Approved Minutes - 2015-05-07 o��A O CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO
rrrA`� Budget Committee Meeting Minutes
v May 7, 2015
oR E G o‘" Proposed Budget FY 2015-16
Members present: Kent Studebaker, Mayor Charles Collins, Chair
Karen Bowerman David Berg, Vice Chair
Joe Buck David Beckett
Jeff Gudman Gerry Good
Jon Gustafson Scott Havens
Jackie Manz Kristina Soderquist
Skip O'Neill Kathleen Taylor
Staff Present: Scott Lazenby, City Manager; Jordan Wheeler, Deputy City Manager;
Shawn Cross, Finance Director; Brad Stevens, Assistant Finance Director;
Kam Frederickson, Budget Analyst; Don Johnson, Police Chief; Scot Siegel,
Planning Director; Guy Graham, Public Works Director; Anthony Hooper,
Support Services Supervisor; Ivan Anderholm, Parks & Recreation Director;
Bill Baars, Library Director; and Chip Larouche, Chief Technology Officer
The Budget Committee meeting was taped and portions of the meeting were marked at the time on
the Interactive Agenda. Please go to the Meeting Video here for viewing and click on any agenda
item in color to go to that point on the video and listen to more discussion on the subject.
Call to Order/ Roll Call
Collins called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Approval of Minutes
Berg moved to approve the Budget Committee minutes of April 23, 2015. Gudman seconded the
motion and it passed by unanimous vote.
Public Comment— Input Opportunities
Michael Buck, 3155 Edgemont Road. He stated that the owner Hallinan Woods property 2-acre site
would like to develop the property. Mr. Buck and the neighbors would like to see discussion of public
purchase of all or part of the property and feels it is a real habitat value. Also, regarding a pre-app
near the Boones Ferry and Kruseway intersection area, he feels that the streetscape in that area will
also need attention.
Chris Huettemeyer, 1044 Obrien Street. Regarding Hallinan Woods property at 1107 Yates Street.
He has spoken about this at previous Budget Committee meetings and stated that the opportunity to
purchase is now - or then it will be gone.
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Minutes of May 7, 2015 Page 1 of 4
Donald Mattersdorff, 930 Bullock St. He spoke again regarding the property that is still a on the
market for $1.9 million in Hallanan Woods next to the Hallinan Elementary School. He provided the
Committee with a map of the property area that he is requesting the City purchase. Since the last
Budget Committee meeting he spoke to the owner of the property and the told him that the City would
think about this property. He said that currently the owner would consider talking to the City.
Carolyne Jones, 2818 Poplar Way. She discussed the Raseekh Park development project on the
draft CIP list for 2016-17. She asked that this project be rejected at this time. She noted that the last
discussion of the property was to turn it into a Tennis Center and hoped that was not the proposed
development and would like further dialogue on the use before development. Anderholm
commented that the property is only at the beginning phase of looking at community design for active
recreation and currently not a tennis center. This property would be discussed by the Parks & Rec
Advisory Board (PRAB).
Charles (Skip) Ormsby, 170 SW Birdshill, Portland OR. He said that Birdshill neighborhood wants to
know difference between a revenue bond with a full faith and credit clause and a GO bond. Waters of
the US committee requested. Transportation projects —felt there is lack of communication between
Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) and neighborhoods. He would like the bylaws on the Willamette
Shoreline Consortium.
State Shared Revenues
Cross reviewed the type of revenue that comprises the State Shared revenues that the City receives
annually. The public was given the opportunity to provide input on the use of these funds— no one
from the public spoke on this. Good moved to approve the use of the $446,000 State Revenue
Sharing as budgeted in the General Fund for fiscal year 2015-16. Gudman seconded the motion and
it passed 14:0.
