February 2019 On The GoWWW.LOACC.INFOFollow us - Lake Oswego Adult Community Center
March / April 2019
On the Go in LO
For more information or to register for ACC
programs, call 503-635-3758.Trip participants are expected to participate independently with no special supervision or
assistance from staff or other participants. Staff cannot manage one-to-one assistance.
Aging Well
An 8 Week Discussion group
With JoAn hArDy, l.p.c.
This vibrant discussion group will cover overlapping topics such
as, mental function, exercise, nutrition, getting back to nature,
relationships, stress management, attitude, recreation, sleep/rest,
spirituality (not necessarily religion), service to other (giving back)
and elderhood roles. Hear about the most recent research studies
of older adults with regards to proven activities and encouraging
results for making the most of aging. Meetings are facilitated by
Joan Hardy, L.P.C., who has over 25 years of experience teaching
and facilitating groups for adults in transition. Res $45/Non-Res $68
18934 1-3p M 3/4-4/22
hoW to pAy for long
term cAre
With Julie nimnicht
From the Law Offices of Geoff Bernhardt, Julie Nimnicht will
discuss how to pay for long-term care without going broke. Topics
include asset protection strategies, Veteran’s benefits, Medicare/
Medicaid, Long-term care insurance and In-home care issues. Pre-
registration required.
18947 10-11:30a W 4/3
fAmily cAregiver
Discussion group
If you provide care to a family member and would appreciate
mutual sharing from other people just like you, you are invited to
a facilitated conversation with Shemaya Blauer, Licensed Clinical
Social Worker. Shemaya brings her innovative skills to caregivers
who have responsibility for a spouse or family member. A safe
place to share and where confidentiality is maintained. We know
caregiving responsibilities don’t stop once a loved one is placed,
so all family caregivers are welcome whether their loved one is in
home or not. No cost and no registration required to participate.
Upcoming dates; February 27, March 27 and April 24.
“I don’t feel like I am alone any more. I have searched all over
for a group like this and I finally feel like I am home.” ~ Caregiver
7-8:30p 4th Wednesday 2/27, 3/27, 4/24
Become A vip
Become a Very Important Partner of the Lake Oswego Adult
Community Center! Starting at the Bronze Level ($50 per
year) your donation to the ACC is vitally important and greatly
appreciated. It supports award-winning programs, evidence based
caregiver programs, support groups, family consultations and
much more. See our VIP Levels that you can donate to and show
your support:
Bronze Level $50 2 ACC lunch passes, 1 seat @ Lakewood
Theatre Dress Rehearsal, $5 off one
massage session.
Silver Level $100 2 ACC lunch passes, 2 seats @ Lakewood
Theatre DressRehearsal, free 30 minute
Gold Level $250 2 ACC lunch passes, 2 seats @ Lakewood
Theatre Dress Rehearsal, free 60 minute
Platinum $500+ 2 ACC lunch passes, 2 seats @ Lakewood
Theatre Dress Rehearsal, free 90 minute
Call 503-635-3758 to pledge your support for the ACC.
let’s Do lunch With kAt!
Thirsty Lion - Tigard
Cost includes transportation
and escort. Lunch on your own.
Departure time listed, please arrive
15 minutes prior to departure.
Res $10/Non-Res $15
19053 11a-2p Th 3/14
Oregon Culinary Institute
Cost includes a three-course meal,
gratuity, transportation, and escort.
Departure time listed, please arrive
15 minutes prior to departure.
Res $20/Non-Res $30
19054 11a-2p Tu 4/16
sunDAy solo Dinner group
Enjoy the company of others for a casual mid-day dinner. Reservations
required, participants meet at the designated restaurant. Lunch/dinner on
your own. Pre-registration required. Call the ACC at 503-635-3758.
Olive Garden - L.O.
19051 2p Su 3/10
Claim Jumper - L.O.
19052 2p Su 4/14
tAke A “DAycAtion” With us!
DAy trippers
Rosse Posse Acres Elk Ranch –
Lunch at Legends Bar & Grill
Enjoy viewing the herd of elk at this
picturesque ranch with Mt. Hood
as the backdrop. You will learn
all about elk from the hooves to
antlers. Lunch on your own.
Res $15/Non-Res $22
19055 10a-3:30p Tu 3/5 *
Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center
- McCormick & Schmick’s
Located in the Merchant Hotel
building built in 1880-1885, located
in the oldest part of Portland in the
heart of what was once Portland’s
Japantown. Includes guided tour,
transportation and escort. Lunch on
your own. Res $10/Non-Res $15
19056 11a-2:30p Th 3/28 *
Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm -
McMenamins Old Church & Pub
There is nothing like the colors of
the tulip fields in the spring backed
by Mt. Hood. Every year the
varieties are arranged differently
in a new pattern of color as they
rotate the tulip fields in a new
location. Includes a 10-minute
slow, cushioned ride through tulips.
Lunch on your own.
Res $13/Non Res $18
19057 11a-3:30p Th 4/11 *
World Forestry Center -
Cascade Grill Oregon Zoo
Hands on exhibits are designed to
teach visitors about sustainability
of forests and trees. Lunch on your
own. Res $10/Non Res $15
19058 10:30a-2:30p Th 4/18 *
Rosse Posse Acres Elk Ranch
Moderate amount of walking. * Departure time listed, please arrive
15 minutes prior to departure.
