Approved Minutes - 2010-10-28 LAKE OSWEGO
Centennial 1910-2010 50+ADVISORY BOARD 505 G Avenue
PO Box 369
Lake Oswego,OR 97034
Thursday, October 28, 2010
8:30 a.m. 503-635-3758
West End Building — Oswego Room
4101 Kruse Way
Contact: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Also published on the internet at:
Phone: 503-635-3758
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact
Public Affairs at 503-635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting.
1. Roll Call
Janine Dunphy, Marcia Robertson,Tom Brennan,Terry Harty, Debbie Harris, Gail Zimmerman, Ann
Adrian, Teresa O'Halloran. Excused: Councilor Jordan, Edwin Blossom
Janine welcomed Marcia Robertson to the group and introduced the Board.
2. Approve September 23, 2010 Meeting
After several changes to the minutes, Tom Brennan made a motion to approve with changes. Debbie
Harris seconded the motion and the September minutes were approved with changes.
3. Open Public Communication
The purpose of citizen comment is to allow citizens to present information or raise an issue
regarding items not on the agenda. A time limit of five minutes per citizen shall apply.
4. Presentations
4.1 Discussion and Approval of 50+ Mission statement revision
Janine Dunphy reviewed the draft of the mission and duties of the 50+ board. She explained the
relationship this board has with City Council.
Terry Harty added that boards and commissions are not always driven by City Council goals. Janine
Dunphy shared that City Council never came to the 50+ Board regarding projects and the vision.
Terry Harty wondered what the Board has done since he joined the group. Janine Dunphy reviewed
Board accomplishments.
Tom Brennan added that he believed the transition of council members affected the relationship
between how the 50+ Board operates in relation to City priorities.
4.2 City Council Updates
Janine Dunphy, Chair • Edwin Blossom • Thomas Brennan •Terry Harty
Debbie Harris • Marcia Robertson • Gail Zimmerman • Donna Jordan,Council Liaison
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Councilor Jordan was unable to be here today.
5. Old Business
5.1 LOAC Foundation Project Update
The Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation (LOACF) is a fundraising organization for the Adult
Community Center. They have raised over $300,000. The goal of fundraising is to donate to the
LOACC. They are planning a large fundraiser in the spring and are currently interviewing for an
Executive Director. Their intention is to strengthen the board, they are seriously interested in
widened their focus on the service to Lake Oswego seniors in the community. Providence has given
then $10,000 toward this fundraiser. Creating a strong alliance with Providence over the years is the
intention of the LOACF. Janine Dunphy reported that LOACF was originally founded in order to be
prepared for any disaster where the seniors in the community would need help.
The question was asked about what the LOACF has contributed to the Adult Community Center
(ACC). Ann Adrian responded that she wasn't sure; but that since she has been with the Center she
believed it was about $500 in scholarships. Marcia Robertson added that she believed that LOACF
had contributed to the porte-cochere addition. Janine Dunphy also believed that the Foundation
has also contributed to the Computer Learning Center (CLC).
5.2 Comprehensive Plan Update
Tom Brennan reported on the Comprehensive Plan process (Comp Plan). Currently that includes
reviewing the history of the Comp Plan and collecting results of the survey. A giant vision statement
is to be created for the Comp Plan formation. There are opportunities for community members to
view the draft vision statement and provide comments. The 50+ Dialogues were included. The
survey can be found on line at
Janine Dunphy would like to know who wrote the vision statement for the Comp Plan and Tom
Brennan committed that he would ask and report back. The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) still
has final approval. This vision statement was a draft attempt to pull together the history, the
survey, and all input.
5.2 Review of Board's meeting with Mayor Hoffman
The Mayor met with all Board chairs his fall and Terry Harty attended on behalf of Janine Dunphy.
At the last moment the Board was supposed to have a presentation available. Janine Dunphy
assisted Terry Harty in being prepared. The Mayor spoke on a variety of items the City was working
on. There is going to be another meeting on December 11 with at least two representatives at a
roundtable with the rest of the members of the boards in the audience. The group talked a lot
about Secondary Dwelling Units (SDU) and suggested the 50+ Board should be more involved.
City Council goal setting will be in January.
The Sustainability Board is working on a "train the trainer" related to the environment. Terry Harty
was interested in spreading this into the 50+ community.
5.2 ACC Project Updates
The Meals on Wheels fundraiser is currently happening at New Seasons Market, Mountain Park.
So far they have raised approximately $2600. The fundraiser occurs for the entire month of October.
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Another Drug Take Back event is scheduled for November 13 at the Adult Community Center (ACC)
from 10am to 2pm.
The Accreditation Committee meets again on November 16 to make a determination if the ACC is
ready to send in our accreditation information for review.
6. New Business
6.1 Discussion of work Plan for 2011 was moved to next month.
6.2 Set Next Meeting Date— November 18 at 8:30 a.m.
6.3 Adjourn Meeting