Approved Minutes - 2008-09-08L
CE LAKE os�,
x� =" City of IJalkci Oswego
Manning Ccamission Minutes e
E Se pte m bier 81, 21008 App
CHaiir Jul* Clisisoni ca led the Planning Commissiori adeting of Monday, September 8,
2008 to ordeir art applroximateily (:O(I p.m. in thci Council Clhlamlbelrs of City Hall, at 2180
"'A" A vanuu, Bake Oswego, C regon.
Mehr b cars present weire Chain Julia C lisson, Vllicu Chair PlHilipl Stewart, Adrianne
Brc akman, Brian Newman, Mary Olson and Allison Webster. Scott Sicigal was crAauscid.
Staff present were Sarah S.eldeir.i, Ne:ighborhlocd Planner; Plaige Coganian, Sciniar Manner;
Helul Bsple, Associaite Illlannen; Evan Boonci, Dciputy City Attarnuy and Iriis Trainien,
Administraitive Support. City Manager Alex McIntyre intraduaeid Himself) and tHankcid
the Clommiissionen for theiin sermiaa.
Anciciiation, neported that she was hearing many compllaiinl s aboul srr. okc frc m backyard
fine pits. She said she Had taikled with the Llirci Marshal about it and was lold ifltHe burner
Had a plenmil, it was legal. SHe asked for adNica. Mr. Bootie suggcisted stile discuss the
matlen with the Community Direcilor.
Heil isadcc Nei A bequest from the Clity of Lakes Cswego
and thle Palisades neiighbarhood Association fon a Compinehensive Plan text amcindmieint to
inaorpc rale thei Aalisiades Neighborrlood Plan.
Chair CJiSsoni oplened the public huariing ar.ic explained the applicable pnocedura. She
aisked the Commissionevs to decilarci any aor.ifllicl of inlenest. None were declared.
SlaraH Selden, Neighllicinhlok Hlainner, prusentad iHe staff reptcrl. She eimplained there
were tWo venaions of the Blalisadesi Nciightonhood Alam: one thal would be inaarponaled
into Ole ComplreHenisiNe Alan, and ai more detailed version that inicludud initernia chlanges
the Assaaiation eiould impllemenl on thein own. She recalled the hislary afllhlei Blahsades
NeighbonHood Allan planning ptnocciss, deisciribed 1he neighborhood, and hlgh]ieted. key
aispaclts. She said thle Plar.i dolled for the City to Help the neighborhood preserve thein
hislary, natural resources, .9ingla-family chlaraciter, inivcilvo membuis, clommuniceite butter
City of Lakc O; wicgo Plannin€i C ommiissicin
Minul e s cif 9e ptemb er 8, 2(108
Pagel 1 ofII
internally and with thea School Districit, reisoavei aonfllicls and promotes sustainable
praciticies. Them wanted to wcark- with the Historic Rkisources Advisory Board (HRAB) to
preaserwi and increase awareness of historic sites, including Plioneer Cemeitery. They fi;ilt
tree Clity could make conflicit rescduition serviaes available. They anticipatead taking
accitlonlal action afler thci Alan was impleamlented lea cionsideir using de,ii'grl civearlay zones
anc to deivealop a pilol lakeafrcanl zone.
