December 2019 On The GoWWW.LOACC.INFOFollow us - Lake Oswego Adult Community Center
ACCOn the Go in LO
January / February 2020
For more information or to register for ACC
programs, call 503-635-3758.
Day Trip Policy
Trip participants are expected to participate independently with no special supervision or
assistance from staff or other participants. Staff cannot manage one to one assistance.
Let’s Do Lunch
Cost includes transportation and escort. Lunch is on your own. Departure time
listed, please arrive 15 minutes prior to departure.
Cruise In Country Diner - Hillsboro
Cost includes transportation and
escort. Lunch on your own.
Res $7/Non-Res $10
20784 11a-2p Th 1/16
Si Señor - Beaverton
Cost includes transportation and
escort. Lunch on your own.
Res $7/Non-Res $10
20785 11a-2p Th 2/20
Sunday Solo Dinner Group
Enjoy the company of others for a casual mid-day dinner. Reservations
required, participants meet at the designated restaurant. You purchase
your lunch/dinner. Pre-registration required. Call the ACC at 503-635-3758.
Pizzeria Sul Lago - Lake Oswego
20335 2p Su 1/12
Buffalo Gap - Portland
20336 2p Su 2/9
Take a “Daycation” with Us!
Day Trippers
Future trips will be announced in upcoming ACC On the Go newsletters!
ACC Celebrates 50 Years!
In 1970, a group of citizens gathered together to create a place where
they could socialize and connect. They were so excited
about the prospect they set the age at 50 so they could
all join! A student intern from our Parks and Recreation
Department was tasked with working with these citizens,
the City Finance Director wrote a grant and a home in
First Addition was purchased to serve as the first Center.
Fast forward 50 years and the ACC is the only nationally
accredited center in Oregon, has received national awards
and remains the vibrant, welcoming place the founders envisioned.
Medicare A
Medicare is complicated. This class is designed to help clear up some
of the complication about what Medicare A covers. Come ready to learn
more about hospital inpatient stays, skilled nursing rehabilitation, home
health and hospice. Leave the class feeling better prepared to advocate for
yourself and loved ones!
20342 1-2:30p Th 1/23
Stop the Shuffle
Parkinson’s disease is the 2nd most common neurological disease with
approximately 60,000 Americans diagnosed each year. Learn about the
symptoms that present up to 7 years before any movement deficits, along
with big and small steps you can take to slow progression.
20786 9-10:30a W 1/29
Friday Night Blues and
Folk Night
Join us for a night of blues and folk music by our very own ACC band Slow
Jam! Enjoy happy hour with drinks, friends and tasty snacks. Suggested
donation for the evening $5.
20577 6-8p F 2/7
Living Well Dances
Living Well Dances are hosted by LO Parks & Recreation and
feature The Millennium Dance Band. This 18-member performance
ensemble performs dance and concert music of the “Big Bands”
of the 1930’s, 40’s, and 50’s, with an occasional selection of fresh
ballroom favorites from recent times. Snacks and beverages
provided by the Youth Action Council for fee and proceeds support
the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center. Dances held at CCP/
Cummins Hall, 1060 Chandler Road, Lake Oswego.
$7 cash/credit card - pay at the door.
New Decade Dance 7-9p F 1/10 CCP
Valentine’s Sock Hop 7-9p F 2/14 CCP
Fair Share:
What Makes a
Tax Good?
People and businesses expect
certain public services - education,
transportation, and protection, to name
a few, and “tax” is the word we use to
indicate how we pay for these services.
The effects of different kinds of taxes
is the focus of this free conversation
presented by Mary Nolan and sponsored by Oregon Humanities.
20601 1-2:30p Th 2/20
AARP Tax-Aide
Since 1968, this free volunteer-based program has helped nearly
50 million taxpayers. Adults and those with a disability are eligible
to register for the program held at the Adult Community Center.
People with rental property income or who have a business that
have a loss are out of scope of this program. Registration begins
Monday, December 16.
9a-3p Tu 2/4-4/14
Is Cannabis the Answer
for What Ails You?
Blaine Chatterton, Medical Cannabis Consultant with 10 years
of research experience and personal medicinal use, is dedicated
to educating the public about the facts versus fiction, reducing
suffering, and raising the quality of life through the healthy use
of cannabis. Hear how cannabis helped with alleviating his own
epileptic seizures, chronic pain and daily migraines. Registration
20627 1-3p Tu 1/14
Racist Past,
Present &
A free conversation with Tai Harden-
Moore, sponsored by Oregon
Humanities as she focuses on
Oregonians and State’s Racist Past,
Present and Future and how it affects
people’s personal understanding of racism and racist experiences.
Registration required.
