Agenda Packet - 2014-11-03STAFF REPORT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO APPLICANT/OWNER: George Passadore APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Routen Architects, LLC TAX LOT REFERENCE: Tax Lot 2901 of Tax Map 21E05BA LOCATION: 12375 Mt. Jefferson Terrace COMP. PLAN DESCRIPTION: R-0 ZONING DESIGNATION: R-0 I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST PLANNING DIVISION FILE NO: LU 14-0047 STAFF: Johanna Hastay, AICP DATE OF REPORT: October 24, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 3, 2014 120 -DAY DECISION DATE: March 5, 2015 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Mt. Park The applicant is requesting approval of a modification of a Development Review Permit [DR 14-76) to complete an exterior remodel of an existing apartment complex with small entryway expansions. II. RECOMMENDATION Approval with conditions. The complete list of conditions is provided on pages 7-8 of this report. 111. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. City of Lake Oswego Community Development Code (Chapter LOC 50): LOC 50.02.001 Residential Districts LOC 50.04.001 Dimensional Table LOC 50.06.001 Building Design LOC Access LU 14-0047 Page 1 of 9 LOC LOC 50.06.005 LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC B. City of Lake Oswego Tree Chapter LOC 55.08.020 LOC 55.08.030 C. Prior Approvals: PUD 1-67 DR 14-76 IV. FINDINGS A. Background/Existing Conditions: Landscaping, Screening, and Buffering Park and Open Space Weak Foundation Soils Drainage Standards Burden of Proof Conditions on Development Appeals Modification of Development Permits Minor Development Decision [LOC Chapter 55]: Tree Protection Plan Required Tree Protection Measures Required 1. The site is developed as "The Ridge @ Mountain Park", a multi -family, multi -building -apartment complex. It is zoned R-0 and is located in the Mt. Park neighborhood. The site has frontage on Independence Avenue, a local street, and Mt. Jefferson Terrace, a private street (Exhibit E1). 2. The site is bounded by developed properties on all sides, as follows: East and South: Across Independence Avenue, the properties are zoned R-7.5 and developed with single family dwellings. North: The properties are zoned NC (northwest) and R-0 (north) and are developed with office buildings and the Mt. Park Recreation Center. West: Properties west of the site are zoned R-0 and are developed with apartments. 3. The applicant will be requesting the removal of 11 European white birches through an Invasive Tree Removal permit which is processed separately from this land use application. V. REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES A. Neighborhood Meeting Per LOC, the City Manager may require neighborhood contact prior to the filing of an application, if neighborhood contact is deemed to be beneficial. No neighborhood meeting was required for this application. LU 14-0047 Page 2 of 9 B. Public Notice to Surrounding Area Pursuant to LOC, the City has provided adequate public notice and opportunity to comment on this application. No comments were received prior to publication of this report. C. Burden of Proof: Per LOC, the applicant for a development permit shall bear the burden of proof that the application complies with all applicable review criteria or can be made to comply with applicable criteria by imposition of conditions of approval. The applicant has provided sufficient evidence to enable staff to evaluate the proposal. These documents are listed as exhibits at the end this report. D. Classification of Application LOC describes a modification of a Development Permit as a minor development. E. Modification of Approved Permit [LOC Modifications to a development permit are classified as the same type of development as the original permit and shall be reviewed under the applicable review criteria for that classification of development, except that the review criteria shall be limited to those criteria that are affected by the requested modification. F. Minor Development- Criteria for Review of Application Per LOC, for any minor development application to be approved, it shall first be established that the proposal complies with: 1. The requirements of the zone in which it is located; R-0 zone [LOC] The site is located in Phase 1 of the Mountain Park Planned Unit Development (PUD 1-67). The zoning standards for planned developments are determined at the time of the original PD approval and remain in effect in perpetuity, unless modified and approved by the City. As a result, the current R-0 zoning standards do not apply. As shown on the proposed site plan and building elevations, the proposed exterior remodel also involves small expansions for new entryways on the internal faces of some of the buildings, but all external setbacks remain the same (Exhibits E2 and E5). No increase to overall building height or external setbacks is proposed as a part of this application (Exhibit Fl). Maximum lot coverage is 35% of the gross site area or 96,050 sq. ft. (Exhibit Fl). As noted in the applicant's narrative, the total lot coverage (including the new entries) is 66,193 sq. ft. or 24.1% (Exhibit F1). This standard is met. 2. The Development Standards applicable to minor developments; Access [LOC] Landscaping, Screening and Buffering [LOC] Lighting [LOC] Park and Open Space [LOC 50.06.005] Weak Foundation Soils [LOC] LU 14-0047 Page 3 of 9 The scope of this minor modification is limited to the criteria that are affected by the proposed modification. Staff finds that the standards, above, were reviewed and approved per prior development approval and are not affected by the proposal. Building Design