Approved Minutes - 2010-01-14 Of LAKE OS °%III, City of Lake Oswego 50-Plus Advisory Board OMEGON Thursday, January 14, 2010 Members 2009-2010: 8:30 a.m. — 10 a.m. Janine Dunphy, Chair Thomas Brennan Ruth Cohen Oswego Room Nanci Cummings Gail Zimmerman West End Building (WEB) Edwin Blossom 4101 Kruse Way Ellie McPeak Terry Harty Robert Eidson For Information: 503-675-6407 City Staff: Kristin Johnson, City Council Liaison Approved Minutes Kim Gilmer, PR Director(Optional) p p Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Teresa O'Halloran, ACC Admin Guests: Doug Oliphant, President- LOAC Foundation George Gardner, LOAC Foundation Bill Savage, Water Africa Diane Savage, Water Africa Mary Olson, City Councilor Alex McIntyre, City Manager 8:30 a.m. I. Roll Call Janine Dunphy, Edwin Blossom, Nanci Cummings, Ellie McPeak, Ruth Cohen, Tom Brennan, Terry Harty, Robert Eidson, Gail Zimmerman, Staff: Kim Gilmer, Ann Adrian, Teresa O'Halloran. Absent: Kristin Johnson, Councilor. II. Approval of December minutes Tom Brennan made a motion to approve. Edwin Blossom seconded the motion. Minutes approved with minor grammatical changes. III. Open public communications- None IV. Old Business: a. Update on Marylhurst University Terry Harty and Janine Dunphy met to discuss a partnership with Marylhurst University on continuing education topics for seniors. City Council support is required and Marylhurst University wants to ensure that the relationship is a long term partnership. The next step is to talk to Mayor Hoffman and City Council. There is some concern that without a plan or detail information regarding the partnership, the City Council would not want to commit. Mayor Hoffman has asked for an update on this prior to the Goal Setting Session January 22 and 23. Janine Dunphy will send him an e-mail. Ellie McPeak asked what the goal of the Marylhurst University program would be. It was suggested that at the February meeting the Board discuss a plan for what could be included in a proposal to present to City Council. Janine Dunphy will contact Dr. Jennifer Sasser, Ph.D. chair of the Department of Human Sciences at Marylhurst University prior to February's meeting. V. New Business: a. LOAC Foundation Projects Doug Oliphant, President of the Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation (LOACF) presented information on the Healthy Brain event with Providence that the Foundation has been working on. The Foundation supports the efforts of the Adult Community Center(ACC)and other area seniors and wants to invest in the programs at the ACC. May 19th is the scheduled date for the first program to kick off at Marylhurst University. Doug Oliphant believes the Foundation and the 50+Advisory Board could help each other on this partnership. Neuroscience is growing in popularity as we age and search for ways to stimulate the brain. Having a healthy brain is a common objective for the ACC, the Foundation and the 50+Advisory Board and it is proposed that the groups work together to succeed in this goal. Doug provided the group with an outline for the May 19th event. A series of events are scheduled to follow thus raising funds for the Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation (LOACF)which supports the ACC programs. The LOACF is hoping that the 50+would like to work together on this project. The primary goal is to raise funds for the ACC and to inform the community on brain health. Ellie McPeak believes this is an appropriate discussion for the Board and voiced her support for the program. Next step is to decide how to move forward. Should the City get involved and what are the roles of all the players?The ACC should respond since they are working on a Life Long Learning Programs that includes brain health. The approval of the City Council is necessary if we are to be included in the Foundation's program. Ann Adrian explained the Life Long Learning Program is an off-shoot of the brain wellness that was introduced in early 2009 through programs offered at the Adult Community Center(ACC) and a partnership with Marylhurst University's Interior Design program. The idea of a Life Long Learning program has been discussed at the ACC for over two years and was presented to the City Council in December for possible funding through the ACC Endowment fund via the Ellouise Minter gift. The LOAC Foundation is moving forward with their event with Providence to be held at Marylhurst University. The 50+ Advisory Board will seek City Council approval for its involvement in this event before moving forward, if appropriate. b.Water Africa and World Vision: The mission and Lake Oswego's involvement Advocates for Water Africa (Doug Oliphant) have met with Mayor Hoffman regarding this program for Zambia. The tragedy in Zambia is dirty water. Diseases, safety, and lost time with family and school are all issues facing this region. The children and mothers spend all their time collecting water for their livelihood and their family's survival. The Water Africa project is something that their members hope the City would like to participate in. Bill and Diane Savage are part of this organization and helped found Water Africa