June 2019 Hello LO*****ECRWSS***** POSTAL CUSTOMER Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit 124 Lake Oswego, OR 2 Plastic Bag Ban Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Task Force Field Day Event Bridge Feasibility Study Fireworks Safety Backflow Testing - Due by July 15 Vegetation - Your Responsibilities 3 Parks & Recreation Kids Imagination Exploratorium City Library 4 Plein Air Paint-Out & Exhibition Blood Drive Star Spangled Events Festival of the Arts - Shuttle Antique Wallpaper Exhibit Community Calendar Insert ACC On the Go Inside For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.lakeoswego.City or Call 503-635-0257. O . O L .June 2019THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGOHello BOONES FERRY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION BEGINS RAMPING UP THIS MONTH! Lake Oswego is embarking on a major milestone! On May 21, Council awarded a contract to Wildish to build the Boones Ferry Road project improvements. Construction is now upon us, which is historic in this decades-long planned project. Work is expected to take about two and a half years to complete. This month, crews are beginning to mobilize equipment to the project area, setting up a construction staging yard (corner of Boones Ferry Road and W. Sunset Drive), marking utilities with paint, and surveying the right-of-way. In mid-June, crews will begin removing approximately 100 trees permitted for removal along the project corridor. During construction, some travel lanes will be closed and traffic will be shifted in the project corridor – but one travel lane will be open in each direction. At times, crews will be working both day and night. There will be delays and disruption, but Boones Ferry Road will remain open during construction, as will local businesses – please support them! For more information, or to sign-up to receive e-newsletters, visit www.boonesferryproject.org, call 503-697-6573 or email info@boonesferryproject.org. PHOTO CONTEST SUBMIT YOUR EXCEPTIONAL PHOTOS ONLINE TODAY! Enter your best images in the 11th Annual City of Lake Oswego Photo Contest for a chance to win! First place winners will receive a $100 gift card; second place winners a $50 gift card; and third place winners a $25 gift card. Entries need to be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday, September 9. For contest details, please visit www.lakeoswego.city/publicaffairs/photo-contest. TRUST EVERY DROP YOUR DRINKING WATER IS PURE AND SAFE 2019 Water Quality Report Now Available Lake Oswego’s tap water meets every State and Federal requirement for safe drinking water! Sourced from the Clackamas River - one of the highest quality water sources in the state - your drinking water goes through six stages of treatment and filtration at the state-of-the-art Lake Oswego Tigard Water Treatment Plant, and is tested for over 90 contaminants before reaching your tap. For this high-quality tap water, delivered straight to your home, you pay less than a penny per gallon; compare that to $1.00 for one 16-ounce bottled water that is not required to meet the same rigorous testing standards as tap water. It is easy to take for granted when we turn on our taps we always get clean, fresh water. But knowing your water is important in understanding your health and the quality of life we enjoy. Get to know your water by reading your 2019 Water Quality Report by July 31st and enter to win $100 off your next utility bill! Visit www.lakeoswego.city/2019-water-report to view the report, or call 503-635-0394 to request a mailed copy. CITY HALL PROJECT UPDATE In May, the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency Board authorized funding for early site work and material procurement for the City Hall project. This benefits the project by providing construction cost certainty for a portion of the project, locks in materials cost, allows the weather sensitive work to be completed during the dry-weather months and it keeps the project moving on schedule. With this approval, you may see some of the following site work starting in June: demolition of 320 and 366 A Ave (buildings east of the existing city hall), excavation, shoring, foundation, utility improvements and tree removal. For more information on this project, please visit www.ci.oswego.or.us/lora/new-city-hall-project. Continued