Approved Minutes - 1971-05-18 1 j I‘ May 18, 1971 I ill The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Lake Oswego convened at 7:30 p.m. Present were Mayor MacLean, Councilmen Cook, Dent, Goodall, Knowles, Needham and E Smith, City Manager Dean© Seeger, City Attorney Jim Cox and staff members. IIIMayor MacLean offered the invocation. Minutes of the May 4th regular meeting were approved as mailed. III PUBLIC HEARINGS 1) Public hearing on pror..•ised formation of LID 124 (Hemlock Street Area Sanitary Sewer, Water, Street .. hid Lighting Improvement.) Mr. Seeger reported that discussions of this proposed improvement have brought out the possibility of City purchase of the Freepons-Dahl property (approximately 7 acres) for future park and recreation site. He recommended that Council con- sider deferring further consideration on formation of the district until June 15, during which interim the City Manager might proceed with appraisals and negotia- tions with owners or the property. Council would then be furnished a report on the feasibility of purchase. ® The public hearing was opened. Mr. Seeger read a petition submitted by nine, families in the area, only one of which resides within the proposed district. Letters of remonstrance from W. A. Robertson (outside district) and from III Kenneth F. Gates (within district) were also read. There were no oral remonstrances from residents within the proposed district. Moved by Councilman Smith; seconded by Councilman' Needham that the rules be suspended to allow remonstrance from residents/ outside the proposed LID area. Motion passed unanimously. Remonstrances ware heard from William Ditty, John III Muir, Wm. Robertson, G. Stone and Mrs. Ste'.la Mcmorran. i. Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Smith that the public hearing III be continued to June 15, 1971 to allow fsr further deliberation by Council and submittal by staff of a report on potential purchase of the Freepons-Dahl properties. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Public hearing on proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow restau- rants as conditional use in an NC zone. III ill/ There were no oral or written remonstrances. Public hearing was closed. ORDINANCE NO. 1427 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 781 KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO BY ADDING RESTAURANTS AS CONDI- TIONAL USES IN A NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE. Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Smith that the ordinance be;: read the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. 't Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Needham that the ordi- nance be read the second time by title only. ' Motion pessOd unanimously, Ordinance No. 1427 was read for the second time by title-only end, upon roll • call 'vote, was unanimously adopted. -) . 7 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES „ 1) Report of Council Committee of The Whole re: a) Dog Control Amendments. , III b) Tree Cutting Ordinance. ' c) PUTS Transportation Plan. d) Acquisition Park Property. 'e) Enlargement of Police Headquarters-relocation oP;1Counbil ,Chambers. - Moved by Councilman'- edham; .seconded by Councilman Knowles that the report ' • of the Committee of Tile Whole be accepted. Motion passed unanimously.' if ORDINANCES . 1) . ORDINANCE NO. 1428 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF , - IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON, IN THE AMOUNT OF FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR DOLLARS AND NINETY CENTS ($418,154.90), PURSUANT TO THE BANCROFT BONDING ACT, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. , 1426, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ® Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Needham that the ordinance be read the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. ' : (Ordinance No. 1420 includes a 5-year redemption feature and changes the date of sale.) Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Smith that the ordinance be read the 'second time by title only. Motion passed Unanimously. Ordinance No. 1428 was read the second time by title only and, upon boll call vote, was unanimously adopted. 2) ORDINANCE NO. 1429 - AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CUTTING OF TREES AND PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Goodall that' the ordinance be read the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Needham that the ordinance be read the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 1429 was read the second time by title only and, upon. roll call vote, ,was unanimously adopted. ® Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Knowles;.that the rules be sus- ' pended to allow comment from the audience. ® Mrs. Louise Fronville, representing the League of Women Voters, expressed the approval of her organization for the ordinance as adopted. High School student James Matter expressed his belief that the conservation of trees is of great _ importance to the area. • • • 's Mr. Seeger commented that problems- are expected in the enfortlement of the tree AMV\ ordinance. He asked community patience and cooperation as CJ • .ty enters into this new program. Copies of the ordinance will be sent ,t.o,ldcal organizations in the near future. 3) ORDINANCE NO. 1430 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DOG CONTROL AND LICENSING; AMEND- = ING LOC 31.210 AND LOC 31.260; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Moved by Councilman Needham; seconded by Councilman Smith that the ordinance be • read the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Cook that the ordinance be read the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. ' 1430 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll call vote, was unanimously adopted. 4) ORDINANCE NO. 1431 - Roseman Sanitary Service rate adjustment.' The. City Attorney is preparing the draft of this ordinance and will meet with _ the City. Manaeer, Councilman Cook and Mr. Rossman when it is completed. The matter will be on Committee of The Whole agenda for June B and on Council agenda of June 15. • . PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 410 1) A communication from Mrs. Heather Elmaleh requested time on agenda for presen- • tation of group promoting City purchase Of 52-acre parcel of land between Waluga Jr. High and the canal and between Bryant and Childs Roads. Mrs. Marge Simnitt showed slides of the tract and explained the group's activities. Mr. Franz Elmaleh invited Council consideration of the purchase of this property.' Mayor MacLean listed the park properties which are available for• purchase by - City at this time. Approximate price for said properties - $750000. He also . enumerated the capital improvements needed in the community at this time. Tho Mayor said that a poll of the Council had produced a consensus that any..action taken by the community toward acquisition of subject property“would have tb be generated by an initiative petition either to the,School Board or to the City. Councilman Cook added that, if the matter comes before the community in the form of an initiative petition, the electorate should be' furnished with the • list of priority needs mentioned by Mayor MacLean. The City Manager reminded the assembly that the development of Bryant. Woods • is pending. Construction plans have been approved and bids taken. It' is anticipated that work will begin within thirty- days. Several members of the audience asked if anything could be done at this point "to reverse the course of action.. Mr. Seeger suggested;that interested individuals might wish to contact the developer. Mr. Cox will meet with the attorney representing the group which is interested in purchase of the property. `:� NEW BUSINESS , 1) Councilman Needham reported on the progress of the Adult Community Center. ' i! , II v I iF • r it ® 1 // The new quarters adjacent to the Library aro proving to be ntoft aatiaPactory., II2) Councilman Goodall stressed the need for pedestrian end bicycle,trails in. the ,). . III outside She asked the City manager to investigate the poasibili;ty of acquiring outside funds for this purpose. H j (t I City Recorder APPROVED BY COUNCIL: V j - or - 71 rf J, • t) •