Approved Minutes - 2010-04-22 LAKE OSWEGO APPROVED MINUTES CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Centennial 1910-2010 50+ADVISORY BOARD 505 G Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego,OR 97034 Thursday,April 22, 2010 8:30 a.m. 503-635-3758 West End Building — Oswego Room www.ci.oswego.or.us/acc 4101 Kruse Way Contact: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Also published on the internet at: Email: aadrian@ci.oswego.or.us www.ci.oswego.or.us/acc/50PIus.htm Phone: 503-635-3758 The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact Public Affairs at 503-635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting. 1. Roll Call Janine Dunphy, Robert Eidson, Gail Zimmerman, Edwin Blossom, Tom Brennan, Councilor Jordan, Ann Adrian, Teresa O'Halloran. Guests: Laura Weigel, City Planner. Excused: Nanci Cummings and Terry Harty. 2. Approve March 25, 2010 Meeting Minutes Motion made by Tom Brennan, Robert Eidson seconded that motion. Minutes approved within some minor changes. 3. Open Public Communication The purpose of citizen comment is to allow citizens to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda.A time limit of five minutes per citizen shall apply. 4. Presentations 4.1 Presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Laura Weigel, City of Lake Oswego, Neighborhood Planner Laura Weigel presented information on the update of the City's Comprehensive Plan. This document is required by the state of Oregon and it is used to help shape the future of the City. The City's original plan was completed 1978, further updated in 1984, 1994, and presently. The process is estimated to take three years. All decisions and goals made by City Council are guided and in some cases, determined by the Comprehensive Plan. This update is a great opportunity for the community to help shape the blue print of the City for the next 25 years. Some new additions to the plan for the first time include adding a section with action plans that will track our progress. Laura Weigel and Sidaro Sin are running the project out of the Planning department. The first step in the process is to talk to all the Boards and Commissions in order to promote involvement in this plan. Janine Dunphy, Chair • Edwin Blossom • Thomas Brennan • Nanci Cummings Robert Eidson • Terry Harty • Gail Zimmerman• Donna Jordan, Council Liaison Page 2 Laura Weigel share with the Board the City Council's vision statement and plan. Laura would like input from the Board on the vision and to collect any questions you may have. Laura would like to come back in a month and gather the feedback based upon all the information presented today. All feedback will be taken to City Council in a revised version. Then this summer the City plans to go out into the community at large for their feedback. Finally Laura and Sid plan to return to the Board for feedback on the vision statement. The idea is to gather together in a roundtable type setting with representatives from all Boards and Commissions in order to work on the vision statement. Then back to the citizens for a kickoff event which will then allow us to begin the actual development of the policies and goals. The City demographics will need to be updated as well. Laura asked for questions and comments: Councilor Jordan added that the plan is actually larger than the one binder which Laura brought to share. The Council wants to have a much more extensive plan update that includes the community. To keep it a living document, a suggestion was shared, to have a community that reviews the plan on a routine bases, annually. Many various reports and surveys are being used to inform the process. Gail Zimmerman suggested that the goal listed last on the goal sheet should be moved to the top as the most important goal. Janine Dunphy asked what format is acceptable. Laura emphasized that any form is acceptable. For example, the narrative, bullets on paper, or just thoughts shared. These can be formed into recommendations by the team. Laura will come back with a white board and facilitate a feedback process with the group. Following the feedback session, Laura would prepare a summary of the white board information and provide it to the Board. The Board is reminded to come prepared next time to share any initial feedback on the Comp Plan. The vision statement was created in 2008 by the previous Council. This new Council has not updated this document since then...and has been determined to be better revised with public input. Janine continued to express the importance of capturing all the accomplishments and goals that the City has and will have as we move forward. How do we get to where we want to be in 20 years? Deadline for completing the update to the Comprehensive Plan is April 15, 2013. Janine Dunphy asked about the survey currently being conducted of 400 individuals. Janine explained that these surveys are completed every few years to get a temperature of how the city is doing. Page 3 Tom Brennan clarified with the group that comments are wanted for the vision statement sheet, as well as, using information and input provided at previous meetings. Tom further mentioned the City of Hillsboro as an example and how they used a citizen's involvement committee. Donna Jordan