May 2019 Hello LO*****ECRWSS***** POSTAL CUSTOMER Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit 124 Lake Oswego, OR 2 Road Closure: Lakeview Blvd Luscher Farm Trails Open House Blowers & Other Annoying Noise Dog Rules for LO Parks 3 Parks & Recreation City Library Farmers’ Market Opens Author Presentation Taya Kyle 4 Photo Contest Art in the Garden The Event - Celebrating Seniors Meals on Wheels - Dance Fundraiser People’s Choice Community Calendar Insert Historic Preservation Month LibraryInside For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.lakeoswego.City or Call 503-635-0257. O . O L .May 2019THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGOHello DEDICATION OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL MEMORIAL DAY, MONDAY, MAY 27, FROM 11 A.M. TO 1 P.M. Join the City of Lake Oswego as we partner with the LO Veterans Memorial to honor the fallen and commemorate the unveiling of the memorial at Foothills Park. The monument celebrates the bravery and service of all U.S. military Veterans and First Responders with strong ties to the Lake Oswego community. The event, which will be emceed by US Naval Captain Jonathan Puskas, features a keynote address from Taya Kyle. Taya is the widow of late US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, whose story was memorialized in the Academy Award winning film, American Sniper. Her remarks focus on the trials and tribulations of love, war, faith and renewal. The program also includes a flyover from the West Coast Ravens, a Presentation of Colors and 21 gun salute from the Lake Oswego Honor Guard, a wreath presentation from Gold Star Wives, an invocation from Father John Marshall, patriotic entertainment, and more. Let us salute our heroes - for our tomorrow, they gave yesterday and today. For more information about the LO Veterans Memorial, please visit http://loveteransmemorial.org. COMMUNITY SHRED DAY SATURDAY, MAY 18, 9 A.M. TO 12 P.M. (OR UNTIL FULL) Community Shred Day is back! Thanks to Yakima Products, the City will be hosting Shred Day at the Yakima headquarters (formerly the West End Building) at 4101 Kruse Way, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (or until truck is full) on Saturday, May 18. Residents of Lake Oswego (and those within the Urban Services Boundary) may bring 2 paper shopping bags of confidential documents including bank, credit card, health care, tax forms and other sensitive information for shredding. Staples, paper clips, hanging folders, and rubber bands do not need to be removed. Shred Day is a very popular event and wait times can be significant - we can only move as fast as the trucks can shred. Please help us minimize traffic impacts and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to shred their documents by following the mandatory guidelines: • You may only bring 2 supermarket size shopping bags for shredding. This ensures that others get Continued on page 2 D AVENUE BLOCK PARTY CELEBRATE PUBLIC WORKS WEEK AND THE COMPLETION OF THE NEW D AVENUE! Join us on May 22, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., on D Avenue between 4th-5th Streets (in front of the Library) Infrastructure and Public Works – our sewers, water, streets, bridges, roads, pathways, rail lines, and communication lines – affect us daily. Infrastructure gets us to work, our children to school, powers our homes and businesses, brings water to our taps, carries our waste away and protects our public health. These resources improve our quality of life every day. Engineering, Public Works, and the Library Departments are partnering together to commemorate the one-year anniversary of breaking ground on the D Avenue Improvement Project and to celebrate National Public Works Week (May 19-25). Join us for a block party celebration! We will have fun and creative games for all ages, light snacks, a Master Gardeners’ presentation on how to create a rain garden (begins at 7 p.m., following the Block Party), and tours of the new rain gardens and swales on D Avenue. Get a behind- the-scenes view of Oscar the Street Sweeper, climb aboard an excavator, or watch a live video of a robotic camera inspecting a sewer pipe. Bring the whole family! This event is open to all Lake Oswego community members. We hope to see you there! BOARDS & COMMISSIONS RECRUITMENT UNDERWAY Are you interested in serving your community? Consider becoming