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Agenda Item - 2017-06-05 - Number LU 17-0034 -
STAFF REPORT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO PLANNING DIVISION APPLICANT/OWNER: FILE NO: Lake Oswego Corporation LU 17-0034 TAX LOT REFERENCE: STAFF: Tax Lot 200 of 21E 10DB Leslie Hamilton, AICP LOCATION: DATE OF REPORT: 700 McVey Avenue May 26, 2017 COMP. PLAN DESCRIPTION: 120-DAY DECISION DATE: NC September 14, 2017 ZONING DESIGNATION: NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: NC McVey—South Shore I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting a Modification of a Development Review Permit in order to construct additions to the Lake Oswego Corporation ("Lake Corp.") buildings. II. RECOMMENDATION Approval of LU 17-0034, with conditions, as provided below. A. Prior to Issuance of any Grading or Building Permits,the Applicant/Owner Shall: 1. Submit final site and building plans for review and approval of staff that are the same or substantially similar to the site plan and elevations as illustrated on Exhibits E5 and E6, with the following modifications: a. Modify three of the standard parking spaces to be at least 8.5 feet wide. b. Include a pedestrian circulation plan showing a painted crossing zone for pedestrians between the driveway entrance on McVey and the main entrance of each building,to the satisfaction of staff. LU 17-0034 Page 1 of 17 2. Submit a final lighting plan, to the satisfaction of staff,that illustrates that the parking lot lighting levels for the parking lot area that will be newly lit by the proposed lights meet the standards of LOC 3. Submit photographs or other documentation, to the satisfaction of staff, showing that vegetation has been removed from the right-of-way/property lines on the west end of the bridge to achieve sight distance visibility for the driveway access. B. Prior to the Final Building Inspection or Occupancy of Any Structure,the Applicant/Owner Shall: 1. Provide a completed Elevation Certificate for the Boathouse, signed and stamped by a Licensed Professional Surveyor,to the satisfaction of staff. 2. Install the pedestrian crossing and stripe the parking spaces, as required by Condition A(1). Code Requirements Expiration of Development Permit: Per LOC, the Development approved by this decision shall expire three years following the effective date of the development permit, and can be extended by the City Manager pursuant to the provision of this section. Tree Protection: Submit a tree protection plan and application prepared by a certified arborist as required by LOC 55.08.020 and 55.08.030 for review and approval by staff, including off-site trees that are within the construction zone. The plan shall include: a. The location of temporary tree protection fencing, consisting of a minimum 6-foot high cyclone fence secured by steel posts, around the tree protection zone, or as recommended by the project arborist and approved by the City. b. A note stating that no fill or compaction shall occur within the critical root zones of any of the trees, or that if fill or compaction is unavoidable, measures will be taken as recommended by a certified arborist to reduce or mitigate the impact of the fill or compaction. Such measures shall be clearly outlined in the tree protection plan. The note shall also inform contractors that the project arborist shall be on site and oversee all construction activities within the tree protection zone. c. A note that clearly informs all site contractors about the necessity of preventing damage to the trees, including bark and root zone. The applicant and contractor(s) shall be subject to fines, penalties and mitigation for trees that are damaged or destroyed during construction. d. A sign shall be attached to the tree protection fencing, which states that inside the fencing is a tree protection zone, not to be disturbed unless prior approval has been obtained from the City Manager and project arborist. Notes: The applicant is advised to take part in a post-Land Use Approval meeting. City staff would like to offer you an opportunity to meet and discuss this decision and the conditions of approval necessary to finalize the project. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure you understand all the conditions LU 17-0034 Page 2 of 17 and to identify other permits necessary to complete the project. If you like to take advantage of this meeting, please contact the staff coordinator at (503) 635-0290. The land use approval for this project does not imply approval of a particular design, product, material, size, method of work, or layout of public infrastructure except where a condition of approval has been designed to control a particular design element or material. Development plans review, permit approval, and inspections by the City of Lake Oswego Planning and Building Services Department are limited to compliance with the Lake Oswego Community Development Code, and related code provisions. The applicants are advised to review plans for compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations that could relate to the development, i.e.,Americans with Disabilities Act, Endangered Species Act. Staff may advise the applicants of issues regarding state and federal laws that staff member believes would be helpful to the applicants, but any such advice or comment is not a determination or interpretation of federal or state law or regulation. III. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. City of Lake Oswego Community Development Code [LOC Chapter 501: LOC 50.01.006 Nonconforming Uses, Structures, Lots and Site Features LOC Commercial, Mixed Use and Industrial Zones LOC Special Street Setbacks LOC Oswego Lake Setback LOC Flood Management Area LOC Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-Family Development Standards LOC 50.06.002 Parking LOC Access/Access Lanes (Flag Lots) LOC On-Site Circulation—Driveways and Fire Access Roads LOC On-Site Circulation—Bikeways, Walkways and Accessways LOC Landscaping, Screening and Buffering OC Fences LOC Lighting Standard LOC 50.06.005 Park and Open Space LOC Weak Foundation Soils LOC Stormwater Management Standards LOC 50.06.008 Utilities LOC Application for Development, Burden of Proof LOC Conditions of Approval LOC Appeal of Minor and Major Development Decisions LOC Modification of Development Permits LOC Review Criteria for Minor Development LU 17-0034 Page 3 of 17 B. City of Lake Oswego Streets and Sidewalks Code [LOC Chapter 42]: LOC 42.03.130 Sight Distance at Roadway Intersections, Private Streets and Driveways C. City of Lake Oswego Tree Code [LOC Chapter 551: LOC 55.02.010-55.02.135 Tree Removal D. Prior Approvals DR 22-84 IV. FINDINGS A. Background/Existing Conditions: 1. The site is 1.54 acres in size and has frontage on McVey Avenue, a Minor Arterial (Exhibit El). 2. The site is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and is developed with Lake Corp. offices (marina building) and lake-related infrastructure, including a boat house and several docks. Abutting properties are developed as follows: North: Oswego Lake East: Office West: Single family residential 3. There are three trees along the McVey Avenue frontage of the site that are six inches in diameter or greater(Exhibit E4). V. PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND APPLICANT'S BURDEN OF PROOF A. Neighborhood Meeting: The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on April 7, 2017. The minutes and sign-in sheet of the meeting are included in this report as Exhibit F5. B. Public Notice to Surrounding Area: The City has provided adequate public notice and opportunity to comment on this application as required by LOC 50.07.003. No comments were received at the time this report was finalized. C. Burden of Proof: Per LOC, the applicant for a development permit shall bear the burden of proof that the application complies with all applicable review criteria or can be made to comply with applicable criteria by imposition of conditions of approval. The applicant has provided sufficient evidence to enable staff to evaluate the proposal. These documents are listed as exhibits at the end of this report. LU 17-0034 Page 4 of 17 VI. LOC—MINOR DEVELOPMENT A. Classification of Application: The modification of an existing commercial structure is a minor development. LOC Modifications of development permits are reviewed in the same manner as the original permit, which is classified as a minor development. LOC B. Criteria for Review of Land Use Application: Per LOC,the criteria for review of modifications to a development permit are limited to those criteria that are affected by the requested modification. Per LOC,for any minor development application to be approved it shall first be established that the proposal complies with: 1. The requirements of the zone in which it is located; Commercial, Mixed Use and Industrial Zone [LOC The site is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The applicant proposes to construct second-floor additions to the marina building (offices) and boathouse located on the site. Office and lake-related infrastructure are permitted uses in the zone. The site development standards of the NC zone and analysis of compliance for the proposed additions are listed in the matrix below. Site Development Requirements in the NC Zone Standard Boathouse Marina Building Height 35 ft. 31.83 ft. 30.75 ft. Lot Coverage 100% 3.4% (site) 3.4% (site) Floor Area 0.25:1 0.06:1 (site) 0.06:1 (site) Setbacks -Adjacent to R-7.5 (west) Structure: 25 ft. 151 ft. 181 ft. Parking: 10 ft. 151 ft. 151 ft. Accessway: 5 ft. 151 ft. 151 ft. -Other 0 ft. 80 ft. (north) 48 ft. (north) 59 ft. (east) 17 ft. (east) 53 ft. (south) 82 ft. (south) As illustrated in the table above, and on Exhibit E5,the proposed additions comply with all of the NC zone site development limitations. Nonconforming Uses,Structures, Lots and Site Features [LOC 50.01.0061 The existing buildings on the site are non-conforming to the Building Orientation standard, which requires that buildings be located within 30 feet of a public street. The existing buildings are 82 feet (Marina) and 53 feet(Boathouse)from the public street, and their main entrances are 82 feet and 53 feet from McVey Avenue, respectively. Non-conforming structures may be expanded if the expansion does not increase the degree of any existing non-conformity and the expansion does not create any new non-conformity. LU 17-0034 Page 5 of 17 The applicant proposes second-floor additions to both buildings. On the Marina Building, the footprint does not change, nor does the location of the entrance. On the Boathouse, the footprint increases on the north facade by approximately 150 square feet, but the location of the entrance does not change. The proposed modifications do not increase the degree of non-conformity as the existing entrances are not affected by the proposed modifications. The proposed additions do not create any new non-conformity. This standard is met. Note: The Building Orientation standard does not apply to building additions that increase the building footprint by less than 50%. As described above, the building footprint for Building 1 increases by 14%, and the building footprint for Building 2 is not affected. Special Street Setback [LOC 50.04.0021 The purpose of the special street setback is to assure an adequate yard setback is available in the event of possible future street improvements, such as additional lanes, pedestrian and bicycle facilities,transit facilities, drainage management improvements, lighting and street landscaping. McVey Avenue has a 40-foot special street setback that is measured from the existing centerline of the road. McVey Avenue currently has a right-of-way width of 60 feet and is not anticipated to be widened. The existing right-of-way width adequately serves the transportation network, resulting in satisfactory operation of the signalized intersection at Highway 43/ McVey Avenue. Additionally,the right-of-way is constrained by the Oswego Lake Outlet/ McVey Avenue Bridge and a new water transmission main, neither of which are anticipated to be relocated or widened. Therefore, no additional setback will be required along the site's McVey Avenue frontage. The marina and boathouse are located outside of the Special Street Setback. This standard is met. Oswego Lake Setback [LOC Under this standard, structures must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the property line of the parcels which constitute Oswego Lake; lake-related infrastructure is not subject to this setback. As shown in Exhibit E5,the proposed additions will be located 48 and 80 feet from this property line. This standard is met. (Note:The existing Marina and Boathouse are located 48 and 85 feet from the property line abutting Oswego Lake, respectively.) Flood Management Area [LOC This standard applies to all development proposed within the "Flood Management Area," which includes lands within the 100-year flood boundary as depicted on the most recent Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps created for the National Flood Insurance Program by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As shown in Exhibit F3,the value of the proposed improvements are