Agenda Item - 2021-03-18 - Number 7 - City Council Goals \,x— to Budget Committee di U011 ° REGOc� 2021 - 2023 Biennium Kick-off March 18 , 2 0 2 1 Agenda • Council Goals & Initiatives • 2019-2021 Accomplishments • Six Year Forecast • Anticipated Budget Issues • Fire Department • Municipal Grants e41V4t 4� F� U O, oREGO� 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Ensure a safe and secure community for all • Lead the community dialog on policing. Develop an action plan to address the findings of the dialog. * • Update fireworks and outdoor fire policies. • Address emergency radio coverage due to conversion to digital radios. • Implement a sustainable business model for the Police and Fire Departments that meet the 21st century needs of Lake Oswego. 04� E� U��REGO� 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Support business investment and job creation in Lake Oswego • Adopt an Economic Development Strategy and resource plan . * • Approve a DDA for the North Anchor properties. • Develop a specific action plan to address business needs related to COVID-19 restrictions and recovery. 04� E� U��REGO� 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Foster diversity, equity and inclusion in Lake Oswego and in the City as an organization • Implement the "overarching" recommendations of the DEI Task Force. Charge the new staff and advisory committee with recommending a work plan for the other recommendations. * • Amend the City's purchasing codes and develop approaches to increase opportunities for the City to contract with CO-BID certified firms. Examine the feasibility of contracting opportunities for locally-owned businesses. 04\-PL 66-.„ U��REGO� 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening the community's resilience to climate impact • Implement the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan * F' z L1 ?REGOt 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Support strong operational practices, infrastructure investments, and fiscal policies that increase public trust in the City • Collaborate with the City of Portland to make a financially and environmentally responsible long- term investment in a wastewater treatment plant. * • Complete Phase 1 of reconstruction of Boones Ferry Road . * Discuss and provide direction about the scope, feasibility, timing, and financing of phase 2 and public parking. 04 ,A E� U ?REGOt 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Invest in Lake Oswego's high-quality parks, natural areas, and recreational amenities • Complete the IGA with LOSD, complete design, and begin permitting for the Recreation and Aquatics Center. * • Implement the other bond-funded Parks & Recreation Projects. * • Explore the feasibility of Lake Oswego as part of the Blue Zone project. 04 ,A E=16-., E � L1 ?REGOt 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Improve transportation connections, mobility and safety for all types of trips in Lake Oswego • Increase funding for pedestrian facilities, beginning with safe routes to schools. * • Seek grants to improve mobility and reduce congestion on Highway 43, McVey Avenue and Stafford Road, including pedestrian safety and bicycle facilities. 04� � F' � �L1 ?REGOt 2021 Council Goals & Initiatives Conserve the community's quality of life by planning for change and growth • Adopt codes that comply with HB 2001 that are consistent with the community's sense of place, neighborhood character, and livability. * 04� El\ F' z L1 ?REGOt