Approved Minutes - 2010-09-23 LAKE OSWEGO
Centennial 1910-2010 50+ADVISORY BOARD 505 G Avenue
PO Box 369
Lake Oswego,OR 97034
-11•f- Thursday, September 23, 2010
8:30 a.m. 503-635-3758
West End Building — Oswego Room
4101 Kruse Way
Contact: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Also published on the internet at:
Phone: 503-635-3758
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact
Public Affairs at 503-635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting.
1. Roll Call
Janine Dunphy, Edwin Blossom, Tom Brennan, Terry Harty, Debbie Harris, Councilor Jordan, Ann
Adrian, Teresa O'Halloran. Excused: Marcia Robertson, Gail Zimmerman
2. Approve June 24, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Terry Harty, Tom Brennan seconded that motion. Minutes approved.
3. Open Public Communication
The purpose of citizen comment is to allow citizens to present information or raise an issue regarding items
not on the agenda.A time limit of five minutes per citizen shall apply.
4. Presentations
4.1 Introduction of new Board members
The new members are Debbie Harris and Marcia Robertson, who was not present.
Debbie Harris is one of the two new members. Janine Dunphy initiated introductions around the
table. This is Debbie's first City Board, but she comes to the group with lots of experience.
Welcome Debbie.
4.2 City Council Updates
A demographics overview was presented at the last City Council meeting on September 22, 2010.
Compared to other Triple A bonded cities, Lake Oswego compares to Beverly Hills, CA; Highland
Park, Ill; and German Town, Tenn., etc.... The population is aging and beginning to look more like
King City, OR whereas other Portland Metro towns continue to attract the younger population. This
creates a lot of different issues that the City will have to address.
Ann Adrian presented recently at the City Council Study Session on September 22 discussing how
Clackamas County is reducing the level of services and funding for the community. Councilor Jordan
Janine Dunphy,Chair • Edwin Blossom • Thomas Brennan •Terry Harty
Debbie Harris • Marcia Robertson • Gail Zimmerman • Donna Jordan, Council Liaison
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was interested in a survey of social services and how to provide them on a sliding scale if necessary;
investigating what types of amenities seniors would be willing to pay for. Another problem is that
the population is growing slowly and we need to attract more families and singles of all ages.
Therefore, looking at a variety of housing types within Lake Oswego.
Councilor Jordan suggested that the time has come that we start to face our own aging issues
instead of focusing on our parents. This is a challenging issue not only for the City, but nationwide.
City Council is also planning on a discussion to address the future of the WEB (West End Building). It
is a televised study session occurring on September 28. The links are available via the city's website.
A roundtable discussion will be held at the Adult Community Center for 90+ residents. The meeting
is on Saturday, October 23 from 10am to 12pm. Some Board members asked for clarity regarding
the specific topic or attendees of this roundtable. Councilor Jordan said she would investigate.
There will be a Candidates for City Council Forum with all seven candidates on October 13 at 3 pm
at Mary's Woods. This meeting will be broadcast within Mary's Woods.
LONAC (Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition) will also hold a candidate forum on Saturday,
October 2 at City Hall from 9am to 12pm. There are several other forums available to view the
candidates. Information is available on the City's website.
5. Old Business
5.1 Comprehensive Plan Update
Tom Brennan provided an update on the three year Comprehension Plan process. There have been
two meetings with the CAC (Citizens Advisory Committee). The demographics discussion was
scheduled, but postponed. Demographics predictions were presented as well. Tom is the 50+
liaison on the CAC helping to guide this update along side City Planners, Public Works department,
business people, and neighborhood representatives.
Most recently the group met to review the bylaws and to explore how the focus on sustainability
will be integrated into the overall plan this time around. Instead of having sustainability as its own
chapter, it acts as a filter to be used when updating all chapters in the Comp Plan. In order to
understand this concept better, an expert in sustainability presented how sustainability can shape
everything. In other words, using a systemic approach to sustainability; this is a huge undertaking
for the City.
There is a survey available on line via the City's website where you can tell the City about how you
personally want to see the City grow. The deadline is Sunday. Please take the time to fill out this
Debbie Harris questioned what the goal is of this project in order to voice her concern with the
process. In her experience, people fear the thought of environmental change and can promote
rebellion against the movement. She is concerned by the overall undertaking.
Tom Brennan encouraged Debbie Harris to check out the website for more information.
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An Open House is scheduled in October for community involvement. This Comp Plan is intended to
become a living document instead of something completed and put on the shelves.
Chair,Janine Dunphy agreed with Debbie Harris' concerns and asked that Tom Brennan relate to
the next Comp Plan CAC that some 50 + Board members had concerns about the motivation behind
the Comp Plan.
5.2 Update on 50+Advisory Board
An update on the 50+ Board was postponed until next month.
Janine Dunphy announced that the LOACF (The Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation) fundraiser
has been postponed until next spring.
Janine Dunphy asked Terry Harty about his Ombudsman participation as well as an update from his
participation on the ACC Accreditation Committee.
Terry reported that through the Ombudsman program he is responsible for three places, two foster
care homes, an assisted living and The Stafford. His role is to advocate for the residents through
any issues, big or small. Terry encourages anyone to get involved as it is a great program. The down
side is that state budget cuts affect the program tremendously. For more information call Drew
Strayer, MA. Deputy Long Term Care Ombudsman at State of Oregon Long-Term Care Ombudsman
office 503-378-6533
5.2 ACC Project Updates
Ann reported that about 20 people have come together to work towards evaluating the ACC for
National Accreditation. Ann shared the nine standards with which the ACC will be judged. It is the
only national accreditation process in the United States for senior centers. The ACC hopes to submit
the documentation by the end of this year.
Terry Harty added how well organized Ann and Teresa are. He added that the ACC staff has just
done a fantastic job in leading the group through the process of accreditation.
Tom Brennan asked about the cost of accreditation. Ann Adrian responded that overall it costs
about $4000 to become accredited. Ann added the opportunity for input and feedback is invaluable
from this group of community people. The next large committee meeting is in November where the
committee will decide if they are ready for submission.
Councilor Jordan added that the return on investment once accredited is high due to the
opportunity for grants and awards. The cost for the NISC Accreditation by itself is based on the
Center's annual budget and is $2,500.
Meals on Wheel fundraiser is occurring in October. Once again this year, the Lake Oswego Meal
Network (LOMN) will be partnering with New Season's market in Mountain Park to fund meals for
seniors. New Season's also donates $.50 per loaf purchased of their sourdough brand bread.
The Engage survey through Clackamas County should have some results available by the end of the
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year. Terry Harty is involved as an interviewer of senior citizens in an effort to research what senior
needs exist in the community. He interviewed three different people from different experiences.
The future for growing older is hopeful.
September is National Senior Center Month. "Your Place to Connect" is this year's theme. The ACC
kicked off the month with a Senior Studies Institute Orientation event.
6. New Business
6.1 Please come prepared to the next meeting to discuss the proposed new mission and charter to
be presented to City Council.
6.1 Election of Board Chair and Vice Chair
Terry Harty nominated Janine Dunphy for Chair, Debbie Harris seconded the motion. Janine Dunphy
will remain chair.
Janine Dunphy nominated Terry Harty for Vice Chair, Tom Brennan seconded the motion. Terry
Harty is the new Vice Chair.
6.2 Set Next Meeting Date—October 28 at 8:30 a.m.
6.3 Adjourn Meeting