Approved Minutes - 2017-05-15 APPROVED
City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission
Minutes of May 15, 2017 Page 1 of 2
Development Review Commission Minutes
Monday, May 15 , 2017
The Commissioners convened at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Workroom of City Hall, 380 A Avenue.
Members present: Chair Brent Ahrend, Paden Prichard, Nader Taheri and Nick Shur.
Members absent: Vice Chair David Poulson, Jeff Shearer, and Kirk Smith.
Staff present: Jessica Numanoglu, Planning Manager, Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney
LU 17-0020: A request by Lake Bible Church for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a private
middle and high school at the Lake Bible Church.
Location of Property: 4565 Carman Drive (Tax Lot 5500 of Tax Map 21E 06DD). The staff coordinator
is Leslie Hamilton.
Mr. Prichard moved to adopt findings to approve LU 17-0020 as presented
. Mr. Taheri
seconded the motion and it was passed (3:0-1): Shur recused.
* * * *
LU 16-0053 [AP 17-01]: A request by the Jerry Eckstrom, for approval of the following to construct a
new dwelling:
• A minor variance to reduce the front yard setback from 25 ft. to 20 ft.;
• A RID review to reduce the rear yard setback from 30 ft. to 10 ft.; and
• The removal of nine trees.
Location of Property: 2101 Goodall Court (Tax Lot 5101 of Tax Map 21E 04BB). The Staff
Coordinator is Leslie Hamilton, Senior Planner.
Chair Ahrend pointed out a minor formatting correction to restore the line numbering down the side
of the page and that the word “setback” was repeated on Page 3, lines 23 & 24, one of which
should be removed.
Mr. Prichard moved to adopt findings to approve LU 16-0053 [AP 17-01] with the corrections noted
by Chair Ahrend
. Mr. Taheri seconded the motion and it was passed (3:0-1); Shur recused.
City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission
Minutes of May 15, 2017 Page 2 of 2
Chair Ahrend adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Bader /s/
Janice Bader
Administrative Support