October 2011 Hello LO*****ECRWSS***** POSTAL CUSTOMER Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit 124 Lake Oswego, OR Hello L .O . THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGOOctober 2011In This Issue 1 Fire Department Open House Shred It! LOPedia Now Available Harvest Festival Looking for Volunteers Own Your Future Drug Take Back Event 2 Nasty Surprise Your Neighborhood Plant and Pipelines Under Design Know Your Code Thank You LOHS Open City Hall Rehabilitation Grant 3 Parks & Recreation City Library 4 Unsung Heroes Appreciation Photo Contest - Pick Your Favorite! Community Calendar For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.Ci.oswego.or.us, or Call 503-635-0257. Insert Comprehensive Plan Poetry Contest Community Culture Summit Foothills Update Shred It!FIre department Open hOuSe On October 8, safely and securely dispose of your sensitive documents such as credit card statements, old IRS tax forms, pre-approved credit card statements, etc., at the free Community Shred Event. Stop by the West End Building, 4101 Kruse Way, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (or until the truck is full), to dispose of up to three boxes of material (per person). Participants are also encouraged to bring canned food for donation to the Oregon Food Bank. For questions, please contact Susan Millhauser at 503- 635-0291 or smillhauser@ci.oswego.or.us. For more information and resources to protect yourself from identity theft visit the Sustainability Current News web page (www.ci.oswego.or.us/plan/Sustainability/ Sustainability_Current_News.htm). Own YOur Future The Changing Shape of Retirement and Long-Term Living Options In Lake Oswego Non-Acceptable items: • No thermometers, sharps or medical waste or equipment will be collected. For information on how you can safely dispose of these items, call Metro Recycling at 503-234-3000. • Ordinary hand lotions, deodorants, and products that can be safely disposed of in your regular garbage. To help citizens properly dispose of unwanted or expired medicines, the City is holding a one-day-only drug take-back event. This collection event will take place at the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 G Avenue, on Saturday, October 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Unwanted medicines will be collected from individual households only. Medications cannot be accepted from businesses such as nursing homes, doctor’s offices or any other institution or business. If you have any questions, please contact the Citizen Information Center at 503-635-0257. One-daY-OnlY drug take Back event Acceptable items for collection are: • Expired or unwanted prescription medicine • Over the counter medicines • Unknown tablets and capsules • Vitamins and nutritional supplements • Veterinary medications All drugs will be collected by the Lake Oswego Police Department and taken to the Covanta Waste-to-Energy Facility in Brooks for safe disposal. Shifting demographics show that Lake Oswego is an aging community. Many LO residents want to grow old here and may choose to reassess their lifestyle and living arrangements. The power of planning ahead and understanding available resources and choices now is the key to a more secure future. On November 6, from 2 to 5 p.m., the Adult Community Center is hosting a program designed for pre-retirees, retirees, and adult children of aging parents who want to understand and explore options in Lake Oswego and surrounding communities. A panel of experts will focus on: the impact of change as we age; legal and financial matters; successful aging in place with supportive services and technologies (both current and future); care coordination; community resources; and navigating long-term options. The panel includes Meagan Lawler, Gerontologist/Psychologist; Tom Pixton, Elder Law Attorney; Ray Grubbs, Financial Advisor; Molly Beauregard, Care Coordinator; Claude Goodman, CareWheels/Lake Oswego Value Exchange; Nancy Raske, Placement Resource Specialist; and Dana Tassos, Adult Center Client Services Coordinator. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Call the Center at 503-635-3758, for information and to make a reservation. This program is open to the public and there is no charge. Bring your youngsters to an old-fashioned Harvest Festival full of magnificent games and marvelous crafts. Dress up in your favorite costume and stroll down Trick or Treat Street while enjoying sweet treats, toys, and trinkets. Plus, enjoy a live performance from Dragon Puppet Theater. Food service will also be available from Lake Oswego’s famous Road Dog Café. Don’t miss out on this fantastic fall festival on Monday, October 31, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Millennium Plaza Park! harveSt FeStIval meet YOur FIreFIghterS, check Out the engIneS and reScue BOat, and take a StatIOn tOur The Lake Oswego Fire Department invites you to celebrate Fire Prevention Week at an open