Approved Minutes - 2010-12-16 LAKE OSWEGO
Centennial 1910-2010 50+ADVISORY BOARD
505 G Avenue
PO Box 369
Lake Oswego,OR 97034
Thursday, December 16, 2010
8:30 a.m. 503-635-3758
West End Building — Oswego Room
4101 Kruse Way
Contact: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager Also published on the internet at:
Phone: 503-635-3758
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact
Public Affairs at 503-635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting.
1. Roll Call
Janine Dunphy, Chair, Edwin Blossom, Thomas Brennan, Debbie Harris, Marcia Robertson, Gail
Zimmerman, Donna Jordan, Council Liaison. Staff: Ann Adrian, ACC Manager, Teresa O'Halloran,
ACC Admin. Not present: Terry Harty.
2. Approve October 28, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Janine made a motion to approve the minutes with minor changes and Marcia Robertson seconded
the motion. Minutes approved.
3. Open Public Communication
The purpose of citizen comment is to allow citizens to present information or raise an issue
regarding items not on the agenda. A time limit of five minutes per citizen shall
4. Presentations
4.1 City Council Updates - Councilor Jordan
Street car comments are being taken now and there is an open house this evening.
Council passed the changes to the Sensitive Lands Ordinance at the December 13 Council meeting.
Civil engagement is now the focus as Council believes they need to educate the citizens on how to
engage appropriately after experiencing some conflict with citizens.
The new Councilor's Jeff Gudman, Mike Kehoe, and Donna Jordan will be sworn in on January 4,
4.2 CAC Update -Tom Brennan
The Board did not have enough time for this update.
4.3 ACC Update A. Adrian
Ann Arian handed out the Winter Spring catalog to all Board members.
Janine Dunphy, Chair • Edwin Blossom • Thomas Brennan •Terry Harty
Debbie Harris • Marcia Robertson • Gail Zimmerman • Donna Jordan,Council Liaison
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She shared some statistics for the year which include:
• The Center topped 5000 users this year
• 14% of users are now under 65
A landslide occurred on the ACC property on the Tryon Creek side. Construction to repair will begin
this summer to shore with the land and fix the danger.
LOACF (Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation) put up Christmas lights on the exterior of the
building, Christmas trees were donated by the Lakewood Theatre, and the Youth Action Committee
volunteered to decorate the interior of the Center.
Paul Sleeper, one of our Computer Learning Center volunteers, won the city's Unsung Hero Award
for 2010.
Ann Adrian also handed out a list of wellness activities and workshops and a discussion was tabled
until next time.
5. New Business
5.1 Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation Executive Director, Malaika Maphalala
Doug Oliphant President of the LOACF Board introduced Malaika Maphalala to the group. She is the
new Executive Director of the Lake Oswego Adult Center Foundation. Prior to her introduction,
Doug shared with the group his many years involvement with the Center. His interests in the Center
came from his parents who were very active at the ACC. The Foundation is dedicated in doing
whatever needs to be done to support Ann Adrian and the ACC. A new board president, Doug
Reiter, will assume the leadership role in January. Doug Oliphant will remain involved as the Vice
Doug Oliphant further commented on some complicated history of the LOACF, the ACC and the
funds held currently in the Oregon Community Foundation. This history began when several
members of the ACC became concerned when City funding was in jeopardy. This was the beginning
of the LOACF.
One of the parameters of the LOACF was to raise $300,000 before disbursements to the ACC could
occur. A long discussion ensued regarding funding, relationships and boards.
In recent years, LOACF acquired the donations associated with the Computer Learning Center.
Promotion of the CLC and its programs are the focus now.
The LOACF has donated $2000 to the ACC recently (in October). There is also a matching
fundraising campaign going on through the holidays. As mentioned by Ann Adrian, most recently
they put up lights outside the Center for Christmas.
Malaika Maphalala was brought in to lead the Foundation in its efforts. She comes to the group
with ten years experience in arts and fundraising. She is new to Oregon having previously worked in
Hawaii. Malaika co-founded a non-profit organization in Hawaii where she also experienced grant
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writing and fundraising. In the last three years, she has focused on the finance side of organizations
and foundations. She also works as a financial advisor.
Doug Oliphant further discussed the growth in Lake Oswego demographics with the median age
being 42. Doug believes the ACC has a tidal wave coming in the near future. The Foundation wants
to help the ACC in moving forward to the future. They feel the 50+ generation seems to be
forgotten and he feels that more money should be given to the Center.