shared that there is a land use only citizen's enrollment committee in Lake Oswego. Therefore, the planning commission acts as this committee in Lake Oswego. Tom asked if the strict zoning language would change. That was an issue the Board uncovered previously. Zoning language is very hard to get changed and doesn't always match up with the policy. Laura Wiegel shared that the Foothills area will probably need to be zoned differently to accomplish the vision for the changes. Density is another example to look citywide. The policy drives the zoning changes. Tom Brennan asked Laura to explain further how the input will be weighted or how it is prioritized. Laura was not sure since she hasn't done this yet. Collectively as a community the priorities will reveal themselves. Councilor Jordan added there are things in the community we like and are good...these will come out on top and be easier to update. Others will be more complicated and will need more time and attention to work through. Janine added that if you don't participate, Council can only make decisions on what they hear. If we don't participate, then the Council cannot make the most informed decisions. Tom Brennan asked how legislative directives are include in the Comp Plan. Staff is currently working on chapters that will include a background report which will cover all the changes needed in each chapter. In summary, it is basically a comprehensive review of the Comp Plan. Robert Eidson wondered where Metro fits in all of this. Councilor Jordan replied we cannot adopt policies that are in conflict with Metro policies. We are aligned with Metro goals and state regulations. Laura will return in May to gather the Board's feedback. 5. Old Business 5.1 Discuss and decide upon a recommendation to City Council for co-sponsoring the Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation's Brain Health event in Fall 2010. The Foundation isn't necessarily expecting the city would endorse this event. Councilor Jordan cautioned the Board that if you say sponsorship in anyway, people will question how the City is sponsoring it. Page 4 Janine Dunphy asked how the Board feels about it. Tom expressed confusion and needs more information on the event and the program. Janine reviewed the Foundations event and the need for fundraisers. Janine wondered if the Board can say 'recognized' instead of'sponsored"? She felt that since it is related to the 50+ community, that this Board should support this event. Janine added that using the 50+ endorsement helps make the event more credible. Robert wondered why the Board would we not support this event. Janine agreed as she doesn't see a down side. She compared the proclamation to be similar to that of Water Africa. She is not sure however, what it is the Foundation is expecting out of an endorsement. Janine, who attends the Foundation Committee meetings, reported that the money raised at the brain event would be used to further the partnership with Providence, about 25%. Another 25% of the monies raised will be used for work to be done at the Adult Community Center (ACC). 50% will be returned into the Foundation's endowment. If this group feels it is worthwhile to endorse or support, not financially, but with additional publicity or awareness, Janine will put together a draft of the support proclamation from this board. Submit to the City Council. Robert Eidson made a motion to approve, Gail Zimmerman seconded the motion. Janine agreed to craft a draft for the September event. 5.2 Update on Partnership with Marylhurst University- Report from Chair Janine Dunphy was pretty sure that this will be tabled for now as there is not much going on right now, perhaps in the future. Other groups are using Marylhurst as well. There is a need to stimulate activity at this school in the day time. 5.3 ACC Project Updates Ann shared the new Leisure News (LN) and handed out a brief outline of upcoming events including the drug event at the center on Saturday. (Drugs to be disposed by incineration) Janine added that there are some new ways of disposing of drugs in your garbage disposable. No further information was available. Move or not to Move program on May 16 about housing resources available in the community. Two sessions available on 5/S or 5/20 for the Street Car and enhanced bus service project. The ACC's 40th Anniversary Open House on May 23 will include program demonstrations, information and a celebration. Janine Dunphy wanted to know what the fire plan is for getting people out of the ACC's lower level. Ann reported that the City's new Emergency Management Analyst is working on this situation, including mapping evacuations routes. This issue has been brought to the City's attention several Page 5 times in the past. Councilor Jordan and Janine Dunphy talked about the responsibility of the Board being too general. It was suggested that they get together to brainstorm thoughts about the Board's mission. Results can be suggested to Council. Tom Brennan added that this Board should be reviewing it regularly. Budget meeting reminder—the next couple of Mondays at the WEB. 6. New Business 6.1 Set Next Meeting Date— May 27 at 8:30 a.m. 6.2 Adjourn Meeting References: March 25, 2010 Minutes Comp Plan Presentation Materials (3)