Approved Minutes - 1971-01-05 . .. 4 a• jJe4nuary 5, 1971 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Lake Oswego convened at 7:30 p.m. . present were mayor MacLean, Councilmen Cook, Dent, Goodall, Knowles, Needham end Smith, City .Manager Deane Seeger, City Attorney Garry Mcmurry, Messrs. Abraham, , De Haas and Mahoney, ,and Recorder Helen, Bush. • The invocation was offered by Mayor MacLean. Minutes of the December 15, 1970 meeting were approved as mailed. • SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 11 . - 1) Oaths of Office were administered--by the Recorder to Mayor-elect MacLean end .; ; Councilmen-elect Dent, Needham end Smith. ,:,, 2) Election of Council President. Councilman Knowles nominated Councilman Cook. Councilman Needham seconded the . nomination and moved that nominatiorie be closed. Motion seconded 'by'Councilmen Dent and passed unanimously. ' 'Councilman Cook was elected by unanimous"vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS ,, 1) Public hearing on appeal of Lena Scarpelli. from Planning Commission denial� of , - zone change request from R-?.5 to LMR on property located at Laurel Street and Highway 43. ' . 1) • Written remonstrances from Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Burns and Mr. and Mrs. David Labs were noted. , Mr. Tony maksym spoke for the appellant,' pointing-out the favorable aspects of ' •• the proposed development. • Messrs. Clark Foster, 1036 Bullock;, Dudley`Starr, 17 Laurel; ,Ron M:+• bre, 1023. Lund; G.. H. -Mattersdorff, 110 Laurel; Donald.,E. Stiffler, 975.Lund, Walter Larson, 930 Bullock and C. A. 3eneke, 208 Ash, .spoke in opposition. ' • Mrs. Don Kelly, daughter of Mrs. Scarpelli, and,Mr:'Maksym epnke•=in favor of • the appeal. 1} Public hearing was closed. Council discussion followed. Mr. mahoney� reviewed the procedures of the Plan- :lip_ ning Commission. Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Smith that the decisionofthe Planning Commission in denying the zone change be upheld. Motiol passed unanimously. REPORTS OF OFFICERS --;I1) Engineer's report on assessments in L.I.D. No: 120 (Uplands Ares-Sewer). - { . . �f • Resolution setting a date for public hearing on levying of ;ai'seeamenbs. ' Moved by Councilmen 'Knowles; seconded by. Courloilman'Smith that tha ras.olution a be adopted. Motion passed unanimously. ,, . . 11 2) Engineer's report on assessments for L.I.O. No. 126 (Laurel and Patton Street Improvements). Resolution setting a date for public hearing on levying of assessments.. moved by Councilmen Pent; seconded by Councilman Goodell that the resolution be adopted. motion ;passed unanimously. „ , -7 3) Acceptance of two easements for recording - Mountain Park water lines. 11 • Moved by Counoilman Needham; seconded by Councilmen Smith that the easements {:, be accepted ?di recording. motion passed unanimously. -- 'ORDINANCES - 1) ORDINANCE NO. 1413 - AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE FOR PUBLIC'HEARING ON WITH- DRAWAL OF PROPERTY FROM THE FOREST HIGHLANDS WATER, DISTRICT NO. 13 (Powers ' property annexation). 410 moved byCouncilman Cook; seconded byCounoilman Knowles that the ordinance .. be read the first time by' title only. Motion passed unanimously'. •�:, Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Needham that'the ordi- nance be read the second time by title only.' motion passed unanimously: Ordinance No. 1413 was read for. the second time by title only and, upon roll call vote, was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTIONS r. 1) Resolution requesting transfer of jurisdiction of Carter Road Prom Clackamas • County to the City of Lake Oswego. . . Moved by Councilmen Needham; seconded by Councilman Cook that the resolution be adopted. - , ' - Councilman Goodall asked if it would be.poasible for the County to improve Carter Road or to participate with City in such-improvement. Mr. Abraham explained the position of County and City. in this or any similar matter. , • 1- Neither jurisdiction would improve a given road without assessing affected ,,. • property owners. • Motion to adopt the resolution passed unanimously. . 2) Resolution authorizing execution of State-County-City agreement for. Phase 2 • of Boones Ferry Road imp • vement. - Moved by Councilman Needham; seconded by Councilman Cook ,that the resolution -,..!. :. i - be adopted. Motion passed._.unanimously, " +_i : . - V o . .`. UNFINISHED BUSINESS f ',, 1) Councilman Dent commended Councilman Cook for his report oh ; he Atlanta Conference. 2) Councilman Goodall submitted several suggestions for the Solid Waste Disposal Committee's consideration. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE ' 1) Allen J. Patchett, 17901 Stafford Road, appeared to protest the proposed...improve- ment of Carter Road. He requested that Council give careful consideration to the necessity for improving the road and the propriety of asiesaing property ' owners who presumably do not benefit. Mr. Patchett stated that a County repre- aentative had informed him if the City doss not improve Carter Road, the' CountV will, at least to the extent of accommodating school buaess No definite infor- mation was forthcoming, however, regarding costa or financing., . 1 „ NEW BUSINESS 1) Resolution calling for Engineer's report on proposed Carter Road improvement. moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Counoilman Needham that the resolution be adopted. . `� Councilman Goodall asked if it would be necessary to accomplish the entire pro,j- act at one time; also, if the Engineering Department could offer several alter- nate• plans for the improvement. Mr. Abraham explained that his%department would ) . present the plan Which appeared:to be the most feasible and economical one. Council would then be free to alter it as they see fit. Motion to adopt the resolution was passed unanimously. Councilman Dent suggested that notices of public hearing"sent to mortgage companies also be sent to the street address• of the property involved. The matter of mailing notices will oe reviewed end necessary changes made. Councilman Dent requested that Council be given a report on expenditures of gee tax money. . The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 'p.m. II ‘,.):H' : City Recorder APPROVED BY COUNCIL: • „ Yor .. ' : . Q