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LO WWTF Neighborhood Meeting Notice Packet - 011122 - FINAL
503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY January 11, 2022 RE: Virtual Neighborhood Meeting for Pre-application 21-0118 Wastewater Treatment Facility Dear Property Owner/Resident, The Cities of Lake Oswego and Portland, in partnership with EPCOR Foothills Water Partners, are proposing to build a new wastewater treatment facility to replace the aging Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The proposed site for the new facility is located at 99, 101 and 113 Foothills Road, respectively. Prior to applying for the land use application, our team would like to discuss the proposal in more detail with the recognized neighborhood associations, adjacent recognized neighborhood associations, property owners, residents, and members of the public. Please join us at a virtual neighborhood meeting to learn more and share feedback: Thursday, February 3, 2022 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Virtual using Zoom: https://bit.ly/LONeighborMeeting Meeting ID: 834 6864 2666 Passcode: 722338 Phone in: +1 669-900-9128 US (San Jose) or +1 253-215-8782 US (Tacoma) Find attached a brief narrative of the proposal, preliminary site plans and elevation drawings of the proposed new structures. Please note that this will be an informational meeting on preliminary development plans. The plans may be altered prior to submittal of the application. If you would like to submit any questions or comments prior to the meeting, please contact me at info@lakeoswegowastewaterfacility.org, visit www.lakeoswegowastewaterfacility.org, call 503-697- 7422, or mail PO Box 389, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. To access the plans and pre-application materials prior to the meeting, please visit: www.lakeoswego.city/planning/online-neighborhood-meetings Sincerely, Anthony Hooper Deputy City Manager LO Wastewater Treatment Facility – Virtual Neighborhood Meeting Information Date: Thursday, February 3, 2022 Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/LONeighborMeeting (shortened URL) or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83468642666?pwd=YlJqTE5ZbHAxT3IvaCtSTllqNlNzQT09 Meeting ID: 834 6864 2666 Passcode: 722338 Phone in: +1 669-900-9128 US (San Jose) or +1 253-215-8782 US (Tacoma) Click on the QR code to gain access: EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | City of Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Facility P3 1 | Page January 11, 2022 Narrative for Proposed New Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Facility Working with the City of Lake Oswego and City of Portland, EPCOR Foothills Water Partners (EFWP) are in the preliminary design stages for a new wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) to replace the existing Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (TCWTP). The new facility would be owned by the City of Lake Oswego and operated by EFWP for 30 years. The new facility is being designed to meet new regulations within a smaller footprint on property located adjacent to the current treatment plant (at 99, 101 and 113 Foothills Road: see attached preliminary site plan). The proposed site of the new facility is located on properties that are not currently owned by the City. Property negotiations and acquisitions are beginning with the property owners over the coming months. The new facility will provide wastewater treatment for the same service area as the existing treatment plant, but with flows projected out 30 years, and meeting higher treatment requirements, as well as fitting on a smaller footprint. Due to infiltration and inflow during the wet weather season, the facility will be designed to treat a large fluctuation in flows and loadings. Visually, the new facility will be designed to blend into a mixed-use community avoiding industrial-looking characteristics as much as possible. The facility will incorporate odor and noise control to be a good neighbor. A conceptual architectural massing study is attached, showing different views of the treatment facility. EFWP performed a site survey that identified existing trees with trunks 6 inches in diameter or larger. Thirty-nine (39) trees have been identified as being on the property requiring removal to accommodate the new facility layout and construction activities. The