that works in conjunction with World Vision. World Vision is located in Portland and they work in almost 100 countries. Water Africa was founded in Lake Oswego. A slide show was presented which shows the travesty occurring in Zambia. The child mortality is 35% with 1/4 of the children dying before age of 5. Fixing the water issue will cut these statistics in half. Water Africa has asked Mayor Hoffman for a proclamation from the City and publicity for"Walk for Water" and further looking into a larger fundraising program like a Water Film Festival. How can the 50+Advisory Board assist Water Africa and get involved: 1. Individually walk with us on April 17—the walk simulates the true water walk occurring in Zambia. It costs $35 registration for the walk. Each well hole in Zambia costs$12,000. 2. Support Water Africa with the City Council 3. Any help in publicity World Vision brings more than just water. It provides a complete program related to health and education. c. Life Long Learning Program Janine Dunphy introduced Kim Gilmer, Parks and Recreation Director, who presented the Life Long Learning concept being proposed through Parks and Recreation via the Adult Community Center(ACC). Kim Gilmer provided an overview of the history of the ACC and how in its day it won awards for being on the cutting edge. Then the demographics began to change and the generations brought about different attitudes towards senior centers. The Baby Boomer generation is a generation that appears disinterested in the traditional senior center. The 50+ Dialogues were the result of this discussion and provided a road map for moving forward with the City's outreach to the next generation. A frame work was developed to produce new programming for 50+ residents. Kim Gilmer handed out a brief graphic of what the components for the program includes and how the Life Long Learning Program would become a bridge to a broader audience outside of the current ACC building. The educational and cultural components are the core of this program. Senior Studies Institute is a good example of programming already taking place at another location. Social networking will play a key role in reaching out to the next generation. The communications piece is more of branding effort with traditional outreach supporting it. Kim Gilmer further showed how this new programming fits into the current structure at the ACC as a component of the Recreation and Education department. Implementation includes oversight by the ACC Manager, Ann Adrian who will coordinate a citizen group of 6-8 people from the community who will be responsible for identifying and soliciting potential instructors and lecturers on various educational and cultural topics. These instructors and lecturers will volunteer their time, which will provide people opportunity to give back to the community. The 50+Advisory Board may want to consider appointing a representative to this group. Janine Dunphy questioned why Marylhurst University wouldn't take this proposal on; it seems premature for the ACC to be doing this now. Kim Gilmer explained that the ACC's mission is to provide programs and services to the community's residents who are over 50 years of age, and that development of this program is a modification and of what the Center already provides to the community in response to changing trends. Terry Harty asked about this new Advisory Committee-why is it different than this Board? Kim Gilmer clarified that the 50+Advisory Board is advisory to City Council on policy and it is not a programming board. She also explained that the 6-8 citizens will be charged with going out in the community to identify potential instructors and speakers, which will require people who are interested in doing this, plus have strong connections in the community to identify instructors/speakers. There was discussion about the fact that the 50+Advisory Board and the LOAC Foundation had never heard of this project until they viewed it being presented at the December 8 Council Study Session. Gail Zimmerman expressed a desire for more and better communication from the City of Lake Oswego. Nanci Cummings expressed disappointment in not being told about this new program before it got this far. She commented that we are all working on the same goals and there is some confusion over roles of this Board. Kim Gilmer responded that typically, staff does not go to Boards regarding programs. She mentioned the teen program as a good example indicating that a need existed to develop a program for youth, and that the program was developed and implemented without going to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. She mentioned that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board's role is to advise Council, not to approve or guide program development. She also stated that prior approval for funding is needed to begin developing the full program for Life Long Learning, which is why staff went to the City Council in December. Kim Gilmer suggested that the Board review the Boards and Commissions Manual. d. Next Meeting Date: February 11, 2010 e. Adjourn at 10 a.m. References: 50+ Draft Meeting Minutes 12/10/09