April 2019 Hello LO*****ECRWSS***** POSTAL CUSTOMER Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit 124 Lake Oswego, OR 2 Parks & Rec - Volunteer Garlic Mustard Old River Road Closure New City Hall Moving Forward Gateway Art - Proposals Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Project 3 Parks & Recreation City Library Memorial Day Event Cultural Pass 4 Oak Savanna Project Help LO bloom All Summer The Art of the Quilting The Masters of Lake Oswego Willamette Shore Trolley Trillium Festival & Native Plant Sale Community Calendar Insert Community Forestry ACC - On the GoInside For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.lakeoswego.City or Call 503-635-0257. O . O L .April 2019THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGOHello DRUG TAKE BACK EVENT SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M., AT THE ACC To help citizens properly dispose of unwanted or expired prescription medicines, the City is holding a one-day-only drug take-back event on Saturday, April 27, at the Adult Community Center, 505 G Avenue. Unwanted prescription medicines will be collected from individual households only. Unknown medicines and veterinary medications will also be accepted. Medications cannot be accepted from businesses such as nursing homes, doctor’s offices or any other institution or business. If you have any questions, please contact Bonnie Hirshberger at 503-675-3992 or bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city. No sharps/syringes/EpiPens, inhalers, over- the-counter medicines or health care items (such as vitamins, hand lotion, deodorant, etc.), will be collected. For information on how you can safely dispose of these items, call Metro Recycling at 503-234-3000. Sudafed, Benadryl, and similar products will be accepted. Please put all pill/tablet medications into a sealed plastic baggie. We do not want the plastic prescription containers. If you bring in a liquid medication, please put the bottle in a sealable plastic bag to prevent leaks. For more disposal options, visit www. ci.oswego.or.us/police/drug-medicine-disposal. SHORT-TERM RENTALS The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on Monday, April 22, to consider amendments to the Community Development Code related to short-term rentals. The short-term rental of a dwelling (rentals of less than 31 days) is currently prohibited in Lake Oswego’s residential areas. The City Council has directed the Planning Commission to recommend development code changes that would allow Short-Term Rentals (STRs) subject to standards addressing land use concerns (to control neighborhood impacts), business licensing, transient lodging taxes, and enforcement. The notice and staff report are now available and written testimony is being accepted. For more information, visit www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/short-term-rentals. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FAIR JOIN US FROM 5:30-7:30 P.M., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, LO MAINTENANCE CENTER Learn how to care for yourself and your family in the event of an earthquake, flood, winter storm, or other disaster at the Emergency Preparedness Fair. Brought to you by the City of Lake Oswego, this free family-friendly event will feature approximately 20 informational booths plus programs and activities. Stop by 17601 Pilkington Road any time between 5:30-7:30 p.m. and learn about water storage and emergency food options, emergency supply kits, pet preparedness, portable sanitation, seismically retrofitting your home, solar power options, how to fill a sand bag, and much more! You'll also get to meet one of our K9's and learn how to save a life at special hands-only CPR training. Plus, we will have TRUCKS! At this event kids get an up-close look at vehicles they see every day in the community - a fire truck, police vehicles, snow plow, street sweeper, water truck and more! WATER CONTAINER & BAG GIVEAWAY To prepare for an emergency, it is recommended that people store one gallon of water per person (and pet) per day for a minimum of 14 days. To help residents meet this goal, the City will be giving away approximately 300 BPA-free 3-gallon water containers (limit of one per Lake Oswego household, while supplies last). In addition, we are giving away one-gallon soft-sided water bags. Add this one-gallon bag to your emergency kit, and use it to get water from a distribution center in an emergency. NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT GRANTS Do you have an idea for a project that would improve quality of life in your neighborhood? The City of Lake Oswego Neighborhood Enhancement Program supports neighborhoods by providing grants for projects that provide a community benefit. For the timeline, grant criteria, budget information, project ideas, and to download an application, visit www.lakeoswego.city/NEP. Applications are due by 5 p.m., April 26. RECRUITMENT BEGINS BOARDS & COMMISSIONS In order to be more equitable and efficient, the City of Lake Oswego changed its boards and commissions recruitment process to a single major annual effort in lieu of the staggered approach. Our first annual recruitment for the City’s boards and commissions takes place April 1 through May 31. We are currently holding recruitment for the following: • Youth Advisors to Boards & Commissions • Development Review Commission • 50+ Advisory Board • Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Advisory Board • Planning Commission • Sustainability Advisory Board • Transportation Advisory Board Interested in more than one board or commission? While Lake Oswego City Code specifies that candidates can only serve on one committee, our new process allows candidates to select multiple boards and commissions to serve on, increasing their chances of being selected for one. For more information about Lake Oswego’s boards and commissions or how to apply, please visit: www.lakeoswego.city/boc/boards- commissions-vacancies or contact the City Manager’s Office at 503-635-0215. BOARDS & COMMISSIONS FAIR Thursday, April 11, 6-8p.m., City Hall, 380 A Ave. Please join us on April 11 to learn more about boards and commissions opportunities and talk to members currently serving - find out about their experience, what a typical meeting is like and more! Light refreshments provided. Butterfly garden at Oak Creek Elementary. 2 Theresa Kohlhoff City Councilor 503-660-8693 (Cell) Jackie Manz City Councilor 503-939-2563 (Cell) John LaMotte City Councilor 971-263-8272 (Cell) Daniel Nguyen City Councilor 503-913-4383 (Cell) Skip O’Neill City Councilor 503-781-7664 (Cell) John Wendland City Councilor 971-235-8014 (Cell) Kent Studebaker Mayor 503-201-2270 (Cell) City Council 503-635-0215 City Manager Scott Lazenby 503-635-0215 GARLIC MUSTARD Garlic mustard is a noxious weed that is spreading rapidly throughout the Portland region. It invades the forest understory and quickly becomes the dominant species. In addition to its roots releasing toxins into the soil, garlic mustard outcompetes native plants for moisture, nutrients, and space, thereby inhibiting growth of other plants, reducing plant diversity, and decreasing forage for native wildlife. HOW TO IDENTIFY GARLIC MUSTARD Garlic mustard grows in moist, shaded soil, and is commonly found on stream banks, in wooded areas, and along roadsides. It is a biennial herb that forms a basal rosette of kidney-shaped, scalloped leaves in the first year, and an elongated flower stalk in the second year. Its leaves are triangular and sharply toothed, and smell like garlic when crushed. Garlic mustard flowers in April and May. Plants have one flowering stem with numerous white flowers. Seeds start forming in June, and are ripe and ready to spread in July. HOW TO CONTROL GARLIC MUSTARD Springtime is the best time to manage garlic mustard. Garlic mustard can be treated chemically, but the best method for removal is to pull it in early spring and summer before the white blossoms turn to seed pods. The trick is to pull the plant, root and all, before the seed pods are ready to pop. Dispose of pulled plants in trash bags and put them in the garbage, not in yard debris or compost bins. Proper disposal is important - if a plant is pulled out while in flower and dropped on the ground, it still has the ability to set seed. Flowers from pulled plants CAN and WILL produce seed! Seeds are viable for up to 5 years, so repeated monitoring and removal year after year is needed to fully eradicate the plant. Do not pull from July through October - the risk of spreading new seed is too high. The key to controlling garlic mustard is to pull it before the seeds have a chance to spread. You can safely pull the plants until the seed pods begin to dry in July. Visit https://conservationdistrict.org/2018/april- invasive-weed-of-the-month-garlic-mustard-2.html, to learn more about garlic mustard. Garlic mustard flowers become seed pods, with each plant producing up to 5000 seeds. NEW CITY HALL MOVING FORWARD One of the City Council goals for 2019 is to complete the City Hall Project on time and on budget. On March 5, the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency Board gave the go ahead to proceed with preparation of construction documents for the project. The new City Hall will provide a seismically safe, energy efficient and better functioning building for the community. It will include space for the Police Department and our 9-1-1 dispatch center (LOCOM), as well as public meeting places. It will also provide storefront space for the Lake Oswego Arts Council, and for the Friends of the Library’s “Booktique.” The total project cost is currently estimated at $43.1 million, funded through the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (urban renewal) and other existing sources. GATEWAY ART - CITY SEEKS PROPOSALS The City of Lake Oswego, through the Arts Council of Lake Oswego, is seeking proposals for a commissioned public art gateway at Highway 43 and Terwilliger Boulevard. This project will produce a public art work to define the Northeastern Gateway or entrance into Lake Oswego. The deadline to submit proposals is 5 p.m., Monday, June 3. For more information or to download the application, please visit www.artscouncillo.org. For additional questions, please contact Public Art and Program Manager Stephanie Johnson at sgjohnson@lakeoswego.city or 503-675-2531. OLD RIVER ROAD CLOSURE MID-APRIL – SUMMER 2019 Construction has started on the new Marylhurst Sewage Pump Station, located at the north end of Old River Road near Glenmorrie Drive, alongside the Willamette River pathway. Starting in mid-April through summer, Old River Road will be closed to all vehicular traffic 24/7 through the work zone, and a detour will be in place. Between the work zone and River Woods Place, Old River Road will be open for local traffic only (residents who live within the closed section), but ingress and egress will be from the West Linn side. Access through the work zone will be maintained for emergency responders. For pedestrian and bicycle traffic, the mixed-use pathway will be shifted around the construction site. There will be a short period (up to two weeks) when the pathway between George Rogers Park and the pump station site will be temporarily closed to all pedestrians and bicyclists. Notification of this temporary pathway closure, and associated dates, will be posted at the work zone, at the Oswego Creek footbridge (at George Rogers Park), on the project website and on the City’s social media accounts. For more information, visit www.lakeoswego.city/ publicworks/marylhurst-pump-station. LOVE PARKS & REC EVENTS? VOLUNTEER! We invite volunteers to make a difference in the Lake Oswego Community by participating in Parks & Recreation Special Events, including Farmers’ Market, Summer of Music Concerts, Star Spangled Parade, and much more! The Special Events team is hosting an informative training and sign-up meeting on Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the City’s Maintenance Center (17601 Pilkington Rd., Lake Oswego.) Please join us and bring a friend! Light refreshments will be provided. For further information, please contact Jamie Inglis at jinglis@lakeoswego.city Thank you, and hope to see you soon! Next Steps: April 1, 2019 Development Review Commission - City Hall Project Public Hearing June 2019 Begin Phase 1 - Demolition of existing buildings east of City Hall July 2019 Completion of the construction document phase and approval for final project cost; begin construction Spring 2021 Phase 1 Completion; move into new city hall and begin Phase 2 (demolition of existing city hall, construction of surface parking and a civic plaza) Winter 2021 Project Completion TRYON CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT The City is exploring the option of redeveloping its existing wastewater treatment plant. The Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (TCWTP), currently owned by the City of Portland, is located in the Foothills District at the joining of Tryon Creek and the Willamette River. TCWTP was constructed in 1964 and requires significant updates. The City is looking to partner with a private partner to minimize the City’s risks and costs while continuing to provide for Portland’s and Lake Oswego’s wastewater treatment