on page 4 4TH OF JULY - DRONE SHOW & MORE It's new, it's exciting! This year Independence Day celebrations will culminate with a Drone Show - a spectacular display of lights in the sky! This remarkable and unique display will feature an explosion of color, lights and music that will enchant people of all ages. Bring your blankets, pillows and low sand chairs. Festivities take place from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Millennium Plaza Park and include DJ Danny Dwyer, balloon animals, face painters, and cuisine from Dogs & Fries, Koi Fusion, Kona Ice and MexiRican. MEET THE CONTRACTOR! Thursday, June 6, 6:30-8:30 p.m. You are invited to meet the contractor, Wildish, and learn more about construction, and traffic impacts on June 6 at the LO Maintenance Center, 17601 Pilkington Road. There will be a brief presentation at the beginning of the meeting, followed by a Q+A session. We hope to see you there! Continued on page 4 FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS, JUNE 21-23 6 ART EXHIBITS, LIVE MUSIC, ART DEMOS, FOOD, KIDS GET CREATIVE The Festival, held in the Lakewood Center for the Arts and George Rogers Park, is one of the longest running art festivals on the West Coast. The festival has six amazing art exhibits, and this year’s Special Exhibit is not to be missed! Origin Stories: Comics & Identity celebrates comics as a unique art form, exceptionally suited to tell the stories of our selves. Check out this exhibit along with our 5 other exhibits, two stages of live regional and national OTHER NEARBY SUMMER PAVING • Boones Ferry Road from about Pilkington to Jean Road will be paved this summer. Most work will occur at night between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. with some daytime activity. • Lakeview Blvd from about Bryant Road to Iron Mt. Blvd will be patched or paved this summer. This work is only on the travel lanes; drainage will be explored at a later date. 2 Theresa Kohlhoff City Councilor 503-660-8693 (Cell) Jackie Manz City Councilor 503-939-2563 (Cell) John LaMotte City Councilor 971-263-8272 (Cell) Daniel Nguyen City Councilor 503-913-4383 (Cell) Skip O’Neill City Councilor 503-781-7664 (Cell) John Wendland City Councilor 971-235-8014 (Cell) Kent Studebaker Mayor 503-201-2270 (Cell) City Council 503-635-0215 City Manager Scott Lazenby 503-635-0215 BACKFLOW TESTING - DUE BY JULY 15 The City’s Backflow and Cross Connection Control Program - required by the Oregon Health Division - helps to protect our public water system from possible contamination. Backflow assemblies are used to protect drinking water sources from non-potable water. Backflow devices are only present in homes and businesses with irrigation systems, medical equipment, and private pump systems. To help us prevent contamination and ensure the best water quality for everyone, all backflow assemblies must be tested annually by a state certified tester. Testing must be completed by July 15. Following the testing, the results/report need to be submitted to the City’s Public Works Department by your tester. A list of state certified testers can be found online at www.lakeoswego.city/publicworks/backflow-and-cross- connection-control-program. For more information about the City’s cross connection control program, backflow assemblies, or testing requirements, please contact Lake Oswego Public Works at backflow@ci.oswego.or.us or 503- 534-5674. PLASTIC BAG BAN BEGINS JULY 1 In December, City Council passed a plastic bag ban that applies to all retailers, restaurants, and City-sponsored events. The ban goes into effect for retailers larger than 10,000 square feet on July 1, 2019, and all other retailers on January 1, 2020. What bags are included? Only plastic carryout bags provided at the checkout. What bags are not included? Produce bags, bulk food bags, pharmacy prescription bags, flower and dry cleaning bags, plastic bags that contain hot liquid take out items, and bags that you purchase to take home (dog poop, Ziploc, etc). Will all stores charge 10 cents for paper bags? The fee is 10 cents for a paper bag at all retailers larger than 10,000 square feet. Smaller retailers have the option to charge a minimum of 10 cents for a bag or build the price of paper bags into their costs. Where can I get a reusable bag? Reusable bags are sold at most grocery stores, plus