proposed Tree Protection Plan figure is attached. The three properties collectively have a significant elevation change from the lower east side to the higher west side. The elevation change will be utilized in the treatment process by allowing much of the flow in the plant to move by gravity, eliminating many pumps often required in facilities to move water from one process to the next. The elevation change will also be utilized to visually blend the volume required for the process basins, as the deck will be level with the higher west-side ground. The basins will be partially buried even at the lower east-side elevation to minimize the visibility to the public. The facility will consist of the following main buildings and process structures: • Administration building – to be located on the southwest side of the property • Treatment Process basins and buildings – to be located in the center of property; buildings include: o Headworks Building o Filter/UV Building o Blower Building o Electrical Building • Odor Control – to be located on top of the process basins, likely hidden by a screen wall or blended into the Headworks Building located behind it • Maintenance Building – to be located near the back of the facility on the upper level The administration building will be the focal point of the treatment facility from Foothills Road. A preliminary floor plan of the Administration building is included with this application. Parking for the public will be provided on the west side of the Administration building, next to the main entrance, which EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | City of Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Facility P3 Pre-Application Form Attachment 2 | Page opens into the Reception/Admin area. Additional parking will be provided on the north side, typically for use by facility staff. The Headworks, Blower, and Electrical Buildings will be built on top of the process basins with finished floors level with the west side grade. They will have access doors on the west side. The Filter/UV Building will be accessible from the north side of the building at the lower ground level. The existing influent and effluent pipelines that feed raw wastewater and discharge treated effluent from the existing plant will be modified as required to reroute flows to and from the new treatment facility. A Site Plan showing the influent and effluent piping modifications at the facility is attached highlighting the new pipelines and how they are integrated into the existing influent and effluent piping systems for the new facility. Influent sewers need to be redirected to the new influent pump station at the new facility. Part of the modifications include a temporary sewer line to maintain flow to the existing treatment plant while constructing key elements of the new facility prior to connecting into the new facility. The existing effluent pipeline discharges treated effluent to the river through the existing outfall piping and diffusers. The new facility will utilize the existing outfall while extending and upsizing the upstream effluent piping from the new facility to the connection point with the existing line. The attached exhibit, drawing C-1, shows the stormwater drainage system concept for the new WWTF. The exhibit shows three color-coded storm drain systems: the “main” storm line (purple) that can become pressurized when the Willamette River is high, local gravity-flow drainage to Pump Station “A” (map label #1; orange), and on-site drainage (red). Existing and proposed pipes are drawn with dashed and solid lines, respectively. Features discussed below are numbered on the exhibit. Stormwater from the facility will either be managed by the WWTF or drain to the City’s existing 48-inch stormwater main that discharges to Tryon Creek. The facility will meet City code requirements to treat its stormwater quality and quantity. It is not feasible to fully infiltrate either the 10-year or water quality design storms (3.2 and 1.0 inches rainfall in 24 hours, respectively) because of shallow groundwater and bedrock. Therefore, different areas of the facility will be managed and treated as follows: • Runoff from most of the facility, about 4.5 acres, including all building roofs and most of the west, north, and east driveways will be collected by the on-site drainage system (red) and pumped (map label #2) to the