house on Saturday, October 15, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Main Fire Station, 300 B Avenue. Meet your firefighters, see fire equipment and check out auto extrication and rope rescue demonstrations. Firefighters and staff will be on hand to answer questions, give fire station tours, do blood pressure checks, talk to you about the importance of Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors, and provide AED, CPR and other safety and fire prevention materials for the whole family. You can also sign up for the next Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) class. Photo: Auto extrication demonstration lOpedIa The 2011 volume of “LOPedia,” the City of Lake Oswego’s encyclopedia of City programs and services, is now available! LOPedia is an easy-to-read document that provides detailed information about how your City government is spending public tax and fee dollars. LOPedia equips the City Council, public, and staff with information on what programs and services the City provides, how it delivers those services, and how much they cost. LOPedia is available online at www.ci.oswego.or.us/citymgr/LOPedia.htm. It can also be checked out at the Lake Oswego Library. lOOkIng FOr a Few gOOd... vOlunteerS Lend a hand at Iron Mountain and/or Springbrook Parks. At Springbrook Park, volunteers are needed to help remove ivy on October 22, from 9 a.m. to noon. Meet at the trailhead near the parking lot of Uplands Elementary School and bring gloves and clippers. Coffee, water, and treats will be provided. For more information, call Doug McKean at 503-888-7592. Join the Friends of Iron Mountain on October 16 or November 6, from 1 to 3 p.m. as they clear invasive plants and restore native vegetation to one of our cherished riparian areas. Bring your gloves and shovels to the Brookside trailhead on Iron Mountain Blvd. and help make a difference in your community! Beverages and refreshments will be provided. For more information, please contact Mike Buck at 503-914-8607. Hello L.O. 2 For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.Ci.oswego.or.us, or Call 503-635-0257. City Council 503-635-0215 503-697-6594 (fax) City Council e-mail: council@ci.oswego.or.us City Manager Alex D. McIntyre 503-635-0215 Mike Kehoe City Councilor 503-706-8365 (Cell) Jack Hoffman Mayor 503-635-0213 (City Hall) Donna Jordan City Councilor 503-675-1120 (Home) Bill Tierney City Councilor 503-539-7144 (Cell) Mary Olson City Councilor 503-638-2042 (Home) Sally Moncrieff City Councilor 503-819-5553 (Cell) Jeff Gudman City Councilor 503-780-1524 (Cell) The City is seeking applicants for the following: • Community Forestry Commission• Development Review Commission • Historic Resources Advisory Board• Library Advisory Board• Natural Resources Advisory Board • For more details, go to www.ci.oswego.or.us/boards/ Vacancies/currentvacancies.htm or contact Jane McGarvin at 503-635-0236. BOard & cOmmISSIOn vacancIeS Open cItY hall hIStOrIc reSOurceS rehaBIlItatIOn grant The City is pleased to announce a Rehabilitation Grant Program for restoration, rehabilitation and/or repair of historic buildings that are on the City’s Landmark Designation List. Grant applications are available in the Planning and Building Services at City Hall. Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m., October 15. They will be reviewed by the Historic Resources Advisory Board at their November 9 meeting. For more details, including eligibility standards, please contact Paul Espe in Planning and Building Services at pespe@ci.oswego.or.us or 503- 697-6577. hOw dO I get rId OF ... what’S happenIng In YOur neIghBOrhOOd? Several of Lake Oswego’s neighborhood associations have created independent web sites to share information. Visiting these sites is a great way to learn about your neighborhood and the work of the association! • First Addition/Forest Hills: www.fanforesthills.com • Glenmorrie: www.glenmorrie.wordpress.com • McVey-South Shore: www.mcveyssna.org • Palisades: www.palisadesneighborhood.org • Uplands: www.uplandsneighborhood.org • Westridge: www.wnalo.org Lake Oswego has 22 neighborhood associations that are formally recognized by the City. These volunteer organizations bring neighbors together to improve the livability of Lake Oswego’s neighborhoods. Neighborhood associations are different from homeowners associations: they typically represent a larger area that may include multiple homeowners associations; they cannot collect dues; and participation is voluntary and open to all citizens who live, own property or a business within the neighborhood boundary. To locate your neighborhood, see the neighborhood map at www.ci.oswego.or.us/plan/Neighborhoods/default.htm. thank YOu lOhS crOSS cOuntrY team! The City would like to thank the Lake Oswego High School Cross Country team and their coach, Eric Lider, for their hard work at Springbrook Park. Approximately 80 students repaired trails and pulled ivy. Thanks to