we will have bag drop off/pick up boxes at City Hall, ACC, and the Farmers’ Market where residents can drop off bags they don’t need for others to pick up and use. The City will also be distributing 14,000 free reusable bags at events on June 29 and throughout the summer. Why is the City doing this? Plastic bags are in the top five items of collected marine debris. They pose hazards to wildlife and create litter. Plastic bags are not recyclable. When a plastic bag ends up at a materials recovery facility, they frequently jam sorting machinery. Go to www.lakeoswego.city/recycle/ plastic-bag-ban to watch a video illustrating this. How can I get more information? Please visit www.ci.oswego.or.us/recycle/plastic-bag-ban or contact Jenny Slepian at jslepian@lakeoswego.city or 503-635-0291. DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION TASK FORCE The City Council is looking for people to serve on a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. The task force will focus on identifying barriers to participation on the City’s Boards and Commissions, and identifying methods by which to increase the applicant pool for City job openings. Individuals selected for the task force will meet at least once a month for a total of six months. For an application and more information, please go to www.lakeoswego.city/DiversityTaskForce. Applications are due by Friday, June 21. For questions, please contact Megan Phelan at mphelan@lakeoswego.city. BRIDGE FEASIBILITY STUDY OAK GROVE-LAKE OSWEGO PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BRIDGE What steps are needed to build a pedestrian/bicycle bridge across the Willamette? Who would own and maintain it? How much would it cost? Clackamas County is leading a Metro-funded study in partnership with the Cities of Lake Oswego and Milwaukie to determine if it is feasible to build a pedestrian/ bicycle bridge between unincorporated Oak Grove and the City of Lake Oswego. Share what you think is important to consider through a survey at www.clackamas.us/transportation/oglo. Take the survey by June 15. Community open houses will be held this summer. Meeting dates and more information will be updated on the County website as well as the City’s. VEGETATION YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES Is the vegetation next to the roadway along your property a hazard? It may be if it restricts visibility at an intersection, obstructs the view of a sign, blocks a street light, impedes traffic or pedestrians, or hinders maintenance work. Lake Oswego City Code requires property owners to keep sidewalks and the public right-of-way adjoining their property free from rocks, leaves, yard clippings, ice, snow and other debris. In addition, property owners must keep sidewalks, streets and the public right-of-way adjoining their property free from projecting or overhanging bushes, brush and limbs that may make the passage of vehicles or pedestrians unsafe. Property owners are responsible for both the clearing and disposal of debris. Branches, leaves and other vegetative growth shall not be allowed to project an elevation of less than 9 feet above the level of the sidewalk and 13.5 feet over a street. If your property is at an intersection, the corner must be kept clear of vegetation over the height of 30 inches for the visibility of vehicles and pedestrians. For more information, contact Traffic Engineer Mike Ward at traffic@lakeoswego.city. FIELD DAY EVENT SATURDAY, JUNE 22 - NANSEN SUMMIT PARK, 69 NANSEN SUMMIT Join the Lake Oswego Amateur Radio Emergency Services team on Saturday, June 22, as LO ARES radio operators (hams) join more than 40,000 of their colleagues throughout North America for the annual 2019 ARRL Field Day - a nationwide event designed to test the skills of radio operators and introduce emergency communications to the public. LO ARES will set up a temporary transmitting station at Nansen Summit Park. Meet the LO ARES team and learn about the many ways they are trained to assist Lake Oswego in the event of emergency. The team will be operational from 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. LO ARES backs up the LO Fire Department’s communication system when called upon. Whether earthquake, windstorm or other disaster, power, cellular service and normal communications may fail or become severely overloaded. When