Approved Minutes - 1971-06-09 i
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( June 9; 1971 \'
f •
To His Honor The Mayor '
. Members of the City Council
I Your Committee of The Who1,a met it regular session on
8 June, 1971, and begs to report as follows:
1) In the matter of L,I.D. 124 and the proposed acquisi-
tion of certain properties within the boundaries of the L.I.D. dis-
itrict for future parks and recreation purposes, your Committee recom-
mends that the off:, s of sale of said properties be rejected at this
time and that the matter be held in abeyance pending disposition of
the L.I.D. hearing.
2) In the matter of proposed removal of three curb park-
ing stalls on State Street south of the "A" Avenue intersection, your
Committee finds that such removal must be accomplished as a traffic safety .
measure, and recommends relocation of bus stop to improve present parking
II 411° 3) In the matter of leasing new quarters for City offices,
and the relocation of the Police Department to the present City Hall,
your Committee recommends that the City Manager be authorized to pro-
ceed with negotiations for the lease of said properties and to return
his findings and recommendations to the City Council for further considera- 1
4) Your Committee has reviewed the draft of a proposed ordi-
nance for the establishment of a Library Trust Fund and recommends adop-
tion of said ordinance.
,, 5) In the matter of the proposed dedication of Mapleleaf
Circle as a public street, your Committee finds such dedication to be
to the mutual interest of the City and affected property owners, and
recommends the acceptance of said street as a public way.
6) In the matter of providing water service to the I.O.O.F.
Cemetery, your Committee recommends the continuation of this service sub-
ject to future re-consideration.
7) In the matter of appointment of a Municipal Judge for
a one-year term commencing July 1, 1971, your Committee recommends re-
appointment by Council of Robert J. Groce.
IPRespectfully submitted,