Standards for Commercial Development [LOC] As prescribed by this standard, buildings are to be designed and located to complement and preserve existing buildings and other elements of the built environment. Where existing buildings are to remain on site, new development shall be designed to integrate the remaining buildings into the overall design with regard to materials, roof lines, height and overall proportions. Buildings are to be designed to complement and preserve natural land forms, trees, shrubs and other natural vegetation. To be complementary a design does not need to be in a particular style and it does not need to mimic the materials and forms of the elements of the adjacent buildings. The standard requires that an aesthetically pleasing relationship (a complementary relationship) be created between the on and off-site elements listed which completes the visual image of the universe being considered. The standard anticipates that multiple design solutions are available for a given site. The standard does not require a specific design in a given circumstance. Flexibility and innovation are encouraged by the Code. (Oswego Summit, LU 13-0042). The existing buildings and carports are clad in light grey painted Douglas fir plywood with vertical grooves (Exhibit E3). The base of those buildings with exposed foundations and/or ground floor carports is painted dark grey. All window and corner trim are the same 4 -inch width and painted the same light grey color as the body of the buildings (Exhibit E4). The wooden railings on balconies and stairwells consist of widely -spaced vertical slats and are generally open in appearance. All patio doors and windows are white vinyl (see photos, right and Exhibit E3). While most of the development in the vicinity was originally constructed in the 1970s, it consists of a mix of architectural styles and exterior cladding materials. The abutting apartment complex to the west has more articulated massing than the subject site, but is clad in horizontal lap siding painted a variety of earth -tone colors similar to what is proposed. The commercial property to the northeast is clad in cedar shingles. The Mt. Park Typical entry point on existing fagades. Existing carports under the buildings. Recreation Center is clad in brick. The single family dwellings to the east present a mix of styles from Ranch to Cape Cod to Mid -Century Modern, clad in stucco, horizontal siding, and brick/stone. LU 14-0047 Page 4 of 9 No new buildings or changes to the existing vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns are proposed as a part of this application (Exhibits E3 and Fl). As shown in the applicant's materials, the proposal is for a general exterior update to the entire complex towards a Northwest Lodge style with Craftsman detailing including (Exhibit E3 and ES -E8): • Re -siding the existing buildings in a mix of painted and stained horizontal lap siding (using tan 8 -inch exposure and "slate green" 5 -inch exposure fiber cement siding, along with clear -stained 8 -inch exposure cedar lap siding). The bases and exposed foundation walls will be sided in "khaki" brown painted vertical panels; • Modifying the existing balconies and railings to clear -stained wood; • Trimming windows, corners, and doors in 4 -inch trim with "rust" red painted window sills; • Installing "khaki" brown painted solid garage doors on the carports under the buildings; • Re -siding the free-standing carports in 8 -inch horizontal lap siding to match the main buildings; • Adding main entryways and/or decorative roof elements constructed of 6 -inch x 6 -inch clear - stained wood columns and a mix of horizontal and vertical wooden slats on the railings; and, • Re -siding the chimneys with the vertical paneling and topping them with decorative bracing. Staff finds that the applicant's narrative adequately addresses the Building Design standards (Exhibit F1). The proposed exterior modifications are integrated into the original design and within the greater built environment. The proposed materials are of high quality and provide for richly textured facades (Exhibit E8). The varied siding widths and colors will break up the massing of the individual buildings into a more human -scale both vertically and horizontally. The new entryways and roof forms are complementary architectural elements to the overall design; the clear -stained wood structures bookend the central mass of the buildings (clad in 8 -inch exposure clear -stained cedar horizontal lap siding), adding a visual contrast to break up the facades. The proposed garage doors will provide a more finished and solid appearance to the base of the buildings. No grading is necessary to construct any of the improvements. There is a small inconsistency between the elevations with regards to the railings (Exhibits E5 and E7). Staff recommends a condition of . approval to ensure the railings in the entryways are horizontal slats. As conditioned, this standard is met. LU 14-0047 Page 5 of 9 Drainage Standard for Major Developments, Partitions, Subdivisions, and Certain Structures [LOC This standard requires that drainage alterations, including new development, not adversely affect neighboring properties. The determination of whether or not the application meets the drainage requirements is under the review authority of the City Engineer. The City Engineer has made the following findings and recommendations: The applicant's materials do not address how stormwater runoff for new impervious surfaces will be managed (Exhibits E3 and F1). The Engineering staff notes that runoff from the existing site impervious areas appear to directly discharge to a private storm water collection pipe on site and then discharge to the public conveyance system at the southwest corner of the site. The Engineering staff has determined that it does not appear to be feasible to require on-site percolation for each individual proposed entryway because the amount of roof area for each is small. Although on-site percolation does not appear to be feasible, storm water quality shall be provided in order to mitigate for the cumulative area from the proposed new impervious roof areas created by the new entryways on the site, such as replacing an existing manhole at the southwest corner of the site with a water quality manhole that would provide water quality treatment. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall provide detailed information on stormwater management for the new entryways at the time of building permit review, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. As conditioned, this standard is met. 3. Any additional statutory, or Lake Oswego Code provisions which may be applicable to the specific minor development application; City of Lake Oswego Tree Code FLOC Chapter 551 The Tree Code is intended to preserve trees. Only those trees that must be removed in order to site proposed improvements will be granted tree cutting permits under LOC 55.02.080. The applicant is not requesting any trees to be removed with this application. Tree Protection Tree protection fencing is required when a tree protection zone or drip line of a tree that is five inches in diameter or greater is within the construction zone, whether on or off-site. As authorized by LOC 55.08.020, a tree protection application and plan should be submitted for staff review and approval prior to conducting any development activities on the site, including, but not limited to clearing, grading, landscaping, or excavation. A tree protection plan shall be submitted for staff review and inspection prior to commencing any construction activities. Tree protection fencing shall be placed at the tree protection zone, which is the zone required to protect the critical root area necessary for the continued health of the tree. The applicants shall propose the tree protection zone for each tree, for review and approval by City staff, on site. As required by LOC 55.08.030(7), no construction, excavation, root pruning or other activity shall occur within the tree protection zone unless directed by an arborist present on site as approved by the City and supported by an arborist report. LU 14-0047 Page 6 of 9 Tree protection plans will be required for the construction of the utilities and for the construction of the dwellings on each parcel. All tree protection plans submitted shall clearly illustrate all areas impacted by construction activities on the site (including driveway and utility construction and landscaping), the location of temporary fencing around the tree protection zone of all trees five inches in diameter or greater where the construction zone is within the drip line of a tree, or other tree protection measures as recommended by a certified arborist. In addition, a note should be placed on the fencing and on the construction documents that informs the site contractors about the necessity of preventing damage to the trees, including bark and root zone, and that no materials should be stored nor compaction occur within the root zones of the adjacent trees [LOC 55.08.030]. This standard can be met at the time of building permit review. 4. Any conditions of approval imposed as part of an approved ODPS or prior development permit affecting the subject property. The conditions of approval imposed by prior development permits will continue to apply. VI. CONCLUSION VII. Based upon the information provided by the applicant and the findings presented within this report, staff concludes that LU 14-0047 complies with all of the applicable criteria. Staff recommends Approval of LU 14-0047, with the following conditions: A. Prior to Issuance of any Building permits. the Applicant/Owner Shall: 1. Submit final site and building plans for review and approval of staff that are the same or substantially similar to the site plan, floor plans, and building elevations as illustrated on Exhibits E3 and E5 -E8, and modified as follows: a. Railings on the new entryways shall consist of horizontal slats as shown in Exhibits E5 and E6. b. Demonstrate how stormwater runoff for all new impervious areas will be collected and how water quality treatment will be provided, equivalent to a water quality manhole, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. Install all tree protection fencing as required by the Code Requirement No. 2, below. All protection fencing shall be inspected and approved by staff prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. Code Requirements: 1. Expiration of Development Permit: Per LOC, the Development Review Permit approved by this decision shall expire three years following the effective date of the development permit, and may be extended by the City Manager pursuant to the provisions -of this section. LU 14-0047 Page 7 of 9 2. Submit a tree protection plan and application as required by LOC 55.08.020 and 55.08.030 for review and approval by staff, including off-site trees that are within the construction zone on each parcel. The plan shall include: Notes: a. The location of temporary tree protection fencing, consisting of a minimum 6 -foot high cyclone fence secured by steel posts around the tree protection zone, or as recommended by the project arborist and approved by the City. b. A note stating that no fill or compaction shall occur within the critical root zones of any of the