a member of one of our Boards & Commissions! Our first annual recruitment for the City’s boards and commissions - Parks, Transportation, 50+, Sustainability and more - will continue through May 31. To hear how your fellow citizens feel about their experience on Lake Oswego’s boards and commissions and for more information, please visit: www.lakeoswego.city/boc/boards- commissions-vacancies or contact the City Manager’s Office at 503-635-0215. Sonal Haladay -Tourism Advisory Committee One of the new bioswales along D Avenue. Continued on page 2 MAY 21, 2019 SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSED BONDS FOR OPEN SPACE, PARKS AND RECREATION LAND AND FACILITIES The Lake Oswego City Council has referred a parks and open spaces bond measure to voters for the May 21, 2019 Special Election. If approved, the measure would authorize the City to issue general obligation bonds totaling up to $30 million to be used for parks, park and recreation facilities, and open space. With previously approved park and open space bonds maturing over the next three years, it is the intent of the City Council to hold the property tax rate associated with this bond measure, if it passes, to no more than the current rate for Lake Oswego parks and open space bonds. The uses of the bond proceeds would be limited to the following types of land acquisition and improvements: • Acquisition of park property, both for natural open space and for park land that could be used for active or passive recreation. Proceeds could be used to acquire land for open space and parks within the city limits, as well as within nearby unincorporated areas where acquisition is determined to be in the City’s long-term interests. 2 Theresa Kohlhoff City Councilor 503-660-8693 (Cell) Jackie Manz City Councilor 503-939-2563 (Cell) John LaMotte City Councilor 971-263-8272 (Cell) Daniel Nguyen City Councilor 503-913-4383 (Cell) Skip O’Neill City Councilor 503-781-7664 (Cell) John Wendland City Councilor 971-235-8014 (Cell) Kent Studebaker Mayor 503-201-2270 (Cell) City Council 503-635-0215 City Manager Scott Lazenby 503-635-0215 DOG RULES FOR LO PARKS CITY TO STEP UP ENFORCEMENT With warmer weather right around the corner, more people - and their dogs - will be out and about in the community. To ensure our neighborhoods, parks, natural areas and public spaces remain safe and enjoyable for all residents of Lake Oswego and its visitors, City Codes have been established to help guide and manage the responsibilities of dog owners. PARK RULES: • All dogs must be kept on-leash except in areas designated by sign as “off-leash” and must be under control by owner/keeper at all times on all park property. • Owners or keepers must promptly remove excrement or other solid waste deposited by the animal. • All dogs on park property must be licensed and current in vaccinations. • Dogs are not allowed on Athletic Fields unless authorized by the Parks & Recreation Department Director. Due to the recent incidents in Lake Oswego parks, the City will be stepping up enforcement by giving citations to owners with dogs off- leash in non-designated areas. For detailed park rules, go to www.lakeoswego.city/ parksrec/park-rules. For details on city-wide dog laws, including licensing requirements, please call the Public Information Office at 503-635-0257 or visit www. lakeoswego.city/police/dog-safety-and- complaint-reporting-information. To provide a safe and enjoyable recreational experience to dog owners/handlers and their dogs, the City established two Dog Parks and two designated Off-Leash Areas. DOG PARKS • Hazelia Dog Park 17800 Stafford Road The Hazelia Dog Park is separated into two areas. The northern most area is for timid and shy dogs. The larger area adjacent to the parking lot is for more outgoing dogs. • West Waluga Dog Park 15775 Waluga Drive The West Waluga Dog Park was built in spring of 2018. The Dog Park is located in the fenced area of West Waluga Park. Hazelia Dog Park and West Waluga Dog Park are open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. OFF-LEASH AREAS Local dogs and their owners are invited to enjoy the designated off-leash dog areas (OLA) at the following parks: • Pilkington Park, 19043 Pilkington - open area, no fencing. • McNary Park - open space, no fencing. Look for posted OLA rules at each location. Open every day from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. ANNOYING