considered a "substantial improvement," and therefore the buildings must comply with the Flood Management Standards for non-residential construction. According to the FEMA maps,the base flood elevation (BFE) at this site is 103.2' (NAVD'88 Datum). The proposed alterations to the Marina building include pouring a new 4-inch concrete topping slab over the existing floor slab to raise the finished floor elevation (FFE) to 104.24' (NAVD'88). This meets the requirement that the lowest floor be elevated at LU 17-0034 Page 6 of 17 least one foot above the BFE. Below this level, the structure is concrete, which is naturally flood-proof. (Note:The existing Marina building is slab-on grade construction with an FFE of 103.92' NAVD'88.) The existing Boathouse is built over the water on wood posts with concrete footings, and has a lower floor FFE of 104.0' (NAVD'88). This is less than one foot above the BFE. The applicant states that all construction for the addition to the Boathouse that is below the BFE will be certified as marine-grade (Exhibit F1). Once construction and final grading work is complete, prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall provide to the City of Lake Oswego a completed Elevation Certificate, signed and stamped by a Licensed Professional Surveyor. This will be made a condition of approval. As conditioned,this standard is met. 2. The Development Standards applicable to minor developments; Building Design for Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-Family Development [LOC This standard is applicable to development involving commercial facilities and prescribes standards for the design and orientation of buildings and associated elements and site features, preservation of natural land forms and vegetation, screening of mechanical equipment, and minimization of noise impacts. Design Standards (LOC Buildings are required to be designed to be complementary in appearance to adjacent "buildings of good design" with regard to materials, setbacks, roof lines, height and overall proportions. §b.i. Building elements and site features such as benches, awnings, lights, signs, windows, etc., are to be complementary in appearance to those buildings or structures with which they are associated. §b.iv. Mechanical equipment is required to be screened or placed in a location where they are generally not visible. §viii. As shown in Exhibits E2 and F7,the site is located in an area of mixed uses, including commercial, multi-family residential and single-family residential uses. There is no architectural style that dominates in the area, as the surrounding uses were developed over many decades and feature architectural styles and elements that date the construction periods. Many of the properties in the immediate vicinity are single-family dwellings. Staff interprets this standard to be applied to buildings that are similarly required by this standard to be complementary to nearby buidings of good design. Thus, in determining which nearby buildings are included to determine if the proposed development is complementary to them, the nearby commercial and multi-family buildings are examined to determine if they are of good design, and, if so, whether the proposed development is complementary to them; nearby single-family dwellings are not considered for purposes of determining whether they are of good design, and are not considered for purposes of determining whether the proposed development is complementary to them. "Nearby buildings of good design" are: • Christie's/Lux Office (696 McVey Avenue) • Bay-Roc Apartments (667 McVey Avenue) • Villas on Lake Oswego (668 McVey Avenue) LU 17-0034 Page 7 of 17 is-'-. ..-�- : i -"Ilir. '.yr..1.. \:1111k\4.1.:: - -: ._ - l % , -it The Christie/Lux building features multiple windows and similar roof height and colors as the proposed Lake Corp. buildings (May 2017). p ire . ,„, .,..... ,, .,,,„. , , . ,.,,, ,..„. , , ,,, r 1 4 10 wo,-. 11111 0 The Villas on Lake Oswego condominiums feature vertical wood elements, multiple windows and similar colors as the proposed Lake Corp. buildings (May 2017). LU 17-0034 Page 8 of 17 - .... . .. ' ' .. 1 1 i a el'-r iffi-II . ►,, '11 IIM ,0 I i M 1 tit :II � 144 1'I i • 1 F..r . . - •.i5`r, - -'i" f .: ..": r r .,Vt- ice. .-. x_.»,- vorlitsvitw / 'U_ The Bay Roc apartments feature vertical architectural details and deep eaves, similar to the proposed Lake Corp. buildings (May 2017 and July 2016). As shown in the photos above, these buildings use similar materials (wood siding, metal accents, multiple windows) as those proposed for the Lake Corp. buildings (Exhibit E6). These materials are common in the area for commercial, office and multi-family residential buildings. The main entrance of the Marina building is accentuated by a prominent canopy, similar to the main entrance on the Christie/Lux building and the Bay Roc apartments. Additionally,the scale of the proposed Lake Corp. buildings compared to these nearby buildings is similar. The Lake Corp. buildings will be constructed of painted rough-sawn center board and batten siding, which will replace the existing horizontal lap siding. This material will provide visual relief and shadow lines, and can be found on nearby multi-family residential dwellings and boathouses. The buildings will be painted a warm oak-tone beige. The roof will be a dark grey-brown and the window trim will be black,which are complementary colors to the beige. The proposed colors are present in nearby commercial developments as well. The facades are further articulated with multiple windows and doors, and four barn doors are located on the east elevation of the Boathouse. Flow-through planters and canopies LU 17-0034 Page 9 of 17 above the first floor on both buildings provide rain protection and an opportunity for visible landscaping on the building. As described above,the proposed development is compatible with existing development of good design, particularly the buildings identified in the photos above. The Christie/Lux building, located to the east, is a simple building of good design. It has an earth-toned color scheme, multiple windows, and a prominent entry. The Bay Roc building features vertical architectural elements, similar to board and batten siding, and deep eaves. These buildings use similar materials, proportions, colors and rooflines as those proposed for the Lake Corp. buildings. This standard is met. Existing Land Forms,Trees, Shrubs and Other Natural Vegetation [LOC Buildings shall be designed and located to complement and preserve existing natural land forms, trees, shrubs and other natural vegetation. Trees and other natural elements should be utilized to help define building proportion relationships and to provide scale. As shown in Exhibit E4 and the picture below, the site is relatively flat and developed with Lake Corp. buildings,facilities, and the Oswego Lake dam; the site is almost entirely paved except for the portion that is below water level or below the dam. There are three trees on the site along the McVey Avenue frontage which are proposed to remain. There are no unique land forms on the site. The applicant does not propose to remove any trees with the ` ' - development. The three ,;:. trees along the McVey i. Avenue right-of-way will ' provide scale to the =as - buildings. This standard is I. �. Lair met. The site is relatively flat and entirely paved (May 2017). Reduce Noise Impacts [LOC This standard requires that buildings be designed and constructed to reduce noise impacts on interior occupied spaces and adjacent property. The uses in the immediate vicinity of the Lake Corp. property are residential (both single-and multi-family) and office, which do not generate significant noise. The applicant is not proposing new mechanical unit. This standard is not applicable. Protect Pedestrians from the Elements [LOC Buildings shall incorporate features such as arcades, roofs, alcoves, porticoes and awnings to protect pedestrians from the elements. These projections shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of 13 feet six inches where over fire lanes. LU 17-0034 Page 10 of 17 As shown in the elevations (Exhibit E6), both remodeled buildings incorporate projections and eaves over the entrance. The projections are not located over any fire lane. This standard is met. Building Orientation [LOC Buildings are required to be located within 30 feet of a public street to encourage pedestrian access from public streets and make the street pedestrian friendly, except where prevented by topographical constraints, natural resources, or where, in multi-building complexes, the configuration of the lot prevents locating all buildings within 30 feet of a public street. This standard is not applicable to modifications that do not increase the building footprint by more than 50%. As described previously and shown in Exhibit E5,the building footprint for the Boathouse increases by 14%, and the building footprint for the Marina is not affected. This standard is not applicable. Off-Street Parking, Loading and Bicycle Access [LOC 50.06.0021 This standard is applicable to all development that generates a parking need. The total number of parking spaces shall be the sum of the various uses computed separately, or may be established by a parking study. §a.ii. The applicant has submitted a parking study that analyzes the Lake Corp.'s existing and increased use of the site and its peak-parking periods (Exhibit F2). The maximum number of spaces cannot exceed 125%of the minimum parking rate, §a.ii(3), and no more than 50%of the required parking may be provided in compact spaces §a.vi(3). The parking study identifies a peak demand of eight vehicles, based on the parking generation rate for the office building and reductions for nearby transit and residential units (Exhibit F2). The applicant proposes eight parking spaces on site (Exhibit E5); however, the standard spaces do not meet the required dimensional standards for 90 degree parking. As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to submit a revised site plan illustrating that the three standards spaces are at least 8.5 feet wide. As conditioned,this standard is can be met. Bike Parking: Like vehicle parking, bike parking requirements are based on use and are the sum of the various uses computed separately. §b.ii, v. This standard requires that bike parking be provided for modifications that increase the size of existing commercial buildings by more than 10%. The gross square footage of the two buildings is 4,199 square feet; therefore, one bike parking space is required. As shown in Exhibit E5, two bike parking spaces will be provided in a rack located along the south facade of the Marina Building. The bike parking spaces are located within 50 feet of the Marina's entrance, are separated from vehicular parking by a distance of 10 feet, and are sheltered by the canopy on the Marina building. This standard is met. Access/Access Lanes (Flag Lots) [LOC This standard is not applicable because there is no change to the access of the lot resulting from the proposed additions. LOC Note: If this standard were applicable, it would be met. This standard requires every lot to abut a street for a width of at least 25 feet and prescribes standards for the design of access points and lanes. §c.i, ii. The site abuts McVey Avenue for more than 25 feet, and has access on this street (Exhibit E5). LU 17-0034 Page 11 of 17 On-Site Circulation—Driveways and Fire Access Roads [LOC This standard is applicable to commercial development that increases the use of driveways and parking lot aisles, and prescribes design standards for driveways and fire access lanes. The maximum grade and cross slope for a driveway is 15%and 5%, respectively with a width of 20 feet [§b.iii(1),(5)]. Driveway approaches adjoining to the public right-of-way shall be located and designed so that drivers entering or exiting the driveway can see approaching traffic for a sufficient distance to make a safe entrance and exit, and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards shall be used in determining compliance with this standard [§b.i(4)]. As shown in Exhibit E4, the site is relatively flat with no more than a 5%grade in any direction; the driveway grade is less than 5%. The applicant does not propose any changes to the access driveway on McVey Avenue and has submitted a sight distance analysis by a registered engineer(Exhibit F2). The Engineering staff concurs that the posted speed of McVey Road is 30 mph, but a design speed of 40 mph for calculations more closely matches the 85th percentile speed. The applicant's analysis confirms that intersection sight distance is available to the northeast of the driveway using a speed of 40 mph with no mitigation necessary; however,the intersection sight distance to the southwest using a speed of 40 mph is limited by vegetation and utility poles. The Engineering staff finds that vegetation overhanging the right-of-way on the west end of the bridge must be trimmed to improve the available sight distance and will be added as a condition of approval. As conditioned this standard is met. On-Site Circulation—Bikeways,Walkways and Accessways [LOC This standard is applicable to minor development