M,i. Selden reported that afller the Neighborh and Planning Clommitteaea heand tr.ea
Clomrrii;isiioners question tIe maximum Flloor Area Rlatio (PARI) and floor area on
ciongreagatea and reasideinlial ciane Mousing that they hlad previously proposead, they deacaided
to keaep the propcasal fear an BAR limit of 0.6 but eliminate the maximum fllocir area and
use design standards instead. Those standards weirea Ica make 111 ase facilities' :look more
like a group of sinigie-fdmilN homes. Irdplementaltion wcaulld include additicinal re,ieaarch
and a propasall for a specific maximum tfoofl pitch foci the fdaililies. Ms. Selc er.i said the
A,isociafion also antiaipatead they would fashion a sceanie cacanaept plan Mir Over:lciok Road
and the asscaciialion Heated that thley wanuid to. be :involvead ir.i any priocess oftcihangirg the
Urban Senaiccs Bourtcar)1(USB) in the Staffbtid arena. 'Ilhey wanled traffilca studies; mote
pathway seagmeir.its tea be Finkead and enifolicefmieanit oft traffic Them wanted to
explow shutille searvice to fila thea void of transil servi:iae to tre neaighbcarhood. 911ea said
they planned to appoint a plan implementation aonuriitwa. Ms. Selldean reported that .staff
fecund thea ptioposead plan cacamaphed with. appliciable ctiitemia ane they iiecommeandead that the
Rannirig Commission it to tre Cit) Council.
P4b1ic 71estimony
Mark. Easley, 1921 Woodland Terrace, wha serwid can the Balisades 'Neighborhood
Associiation boand and ori the Neighborhood Blaming Commitlee, staled That ha and a
coriseansus caflA,isociationi meambein supported the X -Near plan and vision, bul Ile wanted
everyone tea understand thal the Actian Steps still neaeded to be vetiled by the eanline
membearslhlip. He said the residents did riot want view reagulaticansi eniaciled without a
prcaciess to ensure due d:iligeneea. Thle Commissionleni advised that any propoaaal la change
zoriinig oti the Commun:it) Deve:lopmeanl Code (CDC, hlad la involve a publ:ica hlearian&
Sally Manerieff, 2643 RivendcH Road, Chair 611 thci Aaliaadesa Nleiehklorhood
Asl.aocliation, asked the Commissioners to reci amnlenid thea current vemsicin of the plan,
whfcih stile said stayed true to the plan the mcimibepiship had approved. During the
queslior.iing peariod she clarified that a future patrway segment on Flernwocad Drive that
Ccammissiicinear Singel had bcar.i conceirr.ied about Ilad beear.i :inadvearlently lcift out of the
.short ver;iion, but was listed ir.i thea detailead version of tha plan.
Marlin DeHaas, 1425 Cherry Crest Drive, ,ilatcid theft Ile and hlis farniaN liked the way
things weme.
11ce A. Wiaklund, 16860 Lakeridgea_Drive, ,iaid the prcaposed plan reaflecteid what
neaighborhaod reisiceirit:i wanted ane nieedcid.
City caflLahe Osmullo Planning Commissican
Miuualcis offSgitei fl, 2( oft Pai 3 cif 7
John Surrett, 1685 EdgecUff Terrace, explaiired that He hk once serveid as Area 1
Rlepre.writative and on l e Neighborhood Planning Committee, but lie hlad never been
® consulted about the possibility cif a design over clay or a lakafronl zone. Hla wanted to
kdow Alleve, that idea oviginaled. Ms. Se:ldan. vacalled that several years ago thle Pllanniin€I
Cammissian Had observec that lakeifronit properties Had unique lot aand:itionis, includin8
sheep slopes, or..*untsit:ion is thle lake and lhle desire fcm praservationi of'Iake views. At that
tiinia the City conducted rusearchl, but cid rot follow through with, deve:lopmiarit of a
lakeifront zonae. Shei said tha Aalisades Ne:ighlborhlood Assaciatian hlad indiaatec there was
shill an int -crust in exploring the feasibility of developing a :lakafronl zonae. Chlair Glisson
liecalled a speiaial 2onei was being axplonad by thea Clity beciause lakefront developers
appliad fon so many variances.
THere was no other public testimiony. Chlair Glisson, alosac the Hearing to public
Comm:issiioneui l3vocikman moored to reaommend that the City Council adopt LU 08-0(14 !1.