NOISE You have just sat down to enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper, the fresh breeze is blowing gently through your open windows, then suddenly a helicopter thunders to life on your roof forcing you to run screaming through your house closing all of the windows! Actually it’s not a helicopter, but the neighbor’s lawn service wielding a leaf blower, lawn mower, and power washer; and then there is the construction crew down the street - oh, and the barking dog! These are all sounds we learn to live with every day, but most of us find incredibly annoying. All part of living in neighborhoods, but you can make it better. Before you start a project, schedule your lawn service or have a party, think about the impact on your neighbors and what you can do to reduce that impact. Start your work later in the morning on weekends, not before 7 a.m. on weekdays, and end before 6 p.m. Avoid Sundays if possible. Your neighbors will appreciate it and you will do your part in making your neighborhood an enjoyable environment for everyone. If you have questions on noise please call the Public Information Office at 503-635-0257 or visit www. lakeoswego.city. their opportunity to securely shred their documents. • No loose material will be accepted. • Follow all traffic rules and obey the instructions given by Lake Oswego Police. • No walk ups are allowed. For safety and security reasons, you may not park your car and walk up with bags for shredding or leave them on the ground and walk away. The City is not responsible for papers left behind (they will not be securely shredded). • Remember, this event is for securely shredding paper – please do not bring garbage or other material for disposal. This event is sponsored by the Youth Leadership Council, who are raising funds for Lines for Life (a regional non-profit dedicated to preventing substance abuse and suicide). A $5 donation is requested, or a $10 donation which includes a free Youth Leadership Council Lines for Life t-shirt! Youth Councilors will be walking through the line to collect donations. If you are unable to participate in this event, there are other secure, convenient options available to shred your documents - for example, the UPS Store or the Postal Annex, will shred documents for a fee. For more information, visit www.lakeoswego.city/ recycle/2019-shred-day. SHRED DAY Continued from page 1 ROAD CLOSURE: LAKEVIEW BOULEVARD (BETWEEN JEAN ROAD AND BELMORE AVENUE) To improve roadway and pedestrian safety, reduce the turning space needed for freight vehicles, and provide better sight lines, the City of Lake Oswego is realigning the existing 3-leg intersection at Lakeview Boulevard and Jean Road. Construction is underway with single lane closures and flagged traffic in the work area, both on Jean Road and Lakeview Boulevard. Throughout May, Lakeview Boulevard is expected to be closed 24/7 between Jean Road and Belmore Avenue and a detour will be in place. This closure is expected to be in place for about a month. At most times, access will be maintained for residents and businesses in the closed zone. Jean Road is expected to remain open, however single lane closures may be in place. Please note, construction schedules are subject to change. For more information, visit www. lakeoswego.city/publicworks/lakeview-blvd- realignment or call 503-635-0261. MAY 21 SPECIAL ELECTION Continued from page 1 • Renovation and replacement of park improvements and facilities. • Development of new park and recreation improvements and facilities that are determined to facilitate use by the community. Specific uses of the bond proceeds would be guided by the City’s current and future parks and capital improvement plans, with input from the public and from the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Advisory Board. If the measure passes, the bonds would be repaid from property taxes over a period of not more than 20 years. Because existing park and open space bonds are maturing, and because the new bonds can be issued in several series, approval of this bond measure is estimated to result in a tax rate less than or equal to the current tax rates associated with Lake Oswego park and open space bonds. The current combined tax rate for Lake Oswego parks and open space bonds is $0.24 per $1,000 of assessed value, which would result in an annual cost