Approved Minutes - 1971-08-03 a
August, 3, 1971
The regular meeting of the Council of, the City of Lake Oswego was convened at 7:30 pm.
Present were Mayor MacLean, Councilmen Cook, Dent, Goodall, Needham and Smith, City .
Manager Deane Seeger, City Attorney Jim Cox, and staff members. Councilman Knowles
was excused due to illness.
11 Mayor MacLean offered the invocation.
Minutes of the July 20th regular Council meeting were approved as mailed.
1) Public hearing on appeal of T. C. Ammons from Planning Commission denial o>`','
request for variance on Jct area and width at building line. Property is
located on Lake Front R . 1.
Mr. Mahoney pointed out that the property in question was platted prior to ,
1961 when present R-7.5 requirements were adopted. He showed slides of the
area which indicated that a dwelling on subject lot would be harmonious with
the neighborhood as developed.
Mr. Ammons said he has no plan to sell the lot or to build upon it at this time. ,
He maintained• that he should know, however, whether the lot, is a buildable one.
Mrs. Helen Peterson, a home owner on Lake Front Road, read a statement favoring
the granting of Mr. Ammons' request.
IIPublic hearing was closed. .
Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Smith that the Council over-
rule the Planning Commission action and grant Mr. Ammons' request for variance
on lot area and width at building line. ;;
After discussion, the vote was taken and motion passed unanimously.
15 Schedule and award of bid on LID 134 (Palisades No. 5 Sewer and Water. )
Moved by Councilman Needham; seconded by Councilman Goodall that the bid be
awarded to B & D Construction Company, in the amount of $41,882.10. Motion
passed unanimously. f.,
1) Resolution waiving call for bids on street light installation for LID 130
(Carter Road).
Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Cook that the resolution be
I ' adopted. Motion passed unanimously.
El2) Resolution .waiving call for bids on street light installation for LID 134
(Palisades No. 5). ( ,
Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Needham that, the iolution
be adopted. Motion passed unanimously.
3) Resolution waiving call for bids on street light installation for LID 135
(Fir Ridge Road).
Moved by Councilman Smith; seconded by Councilman Goodall that the resolution
be adopted. Motion passed unanimously.
1) Parking spaces at State and Foothills (S.P. right-of-way). The three existing
parking spaces (diagonal) have been declared hazardous to traffic and will be
converted to two parallel spaces. This matter was brought to Council's atten-
tion by Genevieve Browning. In investigating the situation, Mr. Abraham con-
• tacted owners of nearby businesses, and they were in agreement with the change.
2) McCray Marine Settlement.. . Mr. Garry McMurry, who handled this matter as former
City Attorney, has recommended that the case be settled with net payment to
City of $14,500.00. Mr. Seeger recommended Council acceptance of this offer.
Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Needham that'' the City Manager
be authorized to accept the settlement on the part of City. Motion passed
3) The City Manager commented on the new controlled-air incinerator system which '
will be introduced by Turco Engineering, Inc. of Lake Oswego. He discussed
® the system with Mr. Turner, president of the company, some weeks ago. As soon
as more definite information is available, Mr. Turner will furnish it and
Council will be kept advised. Mr. Seeger also suggested including West Linn,
Tigard and Beaverton officials in future discussions.
1) Mr. Robert Ludwig announced that the stop sign at Reese and Upper Drive is ob-
scured by a laurel hedge. This will be investigated.
2) Mrs. Robert Ludwig inquired if anything has been done about the house on
Reese Road that is not in the City, or about annexation of the property behind
the Country Club. Mr. Seeger informed her that Council will be glad to refer
any petitions for annexation to the Boundary Commission.'
3) John Smets expressed the opinion that the barriers at State and "B" 'are a
' �. hazard to motorists. Mr. Abraham informed Council that the State has ex-
pressed their intention to impose guide lines and paint striping. They will
also repair the present barriers but do not intend to remove them.
Mr. Smets will be furnished with the name of the State official to whom he
• should address his complaint. City will remain in contact with the State on
the matter also.
Due to County ele ion, the next C cil meeting will be held on Monday., August 16.
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