January 2019 LibraryIntroduction to Microsoft ExcelThursdays 1/17, 1/24, & 1/31, 9–10aLearn the basics of Microsoft Excel! Genealogy HelpMonday 1/28, 3-5pGenealogy enthusiast and librarian Cherill will be available to help you get started on researching your family history and answer your questions about genealogy. Please sign up for a 30 minute session with Cherill by calling the Reference Desk at 503-675-2540.Building Bridges Book GroupSaturday 1/26, 10-11aThis discussion group reads diverse books. Coffee & doughnuts provided.Tech HELP! Call for an AppointmentMeet one-on-one with a librarian for help fi nding answers to your specifi c technology questions, including email, library e-books and databases, and more.Appointments available mornings, Tuesday through Saturday, other times are available too. Call 503-675-2540 to set up an appointment.Lake Oswego Public Library 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego, OR 97034503.636.7628 www.lopl.org The Lake Oswego Public Library is dedicated to providing current, high demand materials, both fiction and non-fiction, in a variety of formats and media for persons of all ages, to meet the informational, cultural and recreational needs of the community. The library places an emphasis on providing reference and readers’ advisory services and on creating an environment which inspires reading and learning in children and young adults. The library also strives to provide a collection of and access to local history resources and to expand its resources beyond those available locally through regional cooperation with other libraries.The Library reserves the right to photograph program participants for publicity purposes. These photos are for Library use and may be used for future print and social media materials.Free Movies with Kanopy!The popular on-demand fi lm streaming service Kanopy is now available for free at the Lake Oswego Public Library. Library card holders can access Kanopy.com and sign up to start streaming fi lms instantly by visiting the library’s website or www.lincc.org. nd al Many Thanks to the Friends of the Library for Sponsoring Library Programs!VISIT YOUR LIBRARY706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034Monday-Thursday: 10a-9p Friday-Saturday: 10a-6p Sundays: 1p-6pwww.lopl.orgMany Thanks to the Friends of the Library for Sponsoring Library Programs!VISIT YOUR LIBRARY706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034Monday-Thursday: 10a-9p Friday-Saturday: 10a-6p Sundays: 1p-6pwww.lopl.orgLibrary is closed Tuesday, January 1 &Monday, January 21Newsletter January 2019Library of ThingsChanges Coming in January!Main fl oor collections will be in storage in January as aging shelving and carpeting are replaced. Library staff are excited to use this opportunity to unify the adult fi ction collection, with the goal of making our fi ction stacks more user-friendly for the majority of citizens.Unifying the adult fi ction collection means that fi ction genres will no longer be isolated; fi ction will simply be shelved by author, A-Z. Librarians are recommending this change based on many years of experience helping people use the library, and seeing and hearing from frustrated citizens who cannot easily navigate the stacks to fi nd what they are looking for. What would you check out from a Library of Things?Lake Oswego Public Library is one of eight libraries within Clackamas County that plans to open a Library of Things in 2019. From musical instruments and board games, to crafting kits and cookware, tell us what items YOU would like to check out!Take our online survey at http://bit.ly/LibraryofThingsInput or fi ll one out at the library. Lake Oswego Public Library Newsletter - January 2019Third Tuesday Author SeriesPints from the PastFirst Tuesday Music SeriesLake Oswego Reads Kick Off & Book Giveaway Big North Duo Tuesday 1/8,7pJoin us at the Adult Community Center for First Tuesday Music, featuring the Big North Duo. After a popular debut in January 2018, the duo--Christian McKee (vocals and mandolin) and Paul Prato (bass)--returns to welcome the New Year with their toe-tapping mix of blues, country, and swing, and their highly entertaining patter.Monday 1/7, 6:30pCome celebrate the 13th annual Lake Oswego Reads! Bring your Lake Oswego Library card to receive a free copy of The Book of Unknown Americans, thanks to the Friends of the Library. Enjoy book-related food like tasty churros pastries and Starbuck’s Mexican hot chocolate. Passports will be inserted into each book. Get it stamped at each Lake Oswego Reads event you attend throughout February. Bring your passport with at least three stamps to the Adult Community Center, 505 G St. on February 28 to enter the drawing for some cool prizes including a DNA kit, which will be at 8p. You must be present to win.An Evening