of $120 for a house with a taxable assessed value (not real market value) of $500,000. In addition to the parks and open spaces bond measure, the City Council has referred a measure that would amend the Lake Oswego Charter regarding the frequency of the City Manager’s Budget submittals. If this measure does not pass, the City Manager would continue to annually prepare and submit a proposed City budget for the ensuing fiscal year. For detailed ballot questions and explanatory statements, visit www.lakeoswego.city/citymanager/ elections. DROP BOX LOCATIONS Lake Oswego has two convenient ballot drop site locations - drive up and drop off your ballot 24/7! City Hall - 380 A Avenue Upper parking lot on Fourth St. south entrance, in the turn around Westlake Park - 14165 Bunick Drive Parking lot adjacent to tennis courts and fire station LUSCHER FARM TRAILS OPEN HOUSE - WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 The City conducted a number of public forums focusing on the Luscher Farm Property. At this Open House a conceptual Luscher Trail plan will be presented - based upon information gathered from the forums and related survey. Please join us on May 22, from 6-8 p.m., at the City's Maintenance Center, 17601 Pilkington Road. Refreshments will be provided. For details on these and other events, visit www.lakeoswegolibrary.org or call: Main Number, 503-636-7628 Reference Desk Number, 503-675-2540 3 Y o u r C o m m u n i t Y r e s o u r C e f o r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d e n r i C h m e n tCITY LIBRARY PARKS & RECREATION Location: 17525 Stafford Road Mailing: PO Box 369 For more information or to register for Parks & Recreation (LOPR) programs, call 503-675-2549 or visit www.loparks.org. FARM FRESH TO YOUR KITCHEN TABLE! Farmers’ Market Opens Saturday, May 18 The Lake Oswego Farmers’ Market is back for its 19th season! Delight in the bounty of the Pacific Northwest harvest from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m with over 80 vendors each week offering superior produce, cheeses, artisan baked goods, seafood, nursery items, fresh flowers and more! The Market also features live musical entertainment from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This season commences with local favorite, Southern Nights. Opening day festivities also include Arbor Celebration activities, including a scavenger hunt and temporary tattoos for youngsters, tree pruning demonstrations, complimentary tree seedlings, and more. Special thanks to major Market sponsors, including Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District, Subway and Lakeside Bikes. TAYA KYLE American Spirit: Profiles in Resilience, Courage, and Faith On Friday, May 24, from 7 to 9 p.m., at City Hall, join best-selling author, political commentator and veterans family activist Taya Kyle as she talks about her latest book, American Spirit. This Native Oregonian profiles more than 30 individuals, young and old, rich and not-so-rich, famous and unknown, who have overcome hardship and done extraordinary things for their communities and for our nation. After losing her husband, "American Sniper" Chris Kyle, Taya Kyle endured a period of inconsolable grief. This darkness served as a catalyst for profound growth. Join us to hear Taya tell her own story, as well as those of other Americans who have built extraordinary lives after traveling down life’s most difficult roads - through loss, illness and all kinds of setbacks. The people she profiles embody the “American spirit” of resilience, faith, togetherness that built our nation. Her book will be available for purchase. For more information about this event, please visit www.lakeoswego.city/library/author-talk-taya-kyle- american-spirit-profiles-resilience-courage-and- faith. SPORTS 19490 - Run4Fun Running Club for Girls Run4Fun is dedicated to promoting a lifelong love for running and a healthy lifestyle. For girls who have never been on a “run” to experienced runners. Train with certified Running Coach, Wendy Berton. Girls ages 8-12 years old. Ages 8-12, 9-10 a.m., Wednesdays, June 19-July 24, West Waluga Park, $60. 