Approved Minutes - 2002-06-03I. CALL TO ORDER
City of Lake Oswego
Development Review Commission Minutes
June 3, 2002
Chair Sheila Ostly called the Development Review Commission meeting of June
3, 2002 to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall
at 380 "A" Avenue, Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Commissioners present included Chair Ostly, Vice Chair Nan Binkley, Dave
Powers, Krytsyna Stadnik and Gary Fagelman. Commissioners Julie Morales,
and Bill Tierney were excused.
Staff present included Hamid Pishvaie, Development Review Manager; Evan
Boone, Deputy City Attorney; and Iris Treinen, Senior Secretary.
Ms. Binkley moved for approval of the Minutes of April 1, 2002. Mr. Powers
seconded the motion and it passed with Ms. Ostly, Ms. Binkley, Mr. Powers, Ms.
Stadnik and Mr. Fagelman voting yes. Ms. Morales and Mr. Tierney were not
present. There were no votes against.
LU 01-0005, a request by Paul C. Sedoruk.
Mr. Fagelman moved for approval of LU 01-0005 Findings. Conclusions and
Order. Ms. Stadnik seconded the motion and it passed with Ms. Ostly, Ms.
Stadnik and Mr. Fagelman voting yes. Ms. Binkley and Mr. Powers abstained
from the vote. Ms. Morales and Mr. Tierney were not present. There were no
votes against.
LU 01-0074, a request by OTAK, Inc. to consider the following:
1. A major modification of the Ridge Pointe Planned Development in order to
increase the project density from 39 lots to 42 lots.
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Minutes of June 3, 2002
2. A minor partition to divide an 84,179 square foot lot (existing Lot 13, Block 3
of Ridge Pointe plat) into two parcels of 15,954 square feet and 68,225 square
feet. These parcels already exist in the form of Tax Lots 900 and 1000, since
they were created through a mapping error by the County Assessor's office.
3. A replat of Tax Lot 900 into three lots. The new lots will take access from
Meadowlark Lane, a new street constructed in the Atherton Heights
subdivision to the east.
4. A tree removal request to remove two trees in order to allow the construction
of public and private utility improvements, and future housing construction.
The site location is 18500 Ray Ridge Drive (Tax Lot 900, 100 of Tax Map 21E
16CC). Staff coordinator is Hamid Pishvaie, Development Review Manager.
Chair Ostly opened the public hearing and explained the procedures and time
limits to be followed. She asked the Commissioners to report any ex parte
contacts (including site visits) biases and conflicts of interest. Ms. Binkley and
Mr. Powers reported they had visited the site and Ms. Ostly reported she had
driven by the site. No one challenged any commissioner's right to hear the
Hamid Pishvaie, Development Review Manager, presented the staff report. He
reported that the applicant and staff had successfully addressed most of the issues
discussed in the staff report. He explained that recent development of the
adjacent Atherton Heights project had improved Meadowlark Lane and that street
would be extended to provide access to the steeply sloped site. He advised that
the proposed lots met or exceeded the R-15 zone lot size requirement. He related
that staff supported the applicants' request for reduction of two internal side yard
setbacks on the basis that the development was to feature 22% open space. He
explained that the applicants were to add to their previously dedicated
conservation easement along the Atherton Heights boundary to create a 70 -foot
wide conservation easement and paved pathway that was to be conveyed to the
Three Rivers Nature Conservancy. He noted the pathway would serve as a
segment of a system that would eventually connect Cooks Butte Park and Luscher
Mr. Pishvaie suggested two modifications to the recommended conditions of
approval in the staff report:
• He suggested that the four -foot height limit for wooden fencing around the
conservation easement in staff recommended Condition B(3)(f) be modified to
allow up to six feet height for open wrought iron style fencing.
• He anticipated that the applicants would plant drought -resistant plants and
water them until they became established [see staff recommended Condition
D(1)(c)]. He reported that the applicants had agreed to plant 1 -gallon sized
shrubs to increase plant density, but he suggested additional language to
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ensure diversity of shrub sizes in recommended Condition D(5) that would
require at least 15% of the additional shrubs were to be 2- to 5 -gallon size.
Mr. Pishvaie recommended approval of the application, subject to the staff -
recommended conditions.
Jerry Offer, OTAK, Inc., 17355 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, 97035,
and Bob Cushman, landscape architect and proiect manager, 1833 NE 50th
Ave., Portland, Oregon, 97213, appeared on behalf of the applicants. Mr. Offer
related that the applicants and staff had resolved the issues in the staff report, and
he said the applicants would accept the recommended conditions of approval. He
observed that the project lot sizes would resemble those of other developments in
the area. He clarified for the Commissioners that the proposed lots were slightly
narrower, but deeper than lots in adjacent developments. The applicants'
representatives advised that the proposed development would not block upslope
neighbors' views.
Staff clarified for the Commissioners that the storm drainage facility that served
Atherton Heights was to extend down slope to serve the applicants' project, and
the Atherton Heights facility had been designed to handle the additional storm
Neither for nor against
No one requested that the record be held open for additional written evidence or
testimony. The applicants waived their right to additional time in which to submit
a final written argument. Chair Ostly closed the public hearing and opened
Mr. Fagelman moved for approval of LU 01-0074. Mr. Powers seconded the
motion and it passed with Ms. Ostly, Ms. Binkley, Mr. Powers, Ms. Stadnik and
Mr. Fagelman voting yes. Ms. Morales and Mr. Tierney were not present. There
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were no votes against. Chair Ostly announced that the final vote on the findings,
conclusions and order would be held on June 17, 2002.
Unscheduled meeting date
The Commissioners agreed to schedule a meeting on June 24, 2002.
LONAC newsletters
The commissioners confirmed they desired staff to forward copies of LONAC
newsletters to them.
There being no further business before the Commission, Chair Ostly adjourned
the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Iris Treinen,
Senior Secretary
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Minutes of June 3, 2002