trees, or that if fill or compaction is unavoidable, measures will be taken as recommended by a certified arborist to reduce or mitigate the impact of the fill or compaction. The note shall also inform contractors that the project arborist shall be on site and oversee all construction activities within the tree protection zone. c. A note that clearly informs all site contractors about the necessity of preventing damage to the trees, including bark and root zone. The applicant and contractor(s) shall be subject to fines, penalties and mitigation for trees that are damaged or destroyed during construction. d. A sign shall be attached to the tree protection fencing which states that inside the fencing is a tree protection zone, not to be disturbed unless prior written approval has been obtained from the City Manager and project arborist. The applicant is advised to take part in a Post Land Use Approval meeting. City staff would like to offer an opportunity to meet and discuss this decision and the conditions of approval necessary to finalize the project. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure all the conditions are understood and to identify other permits necessary to complete the project. To take advantage of this meeting, please contact the staff coordinator at (503) 635-0290. 2. The land use approval for this project does not imply approval of a particular design, product, material, size, method of work, or layout of public infrastructure except where a condition of approval has been devised to control a particular design element or material. 3. Development plans review, permit approval, and inspections by the City of Lake Oswego Planning and Building Services Department are limited to compliance with the Lake Oswego Community Development Code, and related code provisions. The applicants are advised to review plans for compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations that could relate to the development, i.e., Americans with Disabilities Act, Endangered Species Act. Staff may advise the applicants of issues regarding state and federal laws that staff member believes would be helpful to the applicants, but any such advice or comment is not a determination or interpretation of federal or state law or regulation. EXHIBITS A. Notice of Appeal: (No current exhibits; reserved for hearing use) B. Findings, Conclusions and Order: (No current exhibits; reserved for hearing use) C. Minutes: (No current exhibits; reserved for hearing use) LU 14-0047 Page 8 of 9 D. Staff Report: (No current exhibits; reserved for hearing use) E. GRAPHIC/PLANS E1 Tax Map E2 Site Plan E3 Photos of Existing Development (sample, 7 pages) E4 Existing Elevations (sample, 3 pages) E5 Proposed Elevations (13 pages) E6 Details on Facades and Free -Standing Carports (2 pages) E7 Color Elevations (sample, 2 pages)) E8 Color and Materials Board (color may not be representative; see actual color board) F. WRITTEN MATERIALS F1 Applicant's Narrative F2 Mt. Park HOA Letter of Approval F3 Lighting and Garage Door Cutsheets F4 Fire Marshal Memo G. LETTERS: Neither for nor Against: (G1-99) None Support: (G100-199) None Opposition: (G-200-) None Date of Application Submittal: August 28, 2014 Date Application Determined to be Complete: September 29, 2014 State Mandated 120 -Day Rule: January 27, 2015 LU 14-0047 Page 9 of 9 d� woaI�ew B'rvi ]aa7!gaiea>ts 9E4L-905([L6) / Q = - 9IOL6 TIO `anMIR- a 6ZZl xoq o d olI / laallgwe uolnm uanals EaY 5COL6 UO'09amv02NEI as y uO$33JJar ' tW SLCZI a= xmad utjunoW o2prg ouZ 4� E fw� G toNo J S s �x � Uu��d °Hy FiUii aL - O U I C 1 W s am Q s V W N N w m LU d d r F r) n FRI CIO In. _ 4� / 00 :I eek O C 7 I EXHIBIT E-2 LU 14-0047 EVO ,: ,� a -.�.. ,'� � �1 , i����l r �, ,, I '� � � ?• e �v,� -~1` 6 h� �{ � e. r �� ��� �;�; ��. :: :. �: *. ~•!amu Y � �,Z � 1 ,' y'_ ` � \ `�\' � Y ! �_ ♦ V a 4-":�: �; z ♦' ♦ M S L- - -___ I ON lk"NIM 1 9 TIMP A _. _. p'= 3 >" _ r- woa �ismBQ)aal(4a28'AS . 9 CVL -909(l L6).. 9IOL6 NO `a!Uq J0 6ZZt xoq o d op / jmT.gm uojuw wAzv 5£OL6 10'111-0 array a +-I a sIUJaf IN 9L£ZI �j.zvd uil;jutloW 4� o2pra oral, EXHIBIT E-4 LU 14-0047 C3 PAs v.fi moo ��nm9�O Inal�yolnsrys 9£bL-90S(I L6) y0—"''"�''3 9[OL680 `a!�1gp 6ZZ1 xogod a��/y+a�n�= uolnm uana7s u'y 5£0 L6 ll0 '-2-0-AVI a Ial,v IaJJaf IN 5L£ZI 2I aui °- - 3plad uiujunow 3OP? �= ;aay�v moo'9£PL-909(IL6) 910L6 HO `amerys4lgO 6Ul xoq o d all / aoal!q= ulna mnals SEOL6 HO'u BaxsO zlel >a 1 vo"a JJO£')W SL£ZI jiud urelunow @ 34IN auZ 9..£-bL-9W-}.66)- «O 91OL6 HO 'ameryslelo 6ZZl xoq o`�oll / loallyon nolnol nanays In(l uipjuioW oilpIX oigl N EXHIBIT E•5 LU 14-0047 (13 PAWS moa- llvmgS�10071 yaa RJ�s 9 £bL-906(ILO 9IOL6 TI0'anre)IW10 6ZZ[ XOq O d .all / �aa�lyaie uo�nW uana)s- 5[OL6 YO' -2-0 a1e1 a + . SLE.I xzlea uilolunoW q� o2plX au.I, v p fo moa9£bL-909(IL6) 9IOL6 TIO'amm Ila 6ZZl xoq o d 911 f vm!4aR ooMoa wo ms O 5[OL6 80 10. aXv 9" m 1 uOsIzJJIf 'IW 9L'71 )izud urejunbW Cn o2pj d au j w'p moolie m8`ryJgo aJi ga]e.tys 9 £bL-905(1L6)- 910L6 TIO `4mq=10 6ZZ1 xW a d all / Io jTq a uomoi U9AQIS SEOL6 NO 094M80 2gv7- aal UOSJaJJaf 'IW SLEZI Iaed utujunoW C . Q�pra aqL y 0 - o �aa�aaa� woo90L-9090LO 91DL6 Ho `.M ggejo 6ggj xoq o d 30 / 13271y3ae uaami uanaas -scaae aia-scsri )Izua ure;unow � OBP!X ;)ql m o a' lie u8@ 13011 q3 I eill s 9£bL-905(-I L6) 91 OL6 TIO `0TUG*ly 3 6ZZl zoq o d aQ / 13a1lgm uolnol canals —g v� SEOC6 NO'D2p MSO 21e1 as y vo aa13aE 'JW SLEZI - = xzed ui'alunow 4� Osmw au L q- my woogo,e3Xs 9 £bL-909(116) 91OL6 6ZZ1 xoq o d OR / M1113.Ia UOInW UOA04S SCOL E NO `u8amsp ageq aae y vvsaa33aI'II SL CII xzed urelunoW oBpi-d oql Woo 9 £4L-909(iL6). 