of Poetry in Honor of William Stafford Tuesday 1/15, 7pLake Oswego Public Library and The Friends of William Stafford present an evening of poetry in honor of William Stafford, featuring Oregon Poet Laureate Kim Stafford, at the Oswego Heritage House.Kim Stafford was born and grew up in Oregon. He is the author of a dozen books of poetry and prose, and editor of half a dozen others. His book Having Everything Right: Essays of Place won a citation for excellence from the Western States Book Awards in 1986. Stafford has received creative writing fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, a Governor’s Arts Award, and the Stewart Holbrook Award from Literary Arts for his contributions to Oregon’s literary culture. The Pig War Professor Stephen Dow BeckhamTuesday, January 8, 6:30–8p Come on down and support a local business that serves delicious food and a wide variety of beverages while you enjoy free entertainment from our delightful presenter. Prof. Stephen Dow Beckham’s lecture, “The Pig War,” is an illustrated presentation that examines the confrontation of the United States and Great Britain between 1859 and 1871 in the San Juan Islands of Puget Sound. This program is offered by the Lake Oswego Public Library in cooperation with Clackamas County Historical Society and the Lake Theater & Café. Admission is free and no ticket is required. Doors open at 6:30 pm, presentation begins at 7 pm. The Lake Theater & Café is located at 106 North State Street in Lake Oswego.www.lopl.org 503.636.7628Music Together!Monday 1/7Are you shy about singing to your baby? Don’t be, singing is one of the fi ve early literacy practices that helps your child succeed as a reader. Join other babies and their caregivers to share songs and play instruments. Learn about musical development in the very young, and how you can encourage it. This ongoing program is presented by Music Together instructors, Craig and Leslie.Music and Sign for BabiesEvery Monday, 3p (lower level)(Recommended for 0-18 month old children and their caregivers)Baby Sign Language!Monday 1/14 & 1/28Trying to communicate with your infant presents all kinds of challenges. Beyond reading, singing and talking to them, Baby Sign Language can provide a unique bond. Christina Schabow of the Portland Early Learning Project will lead this program introducing new themes for each program.Preschool Storytime (three to fi ve years old)Tuesdays at 10:30aToddler Storytime (two to three years old) Wednesdays at 10:30aFun for Ones Storytime (12 through 24 months) Thursdays at 10:30aBaby Storytime (birth through 12 months)Fridays at 10:30aStorytime resumesJanuary 81000 Books Before Kindergarten For children ages birth-4-years-old and their grownups!The research is in: Reading to babies and young children builds vocabulary and provides them with the skills they’ll need to learn to read. Get started on the reading journey with your child by becoming part of Lake Oswego Library’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. It’s easy and so doable! We’ll provide the support along the way with gifts, including a book bag and two prize books, log sheets, early literacy information, special programs for participants, and suggestions for reaching the 1000 book goal. Reading ChallengeStorytimes Lake Oswego Public Library Newsletter - January 2019Teens/Tweens Get CraftyFirst ThursdaysJoin us on Early Release Thursdays once a month and get your creative juices fl owing. We’re making space for you in the teen section, and want you to bring your great ideas and your friends (especially if they are in middle school).LuminariaJanuary 3, 4-5pDuring the darkest month of the year, bring a little light into someone’s life with a handmade luminaria.Teen Study HallTuesday January 22 & Wednesday 1/23, 4-9pNeed a quiet place to study, or a place for your group to meet?Look no further, the library will reserve the conference room and fuel your brain with healthy snacks.Join us, and good luck on fi nals!Youth Action Council presents the 2nd AnnualBook Swap Give a Book - Get a Book!Saturday January 19, 10a-2pCummins Hall at CCP1060 Chandler Rd. Bring your books or DVD’s early!Monday January 14, 9a-12p in Cummins HallTuesday January 15, 4-7p in Teen LoungeRefreshments provided and Kid-Friendly activity hosted by the LO Library!www.loteenscene.org | @loteenloungewww.lopl.org 503.636.7628Lego ClubKids Make Things!All Things YarnFamily Movie NightKids Play GamesSaturday 1/1210:30a–12p (lower level)Drop in every second Saturday of the month to imagine, build and create. Each month we’ll pick a theme to build upon, and creations will be displayed for all to see. Recommended for grades K-5.Thursdays 1/10Drop in between 2:30-3:30p (lower level)Creativity is a foundation of all other milestones in educational development. Harnessing creativity