One of his frustrations is the Ellouise Minter Funds that were donated to the City in 2006 and
invested in the Oregon Community Foundation. The City Council became the Board of Directors and
determines where the money goes. There should be an annual distribution coming to the ACC.
That endowment was published and donations stopped coming as the public believed the Center
no longer needed additional money. The Foundation would like to see money spent on upgrading
the building and addressing the cosmetic changes that need to be made.
Part of the problem as the Foundation sees it, for example, the new parks survey doesn't mention
anything about seniors and retirement. It doesn't address the senior needs of this population.
Doug participated on the committee for the National Accreditation project that the ACC has
undertaken, as well as the parks survey. He hoped the senior populations would have been
addressed more in the survey.
The LOACF wants to work with the City to bring the Center back to something we can be proud of.
Doug suspects that things are on hold due to the WEB building potential. What do we do in the
interim to take care of Ann and her staff at the Center?
Ann and Kim Gilmer, Parks Director did go to Council to request Minter funds to support a brain
wellness program, however the program did not go forward.
Councilor Jordan added that she was concerned about the lack of questions related to seniors in
the parks survey.
Janine and Doug wondered how they can work together moving forward to support the Center.
Tom Brennan is confused about the Center being under the Parks umbrella and yet not having a
strong presence in the parks survey.
Tom had some questions. He wanted to know if the Minter money went to the Foundation or the
City. Doug explained that it went to the City.
Councilor Gudman added that he believes that the will established parameters for the distribution.
The default mode is to make a contribution annually at 4.5% retrospectively. However, that
distribution is overridden by the will. The organization can make a request for more than the 4.5%.
He further explained in detail how the financial process works.
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Councilor Jordan clarified that no distribution has been made from the Minter funds. She also
added that the City needs to look at the Parks and Recreation programming and how we are
servicing the older populations. The question remains do we spend the money on just anything or
do we have an established plan for the money.
Ann Adrian added that strategic planning is critical to moving forward. The next steps include Ann
or the Foundation to come to Council for approval of whatever is needed at the Center.
Ann added that the National Accreditation Committee is working on a strategic plan and standards
for moving the Center forward.
Councilor Jordan suggested that the funds could be used to move the accreditation process
forward. The other suggestion is having a long term investment in the future of the Center.
Councilor Jordan suggested a matching fund process between the Foundation and the Minter
funds. All boards could work together to improve the Center.
Tom summarized that the 50+ Board could work to endorse any matching funds plans via Council.
Doug suggested that this Board review the accreditation information on the web to see the
recommendations by the committee.
5.3 Welcome Councilor Elect Jeff Gudman
Councilor Gudman is looking forward to serving the City and is available via phone or email.
He added that an immediate impact in the Minter funds could be based upon two decisions:
Whether or not to continue to let it reinvest and build or to draw down some funds— regardless of
the location of the Center. He suggested that any plans for the money is something that could
possibly be moved to a new location or something with a limited life-span such as carpeting.
Councilor Gudman wanted to remind the Board that the annual distribution can be upwards of
$40,000-45,000 that could be used without reducing the fund or making a special request.
Tom Brennan asked Councilor Gudman how the Council interfaces with Boards. How do you view
the Councils relationship and how to improve it? Councilor Gudman responded that each Board has
a Council liaison and that that liaison should be your primary voice to the Council. He added that
continuing to educate your Council liaison is very helpful.
5.4 Review of meeting with Mayor and Boards J. Dunphy
Debbie Harris and Janine Dunphy met last Saturday with Mayor Hoffman. Topics included the
shuttle project within Lake Oswego. Mayor Hoffman is going to put together a transportation group
to look at such a project and other transportation issues within the city.
SDUs (Secondary Dwelling Units) are back on the table according to Mayor Hoffman.
Janine Dunphy talked about parking spaces and lighting issues within the City.
She contacted Jane Blackstone, Economic Development Director, regarding handicapped parking
spaces on the street within Lake Oswego. Councilor Jordan reminded the Board that in Lake Oswego
one of the problems is that we do not designate lines on the streets for parking on the side.
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January 8 is the goal setting roundtable for the community. Details are on the City's website.
6. New Business
6.1 2011 Work Plan
Not enough time.
6.2 Set Next Meeting Date—January 27 at 8:30 a.m. J. Dunphy
6.3 Adjourn Meeting