these students, several sections of trails are now covered with a 2-3 inch layer of gravel. These trails, normally muddy during the winter, will now be accessible all year. In addition, students pulled invasive ivy along the same trail area providing open space for native plants to take root. Thank you! naStY SurprISe In September, more than 20 bags of pet waste were found in a stormwater inlet that drains to Carter Creek and subsequently to the Tualatin River. While the waste was removed, City Staff would like to remind citizens to place pet waste into the proper garbage receptacles. In addition to clogging stormwater conveyance pipes, depositing any waste into a stormwater inlet can cause flooding and can result in thousands of dollars in unnecessary maintenance and repair costs to the City. Disposing of pet waste in this way is also a violation of the City’s Utility Code. Since January 2010, Oregonians can no longer throw computers, monitors and TVs into the garbage. Oregon E-Cycles is a free, easy and environmentally responsible recycling program for computers, monitors and TVs. Anyone can bring seven or fewer computers (desktops and laptops), monitors and TVs at a time to participating Oregon E-Cycles collection sites for free recycling. Please note that computer peripherals (keyboards, mice, etc.) and other types of electronics are not included in this program. Oregon E-Cycles drop-off locations in Lake Oswego include Far West Fibers, 341 Foothills Rd., and Goodwill, 401 S. State St. For more information, drop off hours, or to find additional locations, visit the Oregon E-Cycles website at www.oregonecycles.org or call 888-532-9253. The water treatment plant is the largest and most complex facility among those being upgraded. Meetings focusing on power usage, architecture, landscaping, seismic and security needs are planned over the next several months to ensure that the plant in West Linn is a good neighbor, a good environmental steward, and a lasting source of drinking water for Tigard and Lake Oswego. In addition, the public outreach team has met with neighbors around the plant at over 25 meetings since early 2010 to understand and address their concerns. The 15 miles of “raw” (untreated) and “finished” (treated) water pipelines are also under design. These pipes will be upsized to serve both Lake Oswego and Tigard and will travel through Gladstone, West Linn, and Lake Oswego. Finding the best route for these pipelines takes a great deal of research about the location of other utilities, making the fewest traffic disruptions and finding the right geologic conditions. The outreach team is meeting with 16 neighborhoods in four communities between September and November to present proposed alignments and gather feedback. If your neighborhood, homeowners’ or civic association would like to learn more, please contact Laura Barrie at 503-534-4239 to schedule a presentation. plant and pIpelIneS under deSIgn Design firms are working to plan these important water facilities The City has posted two new questions on Open City Hall. Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on: Transportation: How can the transportation infrastructure in Lake Oswego be improved – pathways, sidewalks, roadways and bike routes? What impact would those changes have on your choice to use a car, bike, mass transit, or walk? (visit www.peakdemocracy.com/765) Farmers’ Market: Why do you attend the Lake Oswego Farmers’ Market and how does the Market and the items you purchase help meet your diet and lifestyle goals? (visit www.peakdemocracy.com/759) Visit Open City Hall to read what others are writing, post your own statement, and support what others say. knOw YOur cOde Fall is here, which means leaves will soon be blanketing streets, lawns and sidewalks. The City would like to remind property owners that they are responsible for keeping sidewalks abutting their property clean of debris, leaves, ice and snow, and other material which may make the sidewalk hazardous. In addition, property owners are also responsible for keeping the sidewalk in good repair. Not sure what to do with all the leaves piling up in your yard? Don’t put them in the street! Lake Oswego City Code prohibits blowing, sweeping, raking, or otherwise depositing debris onto sidewalks or streets. Use your yard debris container provided by Allied Waste. For additional leaf collection, use “Kraft” bags for a small additional fee per bag, Allied will collect them. Leaves can also be taken to drop-off sites. For a list of sites, call the Citizen Information Center at 503-635-0257. Sidewalks - Leaves and Repairs For more information call: Main Number, 503-636-7628 Reference Desk Number, 503-675-2540 or visit www.lakeoswegolibrary.org Hello L.O. 3 y o u r C o m m u n i t y r e s o u r C e F o r i n F o r m a t i o n a n d e n r i C h m e n tcItY lIBrarY d i s C o v e r a C t i v e l i v i n gparkS & recreatIOn