at a young age, when brain development and plasticity are at their peak, not only optimizes academic success, but is critical for social and emotional development, critical thinking and problem solving. Recommended for grades K-5.Thursday 1/17Drop in between 4-5:30p (lower level)Have you always wanted to learn how to knit? Are you an experienced knitter who likes to hang out with friends while knitting? Either way, we’re here for you. We’ll provide the yarn and snacks, and the Teen Board will provide their expertise and patience. Recommended for all ages, 5-99.Mondays 1/28Drop in between 6-8p (lower level)Running out of room on your couch? Let us provide the big screen, cozy blankets to sit on, and snacks. We’ll even clean up the popcorn mess. We’re prohibited by our movie licensing agreement from using movie titles in our publicity but we can tell you that Humans really DO exist despite the SMALL size of their FEET.Thursday 1/24Drop in between 2:30-3:30p (lower level)It’s another Early Release Thursday and we’ve got games to play at the Library and popcorn to eat. Board games, rug games, hand games, and maybe even a few group games. Grab your backpack and head on over. Recommended for grades K-5. Lake Oswego Public Library Newsletter - January 2019Michael Moloi Gumboots DancingMulticultural Children’s Book Day Saturday, January 5, 2-3p (main fl oor)Michael Moloi will begin with a traditional gumboots performance, and share with us how the dance was actually a secret coded language between oppressed workers in apartheid South African mines. You are encouraged to wear your own rubber boots to try gumboot dancing yourself! Friday, January 25, 10:30a–2pThe Lake Oswego Children’s Library will be hosting a celebratory day of diversity, inclusion, and community. Stop by with the whole family throughout the day to practice reading without walls. We’ll have drop-in activities to encourage your family to read diversely, along with snacks and prizes. Family storytime at 2 pm will feature special guests from our community reading their favorite multicultural books. Meet Dr. Arlyne Simon, engineer and author of Abby Invents Unbreakable Crayons! Participate in our diverse book READ-IN, and complete a mini “Reading Without Walls” challenge.Sunday 1-6p Monday 10a-9p Tuesday 10a-9p CALENDAR COLOR CODE: iAdult Events iFamily Events iTeen Events iChildren Events iClasses / Groups 1 LLibrary Closed 6 7 Music Together! 3p LO READS Kick Off Book Giveaway 6:30p 8 Preschool Storytime 10:30a First Tuesday Music Big North Duo 7p Pints from the Past The Pig War 6:30-8p 13 14 Baby Sign Language 3p 15 Preschool Storytime 10:30a Third Tuesday Author Poetry in honor of William Stafford 20 21 Library Closed 22 Preschool Storytime 10:30a Teen Study Hall 4-9p 27 28 Baby Sign Language 3p Family Movie Night 6-8p Genealogy Help 3-5p 29 Preschool Storytime 10:30a www.lopl.org 503.636.7628I Speak Woof!Reading Without WallsThursday, January 31, 3-4pLearn about children’s dog bite prevention with Vanesa Vizuete, founder of Helping Paws Northwest. This fun, interactive class provides children with the necessary tools to be safe around familiar or strange dogs, while teaching them how to create a POSITIVE animal friendship based on love and respect.Practice the skills you’ve learned: A variety of safe, situational interactions between a therapy dog and volunteer children. There will be opportunities for children to greet and pet Maui, the therapy dog, following the guidelines learned in class.This winter, challenge your family to explore the whole world through books by reading without walls! Now is your chance to read books featuring characters who don’t look or live like you, books about topics you don’t know much about, and books in formats you don’t usually use. Come to the children’s library and pick up a Bingo-style challenge card that will challenge you to read outside your comfort zone, explore great new stories, celebrate diversity, and check out all the library has to offer. Wednesday 10a-9p Thursday 10a-9p Friday 10a-6p Saturday 10a-6p Library Closed 2 3 Teens Get Crafty 4-5p 4 5 Michael Moloi Gumboots Dancing 2-3p 9 Toddler Storytime 10:30a 10 Fun for Ones Storytime 10:30a Kids Make Things! 2:30-3:30p 11 Baby Storytime 10:30a 12 Lego Club 10:30a-12p 16 Toddler Storytime 10:30a 17 Fun for Ones Storytime 10:30a All Things Yarn 4-5:30p Intro to Microsoft Excel 9-10a 18 Baby Storytime 10:30a 19 Library Closed 23 Toddler Storytime 10:30a Teen Study Hall 4-9p 24 Fun for Ones Storytime 10:30a Kids Play Games 2:30-3:30p Intro to Microsoft Excel 9-10a 25 Baby Storytime 10:30a Multicultural Children’s Book Day 10:30-2p 26 Building Bridges Book Group 10-11a LO READS Author Ticket Giveaway 11a 30 Toddler Storytime 10:30a 31 Fun for Ones Storytime 10:30a I Speak Woof! 3-4p Intro to Microsoft Excel 9-10a