Approved Minutes - 2010-11-18 LAKE OSWEGO
Centennial 1910-2010 50+ADVISORY BOARD 505 G Avenue
PO Box 369
Lake Oswego,OR 97034
-11•f- Thursday, November 18, 2010
8:30 a.m. 503-635-3758
West End Building — Oswego Room
4101 Kruse Way
Contact: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Also published on the internet at:
Phone: 503-635-3758
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact
Public Affairs at 503-635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting.
1. Roll Call
Janine Dunphy, Marcia Robertson, Tom Brennan,Terry Harty, Edwin Blossom, Gail Zimmerman,
Councilor Jordan, Ann Adrian, Teresa O'Halloran. Excused: Debbie Harris
2. Approve October 28, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Marcia Robertson made a motion to approve the minutes and Janine Dunphy seconded the motion. The
minutes were approved with minor changes.
3. Open Public Communication
The purpose of citizen comment is to allow citizens to present information or raise an issue regarding items
not on the agenda.A time limit of five minutes per citizen shall apply.
• Janine Dunphy suggested that the Comp plan be added as a regular agenda item
• Jeff Gudman and Mike Kehoe been invited to the December Board meeting
• LOAC Foundation may also come an introduce their new Executive Director
• Wilsonville Smart system Director has also been invited to come to a meeting
o Councilor Donna Jordan explained that the way the Smart system is funded is not feasible
because the City is under the Tri-Met umbrella.
o Janine Dunphy wondered then if the Director should not come to present. Councilor Jordan
suggested we find another example that is similar to our City.
o Gail Zimmerman mentioned that when the first shuttle survey was completed that many
people didn't know Adult Community Center services existed ie: Medical Transport.
o People want door to door service and not what Tri-Met offers.
A discussion ensued on the needs of seniors and transportation:
Janine Dunphy,Chair • Edwin Blossom • Thomas Brennan •Terry Harty
Debbie Harris • Marcia Robertson • Gail Zimmerman • Donna Jordan, Council Liaison
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o Ann Adrian added that seniors don't come to the Center until they need something.
o Councilor Jordan thought that if Tri-Met wants to reduce costs on their lift shuttle that
maybe we could figure out a community model that would be a win-win for both
o Janine Dunphy wondered about Canby or other areas. Marcia Robertson thought they were
similar to the Wilsonville example.
o Councilor Jordan said you can ride for free in Sandy to Portland.
o Marcia Robertson thinks we should have someone from Tri-Met come to talk to this group.
o Tom Brenan offered to look into scheduling that for January.
o Councilor Jordan added that the layout of the City is challenging for Tri-Met buses. There is
not a simple grid section to run busses back and forth on.
4. Presentations
4.1 Final Review of Proposed Mission Statement Changes
Input on the final mission statement was gathered. Some small grammatical changes were made.
Tom Brennan made the motion to accept with the changes and Edwin Blossom seconded the
motion. Next steps include presenting these changes to the City Council.
Councilor Jordan suggested getting on the agenda for an upcoming meeting to present these
changes before goal setting for the New Year.
4.2 City Council Updates
The Election is over and the Council will have two new members. The current Council is trying to
keep things moving in preparation for the transition. December 13 is the next sensitive lands
meeting which will probably be carried over into the New Year. Other issues in the queue are the
West End Building and the two options for the future of the building.
Councilor Jordan discussed the swimming pool system and how community schools compete with
the public schools and the City's Parks and Recreation Department.
Terry Harty asked about a work out facility. Councilor Jordan responds that the vision for the WEB
would be a full service facility with all types of activities including gyms, pools, class rooms, etc....
Councilor Jordan added that they are still trying to decide what to put on the ballot as for the use of
the WEB facility. Then there is the issue of moving City Hall. The idea is that the WEB would become
a civic campus.
Tom Brennan wants a pool included in this new civic campus proposal.
Marcia Robertson wondered why there is a mandate to move City Hall. Councilor Jordan said that
no one is saying it has to move, however the physical plant issues with City Hall create a problem for
renovations or upgrades.