Comm:issior.iaii Newman secunm id the motion and cisaus:iion follawed. Commissior.ieui
Brockman explai.nied that ciachl neigHbonhload was and :il was apprapriate f r one
neighbonHood to have it:i owr set of design standards for care faciil:iliesl. Commissioricni
Newman explained thlat the action Ieps refllected this particular r.iaighbo>ifload's
pursipeclive and shlould be on woorc. He haled that the limit ori thea fllaar area afleare
fhaiaities thal Ile and Commissioncir Sicigel Had been aor:.icierned about hac beien renr.avad.
® Ms. Selden alarifiad that the Associatior.i planned ala consider the aangragate hausing
proposal further in a future separate process. ClHaiir Clissoni and Cammissioners Newman
anc C]son said the plan was the be -,;k yet and thay hoped each neva neighlbarhood plan
would bean even bettar produat. Chlair Glission likaC' the fact that the neighlbarhood
associations Had also submitted a shorter (Comprehensive Plan) venisian, and that they Had
describad neighbonhlooc chlaraciter iri the appendix, which would hlelp them wHen they
conisider& design overlays. Ms. Seldun cortiecilad the Comprehlenisive Plan versions to
include the full] lisil of pathways and an action step to update tha transportallior.i syslem thlat
should have been transfdnied from the full version of the plan.
The vole was Meld and the motion passied 6:0. Chlair Glisson annour.cied the vote an
the findings, would be conducted al the next Planriiir.ig Commissian mewing.
Canneal ioni of . City _S Ewer Service to Unincorporated Plroy rtv (LU 08-0049) A
request from ilhei City ofIDake Osiwego fbn a Compnehlenisive Alan amendment to Gaal 14,
Aolicy 11, allowing temporary aonneiction of City semen service llo uniricorporatod
propertywiihiri 300 feel of an existing Clity sewer line.
Chlair Glission opened ilhei public hearing and explained the applicable procedure and
criileria. Shle askec thu Commis.,iioners to declare any confllict of interust regarding ilhe
application. None were declaned..
C ity cif Lake Oswgla Planning C ammiss ions
Minuses aflScpA crnbeir 8, 20(18 Pagei 31 of 7
Paul Dip e, A ss ociiate Plan nen, prasanted thea staff reipc ri . Hei explained that the ptioposed
change would allow awners of ptiopertias with fail is seiplic systems who could riot annex
to the city to eieceeive city sewer service if they agreed to annex iri the future. He showed a
mapl of an area along Childs Wad that highlighted properties that Were potential
candidales fbr such) service. Hee reported that staff bad invited ISO area ptioplarty owners
to an op eri Houser 2.5% of th em had atl enided; and appltiox imal ely cines -hal f (1/2) of those in ward roady to ciaminit to stmer service. He alariified that some of the
plrapart es wetie not close aer.icugh to a Clity of Lake Oswego -controlled roadway to qualify
for "aheltry sterni annexation" because Noma roads llaetie, inciludirig a sagmenit of Childs
Read, were in the Cit}{ of Riva>ligrcva. He tiececem.niievided adoption of the amendment.
During the quasticervng period, ,iuffccnfiirmed that shay had consid(ired other alternatives; .
including asking Rlvergravee to "dei -annex" half aft Childs Road sic Daka Osweego could
modify thea USB, Howevear, Rivergrove did not filrld that aceceepltabla. They confrmed lhlat
there was an intergovernmental agipament that allawed Rivengtpve to use Lakes Oswego
sewer service. Staff explldineid they had held. the oper.i house fon the purpose of assessing
interest iri sdwar conriection. They advised that 50% ofIawa property owners would Have
to vote fon annexation in ordeni to annex the enlitie areal and one owner it a aeries could
hald up the annexations and sawen connecticin of contiguous properties.
Pau blit Tesitim ony
Martin DleBoas, 142@ Chciry Crest Drime, urged the City to handle individual faiiled
septic ,iystem.,i admiinistiiativedy, as a hardship situation. He explaiineid that to tha
Clompreherisiva Alan foii this purpose would have uninlerided consequa iaesi, upset Thee
aor.itinuity oft Clity service and confuse emergenery ,iorvice providers. He advised tha
Commiisesioniers to wait for a report from the Cit} Engineer and to let the r.iew Clity
adminisittlalior.i weigh in on "piecemeal" annexations. He also advised that stra ing out
the boundary for a "aha ry stem annexatiori" was bad policy because it neacihad out to
serve some lotsi and left others oul . He advised 1 here were many failing seplt:i a systems
the Clity did -not know siboul, and trait situation had once led to a "hlealth hazard
annexatian' rear Marylhurst.