Municipal Grants
Jordan reviewed the list of Municipal Grants recommended by the Municipal Grant subcommittee
fiscal year 2015-16. Berg moved to approve the recommendation of the Municipal Grants budget
subcommittee for the grant recipients totaling $25,000 in the 2015-16 budget. Manz seconded the
motion and it passed 14:0.
Public Comment
No additional public comment.
Puts and Takes
The Budget Committee deliberated then voted, as needed, on the following items on the "Puts and
Takes" list:
• Funding of various pathway projects: Buck moved to allocate $170,000 of Street funds for
various pathway projects. Gustafson seconded the motion and it failed 3:11 (Buck,
Gustafson, and Manz voted yes.)
• Galewood and Quarry Road intersection street project funding: Gudman moved to pull the
"put" allocation of$30,000 for Galewood & Quarry Road intersection street project from TAB's
priority list, from Street Capital budget. Instead the Committee to refer Galewood/Quarry Road
project to TAB to consider moving this item up on their priority list - as noted by Bowerman in
light of testimony received on the item. Collins seconded the motion and it passed 14:0.
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Minutes of May 7, 2015 Page 2 of 4
• LO Reads Program: Berg moved to contribute $5,000 to the LO Reads program (absorb in
budget). Havens seconded the motion and it passed 14:0.
• Neighborhood Enhancement Grant Program: Berg moved to increase grant funding for the
Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) in the Planning Dept by $10,000 (from $50,000
to $60,000J - absorb in department's budget. Good seconded the motion and it passed 14:0.
• Rose Festival: Good moved to contribute $3,500 to the Rose Festival as requested towards
mini floats (absorb in budget). Berg seconded the motion and it passed 14:0.
• Historic Resource Advisory Board Facade -increase funding by$5,000 to $10,000. Increased
funding is already in the Proposed 2015-16 — no vote needed.
• Hallinan Woods Property Purchase: Beckett reduced the original "put" of$1.2 million to
$200,000 for consideration. Then after Committee discussion he withdrew the entire 'put" so
that the scope of the use of the property could be reviewed with the owner by the Council
before any action.
• Additional Street Funding: Bowerman revised her original "put" of$2.5 million for Street, after
receiving further information on the requirements to increase or sustain the PCI, to $1.45
million. Bowerman moved to increase funding of Street pavement projects by $1.45 million to
be funded by deferring the Wastewater utility fee increase ($350,000) and reducing the
Transfers from the General Fund to the Operations Building Capital Projects Fund by ($1.1
million). Good seconded the motion and it failed 2:12 (Bowerman and Good voted yes).
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
Hooper gave a short presentation of various City projects scheduled for the next fiscal year. Berg
stated that there was a request at the previous Budget Committee meeting by the Waluga
Neighborhood Association to have a pathway entrance on Douglas Way from the Quarry Road
crosswalk reflected as a separate smaller project in the CIP. Berg proposed that project be added to
the CIP as an unfunded project. Buck seconded the motion and it passed 14:0. Hooper clarified that
this project is in the CIP, but currently reflected as part of two large projects, but said he would split
that out separately in the CIP. Berg moved to approve the CIP - with Douglas Way pathway entrance
item as a separate project. Gudman seconded the motion and it passed 14:0.
Approve City Budget and Property Tax Rates
• Good moved that the City of Lake Oswego Budget Committee approve property taxes for the
2015-16 fiscal year at the rates of$4.9703 inside the LO School District and $4.5884 outside
the LO School District per$1,000 of assessed value, and in the amount of$2,476,596 for the
general obligation bond levy. Gudman seconded the motion and it passed 14:0.
• Gudman moved to approve the City Proposed Budget as amended - $260,703,392. Berg
seconded the motion and it passed 14:0.
Chair Collins adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:40 p.m.
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Minutes of May 7, 2015 Page 3 of 4
Respectfully submitted,
Kam Frederickson /s/
Kam Frederickson
Budget & Financial Analyst
City of Lake Oswego Budget Committee Meeting
Minutes of May 7, 2015 Page 4 of 4