needs and reducing the facility’s overall footprint, improving the quality of discharged water, and supporting the overall redevelopment of Foothills District. In addition, the City is exploring taking over ownership of TCWTP from the City of Portland. With these goals in mind, the City has issued a Request for Qualifications for potential private partners who would be willing to finance, design, build, operate and maintain a wastewater treatment plant that would be more compatible with redevelopment of the Foothills area. In the near future, City Council will make a decision on whether to pursue the private public partnership for the redevelopment. The decision will be contingent upon Lake Oswego’s rates not going up more than they would have with the upgrades that must be made to the existing TCWTP under the City of Portland’s ownership. To stay up to date on the Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, check out the City’s website at www.lakeoswego.city/publicworks. Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant - looking east. For details on these and other events, visit www.lakeoswegolibrary.org or call: Main Number, 503-636-7628 Reference Desk Number, 503-675-2540 3 Y o u r C o m m u n i t Y r e s o u r C e f o r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d e n r i C h m e n tCITY LIBRARY PARKS & RECREATION Location: 17525 Stafford Road Mailing: PO Box 369 For more information or to register for Parks & Recreation (LOPR) programs, call 503-675-2549 or visit www.loparks.org. NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK APRIL 7-13! Please join us for a commemoration of National Library Week, April 7-13, as we celebrate libraries and the communities they serve. Activities include: A National Library Week photo booth will be installed on our main floor, so patrons can take selfies with a giant library card or other fun props. A Food for Fines food drive. During April 7-13, We will waive $1.00 in overdue fines (not including fines associated with lost or damaged items) for each non- perishable food item brought to the library during the week. Donations will go to a nonprofit serving local families. A National Library Week Trivia Contest at the 2nd floor Reference Desk will give patrons a chance to answer simple questions, using library resources and the Internet, to win fun, library-related prizes. EXPLORE It’s Italian Film Festival Month! The Library will host several events leading to the kick-off of the Italian Film Festival: 1) Film Discussion Group Friday, April 5, 2 p.m. - At the Lake Theater & Cafe Library will screen an Italian film at the April Film Discussion Group. 18 and over. These movies may contain scenes that are appropriate for mature audiences only. Doors at 1:30 p.m., film starts at 2 p.m. Lake Theater & Cafe is located at 106 N State St, Lake Oswego. 2) Hidden Gems of Italy - Travel presentation with Alessandra Gardino Tuesday, April 9, 7 p.m. Join us for a talk given by Alessandra Gardino Montgomery, managing director of Customized Journeys, on travel tips for discovering the Hidden Gems of Italy. 3) Understanding Italy: Professor Angela Zagarella Thursday, April 18, 4 p.m. Join us for an exploration of history, food, cultural heritage and current issues through contemporary Italian cinema. Come honor the lost loved ones in your family and learn everything about the Day of the Dead ceremony from Rev. Jose Garcia. Italian Film Festival Lake Theater - April 18-20 Enjoy recent Italian films at the 2019 Italian Film Festival USA of Portland. Films shown in Italian with English subtitles at the Lake Theater & Café, 106 North State St., Lake Oswego. Additional films show at Bloodworks Live Studio, 1210 SW 6th Ave., Portland. Sponsored by Volpi Foods in collaboration with the Associazione Culturale Italiana. Playing at the Lake Theater: • As Needed - April 18, 7:30 p.m. • Bob & Marys - April 19, 7:30 p.m. • Just Believe - April 20, 5 p.m. • Balentes - April 20, 7 p.m. For a full schedule, visit www.italianfilmfests.org/ portland.html. All films are free! LEARN MORE! The Electoral College: Red State, Blue State, Out of Date? - Dr. Edwin D. Dover Tuesday, April 23, 7-8 p.m. The Electoral College is the process the United States uses to choose a president every four years. Professor emeritus Dr. Edwin D. Dover will take you through the history of the Electoral College, and the mechanics of how it works. He will provide plenty