Approved Minutes - 2018-04-26 <<" f CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO and
v .„ri Budget Committee Meeting Minutes
°REGo April 26, 2018
Members present: Kent Studebaker, Mayor/Board Chair Scott Havens, Chair
Joe Buck Steve Dodds, Vice Chair
Jeff Gudman David Beckett
Theresa Kohlhoff David Berg
John LaMotte Gerry Good (arrived 6:25)
Jackie Manz Aaron Rapf
Skip O'Neill
Excused: Maulin Patel
Staff Present: Scott Lazenby, City Manager/Executive Director; Jordan Wheeler, Deputy
City Manager; Shawn Cross, Finance Director/Treasurer; Brad Stevens,
Assistant Finance Director; Kam Frederickson, Budget Analyst; Erica
Rooney, City Engineer; Anthony Hooper, Public Works Director; Larry Goff,
Fire Chief; Ivan Anderholm, Parks and Recreation Director; and Chip
Larouche, Chief Technology Officer
The City and LORA Budget Committee meeting was taped and is online with supporting
information Click on any online Interactive Agenda item in color to go to that point in the video.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Havens called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
2. Approval of Consent Agenda
Gudman moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Berg seconded the motion and it passed by
a unanimous voice vote 13:0.
3. Distinguished Service Award
Studebaker presented a Distinguished Service Award to Kathy Taylor for her 6 years of
service on the Budget Committee.
4. Public Comment (3 minutes each)
Shirley Finnigan, 128 Condolea Dr., representing the Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action
Coalition (LONAC) read a written public comment regarding engineering project management
City of Lake Oswego and LORA Budget Committee Meeting
Minutes of April 26, 2018 Page 1 of 3
5. City and LORA Budget Messages
Lazenby presented the City and LORA budgets to the committee outlining the changes from
the 2018-19 projected budget.
6. State Shared Revenue Public Hearing
Cross presented information regarding State Shared Revenues in the budget to the
committee. Havens opened a public hearing to see if anyone wanted to comment on uses of
these funds. There was no comments from the public regarding these revenues.
7. Municipal Grant Recommendations
Studebaker, Buck and Havens had reviewed the Municipal Grant applications submitted. A
list was presented of the organizations that they recommended the Budget Committee award
those grant funds - allocating the $35,000 budgeted for the 2018-19 fiscal year. LaMotte
moved to approve the recommended Municipal Grants. Gudman seconded and it passed
13:0 by a unanimous voice vote.
8. Capital Improvement Plan FY18 — FY23
Rooney presented an addendum to the 2017/18 —2022/23 6-Year Capital Improvement
Plan (CIP) highlighting updates to projects for fiscal year 2018-19. Such as D Avenue and
Wembley Park Road.
9. Public Comment (3 minutes each)
There was no public comment at this time.
10. Committee Deliberations
Manz suggested adding to a list for consideration to increase funding or use other capital
funds to continue ivy eradication and clean up open spaces. Anderholm explained that the
current funding is adequate for the work being done. After hearing the explanation Manz
withdrew her suggestion.
Dodds stated he thought that the Golf Course had not had enough repairs. Beckett moved
that the Budget Committee recommend to City Council that within two years remove Golf
Fund as an Enterprise Fund and make it a general department in the general fund. Gudman
requested to amend the motion to recommended having golf reported at a level similar to the
Adult Community Center (ACC). Beckett accepted the amendment to the motion. Dodds
seconded the amended motion and it passed 11:2. (Kohlhoff and Manz voted no.)
Buck and Berg stated they agreed with Lazenby's proposed budget suggestion to put aside
$1.5 million carryover funds in the Capital Reserve Fund. Berg moved to keep the $1.5
million additional dollars set aside in the Capital Reserve Fund as it is shown in the
Proposed Budget to have an option to use it to spend on capital items as staff and the
council determines the best. Gudman seconded the motion and the vote passed
unanimously 13:0.
City of Lake Oswego and LORA Budget Committee Meeting
Minutes of April 26, 2018 Page 2 of 3
11. Approve City Budget and Approve Property Taxes
Gudman moved to approve the proposed budget with the property tax rates as shown in the
budget (the rates of$4.9703 inside the LO School District and $4.5884 outside the LO School
District per$1,000 of assessed value and the amount of$1,973,404 for the general obligation
bond levy). Studebaker amended the motion to include approving the City Budget for the
2018-19 fiscal year ($211,467,005), as proposed. Manz seconded the amended motion and
the vote passed unanimously 13:0.
12. Approve Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA) Budget
Gudman moved to approve the LORA budget ($50,710,642), as proposed. Good seconded
it and the vote passed unanimously 13:0.
13. Adjournment
Havens adjourned the City and LORA Budget Committee meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kam Frederickson /s/
Kam Frederickson
Budget & Financial Analyst
City of Lake Oswego and LORA Budget Committee Meeting
Minutes of April 26, 2018 Page 3 of 3