Approved Minutes - 1971-02-04 • • .fir r 1 w I • • • February ,4`, 1971 The regular mooting of the Council of th City of Lake Oswego ,convened at 7;30 p.m. Present wore Mayor MacLean, Councilmen Cook, Dont, Goodall, Knowles, Needham and Smith, City Manager Doane Seeger, Asst. City Attorney Joe Maylia, and staff members Abraham, Mah.,tmy, Do Haas and Bush. Mayor MacLean offered the invocation. Minutes of the January 19th Council meeting were approved as mailed. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1) Public hearing on withdrawal of Powers annexation (Shireva Drive area) from out- _ side taxing district. There'were no oral or written remonstrances. Public hearing was closed. ORDINANCE. NO. 1416 - AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN LANDS HEREIN DESCRIBED FROM THE FORGSTHIGHLANDS WATER DISTRICT NO. 13 AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, hav- ing been propoetad, wee read for the first time by title only. Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Smith that the ordinance be read the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 1416 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll call vote, was unanimously adopted. REPORTS OF OFFICERS 1) Report of City Manager regarding application of Klinelino Sand do Gravel for per- mit to remove gravel in area near Lake Oswego's water intake ,in the Clackamas River. The application was denied by the Clackamas County Planning Commission by a vote of 4 to 2. • ** (Since Ordinance No. 1417 involves Local 'Improvement District procedures, it was considered beforerthe ensuing Items p-) through (4) under this heading.) ORDINANCE NO. 1417 - AN ORDINANCE-AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 365.AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO, 1247 AND ORDINANCE NO. 1276, AND CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 40, "IMPROVEMENT PROCEDURE," OF THE LAKE OSWEGO CITY CODE CHANGING NOTICE PROVI- SIONS TO CONFORM WITH PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. •\ Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Cook that the ordinance be - read the first time by title vniy 'Motion passed unanimously. • Moved by Councilman Needham; seconded by Councilman Cook that the-ordinance be road the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance Nc. 1417 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll call vote, }, 8 was unanimously. adopted. 2) Engineer's report on proposed LID 129 (Collins Way Sower). -Resolution accepting report and' setting date for public hearing on formation. (I • lk IMoved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Knowles t;tIat the resolution be adopted. Motion paused unanimously. 3) Engineer's report on proposed LID 131 (Collins Way 'Street's)f. Resolution accepting report and setting date for public hearing on formation. Moved by Councilman Dent; socondod by Councilman Needham that the resolution , be adopted. Motion passed .unanimously. 4) Engineer's report on proposed LTD 132 (Collins Way Water). Resolution accepting report and setting date for public hearing 6n formation. Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Needham that the resolution . - --be adopted. ,motion passed unanimously. c.-, ' ORAL COMMUNICATIONS' FROM THE AUDIENCE . -, 1) , Mrs. W. T. Leman, Jr. of 13900 Goodell Road offered several suggestions for solid waste disposal and stressed the importance of recycling such materials as glass, paper, aluminum, etc. ' . ' ; r NEW BUSINESS ' 1) The City Manager road the names of proposed-appointees to the Citizens' Budget .. Committee, se follows: . Richard Parsons . . 1 Year " • Robert B. Nottingham 2 Years John C. Lewis 3 Years ' John Carson 3 Years Dr. Carlos Starling' 3 Years moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Knowles that the,above appoint- ., ments be confirmed. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Upon inquiry from Councilman Dent, Mr. Seeger roported on status of the State- wide building code legislation. Ho pointed out'that several cities have..taken exception to the bill as drawn and to League support of it. A letter will be - • sent to Oregon cities to dotermino which have- taken en official stand on the proposed legislation, either- supporting or_opposing. ,' , 3) Councilman Dont requested that the Planning Commission 'study the possibility • of amending the Code as it relates to the maximum height of buildings. APPROVED BY COUNCIL: /"``"ems.,—) e'6c--c*‹� Recorder r:/'41-1 r:--f-f '' . . . a .ma