projects that increase the square footage of commercial buildings by more than 10%, and specifies standards for pedestrian circulation on site. Walkways shall connect at least one public entrance of each building accessible to the public to the nearest public walkway or other walkway leading to a public walkway. Walkways shall also connect to other areas of the site, such as parking lots and outdoor activity areas, to other building entrances,to adjacent streets and nearby transit stops. §b.ii. These walkways will be required to meet the accessibility standards of the Americans with Disability Act(ADA). §b.iii. As shown in the site plan (Exhibit E5),the area between the McVey right-of-way and the buildings on site is almost entirely paved;this area is used as a parking lot and boat access to the lake. There is no identified pedestrian path from the public walkway to the entrances of the buildings. As a condition of approval,the applicant will be required to provide a pedestrian circulation plan that illustrates a painted crossing zone for pedestrians between the driveway entrance on McVey to the main entrances of each building,to the satisfaction of staff. As conditioned,this standard can be met. Landscaping, Screening and Buffering [LOC This standard requires that commercial use provide a minimum of 15%of the gross land area in landscaping and/or open space. If an existing site is nonconforming, then per LOC,the applicant shall install new landscaping and/or open space in an amount equal to the lesser of: (1) The footprint of the new building addition multiplied by the percentage of landscaping and/or open space prescribed by this Code [15%]; or LU 17-0034 Page 12 of 17 (2) The amount of landscaping and/or open space needed to bring the property into compliance with the minimum amounts of landscaping and/or open space required by this Code [15%]. Based upon 15% of net developable acre, 10,092 square feet of landscaping/open space must be provided on the site. §b.i. Screening and buffering is required to mitigate noise and lighting of the additions,to screen new utility and storage areas resulting from the additions and additional parking areas due to the addition, and as a separation of the additions between dissimilar uses. §b.vi(1). Development abutting streets shall provide street trees at the proper spacing for the species. §b.iv. As shown in Exhibit E4, there are three street trees along the McVey Avenue frontage, and additional trees at the base of the dam, which is proper spacing for the tree species. These tree are not proposed for removal. Approximately 38,000 square feet of landscaping and open space are provided on the site in a combination of the vegetation along the McVey Avenue frontage and at the base of the dam, and open water. This standard is met. Fences [LOC As shown in the photo below,there are existing fences and walls along the east and south property lines, and between the developed Lake Corp. facilities and the dam facilities to the west. The applicant is not proposing any new fences or walls. This standard is not applicable. -t! "2'1". ' - c't o' • . ..*: . -; '., : .'_.:11'17 1 -:. .':F-- , ai1til{f1 dill ME MIN .� � . ! -4111414111014 .l11111 UMW %I , � .x� co i t b& piiiiilli __ --04' y. •yam < v - T M' _ Existing walls along east and south property lines (July 2016). Lighting [LOC On-Site Lighting: This standard is applicable to all development that results in increased use of public and private streets and parking lots, and sets standards for maximum wattage, shielding, light power density and mounting height of on-site lighting [§b.iii(a)(i)]. The applicability of this standard is constrained to the parking lot area that will be newly lit by the proposed lights, per LOC LU 17-0034 Page 13 of 17 The applicant proposes two types of exterior light fixtures mounted on the buildings, one on the south elevation on each building (Exhibit E6). The proposed lights meet the standards for emission and materials; the lights are shielded and their placement on the south elevation of each building prevents direct illumination of adjacent properties; however, the applicant did not submit a lighting plan illustrating that the maximum and minimum levels of illumination and uniformity ratio is met on the surface of the parking lot for the parking lot area that will be newly lit by the proposed lights, per LOC As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to submit a lighting plan,to the satisfaction of staff, that shows compliance with this standard for the parking lot area that will be newly lit by the proposed lights. As conditioned, this standard can be met. Street Lighting: McVey Avenue is classified as a minor arterial. There is already an existing street light at the intersections of McVey Avenue/Highway 43 and McVey Avenue/Lake Front Road. This standard is met. Park and Open Space [LOC 50.06.0051 This standard applies to the construction of or additions to commercial buildings and requires that 15% of the gross land area be provided as open space. §3.a.i. As discussed in the Landscaping analysis above, if the existing site was nonconforming,the amount of open space required would be based upon the additional square footage of the addition. However, as shown in the Site Plan (Exhibit E5), more than 75% of the site is devoted to open space and landscaping. This standard is met. Weak Foundation Soils hLOC The site is identified as having weak foundation soils on the City's soil inventory map. The standard for approval is: "The actual presence of weak foundation soil is not a cause for denying development, but may cause structural modifications to be required, or structures to be relocated." §d, A geotechnical report may be required by the Building Official at the time of Building Permit application for the structure's pier blocks or footings, and if required and if the soils characteristics are determined by the applicant's registered professional soils engineer or engineering geologist not to be adequate for the proposed use or structure(s)without compensating for the effect of the soils,the engineering report shall include conclusions and recommendations for design criteria for corrective measures which are appropriate to the soils and types of proposed structures. See LOC This standard can be met. Stormwater Management Standards [LOC This standard requires that drainage alterations, including new development, not adversely affect neighboring properties. In addition, this standard requires design features to minimize pollutants from entering the stormwater runoff systems. The determination of whether or not the application complies with the requirements of this standard is under the review authority of the City Manager or City Engineer. Stormwater management requirements are applicable to all development where: i. Greater than 1,000 sq.ft. of impervious surface is created; or ii. The sum of impervious surface created and/or replaced is greater than 3,000 sq.ft.; or LU 17-0034 Page 14 of 17 iii. Maintenance is performed on greater than or equal to 3,000 sq. ft. of existing impervious surface that results in an additional offsite hydrological impact. [§3a]. The applicant must demonstrate that, based upon LOC Article 38.25, Stormwater Management Code,the capacity,type, location, feasibility and land area required of the proposed stormwater management system and stormwater disposal facilities as well as any connection to off-site facilities can be provided. [§3b]. The City Engineer has made the following findings and recommendations: The Engineering staff finds that the building additions and remodel will not be greater than 1,000 square feet of new impervious area; thus, no performance standards must be demonstrated according to the provisions of this standard and LOC Article 38.25. This standard is not applicable. [Note: Although the stormwater management standard is not applicable in this case,the Engineering staff notes that at the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall demonstrate that the stormwater runoff from the new impervious surface areas be directed to an approved point of discharge, per the Plumbing Code. The applicant's narrative indicates that flow-through planters are being proposed for pre-treatment for roof runoff prior to discharge into the lake. The goal of including the voluntary stormwater treatment is to demonstrate a stewardship for Oswego Lake and to provide landscaping to enhance the building design. The Engineering staff finds that this is acceptable.] Utilities [LOC This standard is applicable to all development requiring connection to utilities. The specific development—addition to existing buildings that are already connected to all public utilities —will not require new connections to utilities; therefore, this standard is not applicable. 3. Any additional statutory, regulatory or Lake Oswego Code provisions which may be applicable to the specific minor development application; City of Lake Oswego Street and Sidewalks Code [LOC Chapter 421 Sight Distance at Roadway Intersections, Private Streets and Driveways [LOC 42.03.130] LOC provides that the review criteria for modifications to a development permit are limited to those criteria that are affected by the requested modification. There will be additional vehicles trips to and from the site. Therefore, staff concludes that this code provision is applicable to an addition to a commercial structure, even though there is no change in the access location. In addition, staff notes that this standard is applicable to all properties at all times; in other words, it is not only applicable when a development application is filed. This standard requires that no vegetation,fence, or signage be located higher than 30 inches within a "clear sight triangle." §4.b. The clear sight triangle is that area enclosed by the lines formed by the intersection approach legs of roadways, private streets and driveways and a straight line drawn diagonally across the corner, connecting those lines at the various distances per AASHTO guidelines. §3.c. LU 17-0034 Page 15 of 17 The applicant has submitted a sight distance analysis by a registered engineer(Exhibit F2). The Engineering staff concurs that the posted speed of McVey Road is 30 mph, but a design speed of 40 mph for calculations more closely matches the 85th percentile speed. The applicant's analysis confirms that intersection sight distance is available to the northeast of the driveway using a speed of 40 mph with no mitigation necessary; however,the intersection sight distance to the southwest using a speed of 40 mph is limited by vegetation and utility poles. The Engineering staff finds that vegetation overhanging into the right-of-way on the west end of the bridge must be trimmed to improve the available sight distance and will be added as a condition of approval. As conditioned this standard is met. City of Lake Oswego Tree Code [LOC Chapter 551 This Code is intended to preserve trees and requires a tree removal permit for removal of any tree in excess of five inches in diameter, and prescribes protection measures for trees to remain during construction. Only those trees that must be removed in order to site proposed improvements will be granted tree removal permits. There are three regulated trees along the McVey Avenue frontage; the applicant does not propose removing any tree with the proposed building modifications. 4. Any applicable condition of approval imposed pursuant to an approved ODPS or prior development permit affecting the subject property. There are not outstanding conditions of approval that affect the subject property. VII. CONCLUSION Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant and findings presented in this report, staff concludes that LU 17-0034 complies with all applicable criteria and standards or can be made to comply through the imposition of conditions. VIII. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of LU 17-0034, subject to the conditions identified on pages 1-3. EXHIBITS A-D. [No current exhibits; reserved for hearing use] E. GRAPHICS/PLANS El. Tax Map E2. Vicinity Map E3. Aerial Map E4. Site Survey E5. Site Plan E6. Floor Plans and Elevations E7. Perspective Drawings E8. Streetscape E9. Cut Sheets—Lighting, Bike Rack, Windows E10. Materials and Color Board LU 17-0034 Page 16 of 17 F. WRITTEN MATERIALS F1. Applicant's Narrative, dated April 2017 F2. Parking Study and Sight Distance Certification, Lancaster Engineering, March 2, 2017 F3. Substantial Improvement Estimate/Flood Zone F4. Fire Marshal Memorandum F5. Neighborhood Meeting documentation G. LETTERS Neither for nor Against (G1-99) None Support (G100-199) None Opposition (G200+) None Date of Application Submittal: April 25, 2017 Date Application Determined to be Complete: May 17, 2017 State Mandated 120-Day Rule: September 4, 2017 LU 17-0034 Page 17 of 17 • _ � <., ��, K. ;>. `�:>�' >� .w111 ! ���'! • —ANININNERNIVG/ , • 4k LAKE OSWEGO T`: e. • x. • . - • >\ > <• -' w'' •- - '�'<'^'`N.W.1/4 S.E.1/4 SEC.10 T.2S.R.1E.W.M. `<xx, < Y >,,�,x ; � �: CLACKAMAS COUNTY h n > -x • =YE II x `46,f, ALBERT DURHAM NO.44 K >; F.A.COLLARD NO.45 - . .: 00 L'� v ,< x < ^" Cancelled Taxlots POD A. .»,Y\ Y n L x 50g <` • .;. • •�- 1500 1400 -! �, _.swC✓ „a / am.'