9OL6 210 `a?Mdslelo 6ZZI -q o d op / loa31q— uomw uanals SEOL6 NO'o8amep-aquq ai y uoslajgof 'JW SLEZI - xaud ulmunoW 4e ?BP?2I au 1. woo11ew�'�1aaliyofeiNs 9EPL-90S(IL6) 910L6 210 a!F 4s7810 6ZZI -q o d oll / loanga.Es oolnw aana�s p.�� SEOLb NO' 9amsp aAe9 as y do ia33 of 'IW SLEZI _ z .3 xzua ilglunoW o2pTU au L IN 00'1 !VMS @ 10911g00e0313 9 CPL -905(1 L6) 9IOL6 90 '0111931131213 6ZZI xOq 0 d 011 / 1X4111 a u01nm uaAW SCOL6 NO'02a&SO a1e1 a0e 1 msmd3a!'IN SL CZ jiud u vjunoW 4 o5pig PT41 O_ O WOO d 9 £bL-909(IL6) 910L6 d0'2medslg06ZZI xogod oQ/joojTq=uwnwuanajs Et f Ind urejunoW 4i oOpIX oql moo' 1 cam8'@1301! gol"As 9 EbL-90 SILL 6) 910G6 210`0!u%ASlEIo 6ZZI xoq o d 0p 1001.gm uolnm uoAols S f Oib' HV'`-o®am.a 0"aye T" —,I., U. ...... "f W"S L L Z I Nand uinjunoW 4� ai?Pig au L woo 9Eby[�-905 1L6) O — 910L6 'aO `ameKslela RZ1 xoq o d a11) laai!4rra am. aaAala p —g, sr 0L 6- W S A a 10 I 9 rzr xred U!vTunow OBP!w aui P �a ee-o .moo 9£b:L-9�05(IL6) 0 9IOL6 80 `a!-3lslola 6ZZI zoq o d all / lool!yan; nolnol canals -8. SE046 NU "oBameU aye. ca joo a3Jaf '�{y SLEZi - -= AJud urelunoW aOpig OU 1 EXHIBIT E-6 LU 14-0047 C2 PA4ff, eaemm�2 os»aum : _ a all _am:_, \/\\\ 3juiueuroW apr \ /I )� \i < \\� ƒ §» EXHIBIT E-7 ± 14-0047 (! m%lr-Q In= ! � f� a Q EXHIBIT E-7 ± 14-0047 (! m%lr-Q -=.._ ssvre---a'v oa.n.>V .4.1 auuuay uuxaa33af 'IK SL£ZI V r � cldi'$ l c [jud utlejunoW 4� agpl-d ou,L 03AI3:� �m r� Y IAA°�1�QOA rA m0.ua 4a 4 < 4 o3�a z `d a EXHIBIT E•8 o `'o LU 14-0047 Z o =r o > E d m d =Y LLI a < r J G ? ? Uul LL i C C ax v C 4 < 4 o3�a z `d a EXHIBIT E•8 o `'o LU 14-0047 Z o steven routon a r c h i t e c t/ 11 c p o b o x 1 2 2 9 clatskanie, oregon 9 7 phone (971)506-7436 art in architecture skrarchitect@jzmail.com August 28, 2014 The Ridge @ Mountain Park — Case File # PA -0043 12375 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego, Oregon Modification of DR 14-76 for exterior remodel of an apartment complex Design Review Narrative AUG 2 9 2014 CITY OF LAKE 0914' ,—GO Cemm.�nl:y Oevelo�me t Cant. The Ridge at Mountain Park is an existing multi -family community, built in late 1970's. The project is terraced on its sloped site with many of the cars parked beneath the buildings. The massing of the buildings is nicely articulated at their narrow ends, but the long uphill and downhill sides are uniform, bland, and dated. Several of the exterior envelope systems have deteriorated over the years and are in need of repair or replacement. This project will consist of removing and replacing all the decks, siding and exterior trim. It will feature new entrance structures that will call attention to their function while breaking up the long uphill elevation. We will also remove the second story egress balcony on all the three story buildings. The new siding will consist of 5" and 8" exposure fiber cement lap siding as well as fiber cement vertical panels with battens. All balconies will be rebuilt as will their guardrails. Some of the buildings have parking beneath them. New garage doors will be installed in the existing openings. All exterior wall mounted lights will also be replaced. The free standing site lights will remain intact. Finally, the entire project will receive new paint. The color scheme is depicted on the materials color board. Neighborhood Contact — The Mountain Park Homeowners Association has reviewed the design for these exterior renovations and approved it on August 19, 2014. Enclosed is the approval dated August 20, 2014. Comprehensive Plan — Per City Staff, the comprehensive plan does not need to be addressed for this type of application. Zones and Site Specific Standards (LOC 50.02) — The zoning district requirements are superseded by the Mountain Park PUD. EXHIBIT F-1 LU 14-0047 Dimensional Standards (LOC 50.04) — Following are the lot coverage calculations: Buildings.................................................................50,353 SF (Includes lease office, above grade decks, overhangs beyond 2', entrance stairs, and new entrance structures) Carports..................................................................15,840 SF (88 carports @ 180 SF ea.) Total Lot Coverage..................66193 SF Site Area ............................. ........................................... 274,428 SF Lot Coverage Ratio — 66,193 / 274,428 = 24.12% Development Standards (LOC 50.06) LOC —Commercial, Industrial, and Multi family Development Standards for Approval. a. Design building to be complementary in appearance to adjacent structures of good design w/ regard to: 1. Materials — The neighboring buildings share our selected finishes or use natural materials. The Recreation Center is composed largely of unpainted brick. A neighboring office compound Property Tax Analytics, uses cedar shingles with natural finishes as the cladding material. The adjoining multi -family community, The Gables included lap siding. The proposed material palate for the Ridge will be stained douglas fir log posts, stained cedar guard rails, stained cedar skirl lap siding, painted lap siding, and painted vertical panel siding on the downhill side. These materials reflect the choices of many of the high quality buildings in Mountain Park. The desired park like quality of this neighborhood will be enhanced with the northwest lodge material palate. 2. Setbacks —N.A. 3. Roofline — The existing buildings are essentially rectangular plans covered by a single gable roof. Some of the buildings are three stories with no real pedestrian scale detailing. The proposed design will prominently feature new entrance structures that will effectively break down the long runs of unadorned roof with new gables over the stacked entrances. These small gable roofs will relate directly to similar roof forms on most of the residential buildings in the neighborhood. 