This essential community service
provides a hot, delicious, well-
balanced meal delivered by volunteers
to housebound adults, 60 and older
and to those who are disabled of any
age. Whether meals are needed for
just a few days or on a long-term
basis, volunteers deliver hot meals
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
between 11am and 1pm. Suggested
donation $4 per meal. Call 503-635-
3758 for more information.
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center 505 G Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503-635-3758
Registration for All Classes, Activities and Trips Begins at 10 a.m. on Monday, February 11
Supervised Lab W 1-2:30p Ongoing Free
MAC User Discussion Group F 1-2:30p 1st & 3rd weeks Free
Learning & Technology Group M 9:30-11a Ongoing Free
One-on-One Tutoring (including Word, Excel, iPad, iPhone, Android,Tablet)
Call 503-635-3758, for information.
computer groups
Follow us - Lake Oswego Adult Community Center!
memory progrAms
Empowered Meaningful Learners (EML) offers stimulating activities
for older adults experiencing early stages of memory loss.
Curriculum includes socialization, art, horticultural therapy, field
trips and local walking tours. Lunch included.
Res $30 per day/Non Res $35per day.
EML M 11:30a-3:30p
Navigators Club meets every Wednesday and Friday to provide
support to participants and caregivers as they navigate the choppy
waters of a dementia diagnosis. Lunch included. Res $30 per day/
Non-Res $35per day.
Navigators Club W 11:30a-3:30p
Navigators Club F 11:30a-3:30p
mAking connections:
support groups
Groups are open to everyone and offer a safe place in which to
share, learn and connect. There is no fee or registration required.
Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support
3rd Wednesday 1:30-3:30p ACC - 505 G Avenue
Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support
2nd Thursday 6:30-7:30p ACC - 505 G Avenue
Family Caregiver Discussion Group
4th Wednesday 7-8:30p ACC - 505 G Avenue
lAkeWooD theAtre Dress
tAking steps
A laugh-out-loud comedy that takes place in a
haunted three-story house - a former brothel
said to be haunted by its bygone inhabitants
- but is played out on a one-story stage. With
six self-absorbed characters, you have one
of Ayckbourn's funniest and most heartfelt
18966 7p Th 2/28
singin’ in the rAin
Silent film stars Don Lockwood and Lina
Lamont are forced to adapt to talking pictures.
Unfortunately, Lina's screechy voice threatens
her career - until Don and friend Cosmo Brown
convince aspiring actress Kathy Selden to dub
Lina's voice with her own.
18967 7p Th 4/25
Check-in at 7 p.m. Performance starts at 7:30 p.m. Part of our
V.I.P. donor partnership. Registration required
10 WArning signs of
Alzheimer’s and other dementias cause memory, thinking and
behavior problems that interfere with daily living. The Alzheimer’s
Association® developed the new 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s
education program to help people recognize common signs of the
disease and know what to watch for in themselves and others. The
free one-hour program:
• Explores typical age-related changes.
• Describes common signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
• Offers tips for how to approach someone about memory
• Explains the importance of early detection and benefits of
• Details possible tests and assessments for the diagnostic
• Identifies helpful Alzheimer’s Association resources.
18921 2-4p M 3/4
AArp sAfe Driving progrAm
This seven- hour refresher driving course is designed to refine existing skills
and develop safe, defensive driving techniques and designed for drivers 50
and older. Break for lunch will be taken midday. Limited space available,
registration required. AARP members $15/ All others $20 payable to AARP.
18904 9a-4p F 3/8
18905 9a-4p F 4/12
mAssAge gift certificAtes
Give the gift of bliss with a 60 or 90 minute massage gift certificate.
Everyone loves a massage and a gift certificate makes giving gifts incredibly
easy. Purchase your Massage gift certificates at the ACC Front Desk or call
503-635-3758 for more information.
60-minute massage $48
living Well tAlk series
Join us each month as we explore different areas of health and wellness.
Refreshments provided by Providence Fitness at Kruse Woods. Pre-
registration required.
mAriJuAnA As meDicine: is it right for you?
Wellness and Cannabis is an educational lecture brought to you by Nectar
Cannabis that aims to provide the community with factual information
regarding how cannabis may improve or enhance current health and ones
well-being. The lecture will focus on medicinal and palliative benefits,
different consumption methods, and a basic explanation of how cannabis
works with the human body. Several of our team experts will be available
following the lecture for individual questions and consultation, as well as a
small sampling of CBD products to try.
Res/Non Res $5
18500 6-8p Tu 3/5
living to Be 100!
Let’s live to be 100 full of vibrancy, independence
and health! This talk will highlight the 16 habits
of independent, healthy centurions. We will be
blending traditional Western medicine and Eastern
medicine philosophy in a vibrant interactive way.
Taught by Dr. Christine Mayo Powers, pharmacist
and aging specialist, we will highlight the habits you
can enact NOW for a long health span as well as long
lifespan. This is a talk that will help teens as well
as octogenarians, it is never too early or too late to
be full of vitality. Refreshments provided by Home
Res/Non Res $5
18501 6-8p Tu 4/9
90-minute massage $72