commission had to deal with the fhat that Pal isad es had di afted theiiri plan based on thea bel:ieaN that they) cool d not makes changes to the Codec, and that they had to aompletei their world within ones yeiar. Shea held that the largeast and most ciamplem naighbcarhood in the City should have a right to propane any code cahangeis they wanted and should riot be pressured tca accomplish the plan ini a yew. Commisasicinear Newman painted out they had proposed thea two Code changes regarding lakefront zoning and ciongreagate cares facilities. Cammihis:ioner Webster mggeistcid staffl could go lhraugh rhea Codec with theme again to help them better understand it and identify any missing Code links they might want to propose to implement the plan. She reasonead that i fl th a Pal i;i &i N eighbonhaod was not as prones lo "tear downs" and featured larges ® lots and trees;, a deisigp overlay might not bei as impcartant lothem as it was to otheni neighborhoods. She reacialllead testimony) that they planned to work WIh City sitaff to :imiple hent pathway and transpartation-rellated itemis. The Cornmissionenis then obsermed that some neighborhood represer,atativesa had 1ef91 the heaaring raom. Ms. Selden recalled that there had beaein no cacansiensus of commiitteiea miembers to ask ftm any other spec;ifilc code arnendments than the two they had proposed. One neighborhood representative save a meed to close the "understanding gap, and cilarifled that Halisiades assumed the City was already working on funding their pathway projects. Chain G: issaon apol cagized for any misunderstanding and suggestead tf e neighborhood representatives world with sitafl 10 determirei if anything they wanted tca seae needed to be supported bM aode changes. Staff agreed to hellp theam da that and to also consider w1lether thea implemeantalt:ion sitratugM included the nighl tools to ensume tha plan would be carried out. Chair Glisson suggested thal even if thea pathway prcaject ware already an thea CIA project list, the, plan shauld ciall for the City to build it. Ms. Selden assumed a ne;ighborhlocad repreasentative that the plan did riot :flop thea nedghborhaod from accicamiplisihing things outsides the Plan or. proposing futurle ClomiprFaheirisivei Alan amendments. Staff added for direciliora regaicir.g the call to limit congregate housing to 8,0(1(1 sq. ft. Commisasicariar Newman cabsierwd'thail, FAR.was a "blunt:instrument,'' and the f,00(1 sq: ® ft. limit might be too smallto allow a fkacillity that housed residents who needed more care to function well.. He also advisead it was batteir to apply) such limitaltions cityw'dea than in C ityl oflilakei Clsweiga Planning Cama issior_ Mini;tes of July 14, aaos Aag�e : of I I only one neighborhood and hes ,itiggeisteid thall could bei consideiied during peariodic reiview. He advisead there wens ways to make ai largei building look smaller. He recalled the Oswego Plaae A,isisted C area faciil;iq on Pilkington Road was an exampla of a facility that lookeid good and fit the nedeborhood. Ms. Seldein advised the BAR theirei was .48. Commissioner Newman and Commisdonem Brockman ,iuggostad that thea planning aommitlee show examples of facaililies they liked )hart melt theair proposed lirritallion. Ms. Seldeirl reiporteid Ba:isadeis Neighborhood had two plotenilial sites fdr congilegalle housing facilitieis tha wenie 2A,acuie,i and 6 acros. Chaiiii Cli.ison neciallead the Laka Grovie Vlihlage Canlen Alan used fbrm-based zoning to transition acno,is, a larges sile so the edge that abutted a residential aireia ,iteplpled down to the scale of thea neighborhood but the oppos:ilei edge cioul d be 1 arger sial e. The Commissioners suggestod that the Alan axplain what the neaieborhood wanted to ,,ieie in the Staffoiid aorridor and explldiin what theay liked and dislikod about thea existing aor..igrlelgata care facility. Chain Glisson cautioned against asklirig fdr a change in den,iity that would seat a pneceadent that would bei hard to neivemsei whein the City addreissed the i:asue lator on. She antiaipated the issue of how caongrogwe housing faciilitie,i fit into rea,iidear.itial ne:ighbonhoods would come up again in othear neighborhood plans, and suggested that a realated policry should be proposed. The Commissioners genearally favioned the idea of a lakefront wining pilot projecl after staffconfirmead that Palisadesa