For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.Ci.oswego.or.us, or Call 503-635-0257. West End Building, 4101 Kruse Way For more information call 503-675-2549 Pre-register at www.lakeoswegoparks.org new FOr Fall Kinder Art w/ Gesso Studio. Every child should experience the joy of making art. Express yourself with various mediums in a fun environment. Ages 4 to 5, Tuesdays, November 1 to 29, 1 to 2:15 p.m. $75 includes everything. Kids in the Kitchen. Prepare a meal of Hot Chili on a cool fall day using freshly harvested fare. Bake your own yummy cupcakes for dessert right in Esther’s Kitchen at the Farm. Ages 8 to 15, Saturday, October 22, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. $19. Beginning Sewing. Learn to cut a pattern, sew a cute holiday apron, make a tote bag with attached handle, hem your own clothes and so much more! Everyone should know the basics. Ages 14 and up, Wednesdays, October 12 to November 9, 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. at the WEB. $68. Meditation for Health/Happiness. Open up to the mind-body connection, shed the daily stress and actively address pain management. Thursdays, October 27 to December 22, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the WEB. $45. What’s in Your Farm Share? Chef Alan Doty from Riccardo’s Ristorante comes up with fab new recipes for your CSA farm share veggies (they also work well with Farmers’ Market and grocery store veggies!). Saturday, November 5, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Farm. $30. Horses & Pumpkins! A specialized, adaptive recreation experience for those with disabilities or special needs. Activities include 45 minutes of real horseback riding and pumpkin carving for Halloween fun! Ages 6 and up, Saturday, October 29, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Happy Trails Riding Center. $60. Pumpkin Art Workshop. Children create pumpkin art using a variety of materials and imagination. All served up with apple cider and pumpkin bread. Ages 6 to 12, Saturday, October 29, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $30. new - nIa at the weB! Finally, an evening Nia class for those who work during the day. Try it out for free and meet new instructor Zarina Khoransee. Drop in to the Columbia Room at the WEB on Tuesday, November 1, from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. and experience the Joy of Movement. Nia is a full body workout using a combination of dance and martial arts moves and invigorating world music. The result is greater flexibility, mobility, agility, balance and strength – and great fun! Regular evening Nia classes are Tuesdays, November 8 to December 13, 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. $44. cItY league hIgh SchOOl BaSketBall Registration Opens October 19 for boys and girls teams in Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior divisions from Lakeridge and Lake Oswego High Schools and other high school students who live in Lake Oswego. Games are played late November through February. $475 per team includes team T-shirts. Team managers and one adult supervisor from each team are required to attend a Mandatory Managers’ Meeting on Tuesday, October 25, at 5:30 or 7:30 p.m. at the WEB. For information, visit lakeoswegosports.com or call 503-675-3901. lake OSwegO puBlIc gOlF cOurSe 17525 Stafford Road 503-636-8228 Indoor Golf 101. Sign up today for complete golf education – history, travel, rules and etiquette, fitness, nutrition, equipment, and technique. Classroom setting is limited to 20 students and dinner from Bunkers Restaurant is included! Tuesdays, October 4 to 18, 7 to 8 p.m. $50. Sign up online at lakeoswegoparks.org, at the Pro Shop or call 503-636-8223. prOgramS FOr adultS First Tuesday Music Series - 2jazzguitars October 4, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Barry Glick and Jim Putman will play a medley of jazz, ballads, Latin, and blues. Both musicians have been playing professionally for years, one in New York and the other in San Francisco. As a guitar duo, their sound is relaxed, intimate, highly thoughtful and thoroughly modern. Second Wednesday Performing Arts Series - Tales that Go Bump in the Night October 12, 2 p.m. Take a walk on the shivery side with Anne Rutherford. A show of chillers and thrillers told with ghoulish gusto, Anne mixes original and vintage horror tales with spooky songs to tingle your spine and tickle your funny bone. Sign up for free computer classes at the Library: • The 24/7 Library: Searching Online Resources • Keyboarding and Internet Searching • Beginning Library2Go Call for dates and times 503-675-2540 Third Tuesday Author Series - Randall Platt October 18, 7 p.m. Randall Platt writes fiction for adults and young adults and those who don’t own up to being either. Platt, a lifelong resident of the Northwest, grew up in Lake Oswego and still gets a warm sense of ‘home’ when she travels back. Platt’s new release, Hellie Jondoe, is the recipient of several