Clommiissiioner Brockman explla nad lhle proposed amendmenit required courity
verification that a sepltia systarri bad fhilad and the lot could not accammiodate a new
septic cysturn. She said it wou d apply to very few propertiesi and allow those occupants
to aontinue to ocauply the house. Staff explained they propased an amandmanl because
sewer serviad could not be conneceled ceonsisetent with the Comprehensive Alan wiithout an
Peter Klaebe, Chair of the. _Rosewood Neighborhood Association/CPO, said ilho
amendment was the bast way to deal with the increasing r.iumbeiis of failing seplt:ia
srysitems in hlis r.iaighlborhood. He reeplcried that aost was an issiud with awnelis there, and
they weuie resistant to forminig a Local Impinovemad E i4rict (IIID). Hee related that whleri
one srylstem had fa:iled,in July, owner had to paN $((1,0(1(1 to extand thle sewaei 260 fact dowr, the street to his ]cel and bypass a lot whose owner raft sed to annex and
play hfs fair share of the cosi. Hee suggesled the subject area miight be designated as an
City oflLakei Omega Alanr it g C cmmi:: ioni
Minutees oflSep affber 8, 210(18 Aage 4 ofII
urban renawall district fbr thea purpose of providing sewer to 1he eintire neighborhood: Hei
added ,staff to publish the results ofl the May open house sure ey. Dluning thea dueastioning
®period, hu explained residents vena resistant to an BID duel to the cost, and they weirs
nelucitant to annex to the City arc pay the incireiaMed tax burden stemming frcami purcahma
of thei West End Building and the Seweir Intearcieptor pnojeicit. Thea Commissicanears advised
him an LID sou: d be paiid fbr cavear a 20 -year period and theay suggea;aled 1he City offer
some tyr a of fInancung arrangurr ant tea individua owners who Had to pay $10,(1(10 to
aonnecit from thea street to their house. They reasoned thal one failing sy:alem ciould mean
theare were others failing nearby. When added, stiff cilarifiead that most of thea owneuas who
resplonceid to ele open blouse invitation ark vena interestEad in eeonn acting owned smaller
lots. They saiid they cacaulc preaseinl area property owners with a cacast beariefit analysis
aornparing the cosi of incaneamental connecilions witt. the cost of aprojecl to extend servicie
tea the entirea area.
Lisa Volael, 5(55 Kenny Street, who liveac in lhle, Rosewood Neighborblood, explained
that she own ad a large enough lot, with appropriate soils, and did not want to be forceic to
cionnEacit to seawear when it caame within 300 feet of Meer lot. She adviseac that an unfortunale
cawner mighl have Ice extend thea linea 3(I(I feet I1cir 5(10 ftaet can a cornier lot) down the streaet
at a cost of $3(1(1 peer foot. She explaineid that people did not want to play for an BID they
bealieavead eley die neat need. She suggested That owners who cionneaeited, but did not anneam,
should bee cHargead more fbr seawer searvice. The Commissioners obseerrad That anothlen
Jbictor to consider was thea impact of failing septic systEams on the waler aquifer. Ms.
Vlolpel said thlat dapeandEac on 1he soils - some pails of thea neighborhood blad appropriate
soill for a septic systeami, and somiea did not.