\ g300• .... , ,> �.— < -‘.< 1w t97DD 9n ; 9rf e. 7360 .11Pilfii / / ° I' ? • T x x S. �o, I zam />>\, } 1800 a g s s 3 m'0'6 - / ✓ /.. . �!\,>\>\1 v >/ 1 1201 > "y > au) s. a -< 7200'a ' / o -t/\ •\ / , • \Y y'>/, ya> 2sox 1. A. /,<;(� , < ` nss F! ) 'x& 7� ^ $a ".n. ty6.4k6 r"q r.m�100.. 4/// , ♦ .h�XY `C\X'O>`1 P^ n./'G�,`<<�ti, �1 K x /, < t r 2200 a i r ..°.. 5 a u,.: \-. x A 2s00w \� `/KYx� 17 i' n s 2100 ;9 : 11 Ja m '2800.. w,„ .m -700 ' ,<+q�� .:. „ Y x TTYx 11�A, >\ "\ L las a s 2700 af9 `7000 ai94c ofi020 Ig e O,,,f 1w�aw / i� > Y y' >�X 3700 104 , /.^ ..� ^ »»/ 6/r 12,•" • „m c.4 a,9 ! Ns 9 za kIs y ,at. / >✓ �` > MOO x s (, e' '( � �, , 6e 1 -Parcel Boundary Y � '� • a „m a 2B00 1\S s. ), �. ) ? O 5000 �" a.v � �: Y �� y > v. Y ; e0 a r ( w # - >,+` a39ao �`, ` l"+'w. iC` ____ Private Road ROW 4®02 X 9M R c a 510D k-5200 V y// . ,�/ :.15 ,...\.‘ I ,9 1 a ( dv::Sod, r . ¢�� •:s90 ac ;:',11; - Historical Boundary -< \,g\ v > Yh� • ,� 73'"' 2500§ h8 3 \,..,' / d / Aa._ i > Y > v - ✓ 2 ,� •r) . ` n n �0�� .�,,. 1 ,mw . ��Railroad Centerline m Y � T X T t� 76 i 3200 6 , .e° a 2 900 s���• p� i >:Y .. 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N .. . . , , ,b:. .: t. 1 c.: .- . ww+ r.4_, f ' .,•Ni....,N4,1\44:14:1400 1y 1 y .- :ovziok • f ,1 I'l I 11 114 O 10/re " ♦ FV / , le 1 'r ... • . .. / 4' .- . - i -)16". . 1 G '''''Of. - 4 • l. 1I� a r r • _Aedlit = h r /«►"'- ✓ .7 ♦ r J'�w•• \ITS' 49 c) m 411iiiiik' ' * CO GJ \ijw••,,.: , M w IR 4 • 67,284 square feet N 14,130 square feet Taxlot Lake Oswego Corporation A is 53,154 square feet Q Impervious 1 inch = 50 feet 700 McVey Ave \ S�coo JI.A14E 'a�J w , 0 99.6! 1 r • -RAMP FOR £ II CO f r LAUNCH. ' \'1O226 0 10 20 30 LJJ 0 £ \0 I- p f f I lIOJ.'YTW. 'IGISIW H�pZ t.... --L. N. 1 f EAY$TING BU/LOWC f02.J7 -` 6.7'TALL WALL r GT' ': )09.BTW T r 698 sever AVENUE 10.06 f -� iX L IT EV-=10..92' 1 M1:tS £ W LE IOSB90 .IL(3.1. . f CURB f/�`. t A.�r6 .. T03.IB_ ... .4 , ' . ''G . . cB `vrr✓� t 1tlSJJ• 1DZ67:- C 11 S WM g.^� f t NOTES: 'Gk tV faSYS lak62 • laJ.7J i n I. BENCH MARK:ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO BENCH i 033 � wY0S1! ' - - -` MARK DAM TWO;ELEVATION=102.19 FEET/NGVD29 DATUM), WHICH WE NAVE CONVERTED TO 941088 BY ADDING J.YB FEET. CCWCREIF WALL �1Df.75 ,ECWCRETF �L.. DS 2. CONTOURS ARE AT ONE-FOOT INTERVALS AND ARE COMPUTER GENERATED. 1CJ.YTW faf 21. ' £ i�'� I I " 10194, LOAJ3 'b J. UNDERGROUND U7/LI77ES ARE SUBJECT TO ACTUAL FIELD LOCATION. N ALL UT/LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN. i -- - -•11 5. TREE SPREADS ARE NOT TO SCALE. I lO0.J6a. - JE 6. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION IS 103'PER PANEL 4I005C0016D DATED 6/17/2008. EX/STING BUILD/NC 700 MCVET AVENUE FF ELEV.=I0Y.OJ' m 1, ;'0Y65 -L/D=104,2 (J DLO LXJnfa4aV(1,21'QA) - ,s..L dfM 3Y- .. © L/94109.10(1.2 LY1J 4� r@ss7s G°R-P( �Y N/MR WELL - f026Y •S TOSy57 - ® 0Y,1S'Lf1.2S DLU - 6 �, OYTt F1.Y5 ON) 0o.. rat 04 Y i JDS 6T5- ; J0626 �cv=- 10(J a/Af `+' /OZDY x. " i0Y 182.22 0 YRS56M". .. �.YON/TOR-IYCC[:• -fOI lam' �. .�/"10 76 (V000 WALL - - YO' 10SSTS 4d,16448.5`.. EM.,,EM 2 O VAUET" BOCBO 7 CONCRETE..- KEYSTONE WALL CONCRETE 10T7 /OL51 E8 0 80 Y ' .r111 BDd OC.' . ... GATE PAD_,` / •IOJ.JS. ':tOP . /a.{0f WOOD AWN/NG - ' AL I TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY p`/027 s @ T: E1C - OF TANK � to C" ®' ' TAX LOT 200 FOR a0.'jQQ.�; °( . +r LAKE OSWEGO CORP. � 1 (o TA2i/.^ 9TU1Tm II ME All J AX1DLaSF 1/4 OF SECTION 14 T.2 S.,R.1 E,SEM �,.`�E{5 aPE A b� Y P 1 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, COUNTY OF CLACKAA/AS, STATE OF OREGON 1 �{ —s REVISED:APRIL 24, 2017 FOR THE FINISH FLOOR E!£VA71ON lOMORI iJG iv REVISED:APR/L 26, 2017 ADDED BASE FLOOD Q' CHANGED BOUNDARIES LEGEND: e . CB=CATCH BASIN PEt� E • , `" M.r� r 1�v- DS=DOWN SPOUT °pc G. opES. !'• ' ,1,. L}' R.S.GREENLEAF 7\ CHASE. JONES & ASSOCIATES INC. FF=f/N/SN FLOOR ELEVATION G oo� +.t S RVEYOR (1885-1915) TC=TOP OF CURB - NMSHALL RROTTIOIS 716 S.E.11IH AYE. PORTUND,OREGON 97214 G=GUTTER OF CURB (1915-1957) C J2 Paw=WATER METER l01,9BW KTD &B( I WRIGHT PHONE(503)228-9844 TW=TOP OF WALL (1957-1977) 8W=BOTTOM OF WALL a, PROJECT O N SETON,1977-1 N&OOETL CO=CLEAN OUT 1+1.AT0 1982 (1971-19B.7) NO. 1/4 SECTION GATE B0=BOLLARD I JONES INC. 14667 FEBRUARY 20,2017 1 WV=WATER VALVE 6 f ASSOCIATES.I (1983- ) DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SCALE OF IR -30-17 ` I` DEW EDJ 1'=10' 1 • \\��L.4• �\ SITE PLAN LEGEND NOTE, \ ,c"\G \ SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN/ �,_ P 11 AERIAL PHOTO FOR FILL \ ..�W ,� `'\` -- ExioAT OF OVER L, ----- PROPERTY UNE NO OHMAGE 10 lANOSfwE `\ I"' BUILDING SETBACK UNE L'' •` ��\ t c OO��O i ADDITION AREA } '` OSWEGO LAKE �\ EMG DOCK ``\ �j E]OSIG as PUMP - � u y FlAY-1WBCN7PWNEO) SI i>' CANOPY ABOVE(DA41ED) A CG A E:-1 a j AREAS Mti " NEW PM STEEL CATWALK A 6 z r .., ROOF UNE ABO�£(DASHED) '/j `4 A LOT AREA: 1.4336389 ACRES= I"-' AMMON AREA(HATCHED) M / 4 / 67,284 SF M MARINA / i BUILDING AREA / /BUILD/////J /1 1 BOATHOUSE BOAT GARAGE 808 SF 4 '•Ew BUILDING• p BOATHOUSE OFFICE FLOOR we SF fa4c^ A 6k TOTAL BOATHOUSE 1,616 SF EGSTC B ARDWNx ' _ '` MARINA MAIN FLOOR 1200 SF J MARINA UPPER FLOOR 1,130 SF EO ) TOTAL MEA BOATHOUSE 6 % TOTAL BUILDING AREA 199 S 0 EzsRNG BUILDING•/ ; � FLOOR AREA RAT10 FAR L"O Ind FIl70R ADDTIION j ( ) O WALL—�EiAooUcfti i$ \` FLOOR AREA 4,199 SF/ W I NEW PN 51E21 EXIT SWR i ` �/ PIl&1C(WRY LOT AREA 67,284 SF= ce a1 in(1)� � l (z)BlcrtxE PAnaNc LOT COVERAGE(X)ir / •/RICK AREA OF STRUCT OVER 30 IN HT 2261 SF a ��. I SPADE �,,,`� 4ULDT AREA 67,284 SF= 3.4X reZ � B.x 24•t ^S LANDSCAPE AREA: SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN O O 7 1� .\ " . ►'f \ f t� w w O z O ,,, „....._ EOSTG GONG DAM BELOW C7 w NPA°°' ( �) FLOOD ELEVATIONS w EW CONC STEP a 0 OOSTG EQUIPMENT YARD Q ElO51C IXNC STEP ›, W GO BASE FLOOD ELEVATION 103.2 NAND 88 LM 'S ___ 1 O y h ________ i HABITABLE STRUCNRES LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION: O O - CM1 STREET E%IS1G CONC BLOCK EOSTG CCNC BLOCK snakK WALL ppyTG _ W� MARINA BLDG EXISTING FFE 103.9 NAVD 88 w __ __ TANK "i ADD 4 IN TOPPING SLAB 0.3 FT --- 1 _ 1 EXISTG / E1IslG LAW CONC vim. —i CANOPY i TREE-PROTECTION FENCING AS MARINA BLDG FINAL FFE 104.2 NAVD 88 Q O Q �GD i BOATHOUSE BLDG IXISTG FFE 104.0 NAND 88 ...II n _.lei DOS7G oxt-„,K fi���- DEVELOPMENT lif -- / r- r7'1 — SUBMITTAL C >.0 (3)EXLSTG STREET TREES yr ---= - 04/25/17 S = 1D REMAIN -� -'JO ------_ M C V E Y A V E N EOSTG ORNEWAYTO ROAN- SITE PLAN SEE DISTANCE AND SIGHT DISCE O _ —- -—-— U E ANALYSIS BY LNKAST 1 _ ENGINEERING FOR CONPUWCE o TE PLAN -—- REDUREMOTIS DISTANCE IALE: 1" = 20'-0" --- — ® u /I WATER 4c - F7hSTO CAS PUMP "'� AND HOSE SPOOLS �= aroPr ABOVE(DASHED) CANOPY EX1E EWON r_ M ,X.':Etasrc DOCK / ELEVATED FLOW-T«ROUGN ff P YR FIi I- EX 1O O0«C S DEWAIX El I I „.....,„--EXISIt K DECK n°°« f (DASHED MVO — CAS IER ege I tt+ OFFICE OPEN WORK o RIh WATER CI AREA 0 OFFICE OFFICE IESTNG I 0 a RECONFIGURED EXISTG a .0i MAIN FLOOR /// ///��� a el c FFE 704.2 Raw'BB ri, I ,v I / �� W r _ MNEtN / Puauc ARFA �� snwu RaoM CO 0 2nd FLOOR ADDf110N G. --- .__ FFE tts.0 NAw'ea _ AND iii ' --`• ` I4:7) o w sroRACE ... _________rs,,,,,' --- o« . w w C _ I EcTr_ S`"S 1,1 1� illp�� SERVER I 7 EL c� r ili .ESP eL W I - SHED«oaF BELOW w Ia La L- ti o v7 /\ j EICITXE RACK r NEri OUTDOOR G1YM11( U o TO BOATHOUSE a nc W RAMP OR WARPED SLAB ro W MEET NEW ElAOR IEVd CANOPY EXTENSION AT WIRY o - CANOPY ABO.E(DASHED) ELEVATED FLOW-THRpIOFI Q p Q ti IL MAIN FLOOR AREAS EXISTG BUILDING: 1,200 S.F. DEVELOPMENT EXISTG SHED: 53 S.F. 2nd FLOOR AREA REVIEW r TOTAL MAIN FLOOR: 1,253 S.F. NEW 2nd FLOOR: 1130 S.F. SUBMITTAL C x N 04/25/17 � BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BEE) = 103.2 NAVD '88 Oco FFE = FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 0I AANB� rn 4ARINA BUILDING MAIN FLOOR PLAN MARINA BUILDING 2nd FLOOR PLAN _ CALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" • 35'HEIGHT PESTRICGAN --' a. 52 7, / i._ I 12 .y _ SOUR PANELS ON " STANDNVG SEW PETAL �" ROOF .00.7. PANTED METAL GUTTER DO.PO `L~3 k i , m , r i r i i k 1 . 1 r m 1 i i r i i., 1 "G m i • IIIIIII PANNED WD[4WGE 4.7 ti p' _ IV �� G PAWED RIX1CH-SANK a ?% CEDAR DGGAD k PAINTED WD ;? q 4 —1 ff'��'" I—� I''Ii E , BATTEN SIDING RDW-D1R0 PIAHGER 'R • PANED WO FLOW-DIFI r ' � c : , � PI/WEEEt BOX ' rraI1 `_,A ! r. !'A!'r fJ+/OPY ExmnTDN AT fC1f Af. '.A A.1 t.G1 /I '!I/�A! .1 .'AA".14 11•IIV 1�1� fMTRY - I - E II f��I� I 11�I u II V Q I �„� Ill �EX51D GAS PUMP n ���'I • - WALL SCONCE TYP E6YDGA f951G EOUP (E9 PICK 1 M� DID SIGN 7D REMAIN W STET-. _ e SHED _ f - FMCLei WINDOWS AS RARE 1W2 - �., PAMFD STEEL DOORS C5 �� ``.. I I t II 0 __ - L - ► - O d' *RR",0.71 ��yam- __-- �r___� PISLIC ENRlf �L__ �� - i( W O MARINA BUILDING SOUTH ELEVATION © MARINA BLDG EAST ELEV cc Gr SCALE: 1 /8" = 1' 0•. SCALE: t /8" = 1' 0" CC O 0LD LL1 La ' I I I I 1 II IIIIIIIIII I I, I I 1 I CLERESTORY�NDOWS � n ce 0 Z 0 O L�� I I Y U > o - STANDING SEW METAL Q C,1 W PPAANTED METAL GUTTER 'III. III En W o O aIDNON �. c .m `.. PASTED wD Eww n Ru STEEL L:e PANTED o 7-_—___ L h� J. PLANTER e°z./ T J or` J III I I I .�) A,,*kt 1 I I I arty Air !G�lir ie I t *ri � \ 1111I111I111 ' 111I1III11111 l DEVELOPMENT d:, sueEtP II Il �I�I�I� I���I 1 — 1 Q II .el I,,, Q C Q SUBMITTAL 04125/17 ,041-\\ .I 1111'1111 or "i ° Ir� I MARINA BLDG_ ELEVATIONS 08EE=1,731---- C --4 C ___T BUILDING NORTH ELEVATION 4 MARINA BLDG WEST ELEV 3 ° MARINA SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" 1. ak NEW OUTDOOR CATWALK I./ W A T E R TO BUILDING 1 �"'/ ROOF / / y i..l / / ' : . BE RESTRUCTURED UFT AT A I I °ice ADDfT10N AT �� 1 , 6 -. gasc ear uF7 TO ear TG I BOAT TG T11 HATCHED AREA M .a n II of l l 11 cr aFrt¢ STORAGE I I r- lJ 11 LIA �, 3 I — c _ cc © AOPENAREA 0 v n Cl CMC8 I O(610 `� NEW FLOW-THROUGH-THROUGH .l © QL \ \I 1 \ EQUIPMENT SHm © —1—P P kR ABODE IXb7G SHED re crl COS G BOA GARAGE RECONFIGURED RELOCATED BATHROOM 0-p_ 2nd FLOOR I ' 41 L ZIXISTG BOAT I s NEARINFlLL FLOOR AT FEE 11zB NOD'TT8 O O LEVEL 11 \ R4 I REMOVED STAIR w U FEE 104.0 NUM'RI I I I BREAK RLI 0 W LU tX uilL _ 0 G �� 0 2 aNIIIL STORAGE W i as \ LaC O 4— n yy 0 I IR EXTSTG DAM N >- W ———— 1 ; OU 1 OMITDBELOW ABM NEW O ; cn I L I ERSIG S1EP u O NEW PLANTED STEEL W La STNR D/OPEN NEW PLANTED STEEL A GRATE TREADS O Y OCT STAR LAID '© Q o Q J 1r J MAIN FLOOR AREAS 2nd FLOOR AREAS: IXISTG BOAT GARAGE: 434 S.F. EISTG 2nd FLOOR 635 S.F. DEVELOPMENT EXISTG SHED: 200 S.F. ADDITION AND INFILL EISTG STAIR 173 S.F. REVIEW TOTAL MAIN FLOOR: 634 S.F. TOTAL 2nd FLOOR 808 S.F. N SUBMITTAL 0 04/25/17 BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) = 103.2 NAVD '88 FFE = FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION BOATHOUSE PLANS O BOATHOUSE MAIN FLOOR PLAN © BOATHOUSE 2nd FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" 4 r r $'HE7CHT RESTRICTION 201 FLCOR / ADDITION / 52 T1 .. g g SOLAR PANES ON ...? STANDING SEM METAL ROOF "` �PAINTED WO E VTGE ', „ EKNRO .,..A PANTED METAL GUTTER f ,. M AN D DOWNSPOUT L:i i PANTED ROU H-SNMI CEDAR BOARD& L1 > .; \ ' � II II f rl - I BATTER SIDING I `� & PANTED Sim r 1.1.4, �LL'I -p I EemawSs wNDows I 7 �...... EXIT STAIR 'I l `f l [/ NEW FlDW-DRU PWlIFR �PAN(Ill Sim }.... ce. /luTu?Y/llRYi ARCRE EOM SHED b �^ d/'6ir WA�1�'A I 1117"'N-1.111111 H wa ;• II '_ � II dI IJl l 1 � 1 � 0 I � 111. -- --- - -� cio • 20 - - --IiIHII1iI1!HH . ��\\a\\\III - PANTED STEEL Ea i \ \\D VICI\ \ WI 1 1111[11 I�I�I� STAIR PANTED STEEL DOOR ~�-? ED� 'Q 4 BFE=10.2'__�.-_��__ - - - i L J 0 BOATHOUSE SOUTH ELEVATION BOATHOUSE EAST ELEVATION CG °' SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" © SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" O. Z CLERE511W MINDONS / 2rd FLOOR ADDRION Eld O O O I g {' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 l 1 T v La w r r' I 7 TZ O Y O 4 O STANDING SEAM METALy W to W RODE 0 0 O , N GUTTER PA>HTED STEELW G1WAi1( EyE \ �- 11 II I II I II II r---1 Y 4 o a f +J L.,..,...d...,..... I ; PAINTED METAL OVERHEADII MAATTCH ORG ID _-� DEVELOPMENT _o�� _ _ L- REVIEW 111111 If 9 II II II i Il II II II If IIA SUBMITTAL 04125117 EOSTG D WOWAU 42P-1uw+FCOR BOATHOUSE .0.DEC1c-ta.O\ - --- - - ----- - _ L= ELEVATIONS 1', NI 'NI/0 5 BOATHOUSE NORTH ELEVATION 4 BOATHOUSE WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 /8•' = 1'-0' .tu,li I / I ;r .gip — ....s n.. ���. 1 II at •'L_ ' ow- lI I in 1 __ 1 w 1111.1 a i i =I - NM 11111111.1I MINI i s ( I 0.•••••0 :___.. ,if_. limo . � II ,' \ ' - —-IiIIII DM %' ,-\77.-7. 1k-- 111111.11111MIMM . lk%' ' A • • \\ , .111.111111111.1111.M.M.1.11M111. , i 7z;fah I '- 3 7 • U --/"' p; WO . EXHIBIT E-7 LU 17-0034 77.11.10 11 Till ' 1 1 . RI, 1II; utu , t L 1: , [ ' ' ..„. i . . 1!lj—'r------H,,,,_„I ,,,o',.'l,li'ii:-rJill.:1'll'.l:4--:''''''':'''' IY�4rt'�� ". lJ • •• I III n limimummommi __ Immilmull Nommil ! lo u ' ' 1 , 1 Au 1 mu mmil , ,Il 1 ,. , 1 II loin ' :,..--• : . i . 1 . , , i i , ,, 1 , . . i i ' . , ' I ', 1 /HI :Litituu . ' Ito , , 1 • . 1,1411441„ JamIrmiL.rati, , ...,.. .'''''' \''''''' ,‘,,,,‘,,... ‘.,,.,,,....`s ‘...,,,., . ,,,,..,,,H.