20334 1-2:30p Th 1/9
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center 505 G Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503-635-3758
Registration for All Classes, Activities and Trips Begins at 10 a.m. on Monday, December 9
Supervised Lab W 1-2:30p Ongoing Free
Mac User Discussion Group F 1:30-3p 1st & 3rd weeks Free
Learning & Technology Group M 9:30-11a Ongoing Free
One-on-One Tutoring (including Word, Excel, iPad, iPhone, Android,Tablet)
Call 503-635-3758, for information.
Computer Groups
Lakewood Theatre
Dress Rehearsal
Lakewood Theatre presents “Wait Until
Dark.” Susan Hendrix, a blind Greenwich
Village housewife, becomes the target of
ruthless con men who set up an elaborate
charade in order to get their hands on
a mysterious doll. Can Susan outwit the
murderous visitors?
Seats available as a part of our V.I.P.
donor program, contact the ACC for more
information about our VIP Partnership.
Check-in begins at 7 p.m. performance
starts at 7:30 p.m. Registration required,
limited seating available.
20799 7:30p Th 1/9
Living Well Talk
Intermittent Fasting
Come and learn from local medical expert, Dr. Kenneth Weizer of
Providence Integrative Medicine, who uses intermittent fasting as
a therapeutic method for patients but, also in his daily life. This
class is for anyone who is interested in starting a fasting protocol,
how to do it safely and for anyone who is just wanting more
information. Registration required.
Res/Non-Res $5.
20160 6-8p F 1/24
The Anatomy of Desire for Adults
(2 Part Series)
This two-part series will cover desire
for both men and women with the
hopes of gaining more insight about
ourselves and others. All of us desire
a certain level of intimacy with each
other, even if that means our needs
and abilities have changed over time.
This discussion will be led by, Certified
Sex Therapist, Maegan Megginson,
MA, LMFT, LPC, CST, the ‘go-to’ expert
on KATV Ch. 2 AM Northwest, and
Owner of The Center for Couples &
Sex Therapy. Complimentary wine and
refreshments! Registration required.
Res/Non-Res $5
20161 6-8p F 2/21
20162 6-8p F 2/28
Let’s Talk About
The goal of this presentation is to help demystify hospice by
discussing the history of hospice, sharing the philosophy and
goals of hospice care and explaining the Medicare hospice benefit.
Registration required.
20343 9-10:30a W 2/12
AARP Safe Driving
This seven-hour refresher driving course is designed to refine
existing skills and develop safe, defensive driving techniques and
designed for drivers 50 and older. Break for lunch will be taken
midday. Limited space available, registration required.
AARP members $15/all others $20, payable to AARP.
20791 9a-4:00p F 1/10
20792 9a-4:00p F 2/14
Healthy Aging
Consistent physical activity is extremely beneficial to mind and body wellness
as well as longevity. Long term studies show that physical activity can
prevent many of the health problems that may come with age. Based on
statistics from the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines of America, posted by
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services CDC, older adults should
do two types of physical activity each week - aerobic and muscle training.
Recommended Aerobic Activity
Moderate intensity – 150 minutes per week
Vigorous intensity – 75 minutes per week
Recommended Muscle Strengthening Activity
2 or more days a week
Health Benefits
The health benefits of a regular and dedicated fitness routine are
Lower risk of:
Ways for Older Adults to Get Active
For tips and to understand guidelines visit
The Adult Community Center offers a wide range of fitness classes to fit
individual needs. Check out the winter/spring activity guide, visit the front
desk or contact the Fitness Coordinator, Annilee Hyre at 503-697-7412 or
Friendship Connection
Making new friends can be challenging at any age and may be more so
as we get older. Setting an intention to connect with people and make
new friends is a great way to start the year. Join facilitator, Barb Blum and
learn how to explore new friendships. Group will meet the 2nd and 4th
Wednesday beginning January 8, 2020. There is no cost to participate.
Please call (503) 635-3758 to register.
20822 1:30-2:30p 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1/8-5/27
Adult Respite Recreation
- Our Place at The Center
Our Place at The Center is a recreation program
designed for adults living with Mild Cognitive
Impairment, Dementia and Alzheimer’s, while
providing valuable respite for their family caregiver.
Our Place at The Center is offered Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:30 a.m to 3:30
p.m. The cost is $30 residents/$35 non-residents
per 4-hour session. Lunch is included. Enrollment
is limited and registration is required. This is not
a drop-in program. Call 503-635-3758 for more
• Early death
• Coronary heart disease
• Stroke
• High blood pressure
• High cholesterol or triglycerides
• Type 2 diabetes
• Metabolic syndrome
• Colon cancer
• Breast cancer
• Improved cardiorespiratory
fitness and muscular strength
• Prevention of falls
• Reduced depression
• Better brain function
• Prevention of weight gain