Councilor Jordan added that there would be space available at the WEB for the ACC when a
transition is appropriate.
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Marcia Robertson mentioned that the ACC property might not be able to be sold since the building
was funded with Federal money.
Terry Harty asked how many people are transported by the ACC.
Ann Adrian mentioned that she could get that information to the Board next time.
5. Old Business
5.1 ACC Project Updates
220 individuals participated in the drug take back event at the Center last week.
There is not a final number yet on the Lake Oswego Meal Program fundraiser. The group did make
more than last year.
Ann Adrian has been reaching out to faith based organizations and neighborhoods. She has been
meeting with them to talk about the services and programs offered at the ACC. The first group she
met with was the First Addition and Evergreen neighborhoods.
Lake Grove Presbyterian Church is having their ground breaking ceremony on December 15 for the
new senior housing. The ACC is hoping to do cooperative programming with this group.
Councilor Jordan asked if toiletries or other hygiene items are being made available to seniors who
need it. Ann Adrian didn't believe the ACC had a program like that.
Accreditation process continues along with the work plan to address suggestions.
5.2 LOAC Foundation Project Update (Tentative)
Did not have time for this update
5.3 CAC update was added.
Tom Brennan provided a review of the last meeting and the history of the planning department.
There is a lack of institutional memory due to new players and staff changes.
Eight neighborhoods created their own neighborhood plans. Zoning was discussed and how some
neighborhoods changed their zoning in the past.
Tom shared with everyone the maps and the overlays of neighborhoods and how these areas were
planned. You can make comments on the "We love L.O." website.
Janine Dunphy asked why two meetings are scheduled in December? Tom Brennan explained that
they determined they need more time and too many things were going on.
Councilor Jordan forgot to mention that on December 3 the DEIS for the Lake Oswego Portland
transportation options (streetcar ) will be available to review on line.. She will send to Janine
Dunphy who will share with the board.
Tom Brennan further shared the Quality of Life Indicators that he just discovered. These 72
indicators were adopted back in 1998 and updated annually. It was revised down to 48 indicators in
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recent years. In summary they are trying to incorporate the institutional memory with the comp
Terry Harty wondered about how these indicators impact seniors. Janine Dunphy suggested that he
analyze the indicators.
6. New Business
6.1 2011 Goal and Project Discussion
Janine Dunphy solicited ideas for projects and goals for 2011.
Marcia Robertson wondered what the Board did last year. There was some discussion about past
Board accomplishments.
Handicapped parking in the city needs to be added within the residential areas and then mapped so
that seniors know where to park. Councilor Jordan mentioned that she will relay this to Jane
Blackstone, Economic Development for the City. Janine Dunphy also added that she wanted to talk
to Jane about parking for people using Tri-Met as well.
Janine Dunphy wants more lights at City Hall. Councilor Jordan mentioned that there is a code for
lighting that will not impact the dark night sky. Marcia Robertson added improving lighting at the
Center is necessary too. Overall lighting in the City could be improved.
In summary, lighting, parking and transportation are good goals. Ed Blossom added sidewalks,
especially in First Addition and near schools. Marcia Robertson liked the idea of educating citizens in
how to enforce outer wear that is reflective and viewable.
Tom Brennan mentioned that we have not mentioned a goal for volunteering or education and
wellness. Janine Dunphy suggested that perhaps we could work with the LOAC Foundation on their
brain wellness programming.
Marcia Robertson suggested wellness programming at the WEB sponsored by the 50+ and perhaps
partnering with a local medical operation ie: Legacy. Bring wellness information to the seniors.
Janine Dunphy reminded that funding for such activities needs council approval.
Councilor Jordan asked Ann Adrian for a list of activities in the wellness category that are being
offered through the Center and throughout Parks and Recreation.
The inconvenient entrance to the WEB building was mentioned. This entry is very challenging for
seniors and anyone with a physical disability.
6.2 Set Next Meeting Date— December 16 at 8:30 a.m.
6.3 Adjourn Meeting
October 28, 2010 Draft Meeting Minutes