September 2019 Building a Better Boones Ferry RoadMercantile Dr.Bryant Rd.Firwood Rd.Boones Ferry RoadL ake Grove Elem enta r y School Wa luga Park East Lakeview Blvd .Quarry Rd.Oak ri dge R d .Rees e Rd. L a k e Grov e Ave. Ca r man Dr.Kruse Way U p p e r D r.Do u g las Wa y Waluga Dr.M a d ro n a St . W e st S uns et D r. L a k eTo La n ewoo d St. R ed C eda r D r. Coll insWay Pennington Park Boones Ferry Road project area map Street Improvements Utility Improvements New Signalized Intersection with Pedestrian Crossing New Pedestrian Crossing Improved Signalized Intersection with Pedestrian Crossing Staging Area 5.5’ Sidewalk 5.5’ Sidewalk 5’ Bike Lane Landscape planter Stormwater planter Median is either stormwater or landscape planter depending on location Median with at grade planter 5’ Bike Lane 11’ Travel Lane 11’ Travel Lane 11’ Travel Lane 11’ Travel Lane Median Width Varies 3.5’3.5’ Building a Better Boones Ferry Road You’re seeing a transformation Boones Ferry Road from Madrona Street to Lanewood Street is undergoing a transformation. A vibrant, welcoming commercial district enriches life, both for neighbors who live here and businesses that serve them. The new Boones Ferry Road has been designed to: • Improve safety and efficiency for people walking, biking and driving • Make business access safer and easier • Improve roadway drainage and sidewalk connections • Create an attractive, interesting streetscape. Madrona Street to Bryant Road is the first of three major work zones along Boones Ferry Road with a temporary lane reduction expected to last through early next year. Crews are working on the west side of the street first, then the east side, then the middle. Lane reductions are also in place on Bryant and Firwood Roads. As you travel a little slower through the area, you are seeing underground utility lines being moved, concrete flatwork for sidewalk curb areas, construction of retaining walls, installation of irrigation for future landscaping, street grading, base paving, and temporary traffic signage. Please remember, you are traveling through an active work zone. Be cautious and plan extra travel time. Instead of four lanes through the work zone, there are three: one in each direction plus a center turn lane. That gives crews room to maneuver and still keeps the road open, with flaggers and brief delays at times. When work starts on the median, there will only be two travel lanes.Construction hours Most work takes place Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Some work happens on weekends, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and nights 10 p.m. - 6 a.m. Get the latest Construction schedules change frequently due to weather and other variables. Sign up for email updates at: www.boonesferryproject.org Construction moving along – slow but steady Enter to win a $100 gift card! See other side. visit to e n t e r Sample cross section - Boones Ferry Road facing north September 2019 Sample rendering of new mid-block pedestrian crossing at Lake Grove Shopping Center 1. Landscaping 2. Crosswalk signals 3. Street lights 4. Street trees 5. Pedestrian refuge 6. Landscaped median 7. Crosswalk 8. Bike lane 9. Crosswalk signals 10. Landscaping 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Visit Boones Ferry Road Boones Ferry Road and all its businesses remain open during construction of the new and improved street. Please come out and support your friends and community businesses that make Lake Grove a great place to live, work and play! Stay informed Shop Lake Grove Monthly Raffle! The City of Lake Oswego and Lake Grove Business Association are hosting a monthly raffle for a $100 gift card to businesses in the project area. Stop by participating businesses to enter. Each month the raffle starts fresh, so keep coming back to enter each month! See the full list of participating Lake Grove businesses at www.boonesferryproject.org Get project news online Got questions? Please ask! Visit www.boonesferryproject.org, where you can also sign up for email updates. Follow #boonesferryproject on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook throughout construction. Email info@boonesferryproject.org Call 503-697-6573.