Approved Minutes - 2020-02-19 PMCity of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission Minutes of February 19, 2020 Page 1 of 2 14 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Development Review Commission Minutes Monday, February 19, 2020 The Commissioners convened at 6:00 PM in the Council Work Room of City Hall, 380 A Avenue. Members present: Chair Jeff Shearer, Vice Chair David Poulson, Craig Berardi, Kirk Smith (via telephone), Mark Silen, and Randy Arthur Members absent: Jason Frankel Staff present: Jessica Numanoglu, Planning Manager, and Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIVITIES Chair Shearer read the report emailed to him from Councilor Theresa Kohlhoff. Councilor Kohlhoff informed members that she was part of ODOT's Region I Commission and ther e was a tolling plan laid out for I-205 between Stafford and the Abernathy Bridge, and on I-5 between Multnomah and Going Street. This would be the first tolled highway in Oregon. She then stated that the Climate Action Plan would need to align with Portland Metro's Climate Smart Plan from 2015. The Oak Grove/Lake Oswego Bridge was taken off of the T-2020 plan due to fiscal unreasonableness given Lake Oswego's unwillingness to participate in the funding of the bridge. She indicated she was part of a diversity task force that would look at barriers to individuals getting onto boards or being hired by the City. The Council had been presented with a proposal by City staff to adopt their own Climate Action Plan, which they will review annually. MINUTES September 4, 2019 September 16, 2019 October 7, 2019 Jessica Numanoglu, Planning Manager noted a few track changes proposed by Commissioner Arthur on page 2 and page 6 of the September 16 minutes and page 9 of the October 7 minutes. Commissioner Arthur moved to approve the Minutes, with the changes noted. Seconded by Commissioner Berardi and passed 6:0 for Sept 4 and 16 and passed 5:0, with one abstention for Oct. 7. FINDINGS LU 19-0046, a request for the following:  A Conditional Use Permit modification to add field lights to the multi -purpose practice field City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission Minutes of February 19, 2020 Page 2 of 2 14 northwest of the school building;  A Development Review Permit to construct a hitting barn, along with other minor athletic field improvements; and,  The removal of one tree to accommodate the improvements. This site is located at Lakeridge High School, 1235 Overlook Drive (21E16000100). The Staff Coordinator is Johanna Hastay, AICP, Senior Planner. Commissioner Silen moved to approve the findings as written. Seconded by Commissioner Arthur and passed 6:0. SCHEDULE REVIEW AND MANAGEMENT UPDATE Chair Shearer asked if the tree code letter had been sent to the City. Ms. Numanoglu indicated she would be doing that during the current week; apologizing for the delay. Ms. Numanoglu indicated that there was nothing scheduled for the first meeting in March, and the second meeting in March may have a n application for a new apartment complex on Meadows Road. ADJOURNMENT Chair Shearer adjourned the meeting at 6:08 PM. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kat Kluge Administrative Support