19502 - Junior Boot Camp for Girls A great class that is offered following the Run4Fun Running Club. Increase strength while helping to develop a healthy lifestyle. Train with certified Running Coach, Wendy Berton. Ages 8-12, 10:15- 11:15 a.m., Wednesdays, June 19-July 24, Fit Spot at West Waluga Park, $60. BABYSITTER-FIRST AID-CPR TRAINING 19178 - Babysitter Training Topics include accident prevention, handling emergencies, first aid and child development, positive supervision and the rights and responsibilities of a “good” babysitter. Ages 10-15, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Saturday, May 11, Christ Church Parish, $107. 19185 - Adult CPR, First Aid and AED Training Get certified in CPR. Learn to recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing and first aid emergencies or give immediate care to a suddenly injured or ill person. Students receive certification upon completion class. Ages 10+, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, June 15, Christ Church Parish, $99. OUTDOOR ADVENTURE 19346 - Scappoose Bay Mother’s Day Paddle Spend Mother’s Day with your adventuresome Mom. Join Adventures Without Limits (AWL) for a day of paddling, bird watching, and fizzy drink on the water. Explore the hidden waterways and sunken forests of Scappoose Bay. Ages 6+, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, May 12, Hazelia Field at Luscher Farm, $73 per person. 19345 - Father’s Day Rafting A great way to bond and have fun with Dad! Join AWL for a day of adventure on the Santiam River. Navigate Class II-III rapids that will provide excitement for beginner and experienced rafters. Enjoy paddling along with a variety of species of birds and fish. Ages 6+, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, June 16, Hazelia Field at Luscher Farm, $73 per person. DANCE FOR KIDS AND ADULTS 19193 - Beginning Tap for Adults A beginning tap class that focuses on rhythm and technique. A great way to explore dance and stay active. Ages 18+, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesdays, May 15-June 19, Adult Community Center, $56. 19173 - Tiny Boppers Dancers sing and move along to music to work on motor coordination, rhythm, strength and self-confidence. Parents encouraged to observe or participate. Ages 1-3, 9-9:30 a.m., Saturdays, May 18-June 22, Christ Church Parish, $33. GET CREATIVE 19326 - Bob Ross Oil Painting - Cherry Blossoms in the Mountains Easy step-by-step class takes beginners to seasoned painters from blank canvas to finished masterpiece in one class. Visit loparks.org to view paintings. Ages 12+, 5:30-9 p.m., Monday, May 20, $49. 19202 - Just Sing Come raise your voice in song! Learn the basics of proper vocal techniques, warm-ups and vocal health. This class provides the chance to socialize with other music lovers. Ages 18+, 5-6 p.m., Wednesdays, May 29-July 3, Adult Community Center, $49. 19204 - Drumming Circle Learn about different drumming patterns and different beats by using a variety of hand drums and drum sets. Ages 18+, 6-7 p.m., Wednesdays, May 29-July 3, Adult Community Center, $49. MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH Libraries help individuals living with mental health challenges, along with their families and friends, to connect with important resources. This month, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Library will host three special programs: 1. Suicide Prevention: You’re Not Alone Thursday, May 2, 7-8:30 p.m. Please join us for an evening of information sharing and discussion on the important topic of suicide prevention. The presentation will feature knowledgeable speakers from four local agencies: Ann Adrian, manager of the L.O. Adult Community Center; Dawn Pecoraro, Adult Resource Officer for the L.O. Police Department; Galli Murray, Suicide- Prevention Coordinator for Clackamas County; and Bill Fitzpatrick, Senior Services Coordinator at Lines for Life, a regional non-profit dedicated to preventing substance abuse and suicide. For more information, please contact Chris Myers at 503-534-5667 or cmyers@lakeoswego.city. 2. Faces of Youth in Juvenile Detention Thursday, May 9, 7-8 p.m. Art therapy has long been heralded as a way to help cope with mental illness. Paula Perkins, a graduate student at Lewis and Clark College in the Art Therapy master program, will share her internship experience utilizing Art Therapy at a juvenile detention center. For more information, contact Alicia Yokoyama at 503-534-4228 or ayokoyama@lakeoswego.city. 3. In Our Own Voice Thursday, May 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Please join us for In Our Own Voice, a unique public