`"•.,,,N,,,,..,‘. N,I111 ' •" ! I ' I , ,I. 1 ‘,2*('' - / 11 Facade comparison to building to the east. No buildings are directly to the west since that is the dam and water. �vS,4 ,emu_ h!. At: t ,. ! i' d' �c, �Y ,[y' / . ••_Ar,_,vir,.....,.. :_- ... ......,, _ f , .11.1-.. • -''''.. 'tit 'I"' — , MEM• 7� t y kil li L. r I W — If,,,'! . a_ n ,� .. q ' ar« �� L L ._,. .. r.� NA •'..,. yl if '.. r _- ... _ _ m _ _ �- - . C x . __% x o -I ,l, ., om w � 4/046,_ ALpEN CLEAR PERFORMANCE / a \ . 1. 1 :--- rel .^ ' -111.1W....A.044. 303.834.3600 office 6268 Monarch Park Place Niwot,CO 80503 `e� 303.834.3541 fax ThinkAlpen.com EXHIBIT E-9 LU 17-0034 1 pG • Aem . ALPEN Zenith Series ZR-9 / 925 CLEAR PERFORMANCE f to 4Ier air 11. Air I IN Milli k i sae �. i r • • i • 11111, Zenith Series ZR-9 / 925 Windows and Doors The Alpen ZR-9 Series provides some of our highest performing fiberglass windows and doors. Quadruple-pane glazing in foam-filled fiberglass frames maximizes insulating power to create comfortable, super-efficient homes in all climates, including both the hottest deserts and coldest Arctic conditions. With high quality craftsmanship and premium finishes Alpen's ZR-9 Series delivers beauty, comfort and style that satisfies even the most discerning designers. Benefits: • NFRC whole-window ratings up to R-9.1 (U-0.14) • Center-of-glass R-values up to R-14.3 (U-0.07) • AAMA certified performances for Residential, Commercial, Multifamily and Industrial use • Maintains interior glass temperatures above 64°F on 0°F NFRC "Winter" day • Twin-film/quad-pane, multi-low-e glazing technology provides industry-leading performance in multiple solar gain and solar control configurations • Fiberglass frames maintain long lifespan even when exposed to extreme temperature swings • Multiple Options with PHIUS Certified Window Performance Data for Passive House PH Pasc've hlausi•trsteute US Alpen HPP I www.ThinkAlpen.com I info@ThinkAlpen.com I Ph: 303.834.3600 1800.882.4466 I FX: 303.834.3541 Up to ALPEN ZenithSeriesR-9.1 ZR-9/925 CLEAR PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CLEAR PERFORMANCE Zenith Series ZR-9 / 925 Full Frame NFRC Thermal Performance: PulUagea F,CHnass Frame • ,,°-c•I.r„m e.., ^ Alpenglass Balanced-9 Alpenglass SolarControl-9 Alpenglass HighGain-9 - / e°eUk%miodtrn.a1, Styles U-factor R-value SHGC VT U-factor R-value SHGC VT U-factor R-value SHGC VT • ,,,n•°rale GYamg Sealanu _ ... -_.._._., o litorneficztly Sceicp wgh,rhurnanteSPxeR iFixed Low Profile 10.11 9.1 0.27 ! 0.44 0.12 8.3 0.20 0.45 0.12 ! 8.3 ; 0.41 0.55 i°w.t<ulmGmn ;Fixed High Profile i 0.11 9.1 ! 0.25 0.39 0.12 8.3 0.18 0.40 0.12 I 8.3 ! 0.37 ! 0.49 ""'""'°' """°cos talf"'" !Casement I 0.15 6.7 0.22 10.33 0.15 6.7 0.16 0.35 0.16 i 6.3 • 0.32 0.42 rgn Performance) Gto“$ ___ ......_-....-. ._.__._.. ;Awning ! 0.15 ! 6.7 0.22 0.34 0.15 6.7 0.16 0.35 0.16 ' 6.3 0.32 0.42 et�.n ar,4 !Sliding Glass Door'; 0.16 6 3 0.24_ 0.38 0.16 6.3 0.17 0.39 0.16 6.3 . 0.34 0.48 j a ** DESIGNING WITH ALPENGLASS: Alpenglass Balanced Our lowest full-window U-factor in this series,Balanced-9 is suitable for all elevations of high performance homes and all climate zones,even Very Cold and Arctic regions _\----. \ Alpenglass SolorControl R-12 tenter of glass plus extra solar control insulates and protects to create stable indoor comfort,ideal for West-and South-facing windows in most moderate and cold climates Alpenglass HighGain Low U-factor and high SHGC provides insulation and passive solar gain without diminishing quality or quantity of natural light,ideal for South-and North-facing windows in Cold climates WINDOW TYPES l - , I IIi 1 ,i, 1b ..=__. t %. f : Fixed Low Profile Fixed High Profile Casement Awning Radius&Shapes Up to 70"x 70" Up to 70"x 70" Up to 36"x 72" Up to 60"x 36" Custom Sizes Sliding Patio Doors 2-,3-and 4-panel options up to 16'x 8'overall Exterior Trim Accessories: Nailing Fin,Aluminum Brickmold,3-1/4"and 2-5/8"Frame Extenders Interior Trim Accessories: Jamb Extensions:4-9/16",6-9/16", Pine,Oak and Fir SIMULATED DIVIDED LIGHTS ZR-9/925 Series windows offer interior and exterior-applied Simulated Divided Light(SDL)Grids =1L in classic styles and custom patterns. r]ili . . Interior(Wood) Exterior(Aluminum) Interior grille matches interior paint and color- For windows Exterior grille matches exterior paint color. with interior wood veneer,grille arrives unfinished,ready to -r"=i - stain. Contoured Grid Profile Widths: 7/8", 1-1/4"and 2" Colonial Prairie Double Ladder Faux Interlock Prairie PAINT AND FINISH OPTIONS Standard Colors: Casement,Awning,Picture Windows and Sliding Patio Doors 1--- n fill ii in F I , NI iiii II iiii II imoirifi White Grey's Silverthorne° Slate Gunbarrel Almond Silt Dark Bronze Buffalo Red Flat Iron Evergreen Blue Custom Peak °Real metallic finish Sandstone Rocks Spruce Real Woori!d Interiors: Hardware: Operable windows and Sliding Patio Doors 1 JimEli mil , A. Oak Vertical Grain White Beige CoppertoneChestnut Black Brushed Oil Brushed PH ILt q ue I- Fir' Nickels Rubbed Anti •Vertical Grain Fir not available on sliding ar d windows or doors i Decorative metal upgrades are real metals with`living"finish,patina may change with age Bronzes Brass t Passive House Institute US a' " Alpen HPP I www.ThinkAlpen.com I info@ThinkAlpen.com I Ph: 303.834.3600 1800.882.4466 I FX: 303.834.3541 a A L P E N Alpen Windows X25 SERIES FIXED LOW PROFILE WINDOW DETAILS: NON INTEGRAL ALUMINUM NAIL FIN 31/4' [83] 2 1/4" 15/16" _ f [57] [24] 1 7/16" [36] HEAD 13/16"A : :.............. ...... [20]► :::..- :::•. 1 1/2" [38] — @/ I n Daylight Opening co E — V 1 (41 L 11/2" SILL 1 351 [20] i e"minimum J non-compressible shim VERTICAL SECTION JAMB JAMB — Rough Opening 1/4" 1/4" [6] Unit Size — — [6] .....:7 IF 21/4' ......... MTN. 3 83) el :: [83) 15/16" 1 L1 1/2" — Da li ht 0 enin _ 1 1/2" _ 17/16"y [38] Y 9 P 9 [36] [36] GLAZING SHOWN IS 725 SERIES,REFER TO GLAZING HORIZONTAL SECTION OPTIONS FOR SERIES SPECIFIC GLAZING DETAILS. FLP-02 6268 Monarch Park Place Longmont, Co. 80503 I ThinkAlpen.com I 1.800.882.4466 J FIN - model: WP-LEDI WAC I G H I ING Endurance Wallpack Responsible Lighting' Fixture Type: Catalog Number: `• Project: s}„ ' Location: x I.. ......................_..; .. r \ \ SPECIFICATIONS 7 i;:"i '+ Construction:Die-cast aluminum r /'1'4', A Power:Integral driver in luminaire.Universal voltage input(120V-277V) � 1 DL ° �....4I Ilse+•o(f ,_,t¢, i,Ffi WET Dimming:1009b-30%with 0 10V dimmer(120V 277V) 100%-15%with Electronic Low Voltage(ELV)dimmer(120V only) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Finish:Architectural Bronze,Graphite,and White Die cast aluminum factory sealed housings with patent pending design for Standards:Energy Stars,IP66,Wet Location,ETL&cETL Listed a water and dust proof IP66 rated outdoor luminaire Total Harmonic Distortion: 35% FEATURES Operating Temperature:-40°C(-40°F)to 40°C(104°F) •Factory-Sealed LED Light Engine PHOTOMETRY •20°Forward Throw Illumination •Photo/Motion Sensor Compatible(Sold Separately) •Built-in Level For Easy Adjustment •Suitable to install in all directions •Multi-Function Dimming:ELV(120V)or 0-10y •85 CRI Left Plane •100,000 hour rated life Front Plane ORDER NUMBER Delivered Power Comparable Color Temp Lumens CBCP Finish WP-LED119 y,r ,; 30 000k ..'37:^. • 50 ,UuLK ;460 0! 30 it?(`Ok f? 4E,; aBZ 'r r WP-LED127 90 5:1r.IJK 2135 :a c aWT 30 nCq , WP-LED135 1 Example:WP-LED119-50-8Z ACCESSORIES ck, MS-120-BZ '•'.r•.:r PC-120-BZ •. MS-120-GY i'a ' E( '',� PC-120-GY .. MS-120-W7 ,... n ''C% PC-120-WT • WAC Lighting Headquarters/Eastern Distribution Center Western Distribution Center www.waclighting.com 44 Harbor Park Drive•Port Washington,NY 11050 1750 Archibald Avenue•Ontario,CA 91760 Phone(800)526.2588•Fax(800)526.2585 Phone(516)515.5000•Fax(516)515.5050 Phone(800)526.2588•Fax(800)526.2585 WAC Lighting retains the right to modify the design of our products at any time as part of the company's continuous improvement program. FEB 2017 FLOOD - model: WP-LED3 WAC LI G I ITI N G Endurance Wallpaek Responsible Lighting`3 Fixture Type: 7 Catalog Number: Project: Location: al Oa rismav IP'.'. .. • (t• I is1:m- �' Includes Two Canopy Accessories for SPECIFICATIONS ,pa..,, ppit 'W BIL t,j� / \,:, e Surface Mount or Recessed Junction Boxes ' • Construction:Die-cast aluminum r ; / S .) 1..—�` p i i Power:Line Voltage input(120V) '• ' i Dimming:100%-10%with Electronic Low Voltage(ELV)dimmer ��I PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Finish:Architectural Bronze,White and Graphite Die cast aluminum factory sealed housings with patent pending design for Standards:Energy Stare,IP66,Wet Location,ETL&cETL Listed a water and dust proof IP66 rated outdoor luminaire Operating Temperature:-40°C(-40°F)to 40°C(104°F) FEATURES •Factory-Sealed LED Light Engine PHOTOMETRY •360°Horizontal Rotation,90°Vertical Aiming •Photo/Motion Sensor Compatible(Sold Separately) •Suitable to install in all directions •120V Direct Wire-No Driver Needed •Smooth and Continuous ELV Dimming , Left Plane •85CRI +��J ----- Front Plane •50,000 hour rated life ORDER NUMBER Delivered Power Comparable Color Temp Lumens CBCP Finish aBZ u , 111.114pifrWP-LED335 ;:;t,!1 50 JK 2 !c aGH aWT Example:WP-LED336-30-BZ ACCESSORIES MS-120-BZ ,.. PC-120-BZ MS-120-GY " PC-120-GY MS-120-WT , .. ' '' PC-120-WT ... WAC Lighting Headquarters/Eastern Distribution Center Western Distribution Center www.waclighting.com 44 Harbor Park Drive•Port Washington,NY 11050 1750 Archibald Avenue•Ontario,CA 91760 Phone(800)526.2588•Fax(800)526.2585 Phone(516)515.5000•Fax(516)515.5050 Phone(800)526,2588•Fax(800)526.2585 WAC Lighting retains the right to modify the design of our products at any time as part of the company's continuous improvement program. NOV 2016 H U N TC 0 Bike racks.lockers,benches PHONE 503.224.8700 EMAIL Sales@Huntco.com MAIL P.O.Box 10385 and architectural site furnishings since 1980. FAX 503.274.2055 WEB Huntco.com Portland,Or.97296-0385 TWITTER @Huntcosupply SITE FURNISHINGS Tradition&Innovation p(� 63" I 30" i i.s STAPLE 6" The ever-classic"Staple"style bike rack is Portland City Code approved.Lock it up! _ tit 4 CONSTRUCTION/ MATERIAL OPTIONS ❑ 2"Sch.40 Round Steel Pipe (shown) a7" ❑ 2"x 2"Square Steel Tubing ,;Mir. (Pipecutter Proof) 0 5/8"x 2 1/2"Steel Flat Bar(Pipecutter Proof) _ -Steel Flanges(Varies) Flange or In-Ground Flat Bar&Flange Square Tubing&Flange MI DIMENSIONS -30"Length e :,:� 0 -5.5"Width Cs0 -36"Height ❑ Custom Size Height/Length RECOMMENDED LAYOUT NOTES: MOUNTING OPTIONS "Bike"is 70" 0 Flange Mount(Shown) #Minimum Spacing (6).63"Mounting Holes (#)Recommended Spacing ❑ In-Ground 11"Leg Extensions FINISH OPTIONS ❑ T304 Stainless Steel #4 Satin Finish ,I 1m'i ❑ Hot Dipped Galvanized �:......... \,_ !/\t r ❑ ::::oatln rr 1 fib g • w N 47,A ' t Zs Cr,A - 48 • - _ 48 - _- - 36 - - 36 - ADDITIONAL OPTIONS (72) (72) 48' l4B\ ❑ Flange Cover(available at additional cost on round pipe only) CONTRACTOR: JOB: NOTES: Manufactured in the __ _____.... ....... Pacific Northwest ....... . •I - .------ I -- ,----• - .- • ----„,..... •- ,..= 1=•:../, , r., L ----- -- _.....,........ 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DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION for LAKE OSWEGO CORPORATION ADDITION NARRATIVE ADDRESSING APPLICABLE STANDARDS Case File# PA 17-0004 Location: 700 McVey Avenue Applicant: Lake Oswego Corporation Staff Coordinator: Leslie Hamilton, AICP, Senior Planner Date: April 25, 2017 Proposal: Construct additions to two existing buildings as follows: • Add a second floor to an existing one-story building, the Marina Building • Enlarge the second floor by enclosing an existing outdoor deck, and construct a new roof for the entire building, on an existing two-story building, the Boathouse Building The footprints and uses of both buildings will remain unchanged. Applicable Standards as identified in Pre-Application Conference Notes dated February 2, 2017: Standard is in italics, response follows in plain text. GENERAL PROVISIONS(LOC 50.011 Nonconforming Uses, Structures, Lots and Site Features f50.01.0061: A nonconforming use, structure, lot, or site feature maybe continued in use so long as it remains otherwise lawful. It appears that there are nonconforming structures located within the Special Street Setback on McVey Avenue. Additionally, both of the buildings are nonconforming to the building location standards that require that buildings be located within 30 feet of a public street. Expansion of Nonconforming Structures: Nonconforming structures may only be expanded if the expansion does not increase the degree of any existing nonconformity and the expansion does not create any new nonconformity. Portions of a nonconforming structure that are not being altered as part of the expansion are not required to be brought into conformance with the Code. The existing nonconforming structures located within the Special Street Setback on McVey Avenue are not habitable buildings and will not be altered as part of this project. The two existing buildings for which additions are proposed are both nonconforming to the building location standards that require that buildings be located within 30 feet of a public street. Page 1 of 10 EXHIBIT F-1 LU 17-0034 (0 f a PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave The location of these two buildings, more than 30 feet from the public street, is by design as the buildings are lake-related infrastructure and must be proximal to the lake in order to fulfill their intended function. One building is a boat house for storage of lake patrol boats. The other is a marina building which includes a gas station for boats approaching from the lake. The site also includes a boat launch, and the existing parking lot and buildings are arranged to accommodate the maneuvering of vehicles launching boats. If the two buildings were located closer to the public street, none of these functions would be possible. The proposed expansion of the two nonconforming buildings consists of adding an upper floor to one building and enlarging the upper floor of the other. These expansions will not change the footprint or use of either building. Since the existing nonconformity is based on location only, the expansions will not increase the degree of the existing nonconformity and will not create any new nonconformity. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS[LOC 50.041: Commercial, Mixed Use, and Industrial Zones(LOC ➢ Zone Dimensional Requirements Floor Area Ratio (FAR): 0.06 : 1. Under the maximum allowable of 0.25:1. (See Site Plan for calculation) Yard setbacks: None. Existing buildings meet this standard. Maximum Base Height: 30.75 ft at Marina Bldg, 31.8 ft. at Boathouse, Both meet 35 ft. maximum (see Elevations) Lot Coverage: 3.4%. Under the maximum allowable of 100%. (See Site Plan for calculation) Special Street Setbacks(LOC Typically, special street setbacks are measured from the center line of the existing abutting right-of-way. All yard setbacks are measured from the special street setback line (they are exclusive of the special street setback). McVey Avenue has a 40-foot special street setback. The right-of-way at this location is sufficient and no dedication will be required. The proposed additions do not change the existing footprints of the two buildings and both buildings are outside the Special Street Setback. See attached Site Plan. Oswego Lake Setback(LOC Except for a boathouse/dock and other uses listed in Table 50.04.003-2, structures must be setback a minimum of 25 feet from the property line abutting Oswego Lake. The proposed additions do not change the existing footprints of the two buildings and both buildings are outside the Oswego Lake Setback. See attached Site Plan. 8. OVERLAY AND DESIGN DISTRICTS[L0050.051 Page 2 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave Flood Management Area(LOC - This site is located in the Flood Management Area(Zone X). Structure 2 is built over water, extending into the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant will be required to submit a site plan, stamped and signed by a licensed surveyor, which delineates the FEMA Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and references the datum being used for all elevations. See comments from Rob Amsberry, Please indicate the 100-year flood plain elevation on all plans and address all applicable standards in the project narrative. The 100-year flood plain elevation, or Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is 103.2 NAVD'88. The existing Marina Building is slab-on-grade construction with a Finish Floor Elevation (FFE) of 103.92 NAVD'88. The proposed alterations include pouring a new 4" concrete topping slab over the existing floor slab to raise the FFE to 104.25 NAVD'88. This meets the requirement of that the lowest floor be elevated to at least one foot above the BFE. Below this level the structure is concrete, which is naturally flood-proof. The existing Boathouse Building is built over the water on wood posts on concrete footings, with a lower floor FFE of 104.0 NAVD'88. This is less than one foot above the BFE, so we will certify that all construction below the BFE is marine-grade. The original construction drawings call out creosote treatment at the foundation posts, beams and joists at the lower floor. This met the standard for marine-grade construction at the time the building was built. Some boards and trim pieces have been replaced in the intervening years. The permit drawings will call for inspection of all materials below 104.2 NAVD'88 for marine-grade protection as well as decay, and any members that are not solid and marine-grade will be replaced. 9. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BLOC 50.067 Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-Family Development Standards for Approval(LOC This section is applicable to development involving new or remodeled commercial buildings. The architectural design of the proposed structures must show complementary relationship to adjacent buildings "of good design"with regard to materials, setbacks, roof lines, height, and overall proportions. Scale and neighborhood character are important and must be taken into account when considering building design. If existing buildings are to remain on site, new development shall be designed to integrate the remaining buildings into the overall design or provide separate landscaping, remodeling, or other treatment which establishes a distinct character and function for the remaining buildings. Building facade details (materials, colors, height, etc.)must be provided on all elevations and mechanical equipment must be screened or placed in locations where they will not be visible. Please show any proposed building facade lights on all elevations. Every effort should be made to preserve the existing mature trees on the site. Building facade materials are as follows. See also Elevations, cutsheets, and materials board for building facade materials, colors, light fixtures, and heights. Page 3 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave • Siding: Painted rough-sawn cedar board and batten siding painted a buff color • Roof: Standing seam metal roof in dark gray, with blue solar panels on south-facing roofs • Trim: Painted barge boards to match siding, painted wood cantilevered flow-through planter boxes with canopy extension at some locations, to match siding • Windows and doors: High-performance fiberglass windows in dark bronze, painted steel exterior doors in dark bronze • Metal accents: Painted steel and metal accents to include exit stair, catwalk, gutters and downspouts in dark bronze • Lighting: Building-mounted exterior light fixtures in dark bronze Mechanical equipment is currently enclosed in sheds and not visible, and will remain unchanged. There are no mature trees on site, but there are three existing street trees which will be protected during construction. Please work with waste management companies and staff to determine the proper location and screening for trash and composting enclosures, if moved from current location. Waste containers are currently screened from the street by a concrete block wall and will remain unchanged. This standard requires buildings to be designed to encourage pedestrian access from public streets as follows: • Buildings must be located within 30 feet of a public street, except where topographic or natural resource constraints exist, or where in multi-building complexes, the configuration of the lot prevents locating all buildings within 30 feet of a public street. • Buildings that are within 30 feet of a public street must also have a public entrance directly from the street. As indicated above (LOC 50.01.006, Non-Conforming Structures), the existing buildings are non-conforming to this standard because they are located more than 30 feet from McVey Avenue. The remodel cannot increase the degree of non-conformity; in this case, the distance from McVey Avenue to the public entrances to the buildings cannot be increased. The building footprints are not changing, so the degree of nonconformity will not be increased. See response to LOC 50.01.006 above for more detailed explanation. The public entrance is at the Marina Building, and will remain in the same location. Therefore, the distance from McVey Avenue to the public entrance will not be increased. The proposed design and materials appear to complement existing development in the immediate vicinity. The immediate vicinity is a combination of office buildings, apartment buildings, single-family houses and our dam. The proposed design of the two buildings nod toward the residential feel of the area with painted wood siding and shed roofs, while maintaining commercial feel with the Page 4 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave painted steel exit stair and catwalk. The overall heights are well within the height restriction and lower than the office building next door. It is our hope that the roof-mounted solar panels and flow-through planters will set a good example for environmental stewardship in the area. Parking[LOC 50.06.002 j: The total required number of parking spaces shall be the sum of the various uses computed separately, or may be established by a parking study. The maximum number of parking spaces for non-residential projects cannot exceed 125%of the minimum required spaces. See Table 50.06.002-1 for minimum required number of parking spaces per use. See Table 50.06.002-2 for Parking Requirement Modifiers that may be used to reduce the parking requirement. Based on a development size of around 3,825 square feet, 10-13 on-site parking spaces are required, depending on applicable modifiers. Alternatively, a parking study could demonstrate that fewer parking spaces are required based on unique circumstances of the use. If a parking study is proposed, address the requirements in LOC Illustrate the required off-street parking on the site plan, and label the dimensions of the stalls and the parking lot aisles. See Figure LOC 50.06.002-A for space and aisle dimensions for auto parking. No more than 50%of required parking may be provided in compact spaces. Bicycle parking spaces are also required on the site because the proposed additions increase the size of the on-site development by more than 10%. Per LOC, two bicycle spaces are required to be provided on the site for bicycle space requirements by use, and at least one of the spaces must be covered unless it can be shown that compliance is not practicable. See LOC for size, location and buffering standards for bike parking. See enclosed parking analysis in "Parking and Sight Distance Analysis" by Lancaster Engineering dated March 2, 2017. Based on the parking calculation in the report, the project requires a total of eight vehicle parking spaces. See Site Plan for parking layout. See Site Plan also for bicycle parking location and layout. A rack for two bicycles will be provided near the public entry at the Marina Building, and one of the two bicycle parking spaces will be under the flow-through planter above, making it covered. Access/Access Lanes (Flaq Lots) (LOC This section is applicable to commercial additions and prescribes standards for the design of access points. Access design shall be based on topography; traffic volume to be generated by the development; classification of the public street from which the access is taken (McVey is designated as a minor arterial); traffic volume presently carried by such street; and projected traffic volumes. See attached comments from the Engineering Department. See enclosed sight distance analysis in "Parking and Sight Distance Analysis" by Lancaster Engineering dated March 2, 2017. The sight distance analysis in the report uses AASHTO standards to confirm that the existing driveway approach is in compliance with the standards. The existing driveway will not be altered by the project. Page 5 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave On-Site Circulation -Driveways and Fire Access Roads(LOC This section is applicable to all development proposing an increased use on a site when the development will result in the increased use of driveways or parking lot aisles. LOC that driveway approaches be located and designed so that drivers entering or exiting the driveway can see approaching traffic for a sufficient distance to make a safe entrance and exit. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)standards shall be used in determining compliance with this standard. See attached comments from the Engineering Department. See enclosed sight distance analysis in "Parking and Sight Distance Analysis" by Lancaster Engineering dated March 2, 2017. The sight distance analysis in the report uses AASHTO standards to confirm that the existing driveway approach is in compliance with the standards. The existing driveway will not be altered by the project. On-Site Circulation—Bikeways, Walkways, and Access-ways (LOC This section is applicable to modifications which increase the square footage of a commercial development by more than 10%. Commercial development of one acre or more shall provide a pedestrian circulation plan for the site. Walkways must be provided that connect at least one public entrance of the building to the nearest public walkway and must also connect to other areas of the site such as parking lots and other building entrances. The site from the street to the buildings is one large parking lot. Access for pedestrians from the sidewalk at McVey Avenue to the public entry at the Marina Building is obvious and unimpeded. This will not be altered by the project. Landscaping, Screening and Buffering[L0050.06.004.11: Commercial development shall provide 15% of the development site (gross)in landscaping and/or open space. Additionally, all development abutting streets shall provide street trees at the proper spacing for the species, in addition to the 15%open space/landscaping. The portion of the lot that is submerged may count toward landscaping and open space requirements. Include a scaled landscape plan with the application materials showing the following: • Location, size, and species of street trees along the street frontage. Existing trees may be used to meet this standard if the trees are located to provide a full streetscape and are in good condition. • Plant materials should consist of trees a minimum of 2"caliper for deciduous and 6'high for evergreens, shrubs (3-5 gallons) and adequate groundcover. • Existing trees and shrubs may be used in the landscaping plan. • An irrigation system is required and should be designed to preserve existing trees. • Square footage of the site that is submerged(counts towards open space). Please note that landscaping (including fill) and structures such as fences and walls are restricted within utility easements. Page 6 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave The lake portion of the lot is considered landscaping and/or open space, and comprises 79%of the total lot area. The requirement that 15%of the site be landscaping and/or open space is met. See Landscape Plan/Aerial Photo which illustrates this. Existing street trees will remain and be protected during construction. These are shown in the Site Plan. Fences[LOC The maximum height of a fence in a commercial zone is eight feet; any fence or wall over six feet in height is required to be screened by an evergreen hedge to provide a six-foot screen. Any fence over seven feet in height requires a building permit. All proposed retaining walls must be shown on the plan with top of wall and top of footing elevations labeled. Please note that structures such as fences and walls are restricted within all public utility easements. No new fences are proposed for this project. Lighting Standard[LOC This section is applicable to all development which includes public and private streets, public pathways and access ways, or parking lots. The site plan needs to show the location of proposed parking lot and exterior building lights. Design specifications need to illustrate overall height, wattage, glare shields, and photometrics. Fixtures shall be positioned to prevent light trespass onto adjacent properties. See attached comments from the Engineering Department. The proposed design includes two types of exterior light fixtures mounted on the buildings. One is a low-glare fixture to light the sidewalk in the immediate vicinity, and the other is a floodlight to light the parking lot. See Site Plan and Elevations showing proposed exterior parking lot and exterior building light location. See Cutsheets for technical specifications for fixtures. Park and Open Space[LOC 50.06.0051: This standard requires 15%of the gross land area to be provided as open space for commercial development. The open space requirement could be met as a combination of reserved land and landscaping and the submerged lands can be considered open space;see Landscaping, above. The lake portion of the lot is considered landscaping and/or open space, and comprises 79%of the total lot area. The requirement that 15%of the site be open space is met. See Landscape Plan/Aerial Photo which illustrates this. Weak Foundation Soils[LOC The site may contain weak foundation soils, as identified on the City's Soils Map. A geotechnical report from a registered soils engineer will be required at the time of building permit submittal. The report shall describe the nature, distribution, and strength of the soils, including findings regarding the adequacy of the soils to support the intended structure. The report shall include conclusions and recommendations for design criteria for corrective measures, which are appropriate to the soils and type of proposed structure. If soils characteristics are determined to be adequate for the proposed Page 7 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave use, then this shall be stated in the report, See comments from the Engineering Department. The Engineering Department Comments direct us to contact the Building Division to determine whether the nature of this proposal warrants any special reports or engineering for the structure's pier blocks or footings. On November 2, 2016 the Architect spoke with Elizabeth Bunga in the Building Division who indicated that for this project she would put the responsibility for deciding whether a geotechnical report is needed on the Architect and Structural Engineer. If no report is used, she said the structural design must be proved. The Structural Engineer for the project has determined that a geotechnical report is not needed for this project and the structural design will be proved. Stormwater Management Standards[LOC Stormwater management requirements are applicable to all development where: i. Greater than 1,000 sq.ft. of impervious surface is created; or ii. The sum of impervious surface created and/or replaced is greater than 3,000 sq.ft.; or iii. Maintenance is performed on greater than or equal to 3,000 sq.ft. of existing impervious surface that results in an additional offsite hydrological impact The applicant must demonstrate that, based upon LOC Article 38.25, Storm water Management Code, the capacity, type, location,feasibility and land area required of the proposed stormwater management system and stormwater disposal facilities as well as any connection to off-site facilities can be provided. Storm water management measures and requirements are detailed in LOC 38.25.001 through 38.25.190 and in the current version of the Lake Oswego Stormwater Management Manual. See comments from the Engineering Department. No new impervious area is being created by this project so stormwater treatment is not required. However,flow-through planters are being proposed for pre-treating roof runoff prior to discharge into the lake. The goal of including stormwater treatment is to demonstrate a stewardship for Oswego Lake and to provide landscaping to enhance the building design. Utility Standard[LOC - Applies to all development requiring utilities. Illustrate existing and new utilities on plan and discuss availability of utilities in narrative. Please note that landscaping (including fill) and structures such as fences and walls are restricted within utility easements. See attached comments from the Engineering Department. Existing utilities are buried from the street to buildings and are adequate for the project. 10. OTHER ORDINANCES UTILITIES[LOC Chapter 381: These standards will be addressed during Building Permit review. Page 8 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave We will address utilities during Building Permit review. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES (SEC)(LOC Chapter 39): The applicable SDCs will be due at the time of issuance of individual building permits. Please contact the Building and Engineering Divisions to obtain an estimate of the potential SDC charges for this project. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS(LOC Chapter 42]: SIGHT DISTANCE AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS, PRIVATE STREETS AND DRIVEWAYS(LOC 42.03.1301: This standard requires adequate intersection sight distance (ISD)per American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)standards at all intersections. "Clear Sight Triangle"means the area enclosed by the lines formed by the intersection approach legs of roadway(s), private street(s)and driveways and a straight line drawn diagonally across the corner, connecting those lines at the various distances per AASHTO guidelines. A. If adequate ISD cannot feasibly be achieved, lesser sight distance may be acceptable upon review and approval of the City Engineer, as long as subsection (4)(a)(iii) of this section is achieved. B. Any adjustments made to the calculations per AASHTO guidelines shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. A written document submitted by a licensed engineer for sight distance certification shall accompany the application. Adequate stopping sight distance (SSD)shall be provided along all public roadways. Modification to existing intersection must comply with land use conditions of approval, building permit and/or street opening permit requirements. A written document submitted by a licensed engineer for sight distance certification shall accompany the application. Please illustrate compliance on the site plan for the driveway intersection with McVey Avenue. See comments from the Engineering Department. See enclosed sight distance analysis in "Parking and Sight Distance Analysis" by Lancaster Engineering dated March 2, 2017. The sight distance analysis in the report uses AASHTO standards to confirm that the existing driveway approach is in compliance with the standards. The existing driveway will not be altered by the project. TREE REMOVAL AND PROTECTION(LOC Chapter 551: Submit a site plan that includes the location, species, and diameter of all trees that are six inches in diameter, or greater on or near the site (include the location of nearby trees on neighboring properties). Diameter is measured at 4.5 feet above the ground (for single trunk trees) and is found by dividing the circumference of the tree trunk in inches by 3.14. A tree removal permit will be required to cut any tree 6"in diameter or greater. The proposed site plan/design should preserve the significant trees on the site, unless it can be demonstrated that there is no practicable alternative. If tree removal is necessary as a result Page 9 of 10 PA 17-0004 Development Review Application for 700 McVey Ave of the proposed development, the removal request must be processed in conjunction with this development application. Please thoroughly address the Type II tree removal criteria[LOC 55.02.080]for all trees requested for removal as a result of the proposed development. Please note that where significant trees are proposed to be removed, staff must consider alternative site plans or placement of structures that would lessen the impact on trees. This includes, but is not limited to shifting the building envelope on the site within the required setbacks to avoid trees. All trees to be removed must be tagged with yellow ribbon on the site. Mitigation is required at a minimum of one new tree for every one removed and must be at least 1.5"in diameter for deciduous trees, or six feet tall for evergreen trees at the time of planting. Removal of a native tree requires mitigation with a native tree (see the Lake Oswego Master Plant List in LOC 50.11.004 Appendix D for a list of native trees). Removal of a significant tree as defined in the Tree Code for development purposes shall be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio. Please submit a tree mitigation plan in accordance with the above mitigation requirements with the application materials. Required street trees do not count towards minimum mitigation requirements. No trees will be removed in this project. Tree protection fencing will be required around all trees that are 6"in diameter or greater when the tree canopy is within any construction activity, including trees that may be off site. Construction activity includes, but is not limited to, digging, grading, stockpiling dirt or materials, driving vehicles or equipment, and filling. An arborist may be required to prepare the tree protection plan and be on site during excavation if any construction activities are proposed inside the tree protection zone. The street trees are located outside the block wall separating the street from the parking lot. The drip line under the trees inside the parking lot is concrete so tree roots cannot be damaged by construction activity. Limbs over the parking lot will be trimmed as necessary to avoid construction equipment. SIGNS[LOC Chapter 477: This Chapter is applicable if any signage is proposed; however the review of signage is limited to determining whether the location and general configuration of proposed signs are compatible with the proposed building and site design. The applicant will be required to submit a sign permit separate from the Design Review application. if new signs are proposed, please provide a site plan showing the location of the proposed signage, and an illustration of the proposed sign(s)showing the dimensions of the sign, overall height, and size and color of lettering. Please address all the requirements of LOC 47.10.410 in your narrative if new permanent signage is proposed. No new signs are proposed for this project. Existing signs will remain or be re-used. Page 10 of 10 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM PRQFS P Qr1N , 6'01,r To: Mark Rosenkranz .