WWTF, pass through the tertiary treatment filters, and be discharged through the effluent line direct to the existing outfall into the Willamette River. Further treatment of this stormwater is not required. However, overflow in excess of the 10-year design storm will be piped north to the local drainage system and Pump Station “A” (map label #1). • The southern edge of the property, about 0.5 impervious acres and 0.5 pervious acres adjacent to Foothills Road, including a proposed 6-foot sidewalk and the north half of Foothills Road, will drain to an ~185-foot x ~8-foot planter (map label #3; green on the exhibit). The outflow will drain north through a new Local System line (map label #4) to Pump Station “A” (map label #1). • Offsite runoff flowing down the slope west of the site will be conveyed in open drainage swale (green on the exhibit) around the site to the existing north stormwater basin (map label #5). Stormwater treatment is not required for this flow. The eastern, lower-elevation portion of the site is in the City’s Flood Management Area (FMA) where additional requirements apply which will be addressed by the following: EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | City of Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Facility P3 Pre-Application Form Attachment 3 | Page • Habitable floors and electrical and mechanical equipment will be at an elevation of at least 37.2 feet (Lake Oswego Datum, which is the National Vertical Datum of 1929 [NGVD29]) to satisfy the requirement of being at least 1.0 foot above the February 1996 flood crest elevation, which was 36.2 feet just upstream. • Fill will be placed to raise a portion of the properties to a level above the base flood elevation (BFE, the 100-year flood elevation, which in this area is 33.95 feet NGVD29) mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the Flood Insurance Study of Clackamas County (including Lake Oswego). City code requires that fill be balanced by offsetting excavation for areas below the BFE unless the area is subject to a Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F) from FEMA. A conditional LOMR-F (CLOMR-F) is planned to be obtained from FEMA for a portion of the properties to be filled above the BFE. (A LOMR-F will be obtained after construction is complete.) The CLOMR-F will include documentation of compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Outside the area subject to the CLOMR-F, fill will be offset by cut, expected to be east of the fill wall, this will need to be coordinated with the City. Additional details of the proposed new facility will be refined during the forthcoming design stages, including feedback from the neighborhood meeting and Development Review process. LEGEND NEW SEWER NEW EFFLUENT EXISTING SEWER EXISTING EFFLUENT AND OUTFALL NEW FORCEMAN TEMPORARY SEWER C-0OVERALL SITE PLAN6817210029CITY OF LAKE OSWEGOWASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITYOSWEGO, OREGONPRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION RECORDING OR UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, INC. AND ITS CLIENT; (I) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY ONLY BE USED BY THE CLIENT IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT HAS BEEN DELIVERED. ANY OTHER USE OR RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY.REVISIONS:PROJECT NO. DRAWING NAMEPROJECT:PHONE:7376 SW DURHAM ROADPORTLAND, OR 97224PHONE: 503-639-3400Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: RGT RGM RGT 12-13-21 File: F:\My Documents\Architecture\2019-07 - LOWWTP\DWG\DD\C-0 opt 3C.dwgOVERALL SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 70'-0" KEYED NOTES 1 ADMIN/OPERATION BUILDING 2 TREATMENT BASINS 3 MAINTENANCE BUILDING 2 3 1 NEW 48" EFFLUENT EXISTING 36" EFFLUENT LINE 36" OUTFALL NEW 10" SEWER FORCEMANTEMPORARY 36" SEWER NEW 24" SEWER NEW 36" SEWER NEW 48" SEWER EXISTING WATER SBR ADMIN/ OPERATIONS BUILDING SLUDGE HOLDING TANK 1 & 2 BLOWER/ PUMP BUILDING FILTER/UV BUILDING HEADWORKS BUILDING LIFT STATION TRUC K B A Y SLUD G E T R A N S F E R STATI O N SBR SBR SBR ELECTRICAL BUILDING SLUDGE BUFFER WATER LEVEL CORRECTION TANK SLUDGE BUFFER MAINTENANCE BUILDING ODOR CONTROL LOCATION PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECORDING LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AREA AREA NAME SCALE PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT MGR DEPARTMENT MGR PROJECT MGR BY DDMMMYY SUBJECT DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE REV PROJECT PHASE STAMP/SEAL CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO OREGON O NGERO F O O T H I L L S W A STTERPRANER E D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TENTHS INCHES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EIGHTHS10 30MM01020 40 50 60 8070 90 100 A COPYRIGHT © 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THIS DOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X346817210029 SCALE: 1"=30'-0" SITE PLAN NOTE: WHEN PRINTED 11x17 SCALE WILL BE 1"=60' REFERENCES REF NUMBER TITLE DES DRN APP CHK CAD FILE:SAVED: 16-Nov-21 1:27 PM PLOTTED: 16-Nov-21 1:49 PM USER: GILEZAN, MIKE C:\USERS\MIKE.GILEZAN\ACCDOCS\WOOD PLC\6817210029 - LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT\CAD\CIV\WO-SITE-PLAN-C-1.DWGAPPROVED FOR ____________ AS NOTED SITE PLAN CIVIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT50 WO-SITE-PLAN-C-1REVDDMMMYYREVISION / ISSUE DESCRIPTION DRN CHK DES APP APP APP REV DDMMMYY REVISION / ISSUE DESCRIPTION DRN CHK DES APP APP APP A PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECORDING LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AREA AREA NAME SCALE PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT MGR DEPARTMENT MGR PROJECT MGR BY DDMMMYY SUBJECT DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE REV PROJECT PHASE STAMP/SEAL CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO OREGON O NGERO F O O T H I L L S W A STTERPRANER E D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TENTHS INCHES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EIGHTHS10 30MM01020 40 50 60 8070 90 100 A COPYRIGHT © 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THIS DOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X346817210029 20-4 20-220-5 20-1 20-F 20-E 20-D 20-C 20-B 20-A 20-F 20-E 20-D 20-C 20-B 20-A 20-4 20-220-5 20-1 20-3 20-3 12'-0"12'-0"30'-6"26'-0" 80'-6"27'-0"6'-0"25'-6"8'-6"24'-0"91'-0"22'-0"23'-0"10'-0"31'-0"91'-0"23'-0"5'-3"7'-0"19'-0" 76'-6" 10'-0"6'-0"5'-0"12'-0" 16'-3" MAYFIELDSINKSCAST IRONK-5964-4 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECORDING LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AREA AREA NAME SCALE PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT MGR DEPARTMENT MGR PROJECT MGR BY DDMMMYY SUBJECT DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE REV PROJECT PHASE STAMP/SEAL CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO OREGON O NGERO F O O T H I L L S W A STTERPRANER E D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TENTHS INCHES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EIGHTHS10 30MM01020 40 50 60 8070 90 100 A COPYRIGHT © 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THIS DOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X346817210029 1 1 2 4 76 8 50-1 50-2 53 C D B A Ab F Ca 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-C 20-A 20-B 20-D 20-E Aa 80-1 80-A 80-2 80-C 80-B 40B 40C 40E 40D 40G 40H 40J 4040 404040404040404040 40 40F 40K 40L 40M 40N 7070A 70B 3030303030303030303030 30 30303030303030A 70707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070 3030 30B 303030 50A 50505050505050505050 5050 50505050505050B 6060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060 50 50 60B6050505040A 60A 20A 20B2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020 80A 80B 8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080 20 30 70 50 60 80 40 E 60-1 60-2 FLOOR PLAN OPTION 4F SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 A-1000 2 KEYED NOTES 1 MOP SINK 2 WATER HEATER 3 SPRINKLER RISER 4 SHELVES 5 CABINET LOCKER LOBBY 101 LOUNGE 102 ENTRY PORCH 100 OFFICE 109 ADMIN 103 MANAGER 1 104 MANAGER 2 106 CONF ROOM 105 SHOWER M. LOCKER 114 SHOWER/ F. LOCKER 115 JAN 113 LABORATORY 1 108 LAB STORAGE 108.1 BREAK RM 110 OPERATION 107 RR 111 RR 112 SPKLR 120 TOILETTOILET SHOWERSHOWER LOCKER BENCH IT/ELECT 107.1 FLOOR AREA 6,342 SF D1 D2 D3D4 D5 D6 D6 D7 D8 D12 D9 D9 D10D10 D13D13 D14 D14 D14 2100 1 2100 1 2100 2 2100 2 2101 1 2101 1 2101 2 2101 2 2102 1 2102 1 2102 2 2102 2 2103 1 2103 1 2103 2 2103 2 BENCH LOCKER 1 FD FD FD FD FD 3 2103 1 4 5 5 CORRIDOR 102.2 CORRIDOR 102.1 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECORDING LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AREA AREA NAME SCALE PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT MGR DEPARTMENT MGR PROJECT MGR BY DDMMMYY SUBJECT DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE REV PROJECT PHASE STAMP/SEAL CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO OREGON O NGERO F O O T H I L L S W A STTERPRANER E D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TENTHS INCHES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EIGHTHS10 30MM01020 40 50 60 8070 90 100 A COPYRIGHT © 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THIS DOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X346817210029 1 1 7 9 50-1 A 70-E E 20-A 20-1 30-A 80-1 80-A 40B 40C 40E40D 40G 40H 40J4040 404040404040404040 40 40F 40L 40N 7070A 70B 3030303030303030303030 30 30303030303030A 70707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070 3030 30C 303030 50A 50505050505050505050 5050 50505050505050B 6060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060 50 50 60B6050505040A 60A 20A 20B2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020 80A 80B 8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080 20 30 70 50 60 80 40 G 30B40K 40M 5 40 70 60 50 20 80 30 70 50 60 20 80 40S 30 70 50 60 20 80 40P 30 70 50 60 20 80 40Q 30 70 50 60 20 80 40R DES DRN APP CHK CAD FILE:SAVED: 18-Nov-21 5:31 AM PLOTTED: 18-Nov-21 5:38 AM USER: RUSTY MUYUELA F:\MY DOCUMENTS\ARCHITECTURE\2019-07 - LOWWTP\DWG\DD\WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-0501.DWGAPPROVED FOR ____________ AS NOTED 6817210029 . MASSING STUDY ARCHITECTURAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT20 WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-0501 VIEW 1 - MASSING STUDY VIEW 2 - MASSING STUDY VIEW 3 - MASSING STUDY VIEW 6 - MASSING STUDY VIEW 5 - MASSING STUDY VIEW 4 - MASSING STUDY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECORDING LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AREA AREA NAME SCALE PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT MGR DEPARTMENT MGR PROJECT MGR BY DDMMMYY SUBJECT DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE REV PROJECT PHASE STAMP/SEAL CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO OREGON O NGERO F O O T H I L L S W A STTERPRANER E D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TENTHS INCHES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EIGHTHS10 30MM01020 40 50 60 8070 90 100 A COPYRIGHT © 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THIS DOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X346817210029 1 1 7 9 50-1 A 70-E E 20-A 20-1 30-A 80-1 80-A 40B 40C 40E40D 40G 40H 40J4040 404040404040404040 40 40F 40L 40N 7070A 70B 3030303030303030303030 30 30303030303030A 70707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070 3030 30C 303030 50A 50505050505050505050 5050 50505050505050B 6060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060 50 50 60B6050505040A 60A 20A 20B2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020 80A 80B 8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080 20 30 70 50 60 80 40 G 30B40K 40M 5 40 70 60 50 20 80 30 70 50 60 20 80 40S 30 70 50 60 20 80 40P 30 70 50 60 20 80 40Q 30 70 50 60 20 80 40R DES DRN APP CHK CAD FILE:SAVED: 18-Nov-21 5:36 AM PLOTTED: 18-Nov-21 5:37 AM USER: RUSTY MUYUELA F:\MY DOCUMENTS\ARCHITECTURE\2019-07 - LOWWTP\DWG\DD\WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-0502.DWGAPPROVED FOR ____________ AS NOTED 6817210029 . MASSING STUDY ARCHITECTURAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT20 WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-0502 ADMIN - MASSING STUDY ADMIN - MASSING STUDY 20-120-120-320-5 20-4 20-2 20-F 20-E 20-D 20-B 20-A20-C PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECORDING LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AREA AREA NAME SCALE PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT MGR DEPARTMENT MGR PROJECT MGR BY DDMMMYY SUBJECT DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE REV PROJECT PHASE STAMP/SEAL CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO OREGON O NGERO F O O T H I L L S W A STTERPRANER E D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TENTHS INCHES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EIGHTHS10 30MM01020 40 50 60 8070 90 100 A COPYRIGHT © 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THIS DOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X346817210029 1 1 2 4 76 8 50-1 50-2 