Agenda - 2015-12-21 PMBrent Ahrend, Chair David Poulson, Vice Chair Kelly Melendez Paden Prichard Jeff Shearer Kirk Smith David Rabbino AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMISSION December 21, 2015 – 7:00 PM City Hall – Council Chamber 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact Janice Bader at 503-635-0297, or email jbader@ci.oswego.or.us 48 hours before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES 4. FINDINGS LU 15-0059: A request by Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus and Mary for approval of the following: • A Development Review Permit in order to construct: - Three commercial buildings totaling 40,249 square feet in size - 198 units of CCRC (continuing care retirement community) housing in four buildings - A 28,195-square foot “Commons” building to be used by the new residents • A Conditional Use Permit to allow an approximately 9,000-square foot fitness center • A Major Variance to construct a 65-foot high tower exceeding the 45-foot maximum height allowed in the CI/OC zone. • The removal of 78 trees to accommodate the project. Location of Property: 17400 Holy Names Drive (Tax Lots 200, 300, 401,and 402 of Tax Map 21E 14). The staff coordinator is Debra Andreades. * * * * LU 15-0046: A request by Senior Holdings, LLC, for approval of a Conditional Use Permit and a Development Review Permit to construct a 229-unit residential care and congregate housing development. The removal of 53 trees (both on and off-site) is necessary to accommodate site improvements. Location of Property: 3800 & 3900 Kruse Way Place, (Tax Lots 3200 & 3300 of Tax Map 21E 08BA). The staff coordinator is Johanna Hastay. 5. PUBLIC HEARING LU 15-0039: A request by JMCM Morse-Jean Road LLC for approval of Development Review and Conditional Use Permits to construct two industrial/commercial buildings, and the removal of 47 trees to accommodate the development. Location of Property: 5892 Jean Road (Tax Lot 3200 of Tax Map 21E 18 CA). The staff coordinator is Leslie Hamilton. 6. GENERAL PLANNING AND OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT