Approved Minutes - 1971-11-16Minutes of the November 2nd regular meeting were apprbved as ma.iled. \ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Increase in Liability Insurance Coverage. Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Needham that‘ the report of Committee be accepted. Councilman Noedham expressed the opinion that the proposed $3,000,000 urn- brella coverage is unwarranted and that #l,OOO,OOO w6uld bo adequate. He moved Lb- amend the motion that the rkpor‘t be accepted “with the excep- 1, -, tion of Item %‘t, ;to be discussed separately.” Notion was seconded by i Councilman Dent, to the matter. . . Moved by Councilman Needham; seconded by Cduncilman Dent that the main motion be,amended to adopt Items ‘lg!’ and llbl’ of the Committee of The Whole report,, with Item “c” to be considered sepcrately. .Notion passed una%- . . The main motion, as amended, was passed unanimously. ‘. ? binder until after the next douncil meeting, REPORTS OF, OFFICERS _" .[ j . 1) Report of City Manager - schedule and award of bid on Wren Street Storm Drainage (W.O. No, 1615). Bids were received as follows: : Riverside Construction $7,354.60 B & 0 Construction 0,045 GO . Richard T, Robertson 8,789.30 ', Unified Contractors 9,973,oo . . Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Goodall that bid be awarded to Riverside Construction in‘the amount of 87,354.60. Notion passed unanimously. , I ORDINANCES 1) ORDINANCE NO. >1444 - AN ORDII\IANCE ADOPTING THE LAKE OSWECO CODE AS THE BFFIC,IAL COMPILATION OF DRD':ANCES OF 'THE CITY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Moved by CoUncilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Goodall that the ordi- nance be read the first time by title only. Notion passed unanimously. ' I Moved by Councilman Nsedhnm; seconded by Councilman Knowles that,the ordi- , nance be read the second time by title only. Notion passed unanimously. : Ordinance No. 1444 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll call vote, was unanimously adopted. ,) 2) ORDINANCE ND..1445 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LOC 33.390 BY THE- ADDITION OF SUBSECTION 4 RELATING TO THE GIVING OF FALSE OR FICTITIOUS STATEMENTS TO A POLICE OFFICER. / Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Knowles that the ordinance be read the first time by title only. Notion passed unanimously. / Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Cook that the ordinance be read the second time by title only. .Notion passed unanimously. Ordi- nance No. 1445 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll v call vote, was unanimously adopted. .:: 3) ORDINA-NCE NO. 1446 - AN ORDINANCE Al'iENDING LOC 33.090 RELATING TO THE STOR-“ AGE OF VEHICLES ON PUULIC STREETS; AMENDING LOC CHAPTER 33 BY THE ADDITION ::' OF LOC 33.092 RELATING TO.THE DISPLAY OF VEHICLES FOR SALE ON A PUBLIC STREET; AMENDING LOC CHAPTER 33 BY THE ADDITION OF LOC 33,094 REL.ATING TO THE MAINTAINING OF INOPERABLE VEHICLES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. Moved by Councilman Smith; seconded by Councilman Knowles that the ordi- nance be read the first time by title only.. Notion passed unanimously. Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Needham that the ordi- nance be read the second time by title only. '-1 Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Council- " man Needham that the word %itation" in the sixth line of 33.090 (Sec. 1 of I 4. . , Ordinance No, 1446) be changed to “warningt’. Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Smith to.ahlend the motion to substitute the word “warning ‘I for the word %it.atiogl’ wh@oveti it appears in 33.090 (Sec. 1 of.Ordinance No. 14&3.). Notion ilasseb by . . majority vote. (No vote taken on maill moti&n,'es amended.) .:, :. Moved by Councilman Goodall; seconded by Councilman Cook that Ordinance No. 1446 be returned to the Committae of The Whole for further study: Mption passed with Councilman Dent vqting “No.‘~ 4) ORDINANCE NO. 1453 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LOC 32.050 TO INCLUDE iHE EXACT " OREGON STATUTES ADOPTED !3Y REFERENCE IN THE LAKE OSWEGO'CODE. ,/ , .I NOVQd by Councilman Cook; seconded hy Councilman Knowles that the ordinance .’ be read the first time by title only. Notion passed unanimously, Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Cook that the drdinance be read the second time by tic.,,’ 4 only. Notion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 1453 was read for tho sodond timo by title only and, upon roll call vote, was unanimous.ly adopted, .>; .fl UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1) Councilman Cook asked when-Council will act to accept the 1970-7i"dudit Report, Mr. Morgenthaler will be invited to,atterid the next Committee of The Whole meeting so that this pending business may be concluded. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE.-"‘ 1) Mr. G. T. McDermott of 350 Furnace Street informed Council that residents ..; of his area have been annoyed by junker cars abandoned there. Police wi-11 : investigate further. . NEW BUSINESS 1) Identification Program. Mr. Seeger read a report prepared by Chief Dahlquist. He asked for an indicatiori from Council if they wished staff to proceed with the program if possible. Council would like a further, detailed report presented at the next Council meeting’. Membe& $osed no objectiovs to the -, program. 2) The City Manager presented a recommendation from the fiianning Dirtictor that .used car sales lots in the Central Commercial zones be beclassified From outright permitted uses to conditional uses., :: j I Moved by Councilman Knowles i seconded by Councilman Goodall that the matter ’ be directed to the Planning Commission for consideration and report. Notion ‘I ,