awards including a WILLA Literary Award. Storytelling Festival - Celebrating Family History From October 24-29, the Library will host Tell Me A Story, a Storytelling Festival, to celebrate the stories that reside within us, our families, and our community. Become a part of history by sharing your Lake Oswego story with us. We will be collecting new oral histories from community members during the week of the Festival. If you have a story that you’d like to share, please submit your name and contact information: 503-675-2540 or email loref@ ci.oswego.or.us. A week of activities will also include: Storytelling performances featuring Esther Stutzman, Christopher Leebrick, Rick Huddle, Will Hornyak, Alton Chung and Leslie Slape. Workshops with Will Hornyak, Alton Chung, Terry Jordan and Anne Rutherford are titled: Pass the Word: A Toolbox for Storytellers • Grandma, Tell Me a Story • Stories of Our Lives. Old Town walking tour with Marylou Colver and Erin O’Rourke-Meadors. Genealogy presentation by the Genealogy Interest Group. Display your family history as a photograph, painting, drawing, letter, or other. Family history video contest. For a complete list and details of all events, including dates and times, visit: www.ci.oswego.or.us/library/ calendar/StorytellingFestival2011.htm or call 503-675- 2540 or email loref@ci.oswego.or.us. prOgramS FOr chIldren Children’s Storytimes: special reading adventures tailored for a range of ages. • Baby Storytime (birth - 18 months) Tuesdays at 11:45 a.m. • Toddler Storytime (19 months - 3 years old) Wednesdays at 11:45 a.m. • Preschool Storytime (3 - 5 year olds) Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Special Series: Musical Laptime with Colette Fallon Fridays, 10:30 a.m., October 7, 14, 21, 28 Families with babies from birth through eighteen months are invited to a series of musical laptimes presented by early childhood music specialist Colette Fallon. Second Saturday Special: Autumn on the Farm with Penny’s Puppet Productions October 8, 11 a.m. This harvest celebration stars Patty the pumpkin, Appi the apple, the Singing Corn Sisters, and many more. Penny Walter teaches puppetry classes for teachers, professionals, and families. prOgramS FOr teenS Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament October 21, 3:30 p.m. Gamers in grades 7-12 are invited to a Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament. Players at all skill levels are welcome, and prizes will be awarded. There will be plenty of snacks on hand. Call 503-697-6580 to register. Applying to College: Standing Out from the Competition with Tim Cantrick November 3, 4 p.m. Especially for students currently applying to college, this workshop introduces strategies for getting positive notice by admissions personnel. Three methods reviewed include the interview, the resume, and emailing the admissions office. Registration required. Please call 503- 697-6580, to sign up. adult cOmmunItY center 505 G Avenue, 503-635-3758 ACC East Parking Lot Closure. Due to the volume of trucks and other equipment needed for the Tryon Creek Slope Restoration on the north side of the Adult Community Center, the east parking lot is currently closed, through November 30, 2011. (Over 500 truckloads of rock will be brought in to rebuild the slope feature.) Some Center classes have been temporarily moved and carpooling or shuttle service is highly recommended for those visiting the Center. For the Center’s bus trips, you must catch the bus in the lower parking lot of the West End Building, 4101 Kruse Way. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please visit the ACC for detailed information, or call the Center at 503-635-3758. Computer Learning Center Classes. MAC - Basic Word Processing. Tuesday, October 4, 12:30 to 2 p.m., $10 member; $15 non-member MAC - Primary Skills. Thursday, October 6, 10 to 11:30 a.m., $10 member; $15 non-member MAC - Using the Internet. Thursday, October 13, 10 to 11:30 a.m., $10 member; $15 non-member PowerPoint. Mondays, October 17 and 24, 12:30 to 2 p.m., $16 member; $24 non-member Introduction to HTML. Thursdays, October 20 and 27, 10 to 11:30 a.m., $16 member; $24 non-member Excel. Fridays, October 21, 28, November 4, 12:30 to 2 p.m., $22 member; $33 non-member Introduction to Facebook. Tuesday, November 1, 12:30 to 2 p.m., $10 member; $15 non-member Please call 503-635-3758, for registration information or visit www.lo-clc.org. Hello L.O. 4 For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.Ci.oswego.or.us, or Call 503-635-0257. cOmmunItY calendar This newsletter is printed on 100% recycled content paper, using soy-based ink. ACC Adult Community Center DRC Development Review Commission HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board LAB Library Advisory Board LONAC Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition LORA Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency MPP Millennium Plaza Park NA Neighborhood