4. Height — We are not increasing the height of any of the buildings. 5. Overall Proportions — the existing buildings are long, tall, and basic. The proposed entrance structures are intended to call more attention to the entrances, provide interest at the pedestrian scale, and break down the long, uninterrupted eave lines of the existing building. The desired effect is to create strong elevational "events", better articulate function at the same time that they provide more visual interest. The surrounding buildings feature well articulated masses and delightful pedestrian scale features. Our design will reinforce the pedestrian experience by mitigating the "broad shoulders" of the existing buildings. b. Buildings shall be designed to complement and preserve existing buildings, streets and paths, bridges and other elements of the built environment, and to assure accessibility for bicyclists, pedestrian, and users of other transportation modes — The proposed design involves placement of new entrance structures in the same location as the existing entrances and landings. The design intent otherwise is to re -imagine the exteriors of the buildings within the existing footprints. Where existing buildings are to remain on site, new development shall be designed to: 1. Integrate the remaining buildings into the overall design — All of the original buildings will remain. This project included no new buildings. The new entrance structures are being designed as "prequels". That is we are imagining the new entrances as logical extensions of the newly introduced skin aesthetic. They are fully attached to the existing buildings with the intent of modulating the "front' elevations making them more pedestrian friendly. At the same time they express the highest development of the new detail vocabulary. Where a residential building is to remain, a lot meeting the zone requirements must be provided. The site plan remains intact with all its community functions. Design the elements listed below to be complementary in appearance to those buildings or structures upon which they are associated: Chimneys — The chimneys will be clad with vertical panel siding and battens in an attempt to extend the downhill base material to the top of the building. At the same time, this will call more attention to these vertical elements, balancing the dominant horizontal aspect of these existing buildings. The detailing of the chimney caps will be further developed with a variation of the craftsman bracket motif, offering another opportunity for accent colors. Our intent is to create visual interest in these highest elements of the buildings. From some vantage points this is all that will be seen of the buildings above the mature maple canopy. Decks I Railings — The railings are a prominent element of these large residential buildings. They at once mark the decks as amenities, screen the contents of these decks from pedestrians, and provide privacy. The existing vertical rail detail was spaced in a way that minimized their effectiveness. The new rail will be composed of a heavy top cop with vertical cedar planks of varying widths with very small gaps. This craftsman detail provides the needed privacy while it also lends visual interest through its variations and rhythms. These decks will no longer be place holders, but rather will become features of the building with the natural cedar finish and pleasing patterns. On the 3 story buildings, the second story egress balconies will be eliminated allowing this elevation to read more residential and less "motel". Doors — The doors will receive new paint to complement the existing buildings. Downspouts — Downspouts will remain in their existing locations, painted to match adjacent surfaces. The new downspout will match the existing. Foundations —tall retaining / basement walls will be clad with vertical panel siding to provide a strong base in a material consistent with the material palette. Signs — N.A. Stairs — The existing stairs will remain in their existing locations. Vents — The roof ventilation system will remain as is — under eave and ridge vents. Windows — The windows will remain in place through this renovation.— There will be no changes to access points.— There will be no changes to landscape area calculations. New entrances occur at existing sidewalks and/or landings. 50.06.005 — There will be no changes to the open space area calculations.— Elizabeth Bunga, plans examiner for the City, has determined that a geotechnical report will not be required for this scope of work. — Drainage Standards - Broad landscape areas will not be disrupted by construction associated with this project. All trees scheduled to be removed are on the uphill side of the existing residential buildings, far from any neighboring properties. The trees to be removed will be replaced on a one for one basis. Tree Removal and Protection (LOC Chapter 55) — The 11 trees scheduled to be removed are close to the area of construction and are required to be removed to make room for the projecting roofs and foundations. These trees have been identified to be European White Tip Birch, a tree on the City's list of invasive species. As such, Section 55.02.080 Criteria for Issuance of a type II Tree Cutting Permit does not need to be addressed. However, since these trees are part of a previously approved plan, they will be replaced on a one for one basis. See the Site Plan for Trees to be removed and the mitigation plantings. This site enjoys an extensive canopy of maple and London Plane trees. Adding to this dense ceiling would not benefit the