Approved Minutes - 1971-10-19 r
October1.9, 1971
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The regular meeting of the Council of the City df Lake Oswego convened at 7:30 -pm.
Present were Mayor MacLean, Councilmen Cook, Go,�dall, Knowles and Smith, City
Manager Deane Seeger, City Attorney Jim Cox, and staff members. Councilmen Dent
and Needham were excused. .
Mayor MacLean offered the invocation. .
Minutes of the October 5th regular Council meeting were approved as mailed.
1) Public hearing on appeal of Joe Pollock, Jr. from Planning Commission denial
of plans for duplex construction on Parrish Street.
The City Manager presented a petition received by the Recorder on October 12;
signed by occupants of seventeen residences in. the affected area. Petitioners
requested that Council zone the property in question single-family residential.
The City Attorney ruled that the petition could be considered as a protest
to the proposed plan to erect duplexes, but not for re-zoning of the property.
° Roger Holm, attorney representing Mr. Pollock reviewed the variousapplica- .
tions made by Mr. Pollock for use of the property and the disposition made
410 of each by the Planning Commission.
Gene Martini, designer of the proposed units, explained that all requirement:
have been met by his client, and 'they are a loss to understand why the ,plans�
were rejected.
Speaking in support of the Planning Commission decision were Cecil Smith,
Kurt Woller and Mrs. Wellesley Taylor. ,
Mr. Pollock requested permission to speak. Since two opportunities. had
already been given for appellant's testimony, it was moved by Councilman
Knowles; seconded by Councilman Goodall to waive the rules and allow Mr.
Pollock's comments. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Pollock asked if staff had found any irregularities in his application
for building permit. He was assured that the application was in order and
that the plans meet the building ,andzoning code requirements. . r
Public hearing was closed.
Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Knowles that the action of
the Planning Commission to reject Mr. Pollock's construction plans be over-
ruled. . :r
The City Manager road the report of the Planning Director indicating that
the Planning Commission action was based solely on their concern for -the
traffic situation-and the condition of-Parrish Street. .
® Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Knowles 1h4t, the
main motion be. amended to inc�,udo the two conditions set forth by the
Public Works Department, (1) that Mr. Pollock grant t'o City ,a 35-foot
easement for street right-of-way along his property that faces Parrish .
Street, and (2) that Mr. Pollock•agree not "to oppose any future L.I.D.
-for the improvement of Parrish Street. Motion passed unanimously.
Upon Council vote, the main motion, as amended, was unanimously passed.
1) Report of the Council Committee of The Whole re;
a) Purchase of Freepons-Dahl properties.
b) Park use rules and regulations.
c) Establishment 1.:' stop signs at- intersection of First and "0". t'«?"
Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Goodall that the
• • report of Committee be accepted. Motion passed unanimously.
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1) Easement for recording - L.I.U. 120 (Uplands Crest Sewer).
This matter was stricken from agenda.
1) Petition requesting further Council consideration of traffic regulationN
' on Overlook Drive. -
• Mr. Seeger exp.kained that establishment of stop signs, as provided for by
resolution passed on October 5th, was considered by staff and Council as
an' adequate solution to the traffic problem on Overlook. Mr. Abraham
added that Overlook is designated a collector street in the overall
traffic plan of the City.
Speaking in support of the petition for further consideration were Warren
Deal, Kenneth B. Sadler, Mrs. Wesley Messinger, Stephen K. Foster, Allen
• McDonald and Richard D. Hurley. A 'specific recommendation was_:for a
4-way stop at Hillside Drive and Overlook. .
Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Smith that We installs- ,
tion of stop signs as authorized by'Resolution No. 71-64 be held in abey-
ance and given further study.
• Councilman Goodall moved to amend the motion by providing for a citizens' ;.
committee to aid staff in their study. The motion died for lack of a
• • second.
Motion passed unanimously. .
Councilman Knowles suggested added police control' on Overlook for the interim.
2) Communication from citizens' group regarding proposed acquisition of
® Lakewood Bay property. •
Mr. G. L. Kilgour read a letter signed by Peter Lalloureux which read:
"We are a group of citizens, concerned with 'The future development of
Lake Oswego and the preservation of our image as a lake-oriented residen-
tial community. We are particularly concerned with preserving for the
community and travelers the last open space on Lakewood Bay, namely the •
property at 120 N. State Street. Because of the necessity of preserving
a bit of lakeshore and a vista of the bay, we ask the Council to declare
a moratorium on additional development of this property to allow time for
our group to investigate the feasibility of creating a public plaza,
financed by contributions and federal funds. We feel that such a mint
plaza would retain visual access to the water and revitalize the core:
area. We ask your help."
The petition, which represents about thirty citizens, was accepted by
• Council for consideration:
Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Smith that the ordinance
II 411 be read the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Goodall; seconded by Councilman Cook that the ordinance '
be read the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance
No. 1443 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll call vets), • -
was unanimously adopted.
1) Resolution establishing City park use rules and regulations.
• Moved by Councilman Smith; seconded. by Councilman Cook that the resolution be
adopted. Motion passed unanimously.
2) Resolution establishing stop signs at intersection of 1st and "D" Avenues.
Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Cook that the resolution
be adopted. Motion passed unanimously.
3) Resolution authorizing installation of stop signs on
a) Country Club Court and Country Club Road
b) Fir Ridge Road
• c) Collins Way
Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Cook that the resolution
be adopted. Motion passed unanimously.
4) Resolution required by cities in order to participate in programs which are
partially or totally funded by the federal governmen't.
Moved by Councilman Smith; seconded by Councilman Cook that the resolution
be adopted. Motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Cook askedCouncil's opinion on the possibility of establishing
a 4-way stop at Overlook and Hillside pending completion of study.
The Mayor directed that staff prepare a report for the next meeting and
that particular emphasis be given to this intersection.
11 City Recorder
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