all else fails, LO ARES will be there to help! The team welcomes the public to come and learn more about amateur radio, its benefit to our community, and how you can get involved. Directions to 2019 Field Day can easily be found by going to www.googlemaps.com and entering “Nansen Summit Park.” For more information about this event or becoming an LO ARES member, email LOARES.WA7LO@ gmail.com. You can also join their facebook group: Lake Oswego Amateur Radio Emergency Service. LO ARES member Mark Thornburg (KF7KXX) sets up his portable radio gear for the annual ARRL Field Day operation. FIREWORKS SAFETY TIPS & WHAT’S LEGAL Fireworks go on sale in Oregon on June 23. The Lake Oswego Fire Department would like to remind you to keep safe and don’t get burned with fireworks. You can enjoy your holiday and the fireworks with just a few simple safety tips. • Use only legal fireworks (check Lake Oswego’s Fireworks Ordinance) • Use fireworks only in legal places (fireworks are prohibited on beaches, City and State parks and federal forest land) • Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks (did you know, sparklers can heat up to 1,200 degrees?) • Never light fireworks near dry grass, brush, leaves or flammable substances • Never point or throw fireworks at another person • Always have a garden hose or a bucket of water on hand • Never re-light a “dud” firework; wait 10-15 minutes, then soak in a bucket of water • Discard firework debris in a non- combustible container • Keep pets indoors The Lake Oswego Fire Department encourages you and your family to have a fun and enjoyable 4th of July celebration by ensuring safe practices and legal use of consumer fireworks. For more information, including what are legal and illegal fireworks, call the Fire Department at 503-635-0275 or visit www. lakeoswego.city/fire/fireworks-safety. For details on these and other events, visit www.lakeoswegolibrary.org or call: Main Number, 503-636-7628 Reference Desk Number, 503-675-2540 3 PARKS & RECREATION Location: 17525 Stafford Road Mailing: PO Box 369 For more information or to register for Parks & Recreation (LOPR) programs, call 503-675-2549 or visit www.loparks.org. SUMMER READING TIME IS HERE WIN GREAT PRIZES! LAZINFEST! Summer Reading for Adults June 1 - August 31 Read books! Win prizes! Escape reality! Why should kids have all the fun? The grand prize will be a gift certificate for a stay at the Oregon coast. Library cardholders must be 18 or older. Did you know? 'Lesen' (pronounced LAZIN or LAY-zen) is the German word meaning "to read." Register at www.lopl.org/lazinfest. For more information, contact Kiira Taylor at 503-534-4227 or ktaylor@lakeoswego.city. Teen Summer Reading Challenge For teens entering grades 7-12 June 1 - August 31 Get a free book just for signing up! Read 15 hours this summer, and log your time online for tons of prizes. Register at www.lakeoswego.city/tools/library/ SummerReading. Grand Prize! Teens who achieve their reading goal of 15 hours will be entered into a drawing for one free month of Flight School at iFLY Indoor Skydiving! Summer Reading Challenge For Independent Readers June 1 - August 31 Read for 20 minutes (or more) for 25 days this summer to earn a free book. Grand Prize! Kids who complete their reading logs will be entered into a drawing for a free one- year family membership to the World of Speed Motorsports Museum! EVENTS Summer Reading Kickoff! Recess Monkey June 1, 2-3 p.m. (on the main floor) Recess Monkey is a Grammy-Nominated family music band from Seattle! You will not regret joining us for this high-energy and laugh-out-loud funny concert. Recess Monkey strives to strike a balance between kid-centric ideas and musical authenticity. This band continues to make waves coast-to-coast. "These kids’ songs are awesome! There are bands that you can’t go wrong with, and this is one of them." ~ USA Today Read more about Recess Monkey at www. recessmonkeytown.com. For more information contact the Children’s desk at 503-697-6580. Need Summer Reading Ideas? Cool Books for Hot Days - Summer Reading Preview Tuesday, June 11, 7-8 p.m. LOPL librarian Chris Myers will give a fast-paced introduction to new and forthcoming books you may want to read this summer and fall. Come with an open mind, and leave with a list of 30 books to consider! For more information, please contact Chris Myers at 503-534-5667 or cmyers@lakeoswego.city. AUTHOR PRESENTATION Third Tuesday Author: Carolyn Wood Tuesday, June 18, 7-8 p.m. Join us for a visit with local author Carolyn Wood, who will read from her 2016 memoir, Tough Girl: An Olympian’s Journey. The book recounts stories of two personal journeys. The first is Carolyn’s coming-of- age story on her road to the 1960 Rome Olympics, and the second is of her 2012 solo pilgrimage to walk the 500 miles of the Camino de Santiago. 