education presentation where two trained speakers share their compelling stories of living with mental health challenges - from discovery to recovery. This free event, part of Mental Health Awareness Month, is co-sponsored by Lake Oswego Public Library and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). For more information, please contact Alicia Yokoyama at 503-534-4228 or ayokoyama@lakeoswego.city. MUSIC Dan Balmer! Tuesday, May 7, 7-8:30 p.m. First Tuesday favorite and jazz guitar legend Dan Balmer returns! For more information, contact Chris Myers at 503-534-5667 or cmyers@lakeoswego.city. LOCAL HISTORY Pints from the Past: Turning Oswego's Iron into Gold Tuesday, May 14, 7-8 p.m. At the Lake Theatre & Cafe As founder of the Lake Oswego Preservation Society, speaker Marylou Colver has worked tirelessly to uncover information about our city's past and to preserve it for the future. This evening she will discuss the real estate and land development mogul Paul C. Murphy and his lasting impact on Lake Oswego. Doors open at 6:30, so you have time to choose a seat and order a meal. The presentation begins at 7 p.m. Admission is free, and no ticket is required. The Lake Theater & Café is located at 106 North State Street. For more information, contact Carissa Barrett at cmbarrett@lakeoswego.city or 503-534-4237. 44 For inFormation about the City and its serviCes, go to www.lakeoswego.City or Call 503-635-0257. Contributing writers: Nell Diamond, Library Jamie Inglis, Parks & Recreation Katy Kerklaan, Engineering Robin Krakauer, Arts Council Judy Nelson, Parks & Recreation Jenny Slepian, Sustainability Diana Smith-Bouwer, Public Information Citizen inFormation speCialist and hellolo editor/writer Bonnie Hirshberger 503-675-3992 bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100% recycled content paper, using soy-based ink. ACC Adult Community Center CCP Christ Church Parish DRC Development Review Commission GC LO Municipal Golf Course GRP George Rogers Park HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board LAB Library Advisory Board LIB LO Public Library LORA Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency MC Maintenance Center MPP Millennium Plaza Park NA Neighborhood Association PNAB Parks, Rec & Natural Resources Advisory Board SAB Sustainability Advisory Board TAB Transportation Advisory BoardGlossaryMay 1 Wednesday • Youth Leadership Council, 5:15pm • First Addition/Forest Hills Neighborhood Coordinating Meeting, 6:30pm • Evergreen NA Meeting, 7pm 2 Thursday • Suicide Prevention - You Are Not Alone, LIB, 7pm 3 Friday 4 Saturday • Child Safety Seat Clinic, Main Fire Dept, 10am-1:30pm 5 Sunday • Work Party, Southwood Park, 1pm 6 Monday • DRC Meeting, 7pm 7 Tuesday • City Council Regular Meeting, 6:30pm • Library Music - Dan Balmer, 7pm 8 Wednesday • Library Performing Arts - Choro Meu, 1pm • HRAB Meeting, 7pm • LAB Meeting, 7pm 9 Thursday • Old Town NA Board Meeting, 7pm • Faces of Youth in Juvenile Detention, LIB, 7pm 10 Friday 11 Saturday • Lake Run & Festival, MPP, 8am 12 Sunday 13 Monday • Planning Commission, 6:30pm 14 Tuesday • The Event - Celebrating Seniors, Mary’s Woods, 9am-2:30pm • Pints from the Past: Turning Oswego’s Iron Into Gold, Lake Theater, 7pm 15 Wednesday 16 Thursday • Uplands Neighborhood Association Board Mtg, 7pm 17 Friday • In-Service Day - LIBRARY CLOSED 18 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm • Forestry at the Farmers’ Market • Community Shred Day, Yakima, 9am • Art in the Garden, Tumwater, 5-8:30pm 19 Sunday • People’s Choice Voting deadline • Meals On Wheels Academy of Dance Event, ACC, 9am-4:30pm 20 Monday • Public Art Committee Mtg, 2pm • SAB Meeting, 6:30pm • DRC Meeting, 7pm 21 Tuesday • Special Election • City Council Regular Meeting, 3pm • Living Well Talk Series: Don’t Just Retire ... Refire!, ACC, 6pm 22 Wednesday • D Avenue Block Party & Public Works Week Celebration, 4-7pm • How to Create a Backyard Rain Garden with Native Plants, 7pm • Luscher Farm Trails Open House, MC, 6-8pm 23 Thursday • In Our Own Voice, LIB, 6:30-8:30pm 24 Friday • 50+ Advisory Board, ACC, 10am • Taya Kyle - Author Presentation, City Hall, 7-9pm 25 Saturday • Farmers’ Market, 8:30am-1:30pm 26 Sunday 27 Monday • Memorial Day - CITY OFFICES CLOSED • Dedication of the Veterans Memorial, Foothills Park, 11am-1pm 28 Tuesday • Third Tuesday Author: Adam Sawyer, LIB, 7pm 29 