Approved Minutes - 2010-02-18 °f LAN[OS
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50-Plus Advisory Board
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Members 2010-2011: 8:30 a.m. — 10 a.m.
Janine Dunphy, Chair
Thomas Brennan
Nanci Cummings Oswego Room
Gail Zimmerman
Edwin Blossom West End Building (WEB)
Terry Harty 4101 Kruse Way
Robert Eidson
Vacant For Information: 503-675-6407
City Staff:
Donna Jordan, City Council Liaison Approved Minutes
Kim Gilmer, PR Director(Optional) p p
Ann Adrian, ACC Manager
Teresa O'Halloran, ACC Admin
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Janine Dunphy, Thomas Brennan, Nanci Cummings, Edwin Blossom, Terry Harty, Robert Eidson, Donna
Jordon, Council Liaison, Teresa O'Halloran, Staff. Excused: Gail Zimmerman, Ann Adrian, Staff
III. Presentations
A. Introduce Donna Jordan as new City Council liaison
Janine Dunphy welcomed Councilor Jordan and expressed gratitude for her addition to this group.
Councilor Jordan shared with the group the learning process that the Council is going through in the
functioning and relationships the Boards have with the Council. The Council is now focusing on all Boards
and evaluating needs and goals.
There seems to be three different projects on the table including Life Long Learning, Brain Wellness, etc.,
none of which were approved by Council.
Councilor Jordan said that the city-wide facilities study indicated that the Adult Community Center(ACC)
building is sufficient at present. Councilor Jordan added that the Marylhurst intern study costs were
expensive (referring to the interns that worked with the ACC to redesign the Center to be brain healthy).
Discussions with the Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation (LOACF or also referred to as LOAC
Foundation) have occurred. The Council expects that the LOACF would consider Council's approval
before spending any money at the ACC. The funds would go toward physical changes at the building,
which Council is concerned about.
The LOACF also has some concern that competing programs could take away from the fundraising
project, i.e., free programs offered when fee based programs are also offered.
Nanci Cummings recognizes the LOAC Foundation's concern over competing programs but sees them as
being of interest to two different groups of people. One is a social event. Councilor Jordan interjected that
the social event is merely the kickoff event of programs and classes in a connection with Providence that
will be fee based. Portland is currently offering fee-based brain courses in the community, so it is evident
that these classes are financially remunerative. Janine Dunphy questioned why would Lake Oswego want
to engage in this type of programming with all the various hospitals and organizations already doing so.
Councilor Jordan agreed that we always have to look at what we offer as compared with the private
sector; filling a niche with fee for service, or offering a low fee or no fee for those who cannot afford the
fee based classes.
Council Jordan asked the City attorney about the 50+ charge. The 50+Advisory Board is part of what the
Council is working on. The 50+ Board doesn't support programs without realizing that the Council must
support it too.
Question arose over the ACC charging for classes. Council Jordan said it depends what program is
being offered, some are for a fee and some are pay what you can. The goal is not to make money but to
break even.
Nanci Cummings wondered why the LOAC Foundation would focus on brain wellness when there are so
many other possible topics. A bigger issue is how the Foundation views how the Ellouise Minter funds
should be used. Kim Gilmer went to City Council to ask them to consider releasing of some of the Minter
funds for the Life Long Learning Program. The LOACF went to City Council to ask for Minter funds as
well. The LOACF came to the Council because they are concerned about being undermined by the free
programs being discussed.
The use of the Minter funds are tied to specific things identified in Ellouise Minter's will, as well as City
parameters regarding the use of ACC Endowment funds.
Janine Dunphy expressed interest in Council Jordan's view of the position for the 50+ Board. Councilor
Jordan said it is her understanding that the former Adult Community Center Advisory Board had ideas
about what they wanted to do; the Mayor and City Manager had concerns about the direction of this
Board. After the completion of the 50+ Dialogues, it was decided to broaden the focus of the board. Thus
the 50+Advisory Board was created. The 50+ Board has such a broad charge that it was challenging to
discern what the goals would be. Additionally, the downturn in the economy slowed the progress of some
of the recommendations of the 50+ Dialogues.
Council Jordan continued that there is a need for this board. She commented that there is a relationship
between the 50+ Advisory Board and the Adult Community Center. The 50+Advisory Board is not
separate from the ACC. At the time the 50+ Board was created, there was movement toward a possible
intergenerational center. Since this is no longer the case, there needs to be a relationship between the
ACC and 50+ Board. The 50+ Board's staffing comes from the ACC.
Robert Eidson asked if the 50+ Board was a content delivery group. Councilor Jordan suggested
investigating what areas of study and issues this Board can research and bring to the community such as
ideas to keep 50+ residents active in the community.
Councilor Jordan added that a review and update of the City's Comprehensive Plan is currently going on
and we need the 50+ Board to get involved with that with a mind for the 50+ population. Tom Brennan
said that this group has been involved with input in the Comprehensive Plan.
