Approved Minutes - 1971-04-13 .
Apr`il;E 13, 1971
PI ' .
To His Honor The mayor . }
Members of the City Council }
Your Committee of The Whole, to which was referred .
various matters, met in regular study session on 13 April, 1971, -
end begs to report as" follows3
1. In the matter of proposed contract for sale of surplus water 'i ' J,�
to Alto Park Water District, your Committee recommends that
said contract be approved and that Council favorably consider
enactment of resolution and Code amendment establishing rate .
structure for sale of surplus water.
2. In'the matter of a proposed contract uith the Lake Corporation
to augment lake water supply from City Well No. 2, your Com—
• mittee recommends approval of one—year contract in accordance _
with terms and conditions as proposed by Staff.
3. In the matter of a proposal by the Planning Commission for a
building moratorium on duplex residential zones pending a 7
decision on plan review procedures, your Committee recommends,
favorable action by Council one Resolution imposing such a • "
moratorium. .
Respectfully submitted, .
. -_ ;`� ..