April 2019 On The GoWWW.LOACC.INFOFollow us - Lake Oswego Adult Community Center ACC May / June 2019 On the Go in LO For more information or to register for ACC programs, call 503-635-3758.Trip participants are expected to participate independently with no special supervision or assistance from staff or other participants. Staff cannot manage one-to-one assistance. Let’s Do Lunch with Kat! Highland Still House - Oregon City Cost includes transportation and escort. Lunch on your own. Res $10/Non-Res $15 19458 11a-2p Th 5/9 * Fujiya Ramen - West Linn Cost includes transportation and escort. Lunch on your own. Res $10/Non-Res $15 19459 11a-2p Th 6/13 * sunDay soLo Dinner Group Enjoy the company of others for a casual mid-day dinner. Reservations required, participants meet at the designated restaurant. Lunch/dinner on your own. Pre-registration required. Call the ACC at 503-635-3758. Red Lobster - Tigard 19426 2p Su 5/19 Buffalo Gap - Portland 19427 2p Su 6/9 taKe a “Daycation” with us! Day trippers Candy Basket and Lunch at Giuseppe’s Italian Restaurant A factory tour of the family owned Candy Basket, one of the largest candy companies in the northwest. Lunch on your own. Res $20/Non-Res $25 19440 9:15a-3p Tu 5/21 * Medical Teams International and Lunch at Industry Medical Teams International’s “Real Life Exhibits” provides an opportunity to see, hear, and feel what people in crisis live through. A powerful and touching display that depicts a life in crisis, life after an earthquake, or tsunami. Lunch on your own. Res $10/Non-Res $15 19441 9:45a-1p Tu 6/18 * Medical Teams International’s Real Life Exhibit Moderate amount of walking. * Departure time listed, please arrive 15 minutes prior to departure. Get un-stucK! removinG roaDbLocKs to reLocation Older homeowners are invited to hear from a senior real estate specialist, senior referral agent and a senior move manager/ downsizing coach on how to get prepared for relocation. Financing options will be discussed. 19457 10a-12p Tu 6/11 parents, minors & the Law Your child is off to college or is legally an adult, you are involved in paying for school and you talk regularly... but, if your child is injured you don’t have a legal right to be notified or to make financial or healthcare decisions, unless a durable general power of attorney and a healthcare power of attorney are on record. Michelle-Shari Kruss, Attorney at Law from Kruss Law is going to present how parents get caught off guard when an emergency arises and how they can send their children to college better prepared for an emergency. 19101 6:30-7:30p M 5/20 become a vip Become a Very Important Partner of the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center! Starting at the Bronze Level ($50 per year) your donation to the ACC is vitally important and greatly appreciated. It supports award-winning programs, evidence based caregiver programs, support groups, family consultations and much more. See our VIP Levels that you can donate to and show your support: Bronze Level $50 2 ACC lunch passes, 1 seat @ Lakewood Theatre Dress Rehearsal, $5 off one massage session. Silver Level $100 2 ACC lunch passes, 2 seats @ Lakewood Theatre DressRehearsal, free 30 minute massage. Gold Level $250 2 ACC lunch passes, 2 seats @ Lakewood Theatre Dress Rehearsal, free 60 minute massages. Platinum $500+ 2 ACC lunch passes, 2 seats @ Lakewood Theatre Dress Rehearsal, free 90 minute massages. Call 503-635-3758 to pledge your support for the ACC. Loacc proGram Garners nationaL awarD The Lake Oswego Adult Community Center’s popular program, “The Living Well Talk Series” was awarded the National Institute of Senior Center Program’s Excellence in Health and Wellness, from the National Council on Aging. Nicolette Hume created the series with the purpose of bringing fresh, innovative and enlightening topics to empower others to live life on their own terms. Nicolette and Center Manager Ann Adrian will travel to National Council on Aging Conference in Washington D.C. in June to conduct a workshop on the program and receive this prestigious award. estate pLanninG anD payinG for LonG term care Join the Pixton Law Group to learn more about what you should have in your Legal Survival Kit. Discuss estate planning basics for estates of all sizes and identify essential tools and documents that you should have in place. Learn about benefits which you and your family may qualify for to assist with payment of long term care. Tom Pixton has over 25 years of experience in Estate Planning and Elder Law in Oregon. Alana Hawkins focuses on estate planning, Medicaid, veterans benefits, social security disability, and supplemental needs trusts. 18963 1-2:30p F 5/24 oLD aGe & power: Get it toGether now Learn how (and WHEN!) to use an elder law attorney, a financial planner/ advisor, a home-finance expert, a senior real estate specialist and an aging- in-place remodeler. 19456 10a-12p Tu 5/7 Lake Oswego Adult Community Center 505 G Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503-635-3758 Registration for All Classes, Activities and Trips Begins at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 8 Supervised Lab W 1-2:30p Ongoing Free MAC User Discussion Group F 1-2:30p 1st & 3rd weeks Free Learning & Technology Group M 9:30-11a Ongoing Free One-on-One Tutoring (including Word, Excel, iPad, iPhone, Android,Tablet) Call 503-635-3758, for information. computer Groups Follow us - Lake Oswego Adult Community Center! memory proGrams Empowered Meaningful Learners (EML) offers stimulating activities for older adults experiencing early stages of memory loss. Curriculum includes socialization, art, horticultural therapy, field trips and local walking tours. Lunch included. Res $30 per day/Non Res $35 per day. EML M 11:30a-3:30p Navigators Club meets every Wednesday and Friday to provide support to participants and caregivers as they navigate the choppy waters of a dementia diagnosis. Lunch included. Res $30 per day/ Non-Res $35 per day. Navigators Club W 11:30a-3:30p Navigators Club F 11:30a-3:30p maKinG connections: support Groups Groups are open to everyone and offer a safe place in which to share, learn and connect. There is no fee or registration required. Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support 3rd Wednesday 1:30-3:30p ACC - 505 G Avenue Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support 2nd Thursday 6:30-7:30p ACC - 505 G Avenue Family Caregiver Discussion Group 4th Wednesday 7-8:30p ACC - 505 G Avenue aarp safe DrivinG proGram This seven-hour refresher driving course is designed to refine existing skills and develop safe, defensive driving techniques and designed for drivers 50 and older. Break for lunch will be taken midday. Limited space available, registration required. AARP members $15/ All others $20 payable to AARP. 18906 9a-4p F 5/10 18937 9a-4p F 6/14 LivinG weLL taLK series Join us each month as we explore different areas of health and wellness. Pre-registration required. Don’t Just retire…refire! The second-half of your life just might be the best half! Life transitions are inevitable. It’s how we approach them that is critical. Getting clear on what you want is key. Most Boomers know they don’t want their parent’s brand of retirement. Ditch the concepts for a new paradigm, a model for life transitions that refocuses on your “must haves.” Facilitator Mary Ellen Hoeh MA has helped thousands of people via the “Williams Bridges Model of Change.” Res/Non Res $5. 19108 6-8p Tu 5/21 aGinG with priDe Due to a lifetime of discrimination, LGBT older adults are more likely to hide who they are because they are afraid of mistreatment and isolation. It shouldn’t have to be this way. Join Max Micozzi from SAGE Metro Portland, and learn the basics about what it means to be an LGBT person, a historical understanding of how society has treated LGBT people and how we as a community we can be more mindful, open and inclusive of our fellow LGBT neighbors. Res/Non Res $5. 19109 6-8p Tu 6/11 you pLaceD your LoveD one… now what? Caregiving doesn’t end with placement, but it does change. If you are a family caregiver and would like to explore feelings, hopes, ups and downs in a supportive, confidential, non-judgmental environment, this conversation is for you. No registration is needed, just come! 19509 3-4 p Tu 5/7 the psychoLoGy of scams Did you know that even the smartest of us could be scammed? Join Carlos D. Romo, Ph.D. will discuss how certain emotional triggers can leave us vulnerable when confronted with a scam. You will also learn ways to recognize and avoid scams, understand current scam/fraud techniques, and the practical steps you can take to protect yourself and your family. 19067 10a W 5/8 meaLs-on-wheeLs This essential community service provides a hot, delicious, well-balanced meal delivered by volunteers to housebound adults, 60 and older and to those who are disabled of any age. Whether meals are needed for just a few days or on a long-term basis, volunteers deliver hot meals every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. If requested, frozen meals can be delivered along with hot meal deliveries. Suggested donation $4 per meal. Call 503-635-3758 for more information. LOACC volunteer Michael Thompson delivers meals and a friendly smile. scheDuLe a massaGe! Because massage therapy is the ideal antidote to tension and stress, giving yourself or someone you care about the gift of massage is a sublime present. Purchase your massage gift certificates at the ACC front desk and/ or call 503-635-3758 to make an appointment. 60 minute massage $48 90 minute massage $72 new seasons tour Jump into spring with a tasting tour of New Seasons at Mountain Park. Cece Harris, the Community Coordinator will meet you in the dining area and guide you to each department manager during this special escorted trip and sampling tour. Stops in the deli, health and wellness, produce, bakery and more. Stroll & nibble, ask questions, learn more, get a goodie bag! Meet in the dining area at the front of the market at 11am. Space is limited and registration required. 19507 11a-1p Tu 5/14 19508 11a-1p Tu 6/4