of time for audience questions and discussion. How to Finance Your Home Purchase - Kurtis Drake Tuesday, April 30, 7-8 p.m. Are you ready to buy a house, but not sure where to start? Kurtis Drake, an experienced loan officer, will take you through the strategy of financing your first home purchase. ACTIVITIES FOR TEENS Teen Sushi/Candy Making Tuesday, April 16, 3:30-5 p.m. (lower level) Learn to make California Rolls and Candy Sushi while learning about Japanese etiquette. A waiver is required. Please visit www.lopl.org/teens for the form! LUSCHER FARM Summer Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) LO Parks & Recreation has teamed up with Laura Masterson of 47th Avenue Farms, to provide citizens with the opportunity to receive local, sustainably grown vegetables. CSA is a partnership between a farmer and local consumers. Shareholders pay a fee at the beginning of the growing season to meet the farm’s expenses. In return, they receive a portion of the farm’s produce throughout the season. Harvest starts mid-May and continues through October. Members come to Luscher Farm on Thursday evenings, between 5-7 p.m., May 16-October 24, to pick up their weekly shares of produce, which will consist of eight to ten different vegetables and herbs. 19172 - Whole Share - Res. $1145/Non-Res. $1317. 19171 - Half Share - Res. $630/Non-Res. $725. Breathtaking LO Baskets Create a beautiful hanging floral basket identical to those on our City streets - just in time for Mother’s Day! All materials and instructions are provided. Kathy Whitman teaches this class at Luscher Farm, 125 Rosemont Rd., on Saturday, April 27. Choose from two class times: 10-11:15 a.m. or 1-2:15 p.m. Register at www.rogersonclematiscollection.org/events. Classes are $10 for FRCC members, $25 for non- members of FRCC. STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Help us keep parks and open spaces healthy and beautiful by volunteering at one of our upcoming stewardship events! For more details, please visit www.lo-stewardship.org. SPRINGBROOK PARK Preschool Nature Walks - Become a Tree Friday, April 12, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Each tree has a trunk, many roots and will be growing spring leaves. How do each of these help the tree? Let’s make our own trees to discover the answers as we explore in the park! Park at Uplands Elementary School, 2055 Wembley Park Rd. (Springbrook Park is behind Uplands Elementary playground). Create a “Nature Play” Area Saturday, April 20, 9-11 a.m. Join Friends of Springbrook Park to help create a “Nature Play” area in the woods where children can play, climb and explore! Dress for the weather. Tools, gloves and snacks provided. Park at Uplands Elementary School, 2055 Wembley Park Rd. For more information, contact Ginny Haines at 503-442- 4082 or vhaines@comcast.net. YOUTH ACTIVITIES 18859 - Introduction to Fencing Learn the basic tactical and technical skills of the Olympic sport of sabre fencing. This dynamic sport offers challenges to quick thinking, coordination, strength and stamina. Safety emphasized. Equipment provided. Ages 7-12, 5:30-7 p.m., Wednesdays, April 10-May 22, Christ Church Parish (CCP), $106. Big Ball Tennis Oh what fun! Mini nets, foam balls and fun equipment are used to introduce hand-eye coordination to aspiring junior aces. Children develop skills through games, fun and high fives! No equipment required. Parent participation required for 3 year-old class. 18627 - Age 3, 9:30-10 a.m., Thursdays, April 11- May 2, CCP, $30. 18629 - Ages 4, 10:15-11 a.m., Thursdays, April 11- May 2, CCP, $40. ADULT ACTIVITIES 18608 - Bob Ross Oil Painting-Haystack Rock Suitable for beginners to seasoned painters. All supplies provided. Ages 12+, 1-4:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, Adult Community Center, $49. 18719 - Abstract Painting with Acrylics Allow your creativity to flow! All levels welcome, no painting experience required, supplies provided. Ages 18+, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, April 13, CCP, $46. 18725 - Just Sing Come raise your voice in song. Learn the basics of proper vocal techniques, warm ups and vocal health. This class provides physical and mental benefits and the chance to socialize with other music lovers. Ages 18+, 5-6 p.m., Wednesdays, April 17- May 22, Adult Community Center, $49. CULTURAL PASS EXPRESS Our new Cultural Pass Express program, an online reservation system that makes it easy to reserve, download and/or print admission passes to local cultural venues, is almost here! Check out the May HelloLO for more details. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Look for details in the May HelloLO. The Event - Presentations for Seniors Tuesday, May 14, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. You are invited to presentations on how to avoid scams/fraud, depression and suicide prevention, how the City’s Adult Resource Offier can help you, and more. Memorial Day Event Monday, May 27 at 11 a.m. Join the City as we partner with the LO Veterans Memorial to honor those that served and commemorate the unveiling of the freedom memorial at Foothills Park The monument celebrates the bravery and service of all U.S. military Veterans and First Responders with strong ties to the Lake Oswego community. The event, which will be emceed by US Naval Captain Jonathan Puskas, features a keynote address from Taya Kyle. Taya is the widow of late U.S. Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, whose story was memorialized in the Academy Award winning film, American Sniper. 44 For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.lakeoswego.City or Call 503-635-0257. Contributing writers: Nell Diamond, Library Judy Nelson, Parks & Recreation Robin Krakauer, Arts Council Kari Linder, City Manager’s Office Iris McCaleb, Planning Sidaro Sin, Redevelopment Diana Smith-Bouwer, Public Information Madison Thesing, Public Works Citizen inFormation speCialist and hellolo editor/writer Bonnie Hirshberger 503-675-3992 bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100% recycled content paper, using soy-based ink. ACC Adult Community Center CCP Christ Church Parish DRC Development Review Commission GC LO Municipal Golf Course GRP George Rogers Park HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board LAB Library Advisory Board LIB LO Public Library LORA Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency MC Maintenance Center MPP Millennium Plaza Park NA Neighborhood Association PNAB Parks, Rec & Natural Resources Advisory Board SAB Sustainability Advisory Board TAB Transportation Advisory BoardGlossaryApril 1 Monday • DRC Meeting, 7pm 2 Tuesday • City Council Regular Meeting, 6:30pm • Library Music Series - RR2 featuring Ronnie Robins, 7pm 3 Wednesday • Youth Leadership Council, 5:15pm • First Addition/Forest Hills Neighborhood Coordinating Meeting, 6:30pm 4 Thursday 5 Friday • Blood Drive, City Hall, 9:30am-2:30pm 6 Saturday • Oak Tree Mulch Spreading, Luscher (Brock Property), 9-11am • Trillium Festival, 10am-4pm 7 Sunday • Work Party, Iron Mt. Park, 1pm 8 Monday • Planning Commission, 6:30pm 9 Tuesday • Garden Babies, Luscher, 10-1045am 10 Wednesday • Library Performing Arts Series - Poetry & Jazz, 1pm • LAB Meeting, 7pm 11 Thursday • Kids Make Things: Tree Art, LIB, 2:30- 3:30pm • Old Town NA Board Meeting, 7pm 12 Friday • Preschool Nature Walk. Springbrook Park, 10:30am 13 Saturday • Work Party, Woodmont Park, 9am • Willamette Shore Trolley Open House, 10am-12:30pm • Foothills Park Tree Planting, Foothills Park, 3:30-4:30pm 14 Sunday • The Masters of LO, Golf, 8:30am • Work Party, Freepons Park, 1pm 15 Monday • Public Art Committee Mtg, 2pm • SAB Meeting, 6:30pm • DRC Meeting, 7pm 16 Tuesday • City Council Regular Meeting, 3pm • Library Author Series - Liz Nakazawa, 7pm 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday • Uplands Neighborhood Association Board Mtg, 7pm • Italian Film Festival, Lake Theater, 7:30pm 19 Friday • Art of Quilting - First Friday Opening, 11am-1pm • Italian Film Festival, Lake Theater, 7:30pm 20 Saturday • Create a “Nature Play” Area, Springbrook Park, 9am • Italian Film Festival, Lake Theater, 5pm and 7pm 21 Sunday 22 Monday • Planning Commission, 6:30pm 23 Tuesday • Red State, Blue State, Out of Date? Let’s Debate!, LIB, 7pm 24 Wednesday 25 Thursday 26 Friday • 50+ Advisory Board, ACC, 10am • NEP applications due, 5pm 27 Saturday • Drug Take Back Event, ACC, 10am- 2pm 28 Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday • How to Finance Your Home, LIB, 7pm May 1 Wednesday • Youth Leadership Council, 5:15pm • First Addition/Forest Hills Neighborhood Coordinating Meeting, 6:30pm 2 Thursday Event dates are subject to change. More details are available online at: www.lakeoswego.city/calendar For more information, call 503-675-3992. Community Calendar OAK SAVANNA PROJECT APRIL 6 FROM 9-11 A.M. - JOIN