■ ' r LANCASTER Lake Oswego Corporation R ErON / � ENGINEERING a FROM: Daniel Stumpf, EI t i 321 SW 41h Ave.,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97204 William Farley, PE 1/4 p /' phone:503.248.0313 .9251 DATE: March 2, 2017 . //2m rr fax: inee g.co RENEWS: 3� 7' lancasterengineering.com SUBJECT: 700 McVey Avenue Office Expansion Parking and Sight Distance Analysis This memorandum reports the findings of a parking and sight distance analysis performed at 700 McVey Avenue in Lake Oswego,Oregon. This analysis was performed to examine projected parking following the proposed remodel of two office buildings and assess adequacy of sight lines at the existing site access along McVey Avenue to ensure safe operation of the driveway. Project Purpose The project will expand the gross floor area of two existing office structures by either constructing or remodeling the second floor of each building. Upon completion of the proposed expansion,the southwestern-most office structure will include 808 square-feet of office space on the second floor with boat storage on the ground floor while the northeastern-most structure will include 1,253 square-feet on its ground floor and 1,130 square-feet on its second floor. In total,the project site will include 3,191 square-feet of office space.The boat storage in the southwestern-most building is not anticipated to generate a need for more parking spaces during the peak-parking periods. This study was conducted to determine adequacy of existing parking facilities on and near the project site,assess whether adequate sight distance is currently available at the existing site access,and to determine if any mitigations may be necessary to accommodate the proposed office expansion. Figure 1 on the following page presents an aerial image of the nearby vicinity with the project site outlined in yellow and existing buildings outlined in red. EXHIBIT F-2 LU 17-0034 Pat4 Mark Rosenkranz March 2,2017 Page 2 of 4 s M • ak • ram'" % • t s M0,,,;7- Project Srte / Sr w►° • e. • wor a ti • SW Maple Street s +•"f Figure 1: Aerial Image of Site Vicinity—Image from Google Earth Parking Analysis To determine the adequacy of parking upon completion of the proposed office expansion, a parking analysis comparing existing parking spaces at/near the site to projected parking of the office land- uses was conducted. The projected parking demand that will be generated by the offices was estimated using rates from the manual PARKING GENERATION. Data for land-use code 710, Office Building,was used to estimate the average peak parking demand of the office uses based on the square-footage of gross floor area. Since the subject site is located in a densely-developed area with 100 or more residential units within 1,000 feet, and that the site is located within 500 feet of bus stops for TriMet Bus Route 36-South Shore, parking rates for offices in urban areas were referenced. Based on the PARKING GENERATION data,the proposed development will generate an average peak parking demand of eight vehicles. The project site parking lot will be restriped to provide at least seven off-street parking spaces, inclusive of one handicapped space,while McVey Avenue provides enough on-street parking space to accommodate two additional parked vehicles along the site frontage. The proposed parking lot 'Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE),PARKING GENERATION,4th Edition,2010. died Mark Rosenkranz March 2,2017 Page 3 of 4 configuration in addition to on-street parking provides enough parking to serve the average peak parking demand for the proposed development. Sight Distance Analysis According to the City of Lake Oswego's code Section,"All driveway approaches shall be located and designed so that the driver entering or exiting the driveway can see approaching traffic for a sufficient distance to make a safe entrance and exit. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO)standards shall be used in determining compliance with this standard." Sight distances at the site access along McVey Avenue were measured and evaluated in accordance with the standards established in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets2. According to the AASHTO manual,"If the available sight distance for an entering or crossing vehicle is at least equal to the appropriate stopping sight distance for the major road,then drivers have sufficient sight distance to anticipate and avoid collisions. However, in some cases,a major- road vehicle may need to stop or slow to accommodate the maneuver by a minor-road vehicle. To enhance traffic operations,intersection sight distances that exceed stopping sight distances are desirable along the major road." Since the City of Lake Oswego's Community Development Code requires"sufficient distance to make a safe entrance and exit,"it is appropriate to use stopping sight distance to evaluate the site access intersections. Provision of intersection sight distance is not required in order to maintain safe function of an intersection. Sight Distance Definitions and Methodologies Intersection sight distance is an operational measure, intended to provide sufficient line of sight along the major-street so that a driver can enter the roadway without impeding the flow of through traffic. For intersection sight distance,the driver's eye is assumed to be 15 feet from the near edge of the nearest travel lane of the intersecting street and at a height of 3.5 feet above the approach street pavement. The oncoming driver's eye height is assumed to be 3.5 feet above the cross-street pavement. Stopping sight distance is considered the minimum requirement to ensure safe operation of the driveway. This is the distance that allows an oncoming driver to see a hazard on the roadway,react, and come to a complete stop if necessary to avoid a collision. Stopping sight distance is measured assuming a driver's eye height of 3.5 feet above the approach street pavement, for a vehicle traveling along the major-street,to an object height of 2.0 feet(assumed height of a typical vehicle's rear headlight)above the street pavement,located within the major-street travel lane at the respective site access point. 2 American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials(AASHTO),A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,6th Edition,2011. Mark Rosenkranz March 2, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Sight Distance Measurements Based on a statutory residential speed of 30 mph,the minimum required intersection sight distance to allow relatively unimpeded flow of traffic along McVey Avenue is 335 feet. However,McVey Avenue is not a flat roadway and has significant changes in elevation from the site access driveway to the west. Provided that the average approach grade to the proposed site access is less than 3.0 percent, intersection sight distance may be used to evaluate adequacy of sight lines;however, if the average approach grade is greater than 3.0 percent,stopping sight distance must be considered. To calculate the average approach grade,elevation data was collected at the site access and at the extent of sight distance to the southwest. Sight Distance to the Southwest Assuming a roadway design speed of 40 mph(assumed to be 10 mph above the posted speed)and an average downhill grade of 6.0 percent over the braking distance from the southwest to northeast,the calculated minimum required stopping sight distance for northeast-bound approaching vehicles is 372 feet. Stopping sight distance was measured to be 414 feet to the northeast,limited by roadside utility poles and foliage. Adequate stopping sight distance is provided for vehicles approaching from the southwest;therefore, vehicles can safely enter and exit the proposed site access. Sight Distance to the Northeast Based on a posted speed of 30 mph and with an average grade of less than 3.0 percent over the braking distance from the northeast to southwest,the minimum required intersection sight distance of 335 feet may be used. Intersection sight distance was measured to be in excess of 450 feet to the northeast. Conclusions Based on the parking analysis,adequate off-street and on-street parking is available to serve the proposed office uses. Based on the detailed analysis, adequate sight distance is available to allow safe turning movements at the site access along McVey Avenue. No sight distance mitigation is necessary or recommended. If you have any questions regarding this information,please don't hesitate to contact us. PARKING GENERATION CALCULATIONS Land Use: Office Building Land Use Code: 701 Location: Urban Variable: 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Variable Value: 3.191 Weekday Peak Periods 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Number of Study Sites 14 Avg. Size of Study Sites 370,000 sq. ft. GFA Avg. Peak Period Parking Demand 2.47 vehicles per ksf GFA Standard Deviation 0.62 Coefficient of Variation 25% Range 1.46 - 3.43 vehicles per ksf GFA 85th Percentile Rate: 2.98 vehicles per ksf GFA 33rd Percentile Rate: .2.24 vehicles per ksf GFA Peak Parking Demand 8 85th Percentile Parking Demand 10 Source:PARKING GENERATION, Fourth Edition DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION for LAKE OSWEGO CORPORATION ADDITION INFORMATION TO SHOW COMPLIANCE WITH LOC ON SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENTS Case File# PA 17-0004 Location: 700 McVey Avenue Applicant: Lake Oswego Corporation Staff Coordinator: Leslie Hamilton,AICP, Senior Planner Date: April 25, 2017 Standard is in italics, ➢ response follows in plain text. CALCULATIONS FOR DETERMINING SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENTS[LOC a. For purposes of determining substantial improvements, the City shall base real market value estimates of the structure on one of the following methods selected by the applicant: i. The most recent real market building values listed in the County assessment records plus any improvements made since the last County appraisal. The value of recent improvements shall be based on building permit documents;or ii. An appraisal provided by the applicant conducted by a licensed real estate appraiser selected by the applicant. Such appraisal must provide building market value separate from land value. b. When determining if any reconstruction of an existing structure, or an alteration or addition to an existing structure is a substantial improvement, the City will consider construction improvement values on a calendar year basis and not calculate these values in a cumulative manner. Improvement values shall be based on standard methodologies used to determine building permit values. ➢ The most recent real market building value listed in the County assessment records for both buildings is$194,290(listed on April 25, 2017). There is no doubt that the value of the alterations and additions will exceed 50% of$194,290. Therefore the project qualifies as a substantial improvement and will comply with Flood Management Area Development Standards and Standards for Construction. For more detail on compliance, see response in Narrative under Flood Management Area [LOC—]. Base flood elevation and finished floor elevations are shown on the Site Plan and Floor Plans. Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT F-3 LU 17-0034 Va E ps Lake Oswego Fire Department Case File/Permit No. +, 300 B AVE - PO. Box 369 LU 17-0034 15 ?o i Lake Oswego, OR 97034 ir 503-635-0275 Date: May 3, 2017 To: Leslie Hamilton, Senior Planner From: Gert Zoutendijk/Fire Marshal Email: gzoutendijk@ci.oswego.or.us Phone: 503-699-7454 Fire Department - Plan Review Comments I have received the information for the project summarized below and completed a review of the submittal on 05/03/2017. A summary of the review has been provided. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this information. Case File/Permit No.: LU 17-0034 Project Location: 700 McVey, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Scope of Project: A request for a modification of a Development Review permit for an adsition and remodel of the existing Lake Corporation building. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS A-0001 Fire Department Access Approved Fire department access is adequate for emergency vehicles. WATER FLOW FOR FIRE PROTECTION WS-0003 Hydrant Location Approved Hydrant location with distance and size of the structure is approved. WS-0007 Fire Flow Approved Fire flow for fire protection is adequate. EXHIBIT F-4 LU 17-0034 Lake Oswego 700 McVey Avenue P.O. Box 203 CORPORATION Lake Oswego,OR 97034 503-636-1422 Office 503-636-3226 Fax www.lakecorp.corn Date: April 13, 2017 To: Neighborhood Association Chairs Jan Castle Carol Radich James Stupfel Rick Eilers Subject: Minutes from public meeting Chairs The LOC held a public meeting on April 7, 2017 making available information about our upcoming remodel project. In attendence were two neighbors who live on Lakefront road.They supported our office renovation project.There are not any minutes for this meeting since the conversation was not relevent to the remodel. Jan Castle from the McVey/S.Shore neighborhood could not attend the public meeting so I met with her at the LOC office on April 5,2017 to discuss our project. Jan was supportive of our proposed renovation and particularly supportive of the solar and stormwater treatment facilities we are integrating into the design. Thank you ai( L/ ark Rosenkranz Lake Oswego Corporation EXHIBIT F-5 LU 17-0034