C omrn iss'oner Neawman mumcid to appravea IIUI 08.0049. Comm i ssionen Brockman
seconded the micilion and discussican followed. Commiiss:ioneer Neawman said gaff
proposed an "'ad Hoc" approach) that was the besi ,icilution fon a bad situation, but He
flopeed the City, would work with the county and the neighlboibooc to find a more
comprehensive approach) that property owners could understand and support. Chldir
Glisson agreed. Commi ssionen Brocakman observead sewer constnl cation cost was getfi ng
more expeansivEa eveary year and property owners aught to try) tea connect sooner, rathear
than laler. Commissionear Newman suggested the owners of property that had adequatei
room and adeaquete soil be a I awed 1l repdiin avid inista: l ,iagic systems. Staff adviscid that
they could do that if thEa lot was more than 300 feeat from an exi sti ng seawen line.
THe vote v.vais held and the motion passed (:0. Chair Glis,icen announced thFa vola on
the finiding,i, would be conducited at th a next F Ianning Commission meeating.
Booncas. Merry .Road .Refincamicant Stuldicas (PP 08=00131 Follcaw-up d:iscussican on
finalizing a draft request fbr proposal (1Rb1F; for a nefinemient study.
Haigea G oganian,'Seanior Planner, preaseinled thea shaft venisicin oflthe Request for Proposal
11RHP). She related that stalff_ Had askeid fcr suggestions from the City Erigirieeri-and City
is Counc:ilor Frank Groznik. Based on their input staff reivised the duciument so it neva
C it}I of Lake Owego Planning C ommis s icin
M inul (is cif 9eplte rnbeir fl, No Page 5 of 11
askead for a wb amatia design level reafinemeanl plan, rather than a "preconist:ruation leaved"
refiniemeanl plan. The refined wahnical caoncaept plan, its related costs, and funding
scaer.iarios would then be vetted in a publia process. A deitaileid design phlasa and the
coristrucationi phase would ciarr. ei later. Shle said they had made an advisory aommitl ee parl
ofltfa prcacaess, as the Ccamrriss:ionears had requested. She reported tfat the C;itj, Council
was to Mold a work scission to review 1Ihe RFR, and it was 1Ihea Ccauncil thall would deaidei
thle rr embership and ablarge caf l the adviscary committee.
TI7e Commissionien obscirwid the dcacaumenit aallad foie 1ha advisory caomrr.itteae to establish)
project goals and evaluation critearia and they speiaifiead t1 at thfiy wanteld those to be
alearly lied to Bake Grove Villag(i Center Filan gicaals. They wanled to emphasize that
)Mere Had 11a bei a full public discussion. Thley stresseid that the consublant selection
process was 1Ica be an open, publia process. Staff said they would Hold a pnci-proposal
caonferenice and thciy would distribute thle answers to questions poseid by any patenit:ial
caandidato contractor to all potential caonlractors. The Ccammissioniens dincicated staffl to
adNisa the City Council they wood fashican a reiaommendalion regarding lha advisory
caommitlee if the Counail wanled 1Ihem 1Ica do that.
Public Comments .
Carolyn KrON, 16925 Uenney Court, saw a need to clarify when 1Ihe advisory
caommitilae wcauld hold a publia meeting ane w4len there, Would la a glanera publia
rr._aeting. Staff confirmed that thle advisory eommitlee and cacansultant were la work
l agu.ther to draft criteria fon awd uating tI ei refaneam ent plan b eifl mea the public kickoff l
meeting. Shei advised the Cit)I to encouragei the consultant to keep the avast down by not
dosing theiir own tests if thall data was already availat ]a elsewhere. Staff said they caould
provide pcalential contractors wit)• the surmeys and data) they already blad. Ms. Kdebs
aaslded on what basis and who was 11 caterminei what was an "unaccaeaptablea" econom'ca or
traffic impacll. The Commissioners suggested an "uriaacaeptablei" irr.paat would be an
impact 1Ihat made 1Ihe cunienit aondillior.i worse. Ms. Krcils suggested it specaify, "adverse
eacaoncam i c impacll s b aaseic on the) establ i sheid crill aria" to alarTy blow i t w as to be caval uatud.