site, neighborhood, or buildings. We are proposing to use understory trees, placed as close as practical to the location of the removed tree. Otherwise, under canopy trees will be placed as a visual buffer along Independence. APPROVAL August 20, 2014 Jeff Passadore The Ridge at Mountain Park Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Re: Architectural Application—Siding, Balconies, Paint Dear Jeff, Thank you for submitting the application to remodel The Ridge at Mountain Park including re -siding, new entrance structures, new egress balconies, private balconies and guardrails and carports and paint scheme according to the plans submitted to the Architectural Commitee. This project was approved by the Architectural Committee at their August 19, 2014 meeting. The Committee requests that you please make note of the following: 1 --The work must be completed as submitted on your Architectural Application, using the materials and designs specified, unless the Architectural Committee requests otherwise. 2 --Any necessary permits and permissions required by the City of Lake Oswego must be obtained before any construction begins. 3 --Approval of your project is granted by the Mountain Park Architectural Committee pending approval of your individual neighborhood condominium or townhouse association, or other HOA, if applicable. 4 --All applicable building codes must be adhered to. 5 --This approval will expire 12 calendar months from the date of this letter. 6 --Please inform your contractor that NO SIGNS are permitted anywhere in Mountain Park Approval by the Architectural Committee implies only that the aesthetic qualities of your project are approved. The Committee takes no responsibility whatever, for the technical execution Thank you for adhering to this policy and helping to preserve Mountain Park as a desirable place to live. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully, Christina Thomas, CUR Director Mountain Park Homeowner's Association p' MOT TA 7•7�AINPA R I 2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Phone: 303-635-3561 LJ1V j 1 d /�j1(� lake Oswego, OR 97033 www.mtparkhoa.coni Nature's NefgbborbooA _"IJC'sti"'adofL LIGHTING° Shown in Black Finish Product Overview Antique bronze 1 -light outdoor wall light. Antique bronze 1 -light outdoor wall light. http://www.destinationlighting.com/prinftemjhtinl?iid=P 1034010 Customer Service: 1-800-653-6556 Progress Cylinder Outdoor Down light in Bronze Finish Antique bronze 1 -light outdoor wall light. Delivery: USUALLY SHIPS IN 7-10 BUSINESS DAYS Price: $65.79 1V AUG ? 8 20;4 Approved for wet location use as defined by the National Electric Code. Please consult your local electrical code for details. The International Dark -Sky Association is a non-profit organization that was created in response to the rapid increase in night sky light pollution throughout the United States. Dark Sky Compliant fixtures help to eliminate night time glare emanating from outdoor light fixtures by concentrating the light output towards the ground. Dark Sky Compliant Fixtures meet International Dark -Sky Association specifications. Light bulb(s) not included with this light fixture. Product Details Product Number: P1034010 or 394069 Manufacturer: Progress Lighting Model Number: P5674-31 Collection: Cylinder Manufacturer Finish: Black Manufacturer Shade Metal shade Total Wattage: 75 w. Color: Height: 7.25 in. Voltage Type: Line Voltage Depth: 8 in. Width: 5 in. Wattage: 75 EXHIBIT F-3 LU 14-0047 1 of 1 8/27/2014 2:00 PM (bestincrtion, LIGHTING Shown in Bronze Finish Product Overview http://www.destinatioiilighting.com/prirititemjhftnl?iid=436239 Customer Service: 1-800-653-6556 Small Bronze Square Outdoor Wall Light Transitional bronze 1 -light outdoor wall light with amber linen glass. Delivery: IN STOCK AND IN OUR WAREHOUSE Price: $21.95 Transitional bronze 1 -light outdoor wall light with amber linen glass. Takes one 60 -watt medium base bulb (not included). Approved for wet / damp location use as defined by the National Electric Code. Please consult your local electrical code for details. Light bulb(s) not included with this light fixture. Product Details Product Number: 436239 Manufacturer: Design Classics Lighting Model Number: 544 BZ Manufacturer Finish: Bronze Manufacturer Shade Amber Linen Frosted Glass Treatment: Frosted Color: Voltage Type: Line Voltage Total Wattage: 60 w Width: 4-1/4 in. Height: 8-1/4 in. Wattage: 60 Depth: 5-3/4 in. I of 1 8/27/2014 2:02 PM rherma Classic Insulated Steel Door Product Info - Northwest Door http://www.northwestdoor.com/residential/steel-doors/therma-tech-ti7itech/ THERMA ELITE THERMA TECH - TRI TECH Product Info Design Photo Album 500 SERIES Product Info Brochure Warranty CONSTRUCTION: The Therms TechT" line is made from hot dipped galvanized wood grain textured steel skins that are embossed with one of four panel designs then sandwiched with a (EPS) polystyrene core. This type of construction forms a true thermal barrier between from and back of door. 20 gauge steel backer plates are toggle locked to the inside of the back skin prior to assembly. Exterior skins are secured to a (EPS) polystyrene core with Urethane adhesive, a method of construction that is unparalleled in strength. Four series: (1) Therms Tech^" (2) Thermo Tech IIT" (3)Therma MaxT" (4) Tri Tech'"' NOMINAL SPECIFICATIONS: • Section Joint: Tongue and Groove joint between sections with Thermal Break • Flexible Vinyl Joint Seal on Therms Tech II, Therma MaX and TO Tech • Thickness / R Value • Therma Tech, 1-1f2" thick EPS, *R=9 • Therms Tech II, 2" thick EPS, *R=10.4 • Therms Max. 2" thick High Density EPS, *R=12 • Tri Tech, 3" thick High Density