6TH ANNUAL OLIPHANT COMMUNITY GOLF CHARITY TOURNAMENT Registration for the 2019 tournament is sold out. However, you can still get on the wait list and participate in the spectacular raffle! The raffle is open to everyone and you need not be present to win. Only 100 tickets will be sold so the odds of winning are great. Tickets will be $50 each. Top prize: 7 days and 6 nights on Oahu at the beautiful Ilikai Resort on Waikiki and $1,000 cash ($2,500 value)! Go to www.theoliphant.org/raffle for more details or to purchase tickets. If you would like to be on our wait list, please email theoliphant1@gmail.com. All proceeds from this tournament go to our great beneficiaries: Lake Oswego Transitional Shelter Ministry, Mobility Impaired Golf Association (MIGA), Lake Oswego Meals on Wheels and the Lake Oswego Public Golf Course. This tournament is dedicated to Doug Oliphant’s unwavering commitment to community service throughout his life in Lake Oswego. Doug was tirelessly involved in numerous charities, community programs and improvements to the Golf Course. MISSOULA CHILDREN’S THEATER 19232 - Missoula Children’s Theater presents Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Auditions This greatly anticipated annual theatre presentation has become a tradition in launching Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation summer programs and camps, as we Lead the Way to fun and adventure. Open auditions are free and available to Lake Oswego youth, ages 6-18. Pre-registration is required. Participants are requested to arrive for auditions by 9:30 a.m., at Forest Hills Elementary (Gym). No late admittance, promptness is imperative. Auditions will occur on Monday, June 17, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. A fee of $90 does apply for those who receive a part. Rehearsals will occur Monday-Thursday. Performances will take place at George Rogers Park - Main Stage, Friday, June 21 at 4 p.m. and Saturday, June 22 at 10 a.m. VIDEO DESIGN CAMP Video Game Design and Development Camp Learn the basics of video game design and development in a fun way. Produce several different interactive games to share with friends. Ages 10-17, 1-4 p.m., Monday-Friday, July 8-11, Forest Hills Elementary, $175. SPORTS CAMPS Girls and Boys Lacrosse Camps Presented by Lacrosse Northwest. For players with one year of experience. Must bring your own equipment. Location: Hazelia Field 19379 - Boys ages 8-11, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Thursday, June 17-20, $111 19377 - Boys ages 11-14, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Thursday, June 17-20, $111 19380 - Girls ages 8-11, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Thursday, June 24-27, $111 19378 - Girls ages 11-14, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Thursday, June 24-27, $111 Jordan Kent Skills Camps Hosted by former University of Oregon 3-sport athlete and NFL player, Jordan Kent. The camp instruction includes life skills, nutrition, agility, games, contests and prizes. Ages 6-12, Half day, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., or Full day, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday- Thursday, June 17-20 or July 29-August 1, Westlake Park. Register at www.jordankentcamps.com. Golf + Tennis Junior Camp Introductory exposure to golf and tennis, all in one camp. Monday and Tuesday sessions held at the Westlake Park tennis courts. Wednesday and Thursday sessions held at the Golf Course. Learn the basics of each sport. Equipment available for those who do not have their own racquet or golf clubs. Public Golf Course and Westlake Park, $120. Ages 7-10, 10:30-12 p.m., Monday-Thursday, July 8-11 Ages 11-13, 10:30-12 p.m., Monday-Thursday, July 8-11 LEGO® CAMPS 19279 - STEM Challenge using LEGO® Material Level up your engineering skills and apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through projects such as gear cars, merry-go-rounds, and scissor lifts. Ages 8-12, 1-4 p.m., Monday- Friday, June 17-21, Forest Hills Elementary, $155. 