Wednesday • Planning Commission, 6:30pm 30 Thursday 31 Friday • Deadline to apply for Boards & Commissions Event dates are subject to change. More details are available online at: www.lakeoswego.city/calendar For more information, call 503-675-3992. Community Calendar THE EVENT - CELEBRATING SENIORS TUESDAY, MAY 14, 9 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. Lake Oswego is enriched by having more than 15,000 (or 41%) of its citizens 50+ years of age.To celebrate, you are invited to a special event which includes presentations and informational tables focusing on topics relating to seniors. Presentations include: • Life After 50, Fun and Friends - Mayor Kent Studebaker and Mary's Woods President and CEO Diane Hood • Lonely No More, Depression/Suicide Prevention - Ann Adrian, Manager Lake Oswego Adult Community Center • How Lake Oswego’s Adult Resource Officer Can Assist Seniors - Dawn Pecoraro, Lake Oswego Adult Resource Officer • How to Avoid and/or Fight Back from Scams/ Fraud - Alex Shokrian The Event is brought to you by the Lake Oswego 50+ Advisory Board and hosted by Mary's Woods. Join us in Cascades Hall at the Dunn Community Center, 17520 Mesnard Drive, at Mary’s Woods. For those driving, follow the signage to the Marylhurst parking lots. There is plenty of parking. Shuttle service from the parking lots to the Dunn Community Center will be provided by Mary's Woods. For more information, please contact Ann Adrian, LO Adult Community Center, at 503-635-3758. PHOTO CONTEST SUBMIT YOUR EXCEPTIONAL PHOTOS ONLINE TODAY! Enter your best images in the 11th Annual City of Lake Oswego Photo Contest for a chance to win! First place winners will receive a $100 gift card; second place winners a $50 gift card; and third place winners a $25 gift card. Entries need to be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday, September 9. For contest details, please visit www.lakeoswego.city/publicaffairs/photo-contest. VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE! The Arts Council of Lake Oswego is excited to announce this year’s People’s Choice nominees. Community members have until 5 p.m. on May 19 to help curate the City’s public art collection by voting for the 2019 People’s Choice. The winner will become part of the nationally recognized Gallery Without Walls permanent collection in the City of Lake Oswego for years to come. Anyone who lives or works in Lake Oswego can vote. Ballots are available online at artscouncillo.org. Paper ballots can be found at the following locations: City Hall, Lake Oswego Public Library, the Arts Council of Lake Oswego, the Adult Community Center, LO Maintenance Center, the Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce, and New Seasons at Mountain Park. For more information, contact the Arts Council of Lake Oswego at artscouncillo@gmail.com or by phone 503-675-3738. ART IN THE GARDEN MAY 18, 5 TO 8:30 P.M., TUMWATER WINERY Join the Arts Council of Lake Oswego for a one-of-a-kind artistic event. Stroll through the grounds of beautiful Tumwater Vineyard on Pete’s Mountain in West Linn and watch five local artists demonstrate their unique processes. Delectable food by Nicoletta’s Table will be paired with wines from Tumwater Vineyard, along with a silent and live auction. All funds raised will support the Gallery Without Walls program, the renowned outdoor public art program. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit www.artscouncillo.org, or call 503-675-3738. LO ACADEMY OF DANCE SHOW TO BENEFIT LAKE OSWEGO MEALS ON WHEELS The Lake Oswego Academy of Dance’s annual Spring Fundraiser Show will be held on Sunday, May 19. All proceeds will go to support the Lake Oswego Meals on Wheels program which serves over 18,000 meals are annually to seniors, disabled, and homebound LO residents. The Spring Fundraiser features performances by over 450 Academy of Dance students at the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 G Avenue, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission to the fundraiser is a recommended donation of just $5 per person, which covers the cost of one LO Meals on Wheels, freshly- prepared meal. Donations over $10 receive a ticket that will be entered into a gift basket drawing. Tickets for the Spring Fundraiser Show are available at the door. Donations can also be made to LO Meals on Wheels at lake oswegomealsonwheels.org/ donate.