US TO HELP PROTECT THE NEWLY PLANTED TREES On March 9, the City, Friends of Trees, Mosaic Ecology, Lake Oswego Rotary and Friends of Luscher Farm came together to plant over 110 Oregon White Oaks (paid for by LO Rotary) and 2,000 native shrubs on the Brock Property - transitioning this part of Luscher Farm into an oak savanna. The trees were spread throughout the prepared sections of the field with the various tree sizes mixed together, providing an immediate variety of different sized oak trees. Thank you volunteers! The recently planted White Oak trees need some TLC. Join Friends of Trees as we spread mulch around the new trees to help hold in ground moisture. No experience needed, just show up! Great activity for families. Gloves, tools and snack provided. Dress for the weather. Look for work party signs. To register and for parking information, visit Friends of Trees at friendsoftrees.org/event-calendar. WILLAMETTE SHORE TROLLEY LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS The Willamette Shore Trolley (WST) is looking for volunteer motormen, conductors and station-agents for the 2019 season which begins Memorial Day weekend and runs until fall depending on weather. If you are interested in joining our volunteers, please stop by our open house on Saturday, April 13, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the WST Depot, 311 N State Street. For questions about this event or WST, please contact Peter Kloosterman at peter.kloost@gmail.com or 503-862-8222.Photo by Bruce Lee, LO Photo Contest. TRILLIUM FESTIVAL & NATIVE PLANT SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. The Friends of Tryon Creek, in partnership with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Bosky Dell Natives, and the Backyard Habitat Certification Program, invite you to the 39th Annual Trillium Festival. The plant sale will offer native plant species essential for wildlife habitat and adapted to our local climate. Bring your specific backyard questions to learn from plant experts about what is right for your yard. Learn more about the regional Backyard Habitat Certification Program, and how native plants strengthen and expand our natural areas.You will also find a suite of educational stations along our beautiful trails. Tryon Creek State Natural Area is located at 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. For more information, visit www.tryonfriends.org.Photo by Lisa and Bill Bires, LO Photo Contest. HELP LO BLOOM ALL SUMMER CELEBRATING 29 YEARS OF BEAUTIFYING LAKE OSWEGO! On May 18, volunteers will hang over 250 beautiful flower baskets around the city. The success of the 501(c)3 Chamber Foundation Village Basket Program is dependent on the support of generous contributions from local businesses and community members. To find out how to contribute to this program, call the Chamber at 503-636-3634 or mail your tax deductible donation to: Village Baskets, c/o Lake Oswego Chamber Foundation, P.O. Box 368, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. All donations are gratefully appreciated and will be acknowledged in your community newspaper, the Lake Oswego Review. THE MASTERS OF LAKE OSWEGO Play with a Tour Pro (sort of…) at the Lake Oswego Public Golf Course, 17525 Stafford Rd! Join us on Sunday, April 14, for our "Masters Tournament." Format: two player best ball, then your team score is added to the score of the Masters’ player you draw at check in. 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. Entry includes green fee, prize fund, and watch party in the Clubhouse. Final-round television coverage of the 2019 Masters in Augusta begins at 11 a.m. Call 503-534-5689 to reserve a spot for your team! THE ART OF THE QUILTING ON VIEW APRIL 19 – JUNE 14 Six talented and creative artists will be bringing their pieces to the ARTspace gallery for a two-month show. Each brings a different technique and design to the exhibition, ranging from traditional pieces to original art quilts with the idea of educating the public that quilting is a form of art. Programming includes: April 19, 11 to 1 p.m. - First Friday Opening May 3, 5 to 7 pm. - First Friday Reception For information about additional programming - including artist talks, demonstrations, and sewing techniques - visit www.artscouncillo.org or call 503-675-3738. The Arts Council ARTspace is located at 520 1St Street, Lake Oswego. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday 11 to 4 p.m.