19280 - Harry Potter Magical Engineering using LEGO® Materials Explore the magic of Harry Potter using LEGO® . Find Platform 9¾, build the Hogwarts Express, work to construct the mysterious Hogwarts Castle, and challenge the Hungarian Horntail Dragon. Ages 5-7, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Friday, July 8-12, Forest Hills Elementary, $155. Y o u r C o m m u n i t Y r e s o u r C e f o r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d e n r i C h m e n tCITY LIBRARY KIDS IMAGINATION EXPLORATORIUM AT THE FESTIVAL OF ARTS FRIDAY, JUNE 21 FROM 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. Let children’s creativity come to life at the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts! Youngsters of all ages are invited to enjoy captivating arts & crafts, games, music, live entertainment and more. Guests can also enjoy tasty treats and special appearances from the LO Fire and Police Departments. 44 For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.lakeoswego.City or Call 503-635-0257. Contributing writers: Denise Bartelt, LO Preservation Society Nell Diamond, Library Ken Hawkins, LOARES Jamie Inglis, Parks & Recreation Katy Kerklaan, Engineering Kristen Kibler, JLA Robin Krakauer, Arts Council Judy Nelson, Parks & Recreation Citizen inFormation speCialist and hellolo editor/writer Bonnie Hirshberger 503-675-3992 bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100% recycled content paper, using soy-based ink. ACC Adult Community Center CCP Christ Church Parish DRC Development Review Commission GC LO Municipal Golf Course GRP George Rogers Park HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board LAB Library Advisory Board LIB LO Public Library LORA Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency MC Maintenance Center MPP Millennium Plaza Park NA Neighborhood Association PNAB Parks, Rec & Natural Resources Advisory Board SAB Sustainability Advisory Board TAB Transportation Advisory BoardGlossaryJune 1 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm • Reccess Monkey, LIB, 2pm 2 Sunday 3 Monday • DRC Meeting, 7pm 4 Tuesday • City Council & LORA Meeting, 6pm • First Tuesday Music: John Nilsen, Piano, LIB, 7pm 5 Wednesday • Youth Leadership Council, 5:15pm 6 Thursday • Job Readiness Workshop: Basics of Interviewing, LIB, 10:30am • Meet the Contractor (Boones Ferry Rd), MC, 6:30-8pm 7 Friday • Blood Drive, City Hall, 9:30am-2:30pm 8 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm 9 Sunday 10 Monday • Planning Commission, 6:30pm • SAB Meeting, 6:30pm 11 Tuesday • Cool Books for Hot Days: Summer Reading Preview, LIB, 7pm 12 Wednesday • Library Performing Arts Series: Gary Ogan Duo, 1pm • TAB Meeting, 7pm 13 Thursday • Old Town NA Board Meeting, 7pm 14 Friday 15 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm 16 Sunday 17 Monday • Public Art Committee Mtg, 2pm • DRC Meeting, 7pm 18 Tuesday • City Council & LORA Meeting, 3pm • Third Tuesday Author: Carolyn Wood, LIB, 7pm 19 Wednesday • Run4Fun: Girl’s Running Club, 9am 20 Thursday • Uplands Neighborhood Association Board Mtg, 7pm 21 Friday • Festival of the Arts, 10am-9pm • Kids Get Creative, GRP, 10am-2pm 22 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm • Festival of the Arts, 10am-9pm • LOARES Field Day, Nansen Summit, 11am-10pm 23 Sunday • Festival of the Arts, 10am-5pm 24 Monday • Make It! Stomp Rockets & Asteroid (Marshmallow) Launcher, 2pm • Planning Commission, 6:30pm • Family Movie Night, LIB, 7pm 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28 Friday • Museum of Natural and Cultural History: Our Place in Space, LIB, 2pm 29 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm 30 Sunday July 1 Monday • DRC Meeting, 7pm 2 Tuesday • City Council Regular Meeting, 6:30pm 3 Wednesday • Millennium Concert Band, MPP, 7pm 4 Thursday • City Holiday - CITY OFFICES CLOSED • Star Spangled Parade & Celebration • Independence Day Illumination: A Light Show in the Sky, MPP, 7:30- 10:30pm 5 Friday 6 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm Event dates are subject to change. More details are available online at: www.lakeoswego.city/calendar For more information, call 