53 C D B A Ab F Ca 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-C 20-A 20-B 20-D 20-E Aa 80-1 80-A 80-2 80-C 80-B 40B 40C 40E 40D 40G 40H 40J 4040 404040404040404040 40 40F 40K 40L 40M 40N 7070A 70B 3030303030303030303030 30 30303030303030A 70707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070 3030 30B 303030 50A 50505050505050505050 5050 50505050505050B 6060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060 50 50 60B6050505040A 60A 20A 20B2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020 80A 80B 8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080 20 30 70 50 60 80 40 E 60-1 60-2 DES DRN APP CHK CAD FILE:SAVED: 07-Nov-21 4:48 PM PLOTTED: 07-Nov-21 5:04 PM USER: RUSTY MUYUELA F:\MY DOCUMENTS\ARCHITECTURE\2019-07 - LOWWTP\DWG\DD\WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-2000.DWGAPPROVED FOR ____________ AS NOTED 6817210029 AND KEYNOTES WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION ARCHITECTURAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT20 WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-2000 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 A-2000 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 A-2000 KEYED NOTES 1 WINDOW SEE SCHEDULE 2 DOOR SEE SCHEDULE 3 STONE CLADDING SEE SPECS 4 HARDWOOD T&G 5 RUSTIC METAL PANEL 6 METAL PANEL (AEP SPAN FLEX SERIES 1.2FX10-12) 7 METAL PANEL (AEP SPAN FLEX SERIES 1.2FX20-12) 8 ALUMINUM SUNSHADE 9 METAL FASCIA 10 PRE-FINISH METAL GUTTER COLOR: MATCH ADJACENT WALL11 METAL FLASHING 12 BEAM PER STRUCT'L 13 POST PER STRUCT'L 13'-6" TOP EL 0'-0" TOC EL 13'-6" TOP EL 0'-0" TOC EL 2102 2 2103 1 2103 2 2100 1 2100 2 2101 1 2102 2 2002 2 5 10 1 949 3 3.1 STONE CAPPING 3.1 3 1 12 10 6 1 10 6 3 1 6 3.1 3 10 9 131313 4 8 5 12 14 POWDER COATED METAL CANOPY 15 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING 20-2 20-420-1 20-520-3 20-A 20-1 20-120-1 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RECORDING LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AREA AREA NAME SCALE PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT MGR DEPARTMENT MGR PROJECT MGR BY DDMMMYY SUBJECT DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE REV PROJECT PHASE STAMP/SEAL CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO OREGON O NGERO F O O T H I L L S W A STTERPRANER E D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TENTHS INCHES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EIGHTHS10 30MM01020 40 50 60 8070 90 100 A COPYRIGHT © 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THIS DOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X346817210029 1 1 2 4 76 8 50-1 50-2 53 C D B A Ab F Ca 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-C 20-A 20-B 20-D 20-E Aa 80-1 80-A 80-2 80-C 80-B 40B 40C 40E 40D 40G 40H 40J 4040 404040404040404040 40 40F 40K 40L 40M 40N 7070A 70B 3030303030303030303030 30 30303030303030A 70707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070 3030 30B 303030 50A 50505050505050505050 5050 50505050505050B 6060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060 50 50 60B6050505040A 60A 20A 20B2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020 80A 80B 8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080 20 30 70 50 60 80 40 E 60-1 60-2 DES DRN APP CHK CAD FILE:SAVED: 07-Nov-21 4:44 PM PLOTTED: 07-Nov-21 5:04 PM USER: RUSTY MUYUELA F:\MY DOCUMENTS\ARCHITECTURE\2019-07 - LOWWTP\DWG\DD\WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-2001.DWGAPPROVED FOR ____________ AS NOTED 6817210029 AND KEYNOTES EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION ARCHITECTURAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT20 WO-DWG-20-ADM-A-2001 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 A-2001 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 A-2001 13'-6" TOP EL 0'-0" TOC EL 13'-6" TOP EL 0'-0" TOC EL 2102 2 2103 1 2103 2 2102 1 2101 22100 2 2100 1 2101 1 KEYED NOTES 1 WINDOW SEE SCHEDULE 2 DOOR SEE SCHEDULE 3 STONE CLADDING SEE SPECS 4 HARDWOOD T&G 5 RUSTIC METAL PANEL 6 METAL PANEL (AEP SPAN FLEX SERIES 1.2FX10-12) 7 METAL PANEL (AEP SPAN FLEX SERIES 1.2FX20-12) 8 ALUMINUM SUNSHADE 9 METAL FASCIA 10 PRE-FINISH METAL GUTTER COLOR: MATCH ADJACENT WALL11 METAL FLASHING 12 BEAM PER STRUCT'L 13 POST PER STRUCT'L 3.1 STONE CAPPING 14 POWDER COATED METAL CANOPY 10 6 3 1 3 3.1 10 7 14 14 10 6 1 10 6 1 10 7 15 15 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING 