Approved Minutes - 1971-12-21 ii December 21, 1971 , The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Lake Oswego', convened at 7:30 pm. Present were Mayor MacLean, Councilmen Cook, Dent, Goodall, Kowles, Needham and Smith, City Manager Deane Seeger, City Attorney Jim Cox, and staff embers. • , . Mayor MacLean offered the invocation. . Minutes of the December 'lth regular meeting were approved as -mailed. REPORTS OF OFFICERS 1) Engineer's report on proposed formation of L.I.O. No. 137 (Lake Front Road Area Sanitary Sewer.) Resolution accepting report and setting a date for public hearing on forma- tion of district. Nearing on proposed formation has been sot for February 15th to allow the attendance of Judge William L. Dickson who opposes the L.I.O. Moved by Councilman .Cook; seconded by Councilman Needham that the resolution be adopted. Motion passed unanimously. .410 2) Engineer's report on proposed assessments for L.I.D. 136 (Leonard-Durham Street Improvement.) • Resolution setting a date for public hearing on the levying of assessments-,in • L.I.O. 136. Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Cquncilman Needham that the resolution be' adopted. :. _/ Councilman Dent asked if there are other methods of assessment which Council might consider. This matter will appear an the Committee of The Whole agenda for January 11', 1972. The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.. 3) Report of City Manager regarding property deeded to City by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Froepons. . Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Smith that the deed be accepted for recording. Motion passed unanimously. . REPORTS, OF COMMLTTEES 1)- Report of Council Committee of The Whole re: , • a) Various code amendments. Moved by Councilman Dent; aeconded by Councilman Cook that the report- of .Committee be accepted. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Report of Council Committee of The Whole re: I IIIa) Planning Commission appointments. Moved by Councilman Knowles; secdndod by Councilman Smith th$t the report of Committee bo accepted. Motion passed unanimously. '�, ORDINANCES- 1) ORDINANCE NO. 1447 - AN ORDINANCE ,AMENDING LOC 20.040 REGARDING SOLICITING; REPEALING LOC 20.050, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Moved by Councilman Smith; seconded by Councilman Knowles thit the ordinance I be read the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Councilman Needham; seconded by Councilman Dent that the ordinance be read the second time by title only. Ordinance No. 1447 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll call vote, was unanimously adopted. • 2) ORDINANCE NO. 1448 - AN OF_. ;VANCE REPEALING LOC 34.090 REGARDING DANCE PER- MITS; AMENDING LOC CHAPTER 20 BY THE ADDITION OF LOC 20.500, 20.520, 20.540 ® AND 20.560 REGARDING THE ISSUANCE, STANDARDS AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS FOR PUBLIC MUSIC EVENTS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. , i Moved by Councilman Needham; seconded by Councilman Cook that the ordinance II be read for the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. • ® Moved by Councilman Goodall; seconded by Councilman Needham that,the ordinance be read the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 1448 was read the second time by titlm,only'and, upon roll call vote, was , unanimously adopted. • 3) ORDINANCE NO. 1449 - AN ORDINANCE RELATINC'TO THE APPOINTMENT, SALARY AND t •.) DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE; AMENDING LOC 14.020, 14.030 AND 14.040. Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Knowles that the ordinance - be read for the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Councilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Needham that the ordi- nance be read for the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 1449 was read for the second time by title only and, upon roll • call vute, was unanimously adopted. - ,,,. 4) . ORDINANCE NO. 1450 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LOC 14.210 RELATING TO THE APPLI- CABILITY OF THE SECTIONS ON SPECIAL FEES CHARGED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT; • AMENDING LOC 14.220 RELATING TO THE FEES LEVIED BY THE POLICE DEPARTFIENT`rIN PERFORMANCE OF SPECIAL SERVICES. • Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Smith that the ordinance be . read the first time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. 11 • Moved by Councilman Needham; bocondud by Councilman Dent that the ordinance be read the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 1450 was read for the second time by title only and, upon rah_ call vote, was unanimously adopted. 5) ORDINANCE NO. 1451 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE POLICE R6ERUE; AMENDING 111 LOC 14.320, 14.330, 14.360, 14.37( , 14.390, 14.410 AND 14'.4:;ZOr'- ' Moved by Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Smith that;jthe ordinance be read for the first time by title only. Motion passed un6nimously. Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Needham that the ordinance be read the second time by title only. Motion passed unanimously,. Ordinance a } No. 1451 was read for the second time by title only' and, up6n roll call vote, was unanimously adopted. . • RESOLUTIONS 1) Resolution adopting a schedule of fees to be charged by the; Police Department ,;, in performance of special services. Moved by Counoilman Knowles; seconded by Councilman Smith that the resolution - be adopted. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Resolution of intent to fc•: an improvement district for Cobb Way lighting; III gall for Engineer's report. - Moved by Councilman Dent; seconded by Councilman Knowles that ,the resolutior be adopted. Motion passed unanimously. • ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE ® 1) Mr. Afton Zundel presented a petition signed by approximately 50 homeowners in the Upper Drive area concerning location of the se4r line to be construc- ted under L.I.D. No. 133. ;, • The Mayor requested a staff report on this matter for Committee of The Whole =, meeting January llth. Petitioners will be welcome to attend this meeting. �j III s, NEW BUSINESS j 1) Mayor MacLean asked that staff investigate ;)he possibility of lighting the .. blue spruce tree on the library grounds during future,,Christmas seasons. y. Councilman Knowles commended the Fi:^q)Department for displaying their "Merry- • Christmas" sign each year. ..�, ‘. , .1 • • 1 i. City Recorder mi! APP D B CIL: , , J ® May , } a.;