Agenda - 2010-01-14 Of LAIC[OS City of Lake Oswego 50-Plus Advisory Board ORfGON Thursday, January 14, 2010 Members 2009-2010: 8:30 a.m. — 10 a.m. Janine Dunphy, Chair Thomas Brennan Ruth Cohen Oswego Room Nanci Cummings Gail Zimmerman West End Building (WEB) Edwin Blossom 4101 Kruse Way Ellie McPeak Terry Harty Robert Eidson For Information: 503-675-6407 City Staff: Kristin Johnson, City Council Liaison Agenda Kim Gilmer, PR Director(Optional) Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Teresa O'Halloran, ACC Admin Guests: Doug Oliphant, President- LOAC Foundation 8:30 a.m. I. Roll Call II. Approval of December minutes III. Open public communications IV. Old Business: a. Update on Marylhurst T. Harty/J. Dunphy V. New Business: a. LOAC Foundation Projects D. Oliphant, President- LOAC Foundation b. Water Africa and World Vision: The mission and Lake Oswego's involvement D. Oliphant, President- LOAC Foundation c. Life Long Learning Program K. Gilmer d. Next Meeting Date: February 11, 2010 e. Adjourn at 10 a.m. Attachments: 50+ Draft Meeting Minutes 12/10/09