Approved Minutes - 2010-05-27 LAKE OSWEGO
Centennial 1910-2010 50+ADVISORY BOARD 505 G Avenue
PO Box 369
Lake Oswego,OR 97034
Thursday, May 27, 2010
8:30 a.m. 503-635-3758
West End Building — Oswego Room
4101 Kruse Way
Contact: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Also published on the internet at:
Phone: 503-635-3758
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact
Public Affairs at 503-635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting.
1. Roll Call
Janine Dunphy, Robert Eidson, Edwin Blossom,Tom Brennan,Terry Harty, Nanci Cummings, Ann
Adrian, Teresa O'Halloran. Guests: Laura Weigel, City Planner, Bob Lawrence, Marcia Robertson.
Excused: Gail Zimmerman, Councilor Jordan.
Janine Dunphy asked for a moment in honor of Chief Duncan's recent passing.
Guest Bob Lawrence and Marcia Robertson were introduced.
There are three members retiring from this Board.
2. Approve April 22, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Due to lack of opportunity for prior review, the minutes had many corrections. With all corrections
made,Janine Dunphy asked for a motion to approve. Motion made by Tom Brennan, Nanci
Cummings seconded that motion. Minutes approved with changes.
3. Open Public Communication
The purpose of citizen comment is to allow citizens to present information or raise an issue
regarding items not on the agenda. A time limit of five minutes per citizen shall apply.
Bob Lawrence presented to the Board a suggestion to take a retrospective look at the 50+ Dialogue.
He proposed hosting a coffee and inviting the original dialogue volunteers to update them on things
coming down the pike and projects where we will need some high quality volunteers.
Bob commented that the Mission statement for this Board is too vague and is too broad. What does
it mean?
Janine reported that the Board is in the process of looking at the mission and are looking into
Janine Dunphy, Chair • Edwin Blossom • Thomas Brennan • Nanci Cummings
Robert Eidson • Terry Harty • Gail Zimmerman• Donna Jordan, Council Liaison
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updating that statement.
Bob is under the impression that the population that the ACC serves is the same population that
this Board serves as well, but that this Board deals with the bigger picture in dealing with the senior
population and future challenges.
Bob recommends a visit to the 50+ Center in Salem. The need is out there for both services and
Janine asked him to come back and expand upon the information.
4. Presentations
4.1 Presentation on the Comprehensive Plan
Laura Weigel, City of Lake Oswego Neighborhood Planner came today to facilitate the feedback
session from the members of the Board on the vision statement for the Comp Plan.
The steering committee or advisory group made up of members of Boards and Commissions is
evolving regarding the update of the Comp Plan. The group will be comprised of 15 people and the
Council liaison is Sally Moncrieff. Laura asked for a name from the 50+ of someone who would like
to volunteer their time towards this group?
The vision statement from 2002 is guiding this process and Laura is looking at this statement as a
starting point in setting the framework from making policy choices for the comp plan.
Laura is asking for feedback today on this 2002 vision statement. Comments include:
• Janine is hopeful that the City can maintain its safe, small town feel.
• Edwin added that keeping the friendliness and welcoming feel is important.
• Tom's initial impression of Lake Oswego was negative. He initially lived here as a renter, and
soon discovered that he was wrong about LO. Transportation access was pretty good and
would like to keep that as an option for citizens. Over time the attention to infrastructure
has been good by the City, in his experience. Continue to maintain the public infrastructure.
• Nanci Cummings added that she appreciates the value of living in a small community. Easy
proximity to everything. Few hassles, low traffic, sense of community and beauty. Just a
community to live in without the big town feel. She fears that this will change as the high
density plans and the need or desire to develop grows.
• Janine said that one of the joys of LO is the ease of getting to the services and stores you
• Bob Eidson really likes the ambling little roads. The roads remind him of Lake Tahoe. Likes
the schools. He likes the feeling of being in an area of"this is us" or this is our community.
• Janine added that she doesn't see the need for sidewalks everywhere and prefers the
current layout which includes pathways
• Terry reminisced about his first impression of LO during the July 4 celebration. He thinks LO
should have less traffic.
• Tom added that in exploring the natural pathways and parks that he was impressed and
thought it beautiful.
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• Janine said that what we have now with our parks is more than adequate for our City as is.
What are some challenges that seniors will face in the next 20 years?
Nanci added Transportation —the topography makes it hard for seniors to get around without a car
What about housing choices?
Terry said it is ok as is as long as you do not raise fees and rates to live in the current home.
Janine added that we can't address all people's issues. She thinks financial sustainability is important for
the City.
Robert would like suggestions be made available for those wanting to keep their home.
Janine mentioned the Lake Grove Village Center plan and how that will impact the future. The plan for Lake
Grove is to be a booming business area.
Janine wanted to clarify the transportation issue is related to accessing the services within our community,
not easier access to Portland.
Bob Lawrence added that the EngAGE project is addressing these type of issues currently in its research and
how the monies can be used.
Nanci predicted that property taxes will double in the future and the fixed income seniors will struggle. And
she doesn't see how seniors will be able to afford it.
Janine added that some families are moving away as soon as their children finish school due to affordability
and the changes occurring in the City.
Please email Laura your additional thoughts by the end of next week, she will be happy to share them and
include them in the feedback.
Robert added there are memories associated with a senior's home. They prefer to age in place in their own
homes and not being able to stay can affect their mental is very traumatic on the person.
Affordability is threatening to seniors. The City's focus on density appears to be in contradiction with what
the citizens want. This is the way it is, we have a lifestyle in Lake Oswego with a cost associated with it and
it won't change.
Janine shared what Gail had submitted via email. Encourage more citizen involvement.
National walk-ability study is something that Bob Lawrence is working on and will share with Laura the
Robert added that seniors have commented on the increased traffic. Boones Ferry is the busiest street in
LO, followed by Country Club and Hwy 43. Even though the seniors are still driving, it is intimidating for
them to pull out onto these roads. Many seniors only go out at certain times in the day.
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5. Old Business
5.1 Discuss and decide upon a recommendation to City Council for co-sponsoring the Lake Oswego
Adult Center Foundation's Brain Health event in Fall 2010.
Janine crafted a memo regarding this event to be sent to the Council on how this 50+ Board would
support this event. Janine asked for feedback. Janine asked for a motion to support this event.
Robert Eidson made the motion and Nanci Cummings seconded that motion. The motion passed.
Janine reported that resources would be allocated for the SDU project. Cluster housing will be
Janine wrote a letter to acknowledge the City on their efforts to update the SDU process. She asked
for feedback. Tom would like to take more time in reviewing the letter. Suggestions submitted via
5.2 ACC Project Updates
Ann gave her time to Bob
Bob mentioned a workshop called "Living Well with Chronic Conditions" that will be available at the
ACC in the Fall. This program has been around for 2 years and afterwards a support group usually
evolves. The ACC is proposing a coffee in August to ignite participation. The target audience is
family caregivers and those living with the condition. Bob and Ann will keep this Board updated as
the planning proceeds.
Janine mentioned that Legacy Health Systems has offered for several years similar programs,
especially one dealing with caregivers.
Ann added some information on the EngAGE project. It includes leadership training in June. There
will be plenty of volunteer opportunities. Photo mapping will be included as a tool for
understanding the issues within the City. It is on the Council agenda for next Tuesday.
6.1 Set Next Meeting Date—June 24 at 8:30 a.m.
6.2 Adjourn Meeting