Councilor Jordan encouraged those present to continue to look at housing and Secondary Dwelling Units,
but also to look at neighborhoods, sidewalks, walkable areas, etc. and have a 50+ representative involved
in the meetings and discussions. A discussion on transportation and the original shuttle program plan
ensued. The streetcar was mentioned as well as neighborhood options for the 50+ in Lake Oswego.
Councilor Jordan congratulated the 50+Advisory Boards in their 2010 goals; however programming of
workshops and classes in the community is problematic. She encouraged the Board to look at what the
ACC is already doing and work together to provide such programs.
Janine Dunphy reported that the strongest goal was the relationship with Marylhurst, working with them
on a citizen group. The relationship is nebulous at present. Councilor Jordan said that Council's main
concern is the competing programming.
Nanci Cummings felt that if the 50+ Board identified a need, they should be able to provide the
programming. She identified the Sustainability Advisory Board as producing programs. Councilor Jordan
said that this example had been problematic for the City Council.
Terry Harty said that the Life Long Learning proposal should have come to the 50+ Board before it went
to City Council. Council Jordan agreed and said staff should have come to this Board and worked on the
proposal to City Council together. Terry Harty asked where feedback or comments would be, to staff or
City Council. Councilor Jordan said these discussions would be held between staff and 50+ Board prior
to going to City Council.
Janine Dunphy pointed out that the 50+ Board has had staff at every meeting and didn't know this was
the way we should be working, that the Board was told that staff did not have to come to the Board for
approval. Otherwise the Board would have operated differently. She does not believe that the Life Long
Learning program is ready for a study session, and that is should be brought back around the right way.
Edwin Blossom asked if the 50+ Board should be working with the ACC on this, and Councilor Jordan
agreed they should.
Nanci Cummings wondered how to proceed if it appeared City Council was not interested in what the 50+
Board wanted to do. She questioned how to get direction. Councilor Jordan reported that Mayor Hoffman
would attend each Board and Commission meeting in March to discuss expectations. Councilor Jordan
said if there is a program or idea related to 50+ it needs to come through the 50+Advisory Board as well
as City Council, to have a broader look. Janine Dunphy pointed out that the Board had been
communicating their plans and goals with staff at each meeting. Councilor Jordan noted the transition of
several managers and not having experience with boards perhaps accounts for the communication issue
of staff not communicating their plans to the Board.
At this time, there will be no funding of new programs. However, redirecting funding to address new
issues would be an excellent use for this Board. In addition, Councilor Jordan noted that there had been
some Board turn over and perhaps the membership should go from nine members to seven, as the other
boards are.
Councilor Jordan said that Mayor Hoffman wanted this Board to have a copy of housing trends report and
wants our input. Robert Eidson asked about demographic reports for Lake Oswego. Paul Lyons had
previously provided some information to the Board, and the upcoming 2010 Census will help update the
Councilor Jordan noted that the Tualatin Food Bank has opened up a food bank at Rolling Hills Church.
They are looking for a Lake Oswego location to be open more that has easier access to area citizens.
Councilor Jordan wants 50+ advice on this and said it will be interesting to see how many Lake Oswego
citizens are using this service. The issue of hunger in the community hasn't been researched. Tom
Brennan added that hunger is not exclusively a 50+ problem.
Janine Dunphy asked for a volunteer to help determine what the need is in Lake Oswego for a food bank.
Nanci Cummings is going to call the Tualatin Food Bank and report back. Janine Dunphy wondered if the
role of senior centers should be primarily as a social services center.
Councilor Jordan also wondered if families are cohabitating again, and potential impacts for the social
fabric. The census will help us understand this picture. Councilor Jordan also suggested attendance at
neighborhood meetings, starting with attendance at your own neighborhood meetings. Outreach to the
community and in neighborhood newsletters was also suggested. Tom Brennan asked how 50+ might
coordinate with other Boards who might be interested in the same research or projects as the 50+ Board,
and how to avoid future duplication. Councilor Jordan said Mayor Hoffman would like to have reports
from Council liaisons at the beginning of each Board meeting.
IV. Approval of January 14, 2010 Minutes
Tom Brennan suggested adding action items to the bottom of the minutes or the work plan.
The agenda is pretty well spelled out. The minutes should reflect the topics on the agenda. The issues are
whether it should be a summary or a narrative of what people said. Councilor Jordan said usually a summary
is provided and the details are left for the recording and if someone wants to listen to those, they can. Janine
Dunphy said although she likes the detail, the minutes were too long.
Edwin Blossom and Tom Brennan voted to approve. Nanci Cummings voted against, as she didn't like the
way they were written in the narrative.
V. New Business
A. Janine Dunphy suggested meeting the 4th Thursday of each month, same time. All present
B. Councilor Jordan mentioned using the Library to bring in speakers or facilitators related to 50+ needs and
interests. She will talk to Bill Baars, the Lake Oswego Library director, regarding this.
1. Set next meeting date March 25, 2010 at 8:30 am
2. Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.