503-675-3992. Community Calendar BLOOD DRIVE - JUNE 7 GET A FREE COOKIE. BE SOMEONE’S HERO. We invite you to save a life and give blood on, Friday, June 7, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at City Hall. Walk- ins are welcome, but scheduling a time helps avoid long waits. You can make an appointment online at www. redcrossblood.org/make-donation using sponsor code “LOCityHall” or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. ANTIQUE WALLPAPER EXHIBIT The Lake Oswego Preservation Society is proud to host Bolling & Co. as part of the Festival of the Arts. Bolling & Co. (bollingco. com) will have examples from their extensive and unmatched inventory of original wallpapers dating from the 1880’s through the 1930’s, as framed heirloom wall art, remnants for creative use, rolls for installation and custom reproductions for interior design. Join us at the Iron Workers Museum, 40 Wilbur Street just two blocks from the Festival 2-7 p.m. on Friday, June 21, 12-7 p.m. on Saturday, June 22, and 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Sunday, June 23. The Iron Workers Museum is normally open the first Saturday of the month and all Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1-4 p.m. The Lake Oswego Preservation Society is an all-volunteer 501(c)3 with the mission to preserve, protect and advocate for Lake Oswego’s built environment and historic assets. music, artist demonstrations and art workshops, a myriad of hands- on kids art activities, and a variety of delicious food. Music Headliners include: Sequel (Friday, 7:30-9 p.m., 80s classic rock), Ural Thomas & the Pain (Saturday, 8-9 p.m., R&B Soul), and Tony Starlight (Sunday, 4-5 p.m., Portland comedian & crooner). For event details, visit www.lakewood-center.org. TAKE THE SHUTTLE For your convenience, the Festival offers shuttle service from LO Jr. High, Lakeridge High School, and Marylhurst. Shuttles run approximately every 20 minutes from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. VOLUNTEER AT THE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS There are a variety of opportunities including hospitality, information booth, and booth sitting. For more information about volunteer options, please email lofavolunteers@gmail.com. FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS Continued from page 1 STAR SPANGLED EVENTS Continued from page 1 Also, enjoy these other Star Spangled Events: July 3rd Performance of Millennium Concert Band: Kick off your festivities by enjoying a patriotic concert honoring veterans at 7 p.m. at Millennium Plaza Park. The audience is entertained with both military and marching compositions and a Presentation of Colors by the Lake Oswego Honor Guard. Parade: Don your patriotic colors, decorate your wagons and enjoy an old fashioned 4th of July celebration! All participating vehicles, floats and large groups are required to register by June 12. If you are an individual or family that would like to walk in the parade, you are welcome to join the festivities (for free!) by coming to Parade Staging. Bikes/trikes/wagons/dogs welcome. Parade Staging begins at 9 a.m. Celebration: Continue the fun at Millennium Plaza Park until 1 p.m. with live music from Gospel Hooligans, a Presentation of Colors from local Girl Scouts, face painting, balloon animals, a pie eating contest, and more! The event features cuisine from local food crafters including Blue Raeven, Dogs & Fries, Intentional Coffee, Klassic Kettlecorn, Koi Fusion, NOLA Doughnuts, Rip City Grill, and Ruby Jewel. Details on all these events can be found online at www.lakeoswego.city/parksrec/ community-events. UNCORKED! FIFTH ANNUAL LAKE OSWEGO PLEIN AIR PAINT-OUT AND EXHIBITION Watch artists create masterpieces in the open-air! On June 14- 16 and June 21-23 over 50 artists will paint in the beautiful outdoor landscapes of Lake Oswego. See artists in action sunrise to sunset at Foothills Park, George Rogers Park, Roehr Park, Sundeleaf Plaza, Millennium Plaza, Luscher Farm, and Lakeview Village. Finished plein air artwork will be curated into an exhibition, UNCORKED! Chronicle en Plein Air in the Arts Council's ARTspace, located at 510 1st Street, with an opening reception on Friday, July 12, 5-7 p.m. You can see this exhibit through September 20. For more information, visit www.artscouncillo.org or call 503-675-3738.