3.1 3 5 15 © 2021 Microsoft Corporation © 2021 TomTom 99, 101 AND 113 FOOTHILLS ROAD LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ for WOOD ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS 4600 E WASHINGTON STREET, SUITE 600 PHOENIX, OREGON 85034 BASED UPON TITLE REPORT NUMBER 45142023009 (A) OF FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 20, 2020 BASED UPON TITLE REPORT NUMBER 45141921727 (B) OF FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBER 9, 2019 BASED UPON TITLE REPORT NUMBER 45141921729 (C) OF FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCOTBER 8, 2019 ENGINEERINGSURVEYINGFORESTRYNATURAL RESOURCESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREPLANNINGLAKE OSWEGOOREGONALTA/NSPSLAND TITLE SURVEYCOVERSHEET1 ALTA/NSPSLAND TITLE SURVEYENGINEERINGSURVEYINGFORESTRYNATURAL RESOURCESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREPLANNINGLAKE OSWEGOOREGONALTA/NSPSLAND TITLE SURVEYEXCEPTIONS2 FOOTHILLS ROADSOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROADFOOTHILLS ROADENGINEERINGSURVEYINGFORESTRYNATURAL RESOURCESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREPLANNINGLAKE OSWEGOOREGONALTA/NSPSLAND TITLE SURVEY3 BOUNDARY MAP EEKFOOTHILLS ROADSOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROADENGINEERINGSURVEYINGFORESTRYNATURAL RESOURCESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREPLANNINGLAKE OSWEGOOREGONALTA/NSPSLAND TITLE SURVEY4EXISTING CONDITIONSPLAN PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONOR RECORDINGLAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITYAREAAREA NAMESCALEPROJECT NO.CLIENT PROJECT MGRDEPARTMENT MGRPROJECT MGRBYDDMMMYYSUBJECTDRAWING NO.PROJECT TITLEREVPROJECT PHASESTAMP/SEALCITY OF LAKE OSWEGOFOOTHILLS ROADLAKE OSWEGOOREGONONGEROFOOTHILLSWASTTERPRANEREDCB87654321TENTHSINCHES0123456789EIGHTHS1030MM01020405060807090100ACOPYRIGHT © 2021UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD AND ITS CLIENT, THISDOCUMENT: (I) CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOTBE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY BE USED BY THE CLIENT ONLY IN THE CONTEXT AND FORTHE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. ANY USE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, THISDOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK.ANSI D-22X34 6817210029GFHREFERENCESREFNUMBERTITLEDESDRNAPPCHKCAD FILE:SAVED: 08-Nov-21 9:23 AM PLOTTED: 08-Nov-21 10:32 AM USER: GILEZAN, MIKE C:\USERS\MIKE.GILEZAN\ACCDOCS\WOOD PLC\6817210029 - LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT\CAD\CIV\WO-UTIL-10-GEN-C-YARD-1.DWGAPPROVED FOR ____________AS NOTED6817210029SITE PLAN EXISTING UTILITIESCIVILWASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT50WO-UTIL-10-GEN-C-YARD-1REVDDMMMYYREVISION / ISSUE DESCRIPTIONDRNCHKDESAPPAPPAPPREVDDMMMYYREVISION / ISSUE DESCRIPTIONDRNCHKDESAPPAPPAPPASCALE: 1"=20'-0"EXISTING UTILITIES 5049515253 46 4748 3540 31 32 33 34 36 37383941424344 4546 47 30443735343 832 3133343532323130303334353636 36 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4454746 33313 0 35 40 45 505560 2 9 2931 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 545657585961626364 3 5 40 454536 37 3 8 39 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 4 42525 302626 27 28 293132334 545 50505560657 0 4444 46 46 4 7 47 4 848 4949 5152535456575859616263646667686 9 41 42 43 44 4142 302728 29 31 32 272727 283027 2 8 2931 3243 44 4041 42 43 STORM DRAIN CONCEPT PLAN - AQUANEREDA6817210029CITY OF LAKE OSWEGOWASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITYOSWEGO, OREGONPRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION RECORDING OR UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN WOOD ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, INC. AND ITS CLIENT; (I) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION, DATA AND DESIGN THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED; AND (II) MAY ONLY BE USED BY THE CLIENT IN THE CONTEXT AND FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT HAS BEEN DELIVERED. ANY OTHER USE OR RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY THIRD PARTY IS AT THAT PARTY'S SOLE RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY.REVISIONS:PROJECT NO. DRAWING NAME EXH-1PROJECT:PHONE:7376 SW DURHAM ROADPORTLAND, OR 97224PHONE: 503-639-3400Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE:File: C:\Users\mike.gilezan\ACCDocs\Wood PLC\6817210029 - Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Plant\CAD\CIV\STORMWATER\WO-C-1.dwgDES MG SJ 11.19.2021 SCALE: 1"=30'-0" GRADING PLAN - AQUANEREDA NOTE: WHEN PRINTED 11x17 SCALE WILL BE 1"=60' LEGEND EXISTING LOCAL STORM SYSTEM PROPOSED ON-SITE STORM SYSTEM (PUMPED TO FACILITY HEADWORKS) PROPOSED PRESSURIZED STORM SYSTEM EXISTING PRESSURIZED STORM SYSTEM PROPOSED SWALE AND PLANTER PLANTER SWALE PROPOSED LOCAL STORM SYSTEM 42" STORM DRAIN 24" STORM DRAIN ~48" STORM DRAIN ~24" STORM DRAIN ~24" STORM DRAIN ~12" STORM DRAIN ~12" STORM DRAIN ~24" STORM DRAIN ~12" STORM DRAIN ~48" STORM DRAIN SWALE SWALE SWALE 48" STORM DRAIN ~12" STORM DRAIN SWALE SWALE NOTE: NOT ALL EXISTING OFF-SITE STORM DRAIN LINES ARE SHOWN. 24" STORM DRAIN 12" STORM DRAIN ~12" STORM DRAIN TRENCH DRAIN ~10" STORM DRAIN 6" ROOF DRAIN 6" ROOF DRAIN ~18" STORM DRAIN MH WITH SUMP PUMP 24" STORM DRAIN SURFACE FLOW DIRECTION ~10" STORM DRAIN 20" STORM DRAIN ~48" STORM DRAIN ~6" UNDERDRAIN ROOF DRAINS INTERNALLY TO FILTER INFLOW EXISTING PUMP STATION "A" 18" STORM DRAIN BACKFLOW VALVE EXISTING RISER BACKFLOW VALVE MANHOLE WITH GRATE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 WATER QUALITY MANHOLE 7/16/2020 Assessor Map Full-GeoAdvantage by Sentry Dynamics 4...k1300A1 2100 600 2001 700 1600 00 I81002300 . ` • 000 < Czr.� / �yt !' 15021200 I0 990 1290 V� U� ® /y 2400 °, 14 /Mj a UJI T- h 300 C1. a �50 QD. R_I0/HL F� 1— a r; (l)/ 00 00 *zq, 0.47 Ac. "og b^�2700 r ? :0ym 14552 LAKE Yc � Troc1 A 2500' 'oaf^.JV 3 yhm "$p0a/ y 6�z4 �. •d-r� �3 0O84c. I � z �INE �+ s ga$2600 LINE E�.0`o8r'i,zi zz42/ DL. NO40 . 3 SHHr o.77Ac I°' �V6 gL y.°/aY "�_®LCTNNo.42 a Oha 11 >� - r os'ahFranklin gw•:\°°s NOTE:TRYON CREEK DROWN DLC No.43 ��° _ FROM AERIAL 6 SURVEY T-10 O, I !04c 6opy9 � .,� 2/6°0;,, 's /l T�\ ~e,."y °'� Cw�•E••� 4:a/ K 5g•``'`5\? N k "'+a•R, TRYONw t I I � A 28D 4 /Y°Ts: TH/5</N6/5 DES/ONAYFD Gr�4.-% , Xmt 8 q% K 1300 V 10.35Ac. I y �3 /5"2' q e 195 9��� 3.00 ` I 40Ac. D la00 " � 2 93 Bu I' I 95 I I 971/2 � 99 a T I w I N 7 I N � v .sen-0 flS=dY I .d 21.03Qc N I L► � 'de' N) s \ do. I 29.IS.' g,W• SEE MAP 2 IE 2CC s89°/�'qa a h � ✓A[IA•BLE W'D'rN GRI r•r r ParcelID: 00182126 99 Foothills Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97034 This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating the herein described land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land, and is not a survey of the land depicted. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the company does not insure dimensions, distances, location of easements, acreage or other matters shown thereon. https:Hclients.sentrydynamics.net/AssrMap/Full?parcelid=00182126&cnty=OR_Clackamas 1/1 10/11/2019 Assessor Map Full-GeoAdvantage by Sentry Dynamics IV 91 J NC'. NN 4 G f L ti5' A 4116V. /VOTE: TX!$L/NE !S DESI reNA72eD //V SOIYIE DEEl7.$ .45 YHE SaaITH L � gA K/c a 6 r.vs'TRYo/C C R 6EIc hIJ N 13 y2"ss . to. �$ p 19 1.318 AC. 91 87 r 93 89 ; f 95 97 97 1/2 99 t � M 1 o h w I o V r.� f � 2101 1.03 Ac o -75 rp Y so - p \ 6 SEE MA P, 2 [� oo,s3o"� h fo- S ✓6G 2 (6h • ParcelID: 00182144 101 Foothills Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97034 This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating the herein described land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land, and is not a survey of the land depicted. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the company does not insure dimensions, distances, location of easements, acreage or other matters shown thereon. clients.sentrydynamics.net/AssrMap/Full?parcelid=00182144&cnty=OR_Clackamas 1/1 10/14/2019 Assessor Map-GeoAdvantage by Sentry Dynamics -------- / D CC R'o.q3 42 �vl rl a . fs00. IQ354C. Aq04F 9 19! y l� fR00 _ r or4 98 r I.f13143k I A[ �i 4 IN/f'n: F •.sa 1 �• o9µ l p;p �'Pz o �� "Vkp.0 n SEE naaa z le 2c W4�n9ac W�9YM 1 ParcelID:00182091 113 Foothills Rd Lake Oswego,OR 97034 This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating the herein described land in relation to adjoining streets,natural boundaries and other land,and is not a survey of the land depicted.Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement,if any,the company does not insure dimensions, distances,location of easements,acreage or other matters shown thereon. clients.sentrydynamics.net/AssrMap?parcelid=00182091&cnty=OR_Clackamas 1/1