Approved Minutes - 2020-06-09
Luscher Area Task Force Meeting
Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2020
Task Force members present: Heidi Schrimsher; Rick Gruen; Richard Herman; Kasey Holwerda; Nancy
Gronowski; Dave Girard; Laura Masterson; Narendra Varma
Staff Present: Jan Wirtz, Jeff Munro; Jamie Inglis; Megan Big John; Charity Taylor (Facilitator)
Excused: Dawn Grunwald
Ms. Taylor informed the Task Force that Brian Crawford would no longer be participating in future
meetings, as the School to Farm program was placed on hold. She then reviewed topics discussed at the
previous meeting on March 10, 2020. She provided a summary of recommendations for Luscher, Firlane
and Crowell properties as outlined in the Luscher Area Master Plan (herein “master plan”). Ms. Taylor
led the group in a discussion about intentions and goals for each property.
Mr. Girard suggested community farming as a theme for the Luscher property due to the location of the
barn and community supported agriculture (CSA).
Ms. Gronowski asked if the group should look at properties individually. Ms. Taylor clarified that
properties will also be viewed holistically.
Ms. Schrimsher requested clarification about uses for Firlane, as the suggestions in the master plan
differ from those found in the Agricultural Plan. Ms. Taylor clarified that uses found in both are valid,
and that the task force could decide to implement uses found in either or both documents.
Ms. Gronowski noted that she views the Agricultural Plan as more refined than the master plan, and
that when considering recommendations, the group should choose whether to reference the master
plan or Agricultural Plan instead of relying on both.
Ms. Schrimsher agreed that the Agricultural Plan is more refined and that it lists that lower area of
Firlane as suitable for crops, while the other areas of Firlane are too steep for crops. Ms. Taylor said the
site plan found in the Agriculture Plan is an overarching guide.
Mr. Herman discussed uses for the white barn, including agriculture and storing equipment.
Ms. Gronowski noted that the suggested facility locations in the Agricultural Plan can be better aligned
to optimize each property, and mentioned the limitations of discussing these issues using a virtual
meeting platform.
Ms. Big John told the task force about previous discussions of getting daily mechanical operations out of
the white barn because of its location in a historic area. She also referenced the uses for existing
facilities stated in the master plan, noting that the group is seeking to refine and come to an agreement
about what can be done on the land based on both the master and agricultural plans.
Ms. Schrimsher stated that the entryway to parking should be revisited and will inform locations for
facilities. Mr. Gruen agreed that addressing transportation first may help moved the discussion forward.
Ms. Schrimsher asked for additional information about the current plan for parking in the Luscher area.
Ms. Gronowski asked if location of parking spaces will stay where proposed in the plans, even with
access to spaces being undetermined. Ms. Taylor confirmed this is correct.
Mr. Herman discussed the importance of historic preservation and education, and possible
opportunities to expand both.
Mr. Girard suggested additional parking might result in the community gardens staying open more
Ms. Schrimsher asked when construction of entryway and will begin. Ms. Wirtz and Mr. Munro
confirmed that there is no current timeline. Ms. Wirtz talked about doing programming first, and that
staff is looking to the task force to come up with some recommendations about how to promote
connectivity among the programs and facilities the Luscher area offers. She proposed each property
have its own demonstration gardens for the community to learn about gardening and contribute food to
the ACC, which would eventually grow into a community garden plot. She mentioned other possibilities
such as a flower CSA.
Mr. Gruen shared how incubator farms can grow the next generation of farmers and help alleviate food
insecurity. He noted that Friends of Family Farmers worked on succession planning involving lease to
own farms.
Mr. Girard added helping the community grow food in their own homes and providing information
about landscaping as another feasible goal for the Luscher area.
Ms. Masterson noted the need for additional facilities if the white barn is not used for agricultural
Ms. Taylor then reviewed programming and objectives from the previous meeting to discuss how task
force ideas intersect with the master plan and Agricultural Plan. Ms. Gronowski suggested considering
facilities and resource protection first, and then addressing programming needs.
Mr. Girard asked about the possibility of a City operated commercial farm stand. Ms. Taylor said she
would confirm this with the City Attorney.
Ms. Schrimsher commented that farm stands were initially envisioned as high school student-operated
with proceeds used to support the program.
Ms. Inglis mentioned contracting for farm stands and using Parsons Farms near Kruse Way as an
example, or partnering with vendors who currently participate in the Lake Oswego Farmers’ Market.
Mr. Herman asked about money set aside for the Firlane property, and whether funding includes a
commercial kitchen. Ms. Taylor said she would follow up with staff about funding. Ms. Schrimsher
confirmed that a commercial kitchen could be situated in the white barn according to the
recommendations contained within the master plan.
Ms. Taylor offered reviewing property constraints and existing site plans as a starting point to initiate
discussions about recommendations.
Mr. Gruen requested to meet in person, so that members can formulate recommendations using
enlarged maps, and noted general agreement about the overarching principles. Ms. Taylor asked if
there was any other information in addition to farm stands and transportation that group would need
before the next meeting.
Ms. Masterson referenced the master plan’s suggested locations for agriculture buildings throughout
the Luscher area, and the need for further discussion.
Ms. Gronowski suggested determining whether services will be condensed in one area or if operations
and educational services will be in separate facilities. The group then talked about planned agriculture
buildings and road accessibility.
Ms. Schrimsher said there needs to be clarity about future uses for the white barn. Mr. Gruen noted the
potential financial benefit of using the barn for its historic purposes, and the urban agriculture and
environmental education center as a community gathering space, in lieu of repurposing the barn and
adding a nearby agriculture facility in addition to an urban agriculture and environmental education
center. Ms. Masterson suggested assessing all infrastructure needs, before determining preferred
location for facilities.
Mr. Gruen mentioned the need for a walking tour. Ms. Taylor agreed that a walking tour could be
Ms. Schrimsher asked about creating a sustainable program involving school-aged youth that does not
depend on a single instructor. Ms. Inglis said staff is looking into programming in partnership with the
Lake Oswego School District.
Ms. Big John emphasized the importance of engaging the public in seeing daily agricultural operations,
and ensuring agricultural and programming infrastructure are flow well together and are not disruptive
of one another. She underscored the need to review infrastructure placement and access to facilities.
Ms. Schrimsher supports animals at the farm as a form of youth engagement. Ms. Big John mentioned a
CSA contract as an option to care for animals.
Ms. Masterson sought confirmation regarding assumptions about irrigation outlined in the Agricultural
Plan. Ms. Taylor shared that there has been high level conversations confirming the ability to bring
water to the Luscher area.
Mr. Munro stated that well capacity and cost of city water are factors to consider. Ms. Big John added
that determining what the land will be used for helps to assess the demand for water within the area.
Ms. Taylor emphasized the importance of making recommendations scalable because there may be
some questions that will not be answered right away, and to allow recommendations to accommodate a
multitude of realities. Ms. Taylor concluded the meeting by informing the task force members she
would gather additional information on inquiries brought up during the meeting, schedule a walking
tour of the Luscher area, and follow up with possible options for an in-person meeting.