Association NRAB Natural Resources Advisory Board PRAB Parks and Recreation Advisory Board SAB Sustainability Advisory Board TAB Transportation Advisory Board WEB West End BuildingGlossary Citizen Information Specialist and HelloLO Editor Bonnie Hirshberger 503-675-3992 bhirshberger@ci.oswego.or.us Event dates are subject to change. More details are available online at: www.ci.oswego.or.us/cal/calendar.htm. For more information, call 503-635-0236. stay ConneCted The City has made it easy! Go to www.ci.oswego.or.us and choose how you want to stay connected! October 1 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm • LONAC Meeting, 9:30am 2 Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday • City Council Regular Meeting, 6pm • Library Music Series, 7pm 5 Wednesday • First Addition/Forest Hills Neighborhood Coordinating Meeting, 7pm • First Wednesday, Oswego Heritage House, 7- 8pm 6 Thursday 7 Friday 8 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm • Community Shred Day, WEB, 10am 9 Sunday 10 Monday • Planning Commission, 6:30pm 11 Tuesday • Arts Council Chronicle Mtg, 9:30am • City Council Special Mtg, 6pm 12 Wednesday • Library Performing Arts Series, 2pm • HRAB, 7pm • LAB Meeting, 7pm • TAB Meeting, 7pm 13 Thursday • Foothills CAC, 5-7pm • Old Town Neighborhood Mtg, 7:30pm 14 Friday • Blood Drive, City Hall, 10am-3:30pm 15 Saturday • Fire Department Open House, 11am- 2pm 16 Sunday • Invasive Plant Removal, Iron Mtn, 1-3pm • Evergreen NA Board Meeting, 3pm 17 Monday • SAB Meeting, 6:30pm • Code Reorganization Mtg, 6:30pm 18 Tuesday • City Council Regular Meeting, 6pm • Library Author Series, 7pm 19 Wednesday • PRAB Meeting, 6pm • NRAB Meeting, 6:30pm 20 Thursday • Public Art Committee Mtg, 9:30am • Birdshill NA/CPO Mtg, 7pm • Waluga NA Annual Meeting, 7pm 21 Friday 22 Saturday 23 Sunday 24 Monday • Library Storytelling Festival • Planning Commission, 6:30pm 25 Tuesday • Library Storytelling Festival • City Council Special Mtg, 6pm 26 Wednesday • Arts Council Gallery Without Walls, 1pm • Library Storytelling Festival • Comp Plan CAC Mtg, 4-6pm 27 Thursday • 50+ Advisory Board, 8:30am • Arts Council Board Mtg, 8:30am • Library Storytelling Festival 28 Friday • Library Storytelling Festival 29 Saturday • Library Storytelling Festival • Drug Take-Back, ACC, 10am-2pm 30 Sunday 31 Monday November 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday • We Love LO Community Summit on Community Culture, LOHS, 6:30-9pm The City’s annual Photo Contest was a big success with 193 photographs submitted! After evaluating all eligible entries based on overall quality, creativity and how well the photograph portrayed Lake Oswego, the judges (a panel consisting of City of Lake Oswego staff and a City Councilor) selected two finalists for each category. Now it’s your turn to vote for your favorite! Vote online at: www.ci.oswego.or.us/ tools/pubaffairs/ photoContest/ Or, mail in a ballot: Cut out the ballot below and mail it to: Bonnie Hirshberger City of Lake Oswego 380 A Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Voting closes at 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 16, all ballots must be received by this time. Category winners will be announced in early November. phOtO cOnteSt - pIck YOur FavOrIte! unSung herOeS Nominate that special person who has made a positive difference in our community - someone who spends his or her free time volunteering, helping neighbors, or trying to make a difference in the lives of those around them. If you know a community member that is your Unsung Hero, take a moment to nominate them! Applications - due by November 4 - are available at the Citizen Information Center in City Hall or online at www. ci.oswego.or.us/council/documents/unsunghero.pdf. apprecIatIOn The Lake Oswego Police Department would like to thank Our Lady of the Lake 3rd Graders for their wonderful cards and letters of appreciation. Stop by City Hall to read and enjoy what these students said about our law enforcement and fire personnel as well as about the 9-11 event. Cards and letters will be on display through October. Category 2 – Places in Lake Oswego Category 1 – Life in Lake Oswego Category 3 – People of Lake Oswego Category 4 – Positive Aging in Lake Oswego phOtO cOnteSt BallOt* Category 3 – People of Lake Oswego Foothills Park Girls Rugby Category 4 – Positive Aging in Lake Oswego It’s All About Ping Pong Evening Stroll Check your favorite photograph in each of the following categories (one vote per category per person): Category 1 – Life in Lake Oswego Enjoying Millennium Plaza Lakeview Village Category 2 – Places in Lake Oswego Gate of Clouds Barn on Kruse Name: Phone: Email: Enjoying Millennium Plaza Lakeview Village Barn on Kruse Gate of Clouds Girls RugbyFoothills Park Evening Stroll It’s All About Ping Pong Close-ups To see large copies of these photographs and to vote for your favorite, go to: www.ci.oswego.or.us/ tools/pubaffairs/ photoContest/ *