Naieborhood lakefront cots were similar to other lakefionl lot,i. Staff suggested the pi:loll zones should extend bacik once layer of properties behind lakefront :lolls. Commissioner,i who had searvead an thea Planning Commission in thea past recalled the Commissionien,i had preaviously di;lciussaed the issue of public aciaess and lakes viewshleds between the hauses. Chair Glisson announced that the Plannir.ig Clommissioni had recieNied ai :lettear dated Xy 11 1, ](108 fram Jeff Ward, Lalde Manager, Lalle Oswego Corporation, confuming that the Corporation supported thea plilal zoning projuat. Cberyl Ucdida, Waluga Neighborhood Associallion, reported that hear A,isociation had identified areas wheuie the Waluga Neighborhood Alan aor.iflicted with the hake Gnome Vi lage Canter Alan. She asked whiahl Allan was to pneavaiil in that situation. Shea tieplorted )Maluga was considering applying a aode avarlay. Mr. Egner advised the plans had to agree with eacih other, and if Wlaluga had idenilified cionfl icts, they shlould bring the issues to the Planning Commission. Barbara ZEllei, Cdair oil llde Lailde Grome NeigNarhood Association, neportad that hen Associiat:ion vias trying to implemeanl their plan and givie it somea reigulatory "leech." Shea adui,aeid the Palisades Neiighborhood Associiation reprasentatimesa that it was betieii to submill a plan with thea r.ieces,iaq Code amendments than to waist to pltaopose the amendments. She hac emaiiled other ciommenits in an amail dawd July 4, 2(I(IFI. Staff) agileead to go ovien the Compraheir.isivea Alan and thea Aal:isades Neighbonhoad Alan l with the planning aommitlee, revise the regpe;t fon liiriiitations an congilegate care faci:litieas, and :ideantify any r.ieighbonhocid prioritieas that wenea not yea) supported by proplosed code amendments. Theay antlaipateid the next meieting would be in Augu�il. Mr. i I C ity of Lakes Oswegca Alann ing C camm's s ions Minufeis oflJul} 14,210(18 Rage 6 ofl7 Bgnear said hlei thought stiff had disaussed thlei po&iibihq of over lay zoninE with. the neaighlbonhood planning commitilee many times, but heard no caonsensus to do that. The Clommissiionien:i wandeireid if the turnovem of neighborhood planning stalffl had crated a breaak in ciommiunications during thea planning pnocaeass. Chair Glisi:icin encounagcid the neaighborhlood rieprcisientatives to lake a litille miorea timie to reiasscisi:i the dnaffl Plan and thlen being it back to thti Planning Commission. Community IleaHeloumicint Codci Amcindments (AP 08-0002) Dennis Egrleir, Lung Range Dlevielopment Manager, piesentead the staff report, H.ea sacid staff planned to issuci onei noticae caoveirinig both CACI and infill amendmcints, but they would split the hleiaring into separate gompcineants that would addreass "time scnsiitive" ittims, suchl as Sansitivie Lands Ordinancie amcandmcmts, first. Be anticipated thea hearing could start Sciplemben ','I2'd. fie confirmed that stalffI was drafting c ociumenits with the staff-reacommended cihanE cis to sieind to thea E IJCDI and the Commissiioneirs. He confirmed that hle planned to invitea miemben;i oft thea lnfiiII Task Foncei to thle' hear.'ang, and that staff) planned to hold publ:ica opein hlcauses and arrangei spcicial, meelings with neiielbonhciod asisociations. Commissioner Brockman suggeskid a:iking all neighbo4bod asisociat:ion cha; ns tca collaborate and come to agrpement about whlat proposed cahlanges to the Ccarnmiission for Clitizen Involvement Guidealines lheiy would support. Mn. Egnen reported that itaff planneid to propose an amendment to remcidy a unique 6tuat�icin wflerea a property was inside the City's Urban Scarvice D`isitreit arc iiiecadeac to connect to a City stmern ➢inei, but could not be anncimid beicause thlcru was no City owned ® right-of-way past thea property. VII I. OTHER BUS IIN ESIS — PLANN IN G C OMW SSI1 GN Commi;is:ioncir Olson momeid to begin thea July 28, 2008 Planning Clommi:ision meeting at 7:00 p.m[. Commissioncir Siegel scciondeid the'motion and it passcd 1:0. VI11, OTHER BUSIINESISI —COMMISSION Aa RI CITIZEN INVC LMEMENT 1\ anti. IN. A DJIOURNMENT Thcarea buinig no further W.,iirvis before thea Pllanniing Commission, Chla;r Ghission adjcaurned the mieietiing at 9:2! p.m. Rlespecifully submitiled, lriis Twincin Admin:isitnalivie Suppcarl City (if lLake Oswcga Alanining Carriml ssicin Mirutes ofAIN 14, 30081 PaBE_ I caf7