Ms. Krebs said she was concerned that languages reigianding "funding sccinariaos" was
biaseid in favor of an urban renewal projeicit, and she said if it were reata:inead thle documeanll
should also gala for consaidanatican of Now sauah a programs might reduce Geanearal. Flund
money availlable for caompat:ing, aitywjide projects. Shea a]so he] tkat projeals that were
not part of roadway improvement should not be analyzed in the Hoones Flerr) Road
refinement plan; The Commissioners obsearvad the flake Gi ove Village Centeir Plan itself
spec:i fi ca ] y cal ] ed for evaluating an urban renewal program' fur, c i rag m, as w els
as othear meaans. 1lheiy noted that thei gateways and public parking Ravi:litieis were
transportallion-reilatcad and it was appropriiatea to call for the clonsultanl to consaideiii blow tea
fund them. Ms. Kilebs suggested thea City shcauld instead add a publia parking facility tea
the Capitol ImproN cement Firaject (CIA) list now because of the imm eadiatei need for
parking. Chair Gl i ss or.i and Ms. G oganian agreed with Ms. Kiebls that the adviscary
committeie and the consu tacit should haN ei an oFlporunity to use stakehoadears' input tea
craft a discussion gulidea bleifone a general public vetting. They suggested the comm:itlee
, hou:I d s ol:i Gait input and ed ucaatea tole public about the c i ffanent funding options before the
City of LAI( ON ga Planninji Comrr issior
M inw(s of se f Itemtj en EI, .aC OEI Page 6 of 7
public medings so thct publici would come in to thci mcietings wilh khowledge and
undearstanding and thea disewisionsi could bei as niiaaningful as passible.
® The Commissioners caonlinued to discuss the publica inimolvern ant program..ThciN slreissed
it Had to be a "veiry publlic" procciss with a High levael cafI publico inmol memeanl in thea eaarly
stage,i. THcN wanilead to betilar desicribe whlo the "pub:ic" vasa and they woni:cid aboul the
pcalenitial cost of requiring thea consu:hant to caonducat "one-on-onie" satakuhcalder :inlleiniews
all affeciled propurty owncirs, business owners, nciebarHood repncisentativacas and
businaessa amocaiaticansa in the projecl arcia, as Commissioneza Sicigul suggested in his
Scaptemben 6t' emailed communis. They wondered ifI staffl caould Help thea consiultant
saoaicait input from individual stakeHoldensa wHo did not atllenid the publ:ica meelinigs. They
genieral ly agreaeid thei RFP sahoii d specaify thea program to invioavKi and gest rucaommendalionis
`fiom the public, plarticularlIN Ilake Grove commstakeahcalders, including iiesiidenitsa,
institutianal and business i represaenitalimesa and caommencial propearty owneirs." Chlair
Glimon asked staff to ritmord a bulleteid itemi to make ail cluaner thall the goal 1Ica increase
pedestrian acatimity caauld inmease potential conflicat betwleean vaehicdesa turning into
drimewaysa and pedestrian caross ing dr.. wmays.
Commisasicancir Brocak:nlan mmeid to direcal sataff Ila incorporate the suggesationis the
Comimisasianears Had made during the Hearin8 and fain reacornmend it to the City Council.
Commisasicanear Neawman sticiond eid the motion and it F assicd (:0.
® Commismionear Brockman reaFlaried that Ale had meat with staff to :Icaarn mcarEa abaut thea
Sensitive IJands. Ordinance. Sha sauageistead the Commission arranges to va:ieaw a slide sHow
about what thle City] oflPalo Alto had done that the Bang Ranges Blaming Manager was to
sHow 1he Infill Task Fiore.
Theme being no furthear business before 1Ihei Paannina Clommissaion, Chaiir G;lissoni
adjouznead the meetin8 at 9:18 p.m.
Rleaspectfully subm:ilted,
Iris Treinean
Adminiistraativie Support
City alILake C1mielp Plannin€I Commissicin
Minuttis cif SeaptaMter EI, 2(108 Nigel 7 of