Approved Minutes - 2010-06-24 LAKE OSWEGO APPROVED MINUTES CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Centennial 1910-2010 50+ADVISORY BOARD 505 G Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego,OR 97034 -11•f- Thursday, June 24, 2010 8:30 a.m. 503-635-3758 West End Building — Oswego Room www.ci.oswego.or.us/acc 4101 Kruse Way Contact: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Also published on the internet at: Email: aadrian@ci.oswego.or.us www.ci.oswego.or.us/acc/50PIus.htm Phone: 503-635-3758 The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact Public Affairs at 503-635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting. 1. Roll Call Janine Dunphy, Robert Eidson, Edwin Blossom, Tom Brennan, Terry Harty, Nanci Cummings, Gail Zimmerman, Councilor Jordan, Ann Adrian, Teresa O'Halloran. 2. Approve May 27, 2010 Meeting Minutes Janine Dunphy asked for a motion to approve the minutes after a few small changes. Motion made by Edwin Blossom, Terry Harty seconded the motion. The Board decided to take off the summer months, so there will be no meetings in July and August. The November meeting falls on Thanksgiving, so the meeting will be moved to November 18, a week earlier. The December meeting falls on the 23rd, which is very close to Christmas, so we will meet on the 16th of December. Tom Brennan has agreed to be part of a committee reviewing the City's Comp Plan. Terry Harty applied for a position on the Governor's Commission. Funding issues are prevalent. Terry is also participating in the Ombudsman Program. 3. Open Public Communication The purpose of citizen comment is to allow citizens to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda.A time limit of five minutes per citizen shall apply. 4. Old Business 4.1 Discuss and decide upon refining the Board's Mission Statement Janine Dunphy, Chair • Edwin Blossom • Thomas Brennan • Nanci Cummings Robert Eidson • Terry Harty • Gail Zimmerman• Donna Jordan, Council Liaison Page 2 Nanci Cummings, Gail Zimmerman, Terry Harty, and Tom Brennan met with Doug Oliphant, Lake Oswego Adult Center (LOAC) Foundation regarding ideas for updating the 50+ mission statement. Janine Dunphy handed out some examples and collected group feedback. Janine Dunphy provided a short summary on how this Board arrived at this point of needing to update the mission. And after 5 years, this Board has evolved and such changes should be reflected in the mission statement. Doug Oliphant and Mayor Jack Hoffman met to discuss the need for this Board, and agreed that this Board does fulfill a need in the community and should continue. A variety of mission statements were shared and discussed. Questions surfaced on how this Board fits in with the Adult Community Center (ACC) and the City Council. Donna Jordan explained how simple communication is lacking between the Boards and Committees and projects or events do not come to the Council for approval until it has been in process for a long time. She recommends that the focus remain that the 50+ Board continues to be an advocate for the 50+ community. Pull together our community resources. Janine Dunphy suggests including community outreach within the Board's focus by perhaps providing a plan for going out into the community and sharing our resources. She also suggested bringing together the people involved with the 50+ Dialogue and using that study in the community. Councilor Jordan suggested that as long as the outreach is something the City is doing or supporting then it would work, but to be mindful of what the City has control over. Gail Zimmerman asked what the Council's expectations were of the 50+ Board. Councilor Jordan responded that it depends, For example, a HOA neighborhood plan could contradict the direction of the 50+ Board, and therefore the 50+ Board is needed to educate and cooperate with such groups. That would be an example of an expectation. A discussion on housing ensued. What do Lake Oswego seniors really envision for their housing as they age in place? Perhaps this discussion needs to be carried out into the community. People are moving out of Lake Oswego and are moving into Portland for smaller more accessible housing and living. A discussion on Transportation began. The idea of a "dial-a-ride" type program came up and the possibility of running it out of the ACC utilizing volunteers. Councilor Jordan believes it can be a connection that this Board could make out in the community. Janine Dunphy suggested that the Board come up with some questions for an informal community survey. Council approval would be needed, but first Councilor Jordan suggested returning to the Page 3 mission statement before moving into solutions. Volunteering, senior friendly community, aging in place and transportation are the main focus. How do we foster a better transportation system in Lake Oswego? Nanci Cummings believes the topography in Lake Oswego creates aconsiderable problem for the City. Janine Dunphy mentioned that the churches used to do such social services within the community until the 1950s or 1960s when social services switched into becoming a large tax payer drain. She would like to see social services go back to the churches and volunteers in the community. Tom Brennan mentioned that whatever the mission statement ends up being is that it includes the phrase "aging in place". It is a very large encompassing phrase that should be included. Janine Dunphy suggests that the original group, who met to brainstorm missions, get together sometime in July and work on a draft of a mission for the Board to review in September when we meet next. 4.2 Approve the letter to council regarding Secondary Dwelling Units (SDUs) The Board discussed voting on approval of the letter regarding SDUs. Tom Brennan made the motion to approve, Nanci Cummings seconded. Motion approved. The letter will be submitted for the July 6th Council Meeting. 4.3 ACC Project Updates Ann Adrian, Center Manger, reported the Adult Community Center (ACC) will participate in the National Accreditation process for senior centers this year. Ann is looking for volunteers for the assessment committee and would like someone from this board to participate. The Board asked about the benefit of this accreditation. Ann Adrian responded that it gives recognition to the ACC for meeting the highest standards in the industry. Terry Harty volunteered to participate. Mayor Hoffman attended the ACC program, To Move or Not to Move, and was impressed. He asked Ann Adrian to coordinate more speakers on this topic to include an entire network of resources, not just housing. The Meal Network gave the City a $30,000 which was raised to reimburse the program. 5. New Business 5.1 Set Next Meeting Date—Sept 23 at 8:30 a.m. 5.2 Adjourn Meeting