EPS, `R=16 R values are calculated specifically for the wider climates and offer the best long term insulating value, • Panel Types / Size • Contemporary Flush Wood Grain • Traditional Panel size: 20"x14" • Ranch Panel size: 42'x14" • Carriage Parrel size: 19"x15" • Finish: Baked on polyester enamel • Colors selection: Bright White, Brown, Almond, Sandstone • Bottom weather seal: U -shape loop type vinyl with adjustable aluminum retainer • Limited Lifetime Warranty STANDARD WIDTHS: NORTHWEST Traditional Panels I 5 G GEDOORan G AC£OOORSu (OTHER INFORM4TON»I ACCESSORIES. I INFORWTION» Fbne > Residemal> Steel Docrs> IT. Tech Tritech > Ranch Panels Therms Tech'- - Tri Tech^" HOME The Therms Tech'" line of insulated raised steel panel steel doors adds to Northwest Doors 3 reputation for quality, value and stylish designs. Four door acnes are available, all featuring a RESIDENTIAL natural Thermal Break, the Therms Tech Te (Rg), Therma Tech II'" (R104), Thenra MaxTM ' STEEL RI 2) and TitTechT" (R16). NI models are available in (Contemporary) smooth mod grain face, DOORS (Traditional) standard raised panels, (Ranch) longer raised panels or (Carriage) style panels. 3 Doors are hot -dipped, galvanized then pre -painted in one of four standard colors: Bright White, THERMA CLASSIC Amon, Sandstone, and Brown. Many window designs are available, THERMA ELITE THERMA TECH - TRI TECH Product Info Design Photo Album 500 SERIES Product Info Brochure Warranty CONSTRUCTION: The Therms TechT" line is made from hot dipped galvanized wood grain textured steel skins that are embossed with one of four panel designs then sandwiched with a (EPS) polystyrene core. This type of construction forms a true thermal barrier between from and back of door. 20 gauge steel backer plates are toggle locked to the inside of the back skin prior to assembly. Exterior skins are secured to a (EPS) polystyrene core with Urethane adhesive, a method of construction that is unparalleled in strength. Four series: (1) Therms Tech^" (2) Thermo Tech IIT" (3)Therma MaxT" (4) Tri Tech'"' NOMINAL SPECIFICATIONS: • Section Joint: Tongue and Groove joint between sections with Thermal Break • Flexible Vinyl Joint Seal on Therms Tech II, Therma MaX and TO Tech • Thickness / R Value • Therma Tech, 1-1f2" thick EPS, *R=9 • Therms Tech II, 2" thick EPS, *R=10.4 • Therms Max. 2" thick High Density EPS, *R=12 • Tri Tech, 3" thick High Density EPS, `R=16 R values are calculated specifically for the wider climates and offer the best long term insulating value, • Panel Types / Size • Contemporary Flush Wood Grain • Traditional Panel size: 20"x14" • Ranch Panel size: 42'x14" • Carriage Parrel size: 19"x15" • Finish: Baked on polyester enamel • Colors selection: Bright White, Brown, Almond, Sandstone • Bottom weather seal: U -shape loop type vinyl with adjustable aluminum retainer • Limited Lifetime Warranty STANDARD WIDTHS: 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 14'-0" 16'-0" 16'-0" 18'-0" 20'-0" Traditional Panels 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 Ranch Panels 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 Contemporary Panels 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 Carriage Panels 4 4 4 6 6 8 8 8 8 STANDARD HEIGHTS: 7'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 12'-0" 14'-0" Sections 4-21" 3-18",2-21" 6-18" 2-18",4-21" 5-21" 1-18",6-21" 8-21" OPTIONS: • Widths up to 20'm one inch increments, heights up to 14'm three inch increments • Up to 12 Window Designs • Powder Coated Hardware • Decorative Hardware for T10C Carnage Style I of 2 8/27/2014 7:39 AM Heritage Classic Wood Garage Door Designs - Northwest Door http://www.nordiwestdoor.com/residential/steel-doors/therms-tech-trite... NORTHWESTDOOR GMRESIDEAGE 0003e I GMAGE pOORSv (OWH THER WRORMTIONn I ACCESSORESn I NFORWTIONw Horne > Reaitlential > Steel Doors > Thenna Tech Tritech > HOME RESIDENTIAL STEEL DOORS THERMA CLASSIC THERMA ELITE THERMA TECH - TRI TECH 500 SERIES Designs of 3 Therms Tech TM - Tri Tech T" The Therrre Tech' line of insulated raised steel panel steel doors adds to Northwest Doors reputation for quality, value and stylish designs. Four door series are available, all featuring a natural Thermal Break, the Therms Tech- (l Theme Tech gn (R10.4), Themm Max'" (l and Tri Tech'" (RIB). All =data are available in (Contemporary) smooth wood grain face, (Traditional) standard mined panels, (Ranch) longer raised panels or (Carriage) style panels. Doors are hat -dipped, galvanized then pre -painted in one of four standard colors: Bright White, Attend, Sandstone, and Brown. Many window designs are available. Product Info Design Photo Album Brochure Warranty 8/27/2014 7:38 AM Lake Oswego Fire Department Case File/Permit No. 300 B AVE - P.O. Box 369 LU 14-0047 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503-635-0275 Date: September 5, 2014 To: Johanna Hastay, Associate Planner From: Gert Zoutendijk/Fire Marshal Email: gzoutendijk@ci.oswego.or.us Phone: 503-699-7454 Fire Department - Plan Review Comments I have received the information for the project summarized below and completed a review of the submittal on 09/05/2014. A summary of the review has been provided. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this information. Case File/Permit No.: LU 14-0047 Project Location: 12375 Mt Jefferson Terrace Scope of Project: Exterior remodel of the existing apartment buildings on the site GENERAL COMMENTS G-0001 No Addition or New Construction The Fire Department review showed that no new construction of structures or additional square footage is proposed at this time and/or does not impede on any fire department